Merge branch 'master' into theta_tuple_common_base
diff --git a/theta/CMakeLists.txt b/theta/CMakeLists.txt
index a68b70b..7ba60bc 100644
--- a/theta/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/theta/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -33,9 +33,21 @@
 target_compile_features(theta INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
 set(theta_HEADERS "")
-list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_sketch.hpp;include/theta_union.hpp;include/theta_intersection.hpp")
-list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_a_not_b.hpp;include/theta_sketch_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_union_impl.hpp;include/theta_intersection_impl.hpp;include/theta_a_not_b_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_sketch.hpp;include/theta_sketch_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_union.hpp;include/theta_union_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_intersection.hpp;include/theta_intersection_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND theta_HEADERS "include/theta_a_not_b.hpp;include/theta_a_not_b_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_jaccard_similarity.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_comparators.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_constants.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_helpers.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp;include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_union_base.hpp;include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_intersection_base.hpp;include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp;include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp")
 install(TARGETS theta
@@ -54,4 +66,19 @@
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_jaccard_similarity.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_comparators.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_constants.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_helpers.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_union_base.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_intersection_base.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
diff --git a/tuple/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp b/theta/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from tuple/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
rename to theta/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
index 39accd5..e2c5433 100644
--- a/tuple/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 #include <cstdint>
+#include <string>
-#include <bounds_binomial_proportions.hpp>
+#include "bounds_binomial_proportions.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
diff --git a/tuple/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp b/theta/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from tuple/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
rename to theta/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
index 3cf9cb4..1779ec1 100644
--- a/tuple/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <cstdint>
 #include <stdexcept>
-#include <bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp>
+#include "bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_a_not_b.hpp b/theta/include/theta_a_not_b.hpp
index db66ac7..4beef60 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_a_not_b.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_a_not_b.hpp
@@ -20,51 +20,34 @@
 #ifndef THETA_A_NOT_B_HPP_
 #define THETA_A_NOT_B_HPP_
-#include <memory>
-#include <functional>
-#include <climits>
 #include "theta_sketch.hpp"
-#include "common_defs.hpp"
+#include "theta_set_difference_base.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
-template<typename A>
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
 class theta_a_not_b_alloc {
-  /**
-   * Creates an instance of the a-not-b operation (set difference) with a given has seed.
-   * @param seed hash seed
-   */
-  explicit theta_a_not_b_alloc(uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
+  using Entry = uint64_t;
+  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
+  using CompactSketch = compact_theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  using State = theta_set_difference_base<Entry, ExtractKey, CompactSketch, Allocator>;
+  explicit theta_a_not_b_alloc(uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
    * Computes the a-not-b set operation given two sketches.
    * @return the result of a-not-b
-  compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compute(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& a, const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& b, bool ordered = true) const;
+  template<typename FwdSketch, typename Sketch>
+  CompactSketch compute(FwdSketch&& a, const Sketch& b, bool ordered = true) const;
-  typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<uint64_t> AllocU64;
-  uint16_t seed_hash_;
-  class less_than {
-  public:
-    explicit less_than(uint64_t value): value(value) {}
-    bool operator()(uint64_t value) const { return value < this->value; }
-  private:
-    uint64_t value;
-  };
+  State state_;
 // alias with default allocator for convenience
-typedef theta_a_not_b_alloc<std::allocator<void>> theta_a_not_b;
+using theta_a_not_b = theta_a_not_b_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_a_not_b_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_a_not_b_impl.hpp
index 4343ee3..4c17bbf 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_a_not_b_impl.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_a_not_b_impl.hpp
@@ -26,56 +26,15 @@
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
 template<typename A>
-theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>::theta_a_not_b_alloc(uint64_t seed):
+theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>::theta_a_not_b_alloc(uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
+state_(seed, allocator)
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>::compute(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& a, const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& b, bool ordered) const {
-  if (a.is_empty() || a.get_num_retained() == 0 || b.is_empty()) return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(a, ordered);
-  if (a.get_seed_hash() != seed_hash_) throw std::invalid_argument("A seed hash mismatch");
-  if (b.get_seed_hash() != seed_hash_) throw std::invalid_argument("B seed hash mismatch");
-  const uint64_t theta = std::min(a.get_theta64(), b.get_theta64());
-  vector_u64<A> keys;
-  bool is_empty = a.is_empty();
-  if (b.get_num_retained() == 0) {
-    std::copy_if(a.begin(), a.end(), std::back_inserter(keys), less_than(theta));
-  } else {
-    if (a.is_ordered() && b.is_ordered()) { // sort-based
-      std::set_difference(a.begin(), a.end(), b.begin(), b.end(), conditional_back_inserter(keys, less_than(theta)));
-    } else { // hash-based
-      const uint8_t lg_size = lg_size_from_count(b.get_num_retained(), update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::REBUILD_THRESHOLD);
-      vector_u64<A> b_hash_table(1 << lg_size, 0);
-      for (auto key: b) {
-        if (key < theta) {
-          update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search_or_insert(key,, lg_size);
-        } else if (b.is_ordered()) {
-          break; // early stop
-        }
-      }
-      // scan A lookup B
-      for (auto key: a) {
-        if (key < theta) {
-          if (!update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search(key,, lg_size)) keys.push_back(key);
-        } else if (a.is_ordered()) {
-          break; // early stop
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (keys.empty() && theta == theta_sketch_alloc<A>::MAX_THETA) is_empty = true;
-  if (ordered && !a.is_ordered()) std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
-  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta, std::move(keys), seed_hash_, a.is_ordered() || ordered);
+template<typename FwdSketch, typename Sketch>
+auto theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>::compute(FwdSketch&& a, const Sketch& b, bool ordered) const -> CompactSketch {
+  return state_.compute(std::forward<FwdSketch>(a), b, ordered);
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_comparators.hpp b/theta/include/theta_comparators.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tuple/include/theta_comparators.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_comparators.hpp
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_constants.hpp b/theta/include/theta_constants.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from tuple/include/theta_constants.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_constants.hpp
index 989681f..d5d6fd9 100644
--- a/tuple/include/theta_constants.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_constants.hpp
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+#include <climits>
 namespace datasketches {
 namespace theta_constants {
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_helpers.hpp b/theta/include/theta_helpers.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tuple/include/theta_helpers.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_helpers.hpp
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_intersection.hpp b/theta/include/theta_intersection.hpp
index 5945c52..98a8bf1 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_intersection.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_intersection.hpp
@@ -20,29 +20,28 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <functional>
-#include <climits>
 #include "theta_sketch.hpp"
-#include "common_defs.hpp"
+#include "theta_intersection_base.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
-template<typename A>
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
 class theta_intersection_alloc {
-  /**
-   * Creates an instance of the intersection with a given hash seed.
-   * @param seed hash seed
-   */
-  explicit theta_intersection_alloc(uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
+  using Entry = uint64_t;
+  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
+  using Sketch = theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  using CompactSketch = compact_theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  struct pass_through_policy {
+    uint64_t operator()(uint64_t internal_entry, uint64_t incoming_entry) const {
+      unused(incoming_entry);
+      return internal_entry;
+    }
+  };
+  using State = theta_intersection_base<Entry, ExtractKey, pass_through_policy, Sketch, CompactSketch, Allocator>;
+  explicit theta_intersection_alloc(uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
    * Updates the intersection with a given sketch.
@@ -50,7 +49,8 @@
    * can reduce the current set to leave the overlapping subset only.
    * @param sketch represents input set for the intersection
-  void update(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& sketch);
+  template<typename FwdSketch>
+  void update(FwdSketch&& sketch);
    * Produces a copy of the current state of the intersection.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
    * @param ordered optional flag to specify if ordered sketch should be produced
    * @return the result of the intersection
-  compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> get_result(bool ordered = true) const;
+  CompactSketch get_result(bool ordered = true) const;
    * Returns true if the state of the intersection is defined (not infinite "universe").
