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#include <var_opt_sketch.hpp>
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
static std::string testBinaryInputPath = TEST_BINARY_INPUT_PATH;
static std::string testBinaryInputPath = "test/";
namespace datasketches {
static constexpr double EPS = 1e-13;
static var_opt_sketch<int> create_unweighted_sketch(uint32_t k, uint64_t n) {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk(k);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sk.update(i, 1.0);
return sk;
template<typename T, typename S, typename A>
static void check_if_equal(var_opt_sketch<T,S,A>& sk1, var_opt_sketch<T,S,A>& sk2) {
REQUIRE(sk1.get_k() == sk2.get_k());
REQUIRE(sk1.get_n() == sk2.get_n());
REQUIRE(sk1.get_num_samples() == sk2.get_num_samples());
auto it1 = sk1.begin();
auto it2 = sk2.begin();
size_t i = 0;
while ((it1 != sk1.end()) && (it2 != sk2.end())) {
const std::pair<const T&, const double> p1 = *it1;
const std::pair<const T&, const double> p2 = *it2;
REQUIRE(p1.first == p2.first); // data values
REQUIRE(p1.second == p2.second); // weights
REQUIRE((it1 == sk1.end() && it2 == sk2.end())); // iterators must end at the same time
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: invalid k", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>(0), std::invalid_argument);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>(1 << 31), std::invalid_argument); // aka k < 0
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: bad serialization version", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(16, 16);
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = sk.serialize();
bytes[1] = 0; // corrupt the serialization version byte
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
// create a stringstream to check the same
std::stringstream ss;
std::string str(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: bad family", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(16, 16);
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = sk.serialize();
bytes[2] = 0; // corrupt the family byte
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
// create a stringstream to check the same
std::stringstream ss;
std::string str(bytes.begin(), bytes.end());
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: bad prelongs", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
// The nubmer of preamble longs shares bits with resize_factor, but the latter
// has no invalid values as it gets 2 bites for 4 enum values.
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(32, 33);
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = sk.serialize();
bytes[0] = 0; // corrupt the preamble longs byte to be too small
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
bytes[0] = 2; // corrupt the preamble longs byte to 2
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
bytes[0] = 5; // corrupt the preamble longs byte to be too large
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: malformed preamble", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 50;
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, k);
const std::vector<uint8_t> src_bytes = sk.serialize();
// we'll re-use the same bytes several times so we'll use copies
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(src_bytes);
// no items in R, but preamble longs indicates full
bytes[0] = 4; // PREAMBLE_LONGS_FULL
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
// k = 0
bytes = src_bytes;
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&bytes[4]) = 0;
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
// negative H region count in Java (signed ints)
// throws due to H count != n in exact mode
bytes = src_bytes;
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&bytes[16]) = -1;
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
// negative R region count in Java (signed ints)
// throws due to non-zero R in sampling mode
bytes = src_bytes;
*reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&bytes[20]) = -128;
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: empty sketch", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk(5);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_num_samples() == 0);
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = sk.serialize();
REQUIRE(bytes.size() == (1 << 3)); // num bytes in PREAMBLE_LONGS_EMPTY
var_opt_sketch<std::string> loaded_sk = var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
REQUIRE(loaded_sk.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(loaded_sk.get_num_samples() == 0);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: non-empty degenerate sketch", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
// Make an empty serialized sketch, then extend it to a
// PREAMBLE_LONGS_WARMUP-sized byte array, with no items.
// Then clear the empty flag so it will try to load the rest.
