blob: fd304c8b9b1233629b536e8529b3e3606f1226d8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include "CouponList.hpp"
#include "CubicInterpolation.hpp"
#include "HllUtil.hpp"
#include "count_zeros.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
namespace datasketches {
template<typename A>
CouponList<A>::CouponList(const int lgConfigK, const target_hll_type tgtHllType, const hll_mode mode, const A& allocator):
HllSketchImpl<A>(lgConfigK, tgtHllType, mode, false),
coupons(1 << (mode == hll_mode::LIST ? HllUtil<A>::LG_INIT_LIST_SIZE : HllUtil<A>::LG_INIT_SET_SIZE), 0, allocator)
template<typename A>
CouponList<A>::CouponList(const CouponList& that, const target_hll_type tgtHllType):
HllSketchImpl<A>(that.lgConfigK, tgtHllType, that.mode, false),
template<typename A>
std::function<void(HllSketchImpl<A>*)> CouponList<A>::get_deleter() const {
return [](HllSketchImpl<A>* ptr) {
CouponList<A>* cl = static_cast<CouponList<A>*>(ptr);
ClAlloc cla(cl->getAllocator());
cla.deallocate(cl, 1);
template<typename A>
CouponList<A>* CouponList<A>::copy() const {
ClAlloc cla(coupons.get_allocator());
return new (cla.allocate(1)) CouponList<A>(*this);
template<typename A>
CouponList<A>* CouponList<A>::copyAs(target_hll_type tgtHllType) const {
ClAlloc cla(coupons.get_allocator());
return new (cla.allocate(1)) CouponList<A>(*this, tgtHllType);
template<typename A>
CouponList<A>* CouponList<A>::newList(const void* bytes, size_t len, const A& allocator) {
if (len < HllUtil<A>::LIST_INT_ARR_START) {
throw std::out_of_range("Input data length insufficient to hold CouponHashSet");
const uint8_t* data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes);
if (data[HllUtil<A>::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE] != HllUtil<A>::LIST_PREINTS) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Incorrect number of preInts in input stream");
if (data[HllUtil<A>::SER_VER_BYTE] != HllUtil<A>::SER_VER) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong ser ver in input stream");
if (data[HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_BYTE] != HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_ID) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Input stream is not an HLL sketch");
hll_mode mode = HllSketchImpl<A>::extractCurMode(data[HllUtil<A>::MODE_BYTE]);
if (mode != LIST) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Calling list constructor with non-list mode data");
target_hll_type tgtHllType = HllSketchImpl<A>::extractTgtHllType(data[HllUtil<A>::MODE_BYTE]);
const int lgK = data[HllUtil<A>::LG_K_BYTE];
const bool compact = ((data[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] & HllUtil<A>::COMPACT_FLAG_MASK) ? true : false);
const bool oooFlag = ((data[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] & HllUtil<A>::OUT_OF_ORDER_FLAG_MASK) ? true : false);
const bool emptyFlag = ((data[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] & HllUtil<A>::EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) ? true : false);
const int couponCount = data[HllUtil<A>::LIST_COUNT_BYTE];
const int couponsInArray = (compact ? couponCount : (1 << HllUtil<A>::computeLgArrInts(LIST, couponCount, lgK)));
const size_t expectedLength = HllUtil<A>::LIST_INT_ARR_START + (couponsInArray * sizeof(int));
if (len < expectedLength) {
throw std::out_of_range("Byte array too short for sketch. Expected " + std::to_string(expectedLength)
+ ", found: " + std::to_string(len));
ClAlloc cla(allocator);
CouponList<A>* sketch = new (cla.allocate(1)) CouponList<A>(lgK, tgtHllType, mode, allocator);
sketch->couponCount = couponCount;
sketch->putOutOfOrderFlag(oooFlag); // should always be false for LIST
if (!emptyFlag) {
// only need to read valid coupons, unlike in stream case
std::memcpy(sketch->, data + HllUtil<A>::LIST_INT_ARR_START, couponCount * sizeof(int));
return sketch;
template<typename A>
CouponList<A>* CouponList<A>::newList(std::istream& is, const A& allocator) {
uint8_t listHeader[8];*)listHeader, 8 * sizeof(uint8_t));
if (listHeader[HllUtil<A>::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE] != HllUtil<A>::LIST_PREINTS) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Incorrect number of preInts in input stream");