@@ -68,21 +68,14 @@
   bool has_result() const;
-  typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<uint64_t> AllocU64;
-  bool is_valid_;
-  bool is_empty_;
-  uint64_t theta_;
-  uint8_t lg_size_;
-  vector_u64<A> keys_;
-  uint32_t num_keys_;
-  uint16_t seed_hash_;
+  State state_;
 // alias with default allocator for convenience
-typedef theta_intersection_alloc<std::allocator<void>> theta_intersection;
+using theta_intersection = theta_intersection_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
 #include "theta_intersection_impl.hpp"
-# endif
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_intersection_base.hpp b/theta/include/theta_intersection_base.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tuple/include/theta_intersection_base.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_intersection_base.hpp
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tuple/include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_intersection_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_intersection_impl.hpp
index d090b3a..a0c4291 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_intersection_impl.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_intersection_impl.hpp
@@ -20,109 +20,27 @@
-#include <algorithm>
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
 template<typename A>
-theta_intersection_alloc<A>::theta_intersection_alloc(uint64_t seed):
+theta_intersection_alloc<A>::theta_intersection_alloc(uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
+state_(seed, pass_through_policy(), allocator)
 template<typename A>
-void theta_intersection_alloc<A>::update(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& sketch) {
-  if (is_empty_) return;
-  if (!sketch.is_empty() && sketch.get_seed_hash() != seed_hash_) throw std::invalid_argument("seed hash mismatch");
-  is_empty_ |= sketch.is_empty();
-  theta_ = std::min(theta_, sketch.get_theta64());
-  if (is_valid_ && num_keys_ == 0) return;
-  if (sketch.get_num_retained() == 0) {
-    is_valid_ = true;
-    if (keys_.size() > 0) {
-      keys_.resize(0);
-      lg_size_ = 0;
-      num_keys_ = 0;
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  if (!is_valid_) { // first update, clone incoming sketch
-    is_valid_ = true;
-    lg_size_ = lg_size_from_count(sketch.get_num_retained(), update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::REBUILD_THRESHOLD);
-    keys_.resize(1 << lg_size_, 0);
-    for (auto key: sketch) {
-      if (!update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search_or_insert(key,, lg_size_)) {
-        throw std::invalid_argument("duplicate key, possibly corrupted input sketch");
-      }
-      ++num_keys_;
-    }
-    if (num_keys_ != sketch.get_num_retained()) throw std::invalid_argument("num keys mismatch, possibly corrupted input sketch");
-  } else { // intersection
-    const uint32_t max_matches = std::min(num_keys_, sketch.get_num_retained());
-    vector_u64<A> matched_keys(max_matches);
-    uint32_t match_count = 0;
-    uint32_t count = 0;
-    for (auto key: sketch) {
-      if (key < theta_) {
-        if (update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search(key,, lg_size_)) {
-          if (match_count == max_matches) throw std::invalid_argument("max matches exceeded, possibly corrupted input sketch");
-          matched_keys[match_count++] = key;
-        }
-      } else if (sketch.is_ordered()) {
-        break; // early stop
-      }
-      ++count;
-    }
-    if (count > sketch.get_num_retained()) {
-      throw std::invalid_argument(" more keys then expected, possibly corrupted input sketch");
-    } else if (!sketch.is_ordered() && count < sketch.get_num_retained()) {
-      throw std::invalid_argument(" fewer keys then expected, possibly corrupted input sketch");
-    }
-    if (match_count == 0) {
-      keys_.resize(0);
-      lg_size_ = 0;
-      num_keys_ = 0;
-      if (theta_ == theta_sketch_alloc<A>::MAX_THETA) is_empty_ = true;
-    } else {
-      const uint8_t lg_size = lg_size_from_count(match_count, update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::REBUILD_THRESHOLD);
-      if (lg_size != lg_size_) {
-        lg_size_ = lg_size;
-        keys_.resize(1 << lg_size_);
-      }
-      std::fill(keys_.begin(), keys_.end(), 0);
-      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < match_count; i++) {
-        update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search_or_insert(matched_keys[i],, lg_size_);
-      }
-      num_keys_ = match_count;
-    }
-  }
+template<typename SS>
+void theta_intersection_alloc<A>::update(SS&& sketch) {
+  state_.update(std::forward<SS>(sketch));
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> theta_intersection_alloc<A>::get_result(bool ordered) const {
-  if (!is_valid_) throw std::invalid_argument("calling get_result() before calling update() is undefined");
-  vector_u64<A> keys(num_keys_);
-  if (num_keys_ > 0) {
-    std::copy_if(keys_.begin(), keys_.end(), keys.begin(), [](uint64_t key) { return key != 0; });
-    if (ordered) std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
-  }
-  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty_, theta_, std::move(keys), seed_hash_, ordered);
+auto theta_intersection_alloc<A>::get_result(bool ordered) const -> CompactSketch {
+  return state_.get_result(ordered);
 template<typename A>
 bool theta_intersection_alloc<A>::has_result() const {
-  return is_valid_;
+  return state_.has_result();
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_constants.hpp b/theta/include/theta_jaccard_similarity.hpp
similarity index 61%
copy from tuple/include/theta_constants.hpp
copy to theta/include/theta_jaccard_similarity.hpp
index 989681f..417ed54 100644
--- a/tuple/include/theta_constants.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_jaccard_similarity.hpp
@@ -17,18 +17,21 @@
  * under the License.
+#include "theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp"
+#include "theta_union.hpp"
+#include "theta_intersection.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
-namespace theta_constants {
-  enum resize_factor { X1, X2, X4, X8 };
-  static const uint64_t MAX_THETA = LLONG_MAX; // signed max for compatibility with Java
-  static const uint8_t MIN_LG_K = 5;
-  static const uint8_t MAX_LG_K = 26;
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
+using theta_jaccard_similarity_alloc = jaccard_similarity_base<theta_union_alloc<Allocator>, theta_intersection_alloc<Allocator>, trivial_extract_key>;
+// alias with default allocator for convenience
+using theta_jaccard_similarity = theta_jaccard_similarity_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
+# endif
diff --git a/tuple/include/jaccard_similarity.hpp b/theta/include/theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp
similarity index 85%
rename from tuple/include/jaccard_similarity.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp
index a77884b..cb18601 100644
--- a/tuple/include/jaccard_similarity.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp
@@ -17,19 +17,16 @@
  * under the License.
 #include <memory>
 #include <array>
-#include <theta_union_experimental.hpp>
-#include <theta_intersection_experimental.hpp>
-#include <tuple_union.hpp>
-#include <tuple_intersection.hpp>
-#include <bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp>
-#include <ceiling_power_of_2.hpp>
-#include <common_defs.hpp>
+#include "theta_constants.hpp"
+#include "bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp"
+#include "ceiling_power_of_2.hpp"
+#include "common_defs.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
@@ -154,19 +151,6 @@
-template<typename Allocator>
-using theta_jaccard_similarity_alloc = jaccard_similarity_base<theta_union_experimental<Allocator>, theta_intersection_experimental<Allocator>, trivial_extract_key>;
-// alias with default allocator for convenience
-using theta_jaccard_similarity = theta_jaccard_similarity_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
-  typename Summary,
-  typename IntersectionPolicy,
-  typename UnionPolicy = default_union_policy<Summary>,
-  typename Allocator = std::allocator<Summary>>
-using tuple_jaccard_similarity = jaccard_similarity_base<tuple_union<Summary, UnionPolicy, Allocator>, tuple_intersection<Summary, IntersectionPolicy, Allocator>, pair_extract_key<uint64_t, Summary>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
 # endif
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp b/theta/include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tuple/include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp
similarity index 100%
rename from tuple/include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_sketch.hpp b/theta/include/theta_sketch.hpp
index b809f71..2e24168 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_sketch.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_sketch.hpp
@@ -20,45 +20,29 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <functional>
-#include <climits>
-#include <vector>
-#include "common_defs.hpp"
+#include "theta_update_sketch_base.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
-// forward-declarations
-template<typename A> class theta_sketch_alloc;
-template<typename A> class update_theta_sketch_alloc;
-template<typename A> class compact_theta_sketch_alloc;
-template<typename A> class theta_union_alloc;
-template<typename A> class theta_intersection_alloc;
-template<typename A> class theta_a_not_b_alloc;
-// for serialization as raw bytes
-template<typename A> using AllocU8 = typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<uint8_t>;
-template<typename A> using vector_u8 = std::vector<uint8_t, AllocU8<A>>;
-template<typename A>
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
 class theta_sketch_alloc {
-  static const uint64_t MAX_THETA = LLONG_MAX; // signed max for compatibility with Java
-  static const uint8_t SERIAL_VERSION = 3;
+  using Entry = uint64_t;
+  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
+  using iterator = theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>;
+  using const_iterator = theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>;
   virtual ~theta_sketch_alloc() = default;
+   * @return allocator
+   */
+  virtual Allocator get_allocator() const = 0;
+  /**
    * @return true if this sketch represents an empty set (not the same as no retained entries!)