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk(12, resize_factor::X2);
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes = sk.serialize();
while (bytes.size() < 24) { // PREAMBLE_LONGS_WARMUP * 8
bytes.push_back((uint8_t) 0);
// ensure non-empty -- H and R region sizes already set to 0
bytes[3] = 0; // set flags bit to not-empty (other bits should already be 0)
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: invalid weight", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk(100, resize_factor::X2);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(sk.update("invalid_weight", -1.0), std::invalid_argument);
// should not throw but sketch shoulds till be empty
sk.update("zero weight", 0.0);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: corrupt serialized weight", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(100, 20);
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
// weights are in the first double after the preamble
size_t preamble_bytes = (bytes[0] & 0x3f) << 3;
*reinterpret_cast<double*>(&bytes[preamble_bytes]) = -1.5;
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size()), std::invalid_argument);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
for (auto& b : bytes) { ss >> b; }
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss), std::invalid_argument);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: cumulative weight", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 256;
uint64_t n = 10 * k;
var_opt_sketch<int> sk(k);
std::random_device rd; // possibly unsafe in MinGW with GCC < 9.2
std::mt19937_64 rand(rd());
std::normal_distribution<double> N(0.0, 1.0);
double input_sum = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// generate weights aboev and below 1.0 using w ~ exp(5*N(0,1))
// which covers about 10 orders of magnitude
double w = std::exp(5 * N(rand));
input_sum += w;
sk.update(i, w);
double output_sum = 0.0;
for (auto it : sk) { // std::pair<int, weight>
output_sum += it.second;
double weight_ratio = output_sum / input_sum;
REQUIRE(std::abs(weight_ratio - 1.0) == Approx(0).margin(EPS));
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: under-full sketch serialization", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(100, 10); // need n < k
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
var_opt_sketch<int> sk_from_bytes = var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_bytes);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
var_opt_sketch<int> sk_from_stream = var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_stream);
// ensure we unroll properly
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1), std::out_of_range);
std::string str_trunc((char*)&bytes[0], bytes.size() - 1);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss), std::runtime_error);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: end-of-warmup sketch serialization", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(2843, 2843); // need n == k
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
// ensure still only 3 preamble longs
REQUIRE(([0] & 0x3f) == 3); // PREAMBLE_LONGS_WARMUP
var_opt_sketch<int> sk_from_bytes = var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_bytes);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
var_opt_sketch<int> sk_from_stream = var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_stream);
// ensure we unroll properly
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1000), std::out_of_range);
std::string str_trunc((char*)&bytes[0], bytes.size() - 100);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss), std::runtime_error);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: full sketch serialization", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(32, 32);
sk.update(100, 100.0);
sk.update(101, 101.0);
// first 2 entries should be heavy and in heap order (smallest at root)
auto it = sk.begin();
const std::pair<const int, const double> p1 = *it;
const std::pair<const int, const double> p2 = *it;
REQUIRE(p1.second == Approx(100.0).margin(EPS));
REQUIRE(p2.second == Approx(101.0).margin(EPS));
REQUIRE(p1.first == 100);
REQUIRE(p2.first == 101);
// check for 4 preamble longs
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
REQUIRE(([0] & 0x3f) == 4);; // PREAMBLE_LONGS_WARMUP
var_opt_sketch<int> sk_from_bytes = var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_bytes);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
var_opt_sketch<int> sk_from_stream = var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_stream);
// ensure we unroll properly
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 100), std::out_of_range);
std::string str_trunc((char*)&bytes[0], bytes.size() - 100);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<int>::deserialize(ss), std::runtime_error);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: string serialization", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk(5);
sk.update("a", 1.0);
sk.update("bc", 1.0);
sk.update("def", 1.0);
sk.update("ghij", 1.0);
sk.update("klmno", 1.0);
sk.update("heavy item", 100.0);
auto bytes = sk.serialize();
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk_from_bytes = var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size());
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_bytes);
std::stringstream ss(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk_from_stream = var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(ss);
check_if_equal(sk, sk_from_stream);
// ensure we unroll properly
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 12), std::out_of_range);
std::string str_trunc((char*)&bytes[0], bytes.size() - 12);
REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(ss), std::runtime_error);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: pseudo-light update", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 1024;
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, k + 1);
sk.update(0, 1.0); // k+2nd update
// check the first weight, assuming all k items are unweighted
// (and consequently in R).
// Expected: (k + 2) / |R| = (k + 2) / k
auto it = sk.begin();
double wt = (*it).second;
REQUIRE(wt == Approx((k + 2.0) / k).margin(EPS));
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: pseudo-heavy update", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 1024;
double wt_scale = 10.0 * k;
var_opt_sketch<int> sk = create_unweighted_sketch(k, k + 1);
// Next k-1 updates should be update_pseudo_heavy_general()
// Last one should call update_pseudo_heavy_r_eq_1(), since we'll have
// added k-1 heavy items, leaving only 1 item left in R
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= k; ++i) {
sk.update(-i, k + (i * wt_scale));
auto it = sk.begin();
// Expected: lightest "heavy" item (first one out): k + 2*wt_scale
double wt = (*it).second;
REQUIRE(wt == Approx(1.0 * (k + (2 * wt_scale))).margin(EPS));
// we don't know which R item is left, but there should be only one, at the end
// of the sample set.