if (listHeader[HllUtil<A>::SER_VER_BYTE] != HllUtil<A>::SER_VER) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong ser ver in input stream");
if (listHeader[HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_BYTE] != HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_ID) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Input stream is not an HLL sketch");
hll_mode mode = HllSketchImpl<A>::extractCurMode(listHeader[HllUtil<A>::MODE_BYTE]);
if (mode != LIST) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Calling list constructor with non-list mode data");
const target_hll_type tgtHllType = HllSketchImpl<A>::extractTgtHllType(listHeader[HllUtil<A>::MODE_BYTE]);
const int lgK = (int) listHeader[HllUtil<A>::LG_K_BYTE];
const bool compact = ((listHeader[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] & HllUtil<A>::COMPACT_FLAG_MASK) ? true : false);
const bool oooFlag = ((listHeader[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] & HllUtil<A>::OUT_OF_ORDER_FLAG_MASK) ? true : false);
const bool emptyFlag = ((listHeader[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] & HllUtil<A>::EMPTY_FLAG_MASK) ? true : false);
ClAlloc cla(allocator);
CouponList<A>* sketch = new (cla.allocate(1)) CouponList<A>(lgK, tgtHllType, mode, allocator);
using coupon_list_ptr = std::unique_ptr<CouponList<A>, std::function<void(HllSketchImpl<A>*)>>;
coupon_list_ptr ptr(sketch, sketch->get_deleter());
const int couponCount = listHeader[HllUtil<A>::LIST_COUNT_BYTE];
sketch->couponCount = couponCount;
sketch->putOutOfOrderFlag(oooFlag); // should always be false for LIST
if (!emptyFlag) {
// For stream processing, need to read entire number written to stream so read
// pointer ends up set correctly.
// If not compact, still need to read empty items even though in order.
const int numToRead = (compact ? couponCount : sketch->coupons.size());*)sketch->, numToRead * sizeof(int));
if (!is.good())
throw std::runtime_error("error reading from std::istream");
return ptr.release();
template<typename A>
vector_u8<A> CouponList<A>::serialize(bool compact, unsigned header_size_bytes) const {
const size_t sketchSizeBytes = (compact ? getCompactSerializationBytes() : getUpdatableSerializationBytes()) + header_size_bytes;
vector_u8<A> byteArr(sketchSizeBytes, 0, getAllocator());
uint8_t* bytes = + header_size_bytes;
bytes[HllUtil<A>::PREAMBLE_INTS_BYTE] = static_cast<uint8_t>(getPreInts());
bytes[HllUtil<A>::SER_VER_BYTE] = static_cast<uint8_t>(HllUtil<A>::SER_VER);
bytes[HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_BYTE] = static_cast<uint8_t>(HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_ID);
bytes[HllUtil<A>::LG_K_BYTE] = static_cast<uint8_t>(this->lgConfigK);
bytes[HllUtil<A>::LG_ARR_BYTE] = count_trailing_zeros_in_u32(coupons.size());
bytes[HllUtil<A>::FLAGS_BYTE] = this->makeFlagsByte(compact);
bytes[HllUtil<A>::LIST_COUNT_BYTE] = static_cast<uint8_t>(this->mode == LIST ? couponCount : 0);
bytes[HllUtil<A>::MODE_BYTE] = this->makeModeByte();
if (this->mode == SET) {
std::memcpy(bytes + HllUtil<A>::HASH_SET_COUNT_INT, &couponCount, sizeof(couponCount));
// coupons
// isCompact() is always false for now
const int sw = (isCompact() ? 2 : 0) | (compact ? 1 : 0);
switch (sw) {
case 0: { // src updatable, dst updatable
std::memcpy(bytes + getMemDataStart(),, coupons.size() * sizeof(int));
case 1: { // src updatable, dst compact
bytes += getMemDataStart(); // reusing pointer for incremental writes
for (uint32_t coupon: *this) {
std::memcpy(bytes, &coupon, sizeof(coupon));
bytes += sizeof(coupon);
throw std::runtime_error("Impossible condition when serializing");
return byteArr;
template<typename A>
void CouponList<A>::serialize(std::ostream& os, const bool compact) const {
// header
const uint8_t preInts(getPreInts());
os.write((char*)&preInts, sizeof(preInts));
const uint8_t serialVersion(HllUtil<A>::SER_VER);
os.write((char*)&serialVersion, sizeof(serialVersion));
const uint8_t familyId(HllUtil<A>::FAMILY_ID);
os.write((char*)&familyId, sizeof(familyId));
const uint8_t lgKByte((uint8_t) this->lgConfigK);
os.write((char*)&lgKByte, sizeof(lgKByte));