-  bool is_empty() const;
+  virtual bool is_empty() const = 0;
    * @return estimate of the distinct count of the input stream
@@ -96,13 +80,16 @@
    * @return theta as a positive integer between 0 and LLONG_MAX
-  uint64_t get_theta64() const;
+  virtual uint64_t get_theta64() const = 0;
    * @return the number of retained entries in the sketch
   virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const = 0;
+  /**
+   * @return hash of the seed that was used to hash the input
+   */
   virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const = 0;
@@ -111,109 +98,82 @@
   virtual bool is_ordered() const = 0;
-   * Writes a human-readable summary of this sketch to a given stream
+   * Provides a human-readable summary of this sketch as a string
    * @param print_items if true include the list of items retained by the sketch
+   * @return sketch summary as a string
-  virtual string<A> to_string(bool print_items = false) const = 0;
-  /**
-   * This method serializes the sketch into a given stream in a binary form
-   * @param os output stream
-   */
-  virtual void serialize(std::ostream& os) const = 0;
-  // This is a convenience alias for users
-  // The type returned by the following serialize method
-  typedef vector_u8<A> vector_bytes;
-  /**
-   * This method serializes the sketch as a vector of bytes.
-   * An optional header can be reserved in front of the sketch.
-   * It is an uninitialized space of a given size.
-   * This header is used in Datasketches PostgreSQL extension.
-   * @param header_size_bytes space to reserve in front of the sketch
-   */
-  virtual vector_bytes serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const = 0;
-  // This is a convenience alias for users
-  // The type returned by the following deserialize methods
-  // It is not possible to return instances of an abstract type, so this has to be a pointer
-  typedef std::unique_ptr<theta_sketch_alloc<A>, std::function<void(theta_sketch_alloc<A>*)>> unique_ptr;
-  /**
-   * This method deserializes a sketch from a given stream.
-   * @param is input stream
-   * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of a sketch as a unique_ptr
-   */
-  static unique_ptr deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
-  /**
-   * This method deserializes a sketch from a given array of bytes.
-   * @param bytes pointer to the array of bytes
-   * @param size the size of the array
-   * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of the sketch
-   */
-  static unique_ptr deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
-  class const_iterator;
+  virtual string<Allocator> to_string(bool print_items = false) const;
    * Iterator over hash values in this sketch.
    * @return begin iterator
-  virtual const_iterator begin() const = 0;
+  virtual iterator begin() = 0;
    * Iterator pointing past the valid range.
    * Not to be incremented or dereferenced.
    * @return end iterator
+  virtual iterator end() = 0;
+  /**
+   * Const iterator over hash values in this sketch.
+   * @return begin iterator
+   */
+  virtual const_iterator begin() const = 0;
+  /**
+   * Const iterator pointing past the valid range.
+   * Not to be incremented or dereferenced.
+   * @return end iterator
+   */
   virtual const_iterator end() const = 0;
-  bool is_empty_;
-  uint64_t theta_;
-  theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, uint64_t theta);
-  static uint16_t get_seed_hash(uint64_t seed);
-  static void check_sketch_type(uint8_t actual, uint8_t expected);
-  static void check_serial_version(uint8_t actual, uint8_t expected);
-  static void check_seed_hash(uint16_t actual, uint16_t expected);
-  friend theta_intersection_alloc<A>;
-  friend theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>;
+  using ostrstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<Allocator>>;
+  virtual void print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const = 0;
-// update sketch
+// forward declaration
+template<typename A> class compact_theta_sketch_alloc;
-template<typename A> using AllocU64 = typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<uint64_t>;
-template<typename A> using vector_u64 = std::vector<uint64_t, AllocU64<A>>;
-template<typename A>
-class update_theta_sketch_alloc: public theta_sketch_alloc<A> {
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
+class update_theta_sketch_alloc: public theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator> {
-  class builder;
-  enum resize_factor { X1, X2, X4, X8 };
-  static const uint8_t SKETCH_TYPE = 2;
+  using Base = theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  using Entry = typename Base::Entry;
+  using ExtractKey = typename Base::ExtractKey;
+  using iterator = typename Base::iterator;
+  using const_iterator = typename Base::const_iterator;
+  using theta_table = theta_update_sketch_base<Entry, ExtractKey, Allocator>;
+  using resize_factor = typename theta_table::resize_factor;
   // No constructor here. Use builder instead.
+  class builder;
+  update_theta_sketch_alloc(const update_theta_sketch_alloc&) = default;
+  update_theta_sketch_alloc(update_theta_sketch_alloc&&) noexcept = default;
   virtual ~update_theta_sketch_alloc() = default;
+  update_theta_sketch_alloc& operator=(const update_theta_sketch_alloc&) = default;
+  update_theta_sketch_alloc& operator=(update_theta_sketch_alloc&&) = default;
-  virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const;
-  virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const;
+  virtual Allocator get_allocator() const;
+  virtual bool is_empty() const;
   virtual bool is_ordered() const;
-  virtual string<A> to_string(bool print_items = false) const;
-  virtual void serialize(std::ostream& os) const;
-  typedef vector_u8<A> vector_bytes; // alias for users
-  // header space is reserved, but not initialized
-  virtual vector_bytes serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const;
+  virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const;
+  virtual uint64_t get_theta64() const;
+  virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const;
+  /**
+   * @return configured nominal number of entries in the sketch
+   */
+  uint8_t get_lg_k() const;
+  /**
+   * @return configured resize factor of the sketch
+   */
+  resize_factor get_rf() const;
    * Update this sketch with a given string.
@@ -302,7 +262,7 @@
    * @param data pointer to the data
    * @param length of the data in bytes
-  void update(const void* data, unsigned length);
+  void update(const void* data, size_t length);
    * Remove retained entries in excess of the nominal size k (if any)
@@ -314,105 +274,85 @@
    * @param ordered optional flag to specify if ordered sketch should be produced
    * @return compact sketch
-  compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact(bool ordered = true) const;
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator> compact(bool ordered = true) const;
-  virtual typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator begin() const;
-  virtual typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator end() const;
-  /**
-   * This method deserializes a sketch from a given stream.
-   * @param is input stream
-   * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of a sketch
-   */
-  static update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
-  /**
-   * This method deserializes a sketch from a given array of bytes.