// Expected: k+1 + (min "heavy" item) / |R| = ((k+1) + (k*wt_scale)) / 1 = wt_scale + 2k + 1
while (it != sk.end()) {
wt = (*it).second;
REQUIRE(wt == Approx(1.0 + wt_scale + (2 * k)).margin(EPS));
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: reset", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 1024;
uint64_t n1 = 20;
uint64_t n2 = 2 * k;
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sk(k);
// reset from sampling mode
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n2; ++i) {
sk.update(std::to_string(i), 100.0 + i);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == n2);
REQUIRE(sk.get_k() == k);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_k() == k);
// reset from exact mode
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n1; ++i)
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == n1);
REQUIRE(sk.get_k() == k);
REQUIRE(sk.get_n() == 0);
REQUIRE(sk.get_k() == k);
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: estimate subset sum", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
uint32_t k = 10;
var_opt_sketch<int> sk(k);
// empty sketch -- all zeros
subset_summary summary = sk.estimate_subset_sum([](int){ return true; });
REQUIRE(summary.estimate == 0.0);
REQUIRE(summary.total_sketch_weight == 0.0);
// add items, keeping in exact mode
double total_weight = 0.0;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= (k - 1); ++i) {
sk.update(i, 1.0 * i);
total_weight += 1.0 * i;
summary = sk.estimate_subset_sum([](int){ return true; });
REQUIRE(summary.estimate == total_weight);
REQUIRE(summary.lower_bound == total_weight);
REQUIRE(summary.upper_bound == total_weight);
REQUIRE(summary.total_sketch_weight == total_weight);
// add a few more items, pushing to sampling mode
for (uint32_t i = k; i <= (k + 1); ++i) {
sk.update(i, 1.0 * i);
total_weight += 1.0 * i;
// predicate always true so estimate == upper bound
summary = sk.estimate_subset_sum([](int){ return true; });
REQUIRE(summary.estimate == Approx(total_weight).margin(EPS));
REQUIRE(summary.upper_bound == Approx(total_weight).margin(EPS));
REQUIRE(summary.lower_bound < total_weight);
REQUIRE(summary.total_sketch_weight == Approx(total_weight).margin(EPS));
// predicate always false so estimate == lower bound == 0.0
summary = sk.estimate_subset_sum([](int){ return false; });
REQUIRE(summary.estimate == 0.0);
REQUIRE(summary.lower_bound == 0.0);
REQUIRE(summary.upper_bound > 0.0);
REQUIRE(summary.total_sketch_weight == Approx(total_weight).margin(EPS));
// finally, a non-degenerate predicate
// insert negative items with identical weights, filter for negative weights only
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= (k + 1); ++i) {
sk.update(static_cast<int32_t>(-i), 1.0 * i);
total_weight += 1.0 * i;
summary = sk.estimate_subset_sum([](int x) { return x < 0; });
REQUIRE(summary.estimate >= summary.lower_bound);
REQUIRE(summary.estimate <= summary.upper_bound);
// allow pretty generous bounds when testing
REQUIRE(summary.lower_bound < (total_weight / 1.4));
REQUIRE(summary.upper_bound > (total_weight / 2.6));
REQUIRE(summary.total_sketch_weight == Approx(total_weight).margin(EPS));
// and another data type, keeping it in exact mode for simplicity
var_opt_sketch<bool> sk2(k);
total_weight = 0.0;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= (k - 1); ++i) {
sk2.update((i % 2) == 0, 1.0 * i);
total_weight += i;
summary = sk2.estimate_subset_sum([](bool b){ return !b; });
REQUIRE(summary.estimate == summary.lower_bound);
REQUIRE(summary.estimate == summary.upper_bound);
REQUIRE(summary.estimate < total_weight); // exact mode, so know it must be strictly less
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: deserialize exact from java", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
std::ifstream is;
is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
var_opt_sketch<std::string> sketch = var_opt_sketch<std::string>::deserialize(is);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_k() == 1024);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 200);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_samples() == 200);
subset_summary ss = sketch.estimate_subset_sum([](std::string){ return true; });
double tgt_wt = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 200; ++i) { tgt_wt += 1000.0 / i; }
REQUIRE(ss.total_sketch_weight == Approx(tgt_wt).margin(EPS));
TEST_CASE("varopt sketch: deserialize sampling from java", "[var_opt_sketch]") {
std::ifstream is;
is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
var_opt_sketch<int64_t> sketch = var_opt_sketch<int64_t>::deserialize(is);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_k() == 1024);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_n() == 2003);
REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_samples() == sketch.get_k());
subset_summary ss = sketch.estimate_subset_sum([](int64_t){ return true; });
REQUIRE(ss.estimate == Approx(332000.0).margin(EPS));
REQUIRE(ss.total_sketch_weight == Approx(332000.0).margin(EPS));
ss = sketch.estimate_subset_sum([](int64_t x){ return x < 0; });
REQUIRE(ss.estimate == 330000.0); // heavy item, weight is exact
ss = sketch.estimate_subset_sum([](int64_t x){ return x >= 0; });
REQUIRE(ss.estimate == Approx(2000.0).margin(EPS));