const uint8_t lgArrIntsByte(count_trailing_zeros_in_u32(coupons.size()));
os.write((char*)&lgArrIntsByte, sizeof(lgArrIntsByte));
const uint8_t flagsByte(this->makeFlagsByte(compact));
os.write((char*)&flagsByte, sizeof(flagsByte));
if (this->mode == LIST) {
const uint8_t listCount((uint8_t) couponCount);
os.write((char*)&listCount, sizeof(listCount));
} else { // mode == SET
const uint8_t unused(0);
os.write((char*)&unused, sizeof(unused));
const uint8_t modeByte(this->makeModeByte());
os.write((char*)&modeByte, sizeof(modeByte));
if (this->mode == SET) {
// writing as int, already stored as int
os.write((char*)&couponCount, sizeof(couponCount));
// coupons
// isCompact() is always false for now
const int sw = (isCompact() ? 2 : 0) | (compact ? 1 : 0);
switch (sw) {
case 0: { // src updatable, dst updatable
os.write((char*), coupons.size() * sizeof(int));
case 1: { // src updatable, dst compact
for (uint32_t coupon: *this) {
os.write((char*)&coupon, sizeof(coupon));
throw std::runtime_error("Impossible condition when serializing");
template<typename A>
HllSketchImpl<A>* CouponList<A>::couponUpdate(int coupon) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < coupons.size(); ++i) { // search for empty slot
const int couponAtIdx = coupons[i];
if (couponAtIdx == HllUtil<A>::EMPTY) {
coupons[i] = coupon; // the actual update
if (couponCount == static_cast<int>(coupons.size())) { // array full
if (this->lgConfigK < 8) {
return promoteHeapListOrSetToHll(*this);
return promoteHeapListToSet(*this);
return this;
// cell not empty
if (couponAtIdx == coupon) {
return this; // duplicate
// cell not empty and not a duplicate, continue
throw std::runtime_error("Array invalid: no empties and no duplicates");
template<typename A>
double CouponList<A>::getCompositeEstimate() const { return getEstimate(); }
template<typename A>
double CouponList<A>::getEstimate() const {
const int couponCount = getCouponCount();
const double est = CubicInterpolation<A>::usingXAndYTables(couponCount);
return fmax(est, couponCount);
template<typename A>
double CouponList<A>::getLowerBound(const int numStdDev) const {
const int couponCount = getCouponCount();
const double est = CubicInterpolation<A>::usingXAndYTables(couponCount);
const double tmp = est / (1.0 + (numStdDev * HllUtil<A>::COUPON_RSE));
return fmax(tmp, couponCount);
template<typename A>
double CouponList<A>::getUpperBound(const int numStdDev) const {
const int couponCount = getCouponCount();
const double est = CubicInterpolation<A>::usingXAndYTables(couponCount);
const double tmp = est / (1.0 - (numStdDev * HllUtil<A>::COUPON_RSE));
return fmax(tmp, couponCount);
template<typename A>
bool CouponList<A>::isEmpty() const { return getCouponCount() == 0; }
template<typename A>
int CouponList<A>::getUpdatableSerializationBytes() const {
return getMemDataStart() + coupons.size() * sizeof(int);
template<typename A>
int CouponList<A>::getCouponCount() const {
return couponCount;
template<typename A>
int CouponList<A>::getCompactSerializationBytes() const {
return getMemDataStart() + (couponCount << 2);
template<typename A>
int CouponList<A>::getMemDataStart() const {
return HllUtil<A>::LIST_INT_ARR_START;
template<typename A>
int CouponList<A>::getPreInts() const {
return HllUtil<A>::LIST_PREINTS;
template<typename A>
bool CouponList<A>::isCompact() const { return false; }
template<typename A>
bool CouponList<A>::isOutOfOrderFlag() const { return oooFlag; }
template<typename A>
void CouponList<A>::putOutOfOrderFlag(bool oooFlag) {
this->oooFlag = oooFlag;
template<typename A>
A CouponList<A>::getAllocator() const {
return coupons.get_allocator();
template<typename A>
HllSketchImpl<A>* CouponList<A>::promoteHeapListToSet(CouponList& list) {
return HllSketchImplFactory<A>::promoteListToSet(list);
template<typename A>
HllSketchImpl<A>* CouponList<A>::promoteHeapListOrSetToHll(CouponList& src) {
return HllSketchImplFactory<A>::promoteListOrSetToHll(src);
template<typename A>
coupon_iterator<A> CouponList<A>::begin(bool all) const {
return coupon_iterator<A>(, coupons.size(), 0, all);
template<typename A>
coupon_iterator<A> CouponList<A>::end() const {
return coupon_iterator<A>(, coupons.size(), coupons.size(), false);