-   * @param bytes pointer to the array of bytes
-   * @param size the size of the array
-   * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of the sketch
-   */
-  static update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
+  virtual iterator begin();
+  virtual iterator end();
+  virtual const_iterator begin() const;
+  virtual const_iterator end() const;
-  // resize threshold = 0.5 tuned for speed
-  static constexpr double RESIZE_THRESHOLD = 0.5;
-  // hash table rebuild threshold = 15/16
-  static constexpr double REBUILD_THRESHOLD = 15.0 / 16.0;
-  static constexpr uint8_t STRIDE_HASH_BITS = 7;
-  static constexpr uint32_t STRIDE_MASK = (1 << STRIDE_HASH_BITS) - 1;
-  uint8_t lg_cur_size_;
-  uint8_t lg_nom_size_;
-  vector_u64<A> keys_;
-  uint32_t num_keys_;
-  resize_factor rf_;
-  float p_;
-  uint64_t seed_;
-  uint32_t capacity_;
+  theta_table table_;
   // for builder
-  update_theta_sketch_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, float p, uint64_t seed);
+  update_theta_sketch_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta,
+      uint64_t seed, const Allocator& allocator);
-  // for deserialize
-  update_theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, uint64_t theta, uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, vector_u64<A>&& keys, uint32_t num_keys, resize_factor rf, float p, uint64_t seed);
-  void resize();
-  void rebuild();
-  friend theta_union_alloc<A>;
-  void internal_update(uint64_t hash);
-  friend theta_intersection_alloc<A>;
-  friend theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>;
-  static inline uint32_t get_capacity(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size);
-  static inline uint32_t get_stride(uint64_t hash, uint8_t lg_size);
-  static bool hash_search_or_insert(uint64_t hash, uint64_t* table, uint8_t lg_size);
-  static bool hash_search(uint64_t hash, const uint64_t* table, uint8_t lg_size);
-  friend theta_sketch_alloc<A>;
-  static update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> internal_deserialize(std::istream& is, resize_factor rf, uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, uint8_t flags_byte, uint64_t seed);
-  static update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> internal_deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, resize_factor rf, uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, uint8_t flags_byte, uint64_t seed);
+  using ostrstream = typename Base::ostrstream;
+  virtual void print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const;
 // compact sketch
-template<typename A>
-class compact_theta_sketch_alloc: public theta_sketch_alloc<A> {
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
+class compact_theta_sketch_alloc: public theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator> {
+  using Base = theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  using iterator = typename Base::iterator;
+  using const_iterator = typename Base::const_iterator;
+  using AllocBytes = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<uint8_t>;
+  using vector_bytes = std::vector<uint8_t, AllocBytes>;
+  static const uint8_t SERIAL_VERSION = 3;
   static const uint8_t SKETCH_TYPE = 3;
-  // No constructor here.
   // Instances of this type can be obtained:
-  // - by compacting an update_theta_sketch
+  // - by compacting an update_theta_sketch_alloc
   // - as a result of a set operation
   // - by deserializing a previously serialized compact sketch
-  compact_theta_sketch_alloc(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& other, bool ordered);
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc(const Base& other, bool ordered);
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc(const compact_theta_sketch_alloc&) = default;
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc(compact_theta_sketch_alloc&&) noexcept = default;
   virtual ~compact_theta_sketch_alloc() = default;
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc& operator=(const compact_theta_sketch_alloc&) = default;
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc& operator=(compact_theta_sketch_alloc&&) = default;
+  virtual Allocator get_allocator() const;
+  virtual bool is_empty() const;
+  virtual bool is_ordered() const;
+  virtual uint64_t get_theta64() const;
   virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const;
   virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const;
-  virtual bool is_ordered() const;
-  virtual string<A> to_string(bool print_items = false) const;
-  virtual void serialize(std::ostream& os) const;
-  typedef vector_u8<A> vector_bytes; // alias for users
-  // header space is reserved, but not initialized
-  virtual vector_bytes serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const;
-  virtual typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator begin() const;
-  virtual typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator end() const;
+  /**
+   * This method serializes the sketch into a given stream in a binary form
+   * @param os output stream
+   */
+  void serialize(std::ostream& os) const;
+  /**
+   * This method serializes the sketch as a vector of bytes.
+   * An optional header can be reserved in front of the sketch.
+   * It is an uninitialized space of a given size.
+   * This header is used in Datasketches PostgreSQL extension.
+   * @param header_size_bytes space to reserve in front of the sketch
+   */
+  vector_bytes serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const;
+  virtual iterator begin();
+  virtual iterator end();
+  virtual const_iterator begin() const;
+  virtual const_iterator end() const;
    * This method deserializes a sketch from a given stream.
    * @param is input stream
    * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of a sketch
+   * @return an instance of the sketch
-  static compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
+  static compact_theta_sketch_alloc deserialize(std::istream& is,
+      uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
    * This method deserializes a sketch from a given array of bytes.
@@ -421,110 +361,36 @@
    * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
    * @return an instance of the sketch
-  static compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED);
+  static compact_theta_sketch_alloc deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size,
+      uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
+  // for internal use
+  compact_theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, bool is_ordered, uint16_t seed_hash, uint64_t theta, std::vector<uint64_t, Allocator>&& entries);
-  typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<uint64_t> AllocU64;
-  vector_u64<A> keys_;
-  uint16_t seed_hash_;
+  bool is_empty_;
   bool is_ordered_;
+  uint16_t seed_hash_;
+  uint64_t theta_;
+  std::vector<uint64_t, Allocator> entries_;
-  friend theta_sketch_alloc<A>;
-  friend update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>;
-  friend theta_union_alloc<A>;
-  friend theta_intersection_alloc<A>;
-  friend theta_a_not_b_alloc<A>;
-  compact_theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, uint64_t theta, vector_u64<A>&& keys, uint16_t seed_hash, bool is_ordered);
-  static compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> internal_deserialize(std::istream& is, uint8_t preamble_longs, uint8_t flags_byte, uint16_t seed_hash);
-  static compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> internal_deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint8_t preamble_longs, uint8_t flags_byte, uint16_t seed_hash);
+  using ostrstream = typename Base::ostrstream;
+  virtual void print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const;
-// builder
-template<typename A>
-class update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder {
+template<typename Allocator>
+class update_theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>::builder: public theta_base_builder<builder, Allocator> {
-  static const uint8_t MIN_LG_K = 5;
-  static const uint8_t DEFAULT_LG_K = 12;
-  static const resize_factor DEFAULT_RESIZE_FACTOR = X8;
-  /**
-   * Creates and instance of the builder with default parameters.
-   */
-  builder();
-  /**
-   * Set log2(k), where k is a nominal number of entries in the sketch
-   * @param lg_k base 2 logarithm of nominal number of entries
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_lg_k(uint8_t lg_k);
-  /**
-   * Set resize factor for the internal hash table (defaults to 8)
-   * @param rf resize factor
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_resize_factor(resize_factor rf);
-  /**
-   * Set sampling probability (initial theta). The default is 1, so the sketch retains
-   * all entries until it reaches the limit, at which point it goes into the estimation mode
-   * and reduces the effective sampling probability (theta) as necessary.
-   * @param p sampling probability
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_p(float p);
-  /**
-   * Set the seed for the hash function. Should be used carefully if needed.
-   * Sketches produced with different seed are not compatible
-   * and cannot be mixed in set operations.
-   * @param seed hash seed
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_seed(uint64_t seed);
-  /**
-   * This is to create an instance of the sketch with predefined parameters.
-   * @return and instance of the sketch
-   */
-  update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> build() const;
-  uint8_t lg_k_;
-  resize_factor rf_;
-  float p_;
-  uint64_t seed_;
-  static uint8_t starting_sub_multiple(uint8_t lg_tgt, uint8_t lg_min, uint8_t lg_rf);
+    builder(const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
+    update_theta_sketch_alloc build() const;
-// iterator
-template<typename A>
-class theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, uint64_t> {
-  const_iterator& operator++();
-  const_iterator operator++(int);
-  bool operator==(const const_iterator& other) const;
-  bool operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const;
-  uint64_t operator*() const;
-  const uint64_t* keys_;
-  uint32_t size_;
-  uint32_t index_;
-  const_iterator(const uint64_t* keys, uint32_t size, uint32_t index);
-  friend class update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>;
-  friend class compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>;
 // aliases with default allocator for convenience
-typedef theta_sketch_alloc<std::allocator<void>> theta_sketch;
-typedef update_theta_sketch_alloc<std::allocator<void>> update_theta_sketch;
-typedef compact_theta_sketch_alloc<std::allocator<void>> compact_theta_sketch;
+using theta_sketch = theta_sketch_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
+using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
+using compact_theta_sketch = compact_theta_sketch_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_sketch_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_sketch_impl.hpp
index 579a675..0bee4c9 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_sketch_impl.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_sketch_impl.hpp
@@ -20,35 +20,23 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-#include <memory>
-#include <functional>
-#include <istream>
-#include <ostream>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
-#include "MurmurHash3.h"
 #include "serde.hpp"
 #include "binomial_bounds.hpp"
-#include "memory_operations.hpp"
+#include "theta_helpers.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
+template<typename A>
+bool theta_sketch_alloc<A>::is_estimation_mode() const {
+  return get_theta64() < theta_constants::MAX_THETA && !is_empty();
 template<typename A>
-theta_sketch_alloc<A>::theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, uint64_t theta):
-is_empty_(is_empty), theta_(theta)
-template<typename A>
-bool theta_sketch_alloc<A>::is_empty() const {
-  return is_empty_;
+double theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_theta() const {
+  return static_cast<double>(get_theta64()) / theta_constants::MAX_THETA;
 template<typename A>
@@ -69,182 +57,47 @@
 template<typename A>
-bool theta_sketch_alloc<A>::is_estimation_mode() const {
-  return theta_ < MAX_THETA && !is_empty_;
-template<typename A>
-double theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_theta() const {
-  return (double) theta_ / MAX_THETA;
-template<typename A>
-uint64_t theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_theta64() const {
-  return theta_;
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::unique_ptr theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed) {
-  uint8_t preamble_longs;
-*)&preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  uint8_t serial_version;
-*)&serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
-  uint8_t type;
-*)&type, sizeof(type));
-  uint8_t lg_nom_size;
-*)&lg_nom_size, sizeof(lg_nom_size));
-  uint8_t lg_cur_size;
-*)&lg_cur_size, sizeof(lg_cur_size));
-  uint8_t flags_byte;
-*)&flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  uint16_t seed_hash;
-*)&seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  check_serial_version(serial_version, SERIAL_VERSION);
-  if (type == update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SKETCH_TYPE) {
-    check_seed_hash(seed_hash, get_seed_hash(seed));
-    typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::resize_factor rf = static_cast<typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::resize_factor>(preamble_longs >> 6);
-    typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>> AU;
-    return unique_ptr(
-      static_cast<theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(new (AU().allocate(1)) update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(is, rf, lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, flags_byte, seed))),
-      [](theta_sketch_alloc<A>* ptr) {
-        ptr->~theta_sketch_alloc();
-        AU().deallocate(static_cast<update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(ptr), 1);
-      }
-    );
-  } else if (type == compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SKETCH_TYPE) {
-    const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
-    if (!is_empty) check_seed_hash(seed_hash, get_seed_hash(seed));
-    typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>> AC;
-    return unique_ptr(
-      static_cast<theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(new (AC().allocate(1)) compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(is, preamble_longs, flags_byte, seed_hash))),
-      [](theta_sketch_alloc<A>* ptr) {
-        ptr->~theta_sketch_alloc();
-        AC().deallocate(static_cast<compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(ptr), 1);
-      }
-    );
+string<A> theta_sketch_alloc<A>::to_string(bool detail) const {
+  ostrstream os;
+  os << "### Theta sketch summary:" << std::endl;
+  os << "   num retained entries : " << get_num_retained() << std::endl;
+  os << "   seed hash            : " << get_seed_hash() << std::endl;
+  os << "   empty?               : " << (is_empty() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
+  os << "   ordered?             : " << (is_ordered() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
+  os << "   estimation mode?     : " << (is_estimation_mode() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
+  os << "   theta (fraction)     : " << get_theta() << std::endl;
+  os << "   theta (raw 64-bit)   : " << get_theta64() << std::endl;
+  os << "   estimate             : " << this->get_estimate() << std::endl;
+  os << "   lower bound 95% conf : " << this->get_lower_bound(2) << std::endl;
+  os << "   upper bound 95% conf : " << this->get_upper_bound(2) << std::endl;
+  print_specifics(os);
+  os << "### End sketch summary" << std::endl;
+  if (detail) {
+    os << "### Retained entries" << std::endl;
+    for (const auto& hash: *this) {
+      os << hash << std::endl;
+    }
+    os << "### End retained entries" << std::endl;
-  throw std::invalid_argument("unsupported sketch type " + std::to_string((int) type));
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::unique_ptr theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed) {
-  ensure_minimum_memory(size, static_cast<size_t>(8));
-  const char* ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bytes);
-  uint8_t preamble_longs;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  uint8_t serial_version;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
-  uint8_t type;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &type, sizeof(type));
-  uint8_t lg_nom_size;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &lg_nom_size, sizeof(lg_nom_size));
-  uint8_t lg_cur_size;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &lg_cur_size, sizeof(lg_cur_size));
-  uint8_t flags_byte;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  uint16_t seed_hash;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  check_serial_version(serial_version, SERIAL_VERSION);
-  if (type == update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SKETCH_TYPE) {
-    check_seed_hash(seed_hash, get_seed_hash(seed));
-    typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::resize_factor rf = static_cast<typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::resize_factor>(preamble_longs >> 6);
-    typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>> AU;
-    return unique_ptr(
-      static_cast<theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(new (AU().allocate(1)) update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(
-        update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(ptr, size - (ptr - static_cast<const char*>(bytes)), rf, lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, flags_byte, seed))
-      ),
-      [](theta_sketch_alloc<A>* ptr) {
-        ptr->~theta_sketch_alloc();
-        AU().deallocate(static_cast<update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(ptr), 1);
-      }
-    );
-  } else if (type == compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SKETCH_TYPE) {
-    const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
-    if (!is_empty) check_seed_hash(seed_hash, get_seed_hash(seed));
-    typedef typename std::allocator_traits<A>::template rebind_alloc<compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>> AC;
-    return unique_ptr(
-      static_cast<theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(new (AC().allocate(1)) compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(
-        compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(ptr, size - (ptr - static_cast<const char*>(bytes)), preamble_longs, flags_byte, seed_hash))
-      ),
-      [](theta_sketch_alloc<A>* ptr) {
-        ptr->~theta_sketch_alloc();
-        AC().deallocate(static_cast<compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>*>(ptr), 1);
-      }
-    );
-  }
-  throw std::invalid_argument("unsupported sketch type " + std::to_string((int) type));
-template<typename A>
-uint16_t theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash(uint64_t seed) {
-  HashState hashes;
-  MurmurHash3_x64_128(&seed, sizeof(seed), 0, hashes);
-  return hashes.h1;
-template<typename A>
-void theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_sketch_type(uint8_t actual, uint8_t expected) {
-  if (actual != expected) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Sketch type mismatch: expected " + std::to_string((int)expected) + ", actual " + std::to_string((int)actual));
-  }
-template<typename A>
-void theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_serial_version(uint8_t actual, uint8_t expected) {
-  if (actual != expected) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Sketch serial version mismatch: expected " + std::to_string((int)expected) + ", actual " + std::to_string((int)actual));
-  }
-template<typename A>
-void theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_seed_hash(uint16_t actual, uint16_t expected) {
-  if (actual != expected) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("Sketch seed hash mismatch: expected " + std::to_string(expected) + ", actual " + std::to_string(actual));
-  }
+  return os.str();
 // update sketch
 template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update_theta_sketch_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, float p, uint64_t seed):
-theta_sketch_alloc<A>(true, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::MAX_THETA),
-keys_(1 << lg_cur_size_, 0),
-capacity_(get_capacity(lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size))
-  if (p < 1) this->theta_ *= p;
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update_theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, uint64_t theta, uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, vector_u64<A>&& keys, uint32_t num_keys, resize_factor rf, float p, uint64_t seed):
-theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta),
-capacity_(get_capacity(lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size))
+update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update_theta_sketch_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf,
+    uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
+table_(lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, rf, theta, seed, allocator)
 template<typename A>
-uint32_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_num_retained() const {
-  return num_keys_;
+A update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_allocator() const {
+  return table_.allocator_;
 template<typename A>
-uint16_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash() const {
-  return theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash(seed_);
+bool update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::is_empty() const {
+  return table_.is_empty_;
 template<typename A>
@@ -253,169 +106,28 @@
 template<typename A>
-string<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::to_string(bool print_items) const {
-  std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<A>> os;
-  os << "### Update Theta sketch summary:" << std::endl;
-  os << "   lg nominal size      : " << (int) lg_nom_size_ << std::endl;
-  os << "   lg current size      : " << (int) lg_cur_size_ << std::endl;
-  os << "   num retained keys    : " << num_keys_ << std::endl;
-  os << "   resize factor        : " << (1 << rf_) << std::endl;
-  os << "   sampling probability : " << p_ << std::endl;
-  os << "   seed hash            : " << this->get_seed_hash() << std::endl;
-  os << "   empty?               : " << (this->is_empty() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   ordered?             : " << (this->is_ordered() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   estimation mode?     : " << (this->is_estimation_mode() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   theta (fraction)     : " << this->get_theta() << std::endl;
-  os << "   theta (raw 64-bit)   : " << this->theta_ << std::endl;
-  os << "   estimate             : " << this->get_estimate() << std::endl;
-  os << "   lower bound 95% conf : " << this->get_lower_bound(2) << std::endl;
-  os << "   upper bound 95% conf : " << this->get_upper_bound(2) << std::endl;
-  os << "### End sketch summary" << std::endl;
-  if (print_items) {
-    os << "### Retained keys" << std::endl;
-    for (auto key: *this) os << "   " << key << std::endl;
-    os << "### End retained keys" << std::endl;
-  }
-  return os.str();
+uint64_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_theta64() const {
+  return table_.theta_;
 template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::serialize(std::ostream& os) const {
-  const uint8_t preamble_longs_and_rf = 3 | (rf_ << 6);
-  os.write((char*)&preamble_longs_and_rf, sizeof(preamble_longs_and_rf));
-  const uint8_t serial_version = theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION;
-  os.write((char*)&serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
-  const uint8_t type = SKETCH_TYPE;
-  os.write((char*)&type, sizeof(type));
-  os.write((char*)&lg_nom_size_, sizeof(lg_nom_size_));
-  os.write((char*)&lg_cur_size_, sizeof(lg_cur_size_));
-  const uint8_t flags_byte(
-    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY : 0)
-  );
-  os.write((char*)&flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  const uint16_t seed_hash = get_seed_hash();
-  os.write((char*)&seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  os.write((char*)&num_keys_, sizeof(num_keys_));
-  os.write((char*)&p_, sizeof(p_));
-  os.write((char*)&(this->theta_), sizeof(uint64_t));
-  os.write((char*), sizeof(uint64_t) * keys_.size());
+uint32_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_num_retained() const {
+  return table_.num_entries_;
 template<typename A>
-vector_u8<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes) const {
-  const uint8_t preamble_longs = 3;
-  const size_t size = header_size_bytes + sizeof(uint64_t) * preamble_longs + sizeof(uint64_t) * keys_.size();
-  vector_u8<A> bytes(size);
-  uint8_t* ptr = + header_size_bytes;
-  const uint8_t preamble_longs_and_rf = preamble_longs | (rf_ << 6);
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&preamble_longs_and_rf, ptr, sizeof(preamble_longs_and_rf));
-  const uint8_t serial_version = theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION;
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&serial_version, ptr, sizeof(serial_version));
-  const uint8_t type = SKETCH_TYPE;
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&type, ptr, sizeof(type));
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&lg_nom_size_, ptr, sizeof(lg_nom_size_));
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&lg_cur_size_, ptr, sizeof(lg_cur_size_));
-  const uint8_t flags_byte(
-    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY : 0)
-  );
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&flags_byte, ptr, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  const uint16_t seed_hash = get_seed_hash();
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&seed_hash, ptr, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&num_keys_, ptr, sizeof(num_keys_));
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&p_, ptr, sizeof(p_));
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&(this->theta_), ptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(, ptr, sizeof(uint64_t) * keys_.size());
-  return bytes;
+uint16_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash() const {
+  return compute_seed_hash(table_.seed_);
 template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed) {
-  uint8_t preamble_longs;
-*)&preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  resize_factor rf = static_cast<resize_factor>(preamble_longs >> 6);
-  preamble_longs &= 0x3f; // remove resize factor
-  uint8_t serial_version;
-*)&serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
-  uint8_t type;
-*)&type, sizeof(type));
-  uint8_t lg_nom_size;
-*)&lg_nom_size, sizeof(lg_nom_size));
-  uint8_t lg_cur_size;
-*)&lg_cur_size, sizeof(lg_cur_size));
-  uint8_t flags_byte;
-*)&flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  uint16_t seed_hash;
-*)&seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_serial_version(serial_version, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION);
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash(seed));
-  return internal_deserialize(is, rf, lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, flags_byte, seed);
+uint8_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_lg_k() const {
+  return table_.lg_nom_size_;
 template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(std::istream& is, resize_factor rf, uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, uint8_t flags_byte, uint64_t seed) {
-  uint32_t num_keys;
-*)&num_keys, sizeof(num_keys));
-  float p;
-*)&p, sizeof(p));
-  uint64_t theta;
-*)&theta, sizeof(theta));
-  vector_u64<A> keys(1 << lg_cur_size);
-*), sizeof(uint64_t) * keys.size());
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
-  if (!is.good()) throw std::runtime_error("error reading from std::istream"); 
-  return update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta, lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, std::move(keys), num_keys, rf, p, seed);
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed) {
-  ensure_minimum_memory(size, 8);
-  const char* ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bytes);
-  uint8_t preamble_longs;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  resize_factor rf = static_cast<resize_factor>(preamble_longs >> 6);
-  preamble_longs &= 0x3f; // remove resize factor
-  uint8_t serial_version;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
-  uint8_t type;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &type, sizeof(type));
-  uint8_t lg_nom_size;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &lg_nom_size, sizeof(lg_nom_size));
-  uint8_t lg_cur_size;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &lg_cur_size, sizeof(lg_cur_size));
-  uint8_t flags_byte;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  uint16_t seed_hash;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_serial_version(serial_version, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION);
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash(seed));
-  return internal_deserialize(ptr, size - (ptr - static_cast<const char*>(bytes)), rf, lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, flags_byte, seed);
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, resize_factor rf, uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, uint8_t flags_byte, uint64_t seed) {
-  const uint32_t table_size = 1 << lg_cur_size;
-  ensure_minimum_memory(size, 16 + sizeof(uint64_t) * table_size);
-  const char* ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bytes);
-  uint32_t num_keys;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &num_keys, sizeof(num_keys));
-  float p;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &p, sizeof(p));
-  uint64_t theta;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &theta, sizeof(theta));
-  vector_u64<A> keys(table_size);
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr,, sizeof(uint64_t) * table_size);
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
-  return update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta, lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, std::move(keys), num_keys, rf, p, seed);
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update(const std::string& value) {
-  if (value.empty()) return;
-  update(value.c_str(), value.length());
+auto update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_rf() const -> resize_factor {
+  return table_.rf_;
 template<typename A>
@@ -460,19 +172,7 @@
 template<typename A>
 void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update(double value) {
-  union {
-    int64_t long_value;
-    double double_value;
-  } long_double_union;
-  if (value == 0.0) {
-    long_double_union.double_value = 0.0; // canonicalize -0.0 to 0.0
-  } else if (std::isnan(value)) {
-    long_double_union.long_value = 0x7ff8000000000000L; // canonicalize NaN using value from Java's Double.doubleToLongBits()
-  } else {
-    long_double_union.double_value = value;
-  }
-  update(&long_double_union, sizeof(long_double_union));
+  update(canonical_double(value));
 template<typename A>
@@ -481,162 +181,100 @@
 template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update(const void* data, unsigned length) {
-  HashState hashes;
-  MurmurHash3_x64_128(data, length, seed_, hashes);
-  const uint64_t hash = hashes.h1 >> 1; // Java implementation does logical shift >>> to make values positive
-  internal_update(hash);
+void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update(const std::string& value) {
+  if (value.empty()) return;
+  update(value.c_str(), value.length());
 template<typename A>
+void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::update(const void* data, size_t length) {
+  const uint64_t hash = table_.hash_and_screen(data, length);
+  if (hash == 0) return;
+  auto result = table_.find(hash);
+  if (!result.second) {
+    table_.insert(result.first, hash);
+  }
+template<typename A>
+void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::trim() {
+  table_.trim();
+template<typename A>
+auto update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::begin() -> iterator {
+  return iterator(table_.entries_, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_, 0);
+template<typename A>
+auto update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::end() -> iterator {
+  return iterator(nullptr, 0, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_);
+template<typename A>
+auto update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::begin() const -> const_iterator {
+  return const_iterator(table_.entries_, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_, 0);
+template<typename A>
+auto update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::end() const -> const_iterator {
+  return const_iterator(nullptr, 0, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_);
+template<typename A>
 compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::compact(bool ordered) const {
   return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(*this, ordered);
 template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_update(uint64_t hash) {
-  this->is_empty_ = false;
-  if (hash >= this->theta_ || hash == 0) return; // hash == 0 is reserved to mark empty slots in the table
-  if (hash_search_or_insert(hash,, lg_cur_size_)) {
-    num_keys_++;
-    if (num_keys_ > capacity_) {
-      if (lg_cur_size_ <= lg_nom_size_) {
-        resize();
-      } else {
-        rebuild();
-      }
-    }
-  }
+void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const {
+  os << "   lg nominal size      : " << static_cast<int>(table_.lg_nom_size_) << std::endl;
+  os << "   lg current size      : " << static_cast<int>(table_.lg_cur_size_) << std::endl;
+  os << "   resize factor        : " << (1 << table_.rf_) << std::endl;
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::trim() {
-  if (num_keys_ > static_cast<uint32_t>(1 << lg_nom_size_)) rebuild();
+// builder
 template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::resize() {
-  const uint8_t lg_tgt_size = lg_nom_size_ + 1;
-  const uint8_t factor = std::max(1, std::min(static_cast<int>(rf_), lg_tgt_size - lg_cur_size_));
-  const uint8_t lg_new_size = lg_cur_size_ + factor;
-  const uint32_t new_size = 1 << lg_new_size;
-  vector_u64<A> new_keys(new_size, 0);
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < keys_.size(); i++) {
-    if (keys_[i] != 0) {
-      hash_search_or_insert(keys_[i],, lg_new_size); // TODO hash_insert
-    }
-  }
-  keys_ = std::move(new_keys);
-  lg_cur_size_ += factor;
-  capacity_ = get_capacity(lg_cur_size_, lg_nom_size_);
+update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::builder(const A& allocator): theta_base_builder<builder, A>(allocator) {}
 template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::rebuild() {
-  const uint32_t pivot = (1 << lg_nom_size_) + keys_.size() - num_keys_;
-  std::nth_element(keys_.begin(), keys_.begin() + pivot, keys_.end());
-  this->theta_ = keys_[pivot];
-  vector_u64<A> new_keys(keys_.size(), 0);
-  num_keys_ = 0;
-  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < keys_.size(); i++) {
-    if (keys_[i] != 0 && keys_[i] < this->theta_) {
-      hash_search_or_insert(keys_[i],, lg_cur_size_); // TODO hash_insert
-      num_keys_++;
-    }
-  }
-  keys_ = std::move(new_keys);
-template<typename A>
-uint32_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_capacity(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size) {
-  const double fraction = (lg_cur_size <= lg_nom_size) ? RESIZE_THRESHOLD : REBUILD_THRESHOLD;
-  return std::floor(fraction * (1 << lg_cur_size));
-template<typename A>
-uint32_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_stride(uint64_t hash, uint8_t lg_size) {
-  // odd and independent of index assuming lg_size lowest bits of the hash were used for the index
-  return (2 * static_cast<uint32_t>((hash >> lg_size) & STRIDE_MASK)) + 1;
-template<typename A>
-bool update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search_or_insert(uint64_t hash, uint64_t* table, uint8_t lg_size) {
-  const uint32_t mask = (1 << lg_size) - 1;
-  const uint32_t stride = get_stride(hash, lg_size);
-  uint32_t cur_probe = static_cast<uint32_t>(hash) & mask;
-  // search for duplicate or zero
-  const uint32_t loop_index = cur_probe;
-  do {
-    const uint64_t value = table[cur_probe];
-    if (value == 0) {
-      table[cur_probe] = hash; // insert value
-      return true;
-    } else if (value == hash) {
-      return false; // found a duplicate
-    }
-    cur_probe = (cur_probe + stride) & mask;
-  } while (cur_probe != loop_index);
-  throw std::logic_error("key not found and no empty slots!");
-template<typename A>
-bool update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::hash_search(uint64_t hash, const uint64_t* table, uint8_t lg_size) {
-  const uint32_t mask = (1 << lg_size) - 1;
-  const uint32_t stride = update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_stride(hash, lg_size);
-  uint32_t cur_probe = static_cast<uint32_t>(hash) & mask;
-  const uint32_t loop_index = cur_probe;
-  do {
-    const uint64_t value = table[cur_probe];
-    if (value == 0) {
-      return false;
-    } else if (value == hash) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    cur_probe = (cur_probe + stride) & mask;
-  } while (cur_probe != loop_index);
-  throw std::logic_error("key not found and search wrapped");
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::begin() const {
-  return typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator(, keys_.size(), 0);
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::end() const {
-  return typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator(, keys_.size(), keys_.size());
+update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::build() const {
+  return update_theta_sketch_alloc(this->starting_lg_size(), this->lg_k_, this->rf_, this->starting_theta(), this->seed_, this->allocator_);
 // compact sketch
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::compact_theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, uint64_t theta, vector_u64<A>&& keys, uint16_t seed_hash, bool is_ordered):
-theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta),
+compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::compact_theta_sketch_alloc(const Base& other, bool ordered):
+is_ordered_(other.is_ordered() || ordered),
+  entries_.reserve(other.get_num_retained());
+  std::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), std::back_inserter(entries_));
+  if (ordered && !other.is_ordered()) std::sort(entries_.begin(), entries_.end());
+template<typename A>
+compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::compact_theta_sketch_alloc(bool is_empty, bool is_ordered, uint16_t seed_hash, uint64_t theta,
+    std::vector<uint64_t, A>&& entries):
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::compact_theta_sketch_alloc(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& other, bool ordered):
-is_ordered_(other.is_ordered() || ordered)
-  std::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), keys_.begin());
-  if (ordered && !other.is_ordered()) std::sort(keys_.begin(), keys_.end());
+A compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_allocator() const {
+  return entries_.get_allocator();
 template<typename A>
-uint32_t compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_num_retained() const {
-  return keys_.size();
-template<typename A>
-uint16_t compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash() const {
-  return seed_hash_;
+bool compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::is_empty() const {
+  return is_empty_;
 template<typename A>
@@ -645,153 +283,163 @@
 template<typename A>
-string<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::to_string(bool print_items) const {
-  std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<A>> os;
-  os << "### Compact Theta sketch summary:" << std::endl;
-  os << "   num retained keys    : " << keys_.size() << std::endl;
-  os << "   seed hash            : " << this->get_seed_hash() << std::endl;
-  os << "   empty?               : " << (this->is_empty() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   ordered?             : " << (this->is_ordered() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   estimation mode?     : " << (this->is_estimation_mode() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   theta (fraction)     : " << this->get_theta() << std::endl;
-  os << "   theta (raw 64-bit)   : " << this->theta_ << std::endl;
-  os << "   estimate             : " << this->get_estimate() << std::endl;
-  os << "   lower bound 95% conf : " << this->get_lower_bound(2) << std::endl;
-  os << "   upper bound 95% conf : " << this->get_upper_bound(2) << std::endl;
-  os << "### End sketch summary" << std::endl;
-  if (print_items) {
-    os << "### Retained keys" << std::endl;
-    for (auto key: *this) os << "   " << key << std::endl;
-    os << "### End retained keys" << std::endl;
-  }
-  return os.str();
+uint64_t compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_theta64() const {
+  return theta_;
 template<typename A>
+uint32_t compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_num_retained() const {
+  return entries_.size();
+template<typename A>
+uint16_t compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash() const {
+  return seed_hash_;
+template<typename A>
+auto compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::begin() -> iterator {
+  return iterator(, entries_.size(), 0);
+template<typename A>
+auto compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::end() -> iterator {
+  return iterator(nullptr, 0, entries_.size());
+template<typename A>
+auto compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::begin() const -> const_iterator {
+  return const_iterator(, entries_.size(), 0);
+template<typename A>
+auto compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::end() const -> const_iterator {
+  return const_iterator(nullptr, 0, entries_.size());
+template<typename A>
+void compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::print_specifics(ostrstream&) const {}
+template<typename A>
 void compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::serialize(std::ostream& os) const {
-  const bool is_single_item = keys_.size() == 1 && !this->is_estimation_mode();
+  const bool is_single_item = entries_.size() == 1 && !this->is_estimation_mode();
   const uint8_t preamble_longs = this->is_empty() || is_single_item ? 1 : this->is_estimation_mode() ? 3 : 2;
   os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&preamble_longs), sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  const uint8_t serial_version = theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION;
+  const uint8_t serial_version = SERIAL_VERSION;
   os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&serial_version), sizeof(serial_version));
   const uint8_t type = SKETCH_TYPE;
   os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&type), sizeof(type));
   const uint16_t unused16 = 0;
   os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&unused16), sizeof(unused16));
   const uint8_t flags_byte(
-    (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_COMPACT) |
-    (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_READ_ONLY) |
-    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY : 0) |
-    (this->is_ordered() ? 1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_ORDERED : 0)
+    (1 << flags::IS_COMPACT) |
+    (1 << flags::IS_READ_ONLY) |
+    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << flags::IS_EMPTY : 0) |
+    (this->is_ordered() ? 1 << flags::IS_ORDERED : 0)
   os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&flags_byte), sizeof(flags_byte));
   const uint16_t seed_hash = get_seed_hash();
-  os.write((char*)&seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
+  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&seed_hash), sizeof(seed_hash));
   if (!this->is_empty()) {
     if (!is_single_item) {
-      const uint32_t num_keys = keys_.size();
-      os.write((char*)&num_keys, sizeof(num_keys));
+      const uint32_t num_entries = entries_.size();
+      os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&num_entries), sizeof(num_entries));
       const uint32_t unused32 = 0;
-      os.write((char*)&unused32, sizeof(unused32));
+      os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&unused32), sizeof(unused32));
       if (this->is_estimation_mode()) {
-        os.write((char*)&(this->theta_), sizeof(uint64_t));
+        os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&(this->theta_)), sizeof(uint64_t));
-    os.write((char*), sizeof(uint64_t) * keys_.size());
+    os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, entries_.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
 template<typename A>
-vector_u8<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes) const {
-  const bool is_single_item = keys_.size() == 1 && !this->is_estimation_mode();
+auto compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes) const -> vector_bytes {
+  const bool is_single_item = entries_.size() == 1 && !this->is_estimation_mode();
   const uint8_t preamble_longs = this->is_empty() || is_single_item ? 1 : this->is_estimation_mode() ? 3 : 2;
-  const size_t size = header_size_bytes + sizeof(uint64_t) * preamble_longs + sizeof(uint64_t) * keys_.size();
-  vector_u8<A> bytes(size);
+  const size_t size = header_size_bytes + sizeof(uint64_t) * preamble_longs
+      + sizeof(uint64_t) * entries_.size();
+  vector_bytes bytes(size, 0, entries_.get_allocator());
   uint8_t* ptr = + header_size_bytes;
   ptr += copy_to_mem(&preamble_longs, ptr, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  const uint8_t serial_version = theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION;
+  const uint8_t serial_version = SERIAL_VERSION;
   ptr += copy_to_mem(&serial_version, ptr, sizeof(serial_version));
   const uint8_t type = SKETCH_TYPE;
   ptr += copy_to_mem(&type, ptr, sizeof(type));
   const uint16_t unused16 = 0;
   ptr += copy_to_mem(&unused16, ptr, sizeof(unused16));
   const uint8_t flags_byte(
-    (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_COMPACT) |
-    (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_READ_ONLY) |
-    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY : 0) |
-    (this->is_ordered() ? 1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_ORDERED : 0)
+    (1 << flags::IS_COMPACT) |
+    (1 << flags::IS_READ_ONLY) |
+    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << flags::IS_EMPTY : 0) |
+    (this->is_ordered() ? 1 << flags::IS_ORDERED : 0)
   ptr += copy_to_mem(&flags_byte, ptr, sizeof(flags_byte));
   const uint16_t seed_hash = get_seed_hash();
   ptr += copy_to_mem(&seed_hash, ptr, sizeof(seed_hash));
   if (!this->is_empty()) {
     if (!is_single_item) {
-      const uint32_t num_keys = keys_.size();
-      ptr += copy_to_mem(&num_keys, ptr, sizeof(num_keys));
+      const uint32_t num_entries = entries_.size();
+      ptr += copy_to_mem(&num_entries, ptr, sizeof(num_entries));
       const uint32_t unused32 = 0;
       ptr += copy_to_mem(&unused32, ptr, sizeof(unused32));
       if (this->is_estimation_mode()) {
-        ptr += copy_to_mem(&(this->theta_), ptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
+        ptr += copy_to_mem(&theta_, ptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
-    ptr += copy_to_mem(, ptr, sizeof(uint64_t) * keys_.size());
+    ptr += copy_to_mem(, ptr, entries_.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
   return bytes;
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed) {
+compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator) {
   uint8_t preamble_longs;
-*)&preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
+<char*>(&preamble_longs), sizeof(preamble_longs));
   uint8_t serial_version;
-*)&serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
+<char*>(&serial_version), sizeof(serial_version));
   uint8_t type;
-*)&type, sizeof(type));
+<char*>(&type), sizeof(type));
   uint16_t unused16;
-*)&unused16, sizeof(unused16));
+<char*>(&unused16), sizeof(unused16));
   uint8_t flags_byte;
-*)&flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
+<char*>(&flags_byte), sizeof(flags_byte));
   uint16_t seed_hash;
-*)&seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_serial_version(serial_version, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION);
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
-  if (!is_empty) theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash(seed));
-  return internal_deserialize(is, preamble_longs, flags_byte, seed_hash);
+<char*>(&seed_hash), sizeof(seed_hash));
+  checker<true>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
+  checker<true>::check_serial_version(serial_version, SERIAL_VERSION);
+  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_EMPTY);
+  if (!is_empty) checker<true>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, compute_seed_hash(seed));
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(std::istream& is, uint8_t preamble_longs, uint8_t flags_byte, uint16_t seed_hash) {
-  uint64_t theta = theta_sketch_alloc<A>::MAX_THETA;
-  uint32_t num_keys = 0;
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
+  uint64_t theta = theta_constants::MAX_THETA;
+  uint32_t num_entries = 0;
   if (!is_empty) {
     if (preamble_longs == 1) {
-      num_keys = 1;
+      num_entries = 1;
     } else {
-*)&num_keys, sizeof(num_keys));
+<char*>(&num_entries), sizeof(num_entries));
       uint32_t unused32;
-*)&unused32, sizeof(unused32));
+<char*>(&unused32), sizeof(unused32));
       if (preamble_longs > 2) {
-*)&theta, sizeof(theta));
+<char*>(&theta), sizeof(theta));
-  vector_u64<A> keys(num_keys);
-  if (!is_empty)*), sizeof(uint64_t) * keys.size());
+  std::vector<uint64_t, A> entries(num_entries, 0, allocator);
+  if (!is_empty)<char*>(, sizeof(uint64_t) * entries.size());
-  const bool is_ordered = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_ORDERED);
-  if (!is.good()) throw std::runtime_error("error reading from std::istream"); 
-  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta, std::move(keys), seed_hash, is_ordered);
+  const bool is_ordered = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_ORDERED);
+  if (!is.good()) throw std::runtime_error("error reading from std::istream");
+  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc(is_empty, is_ordered, seed_hash, theta, std::move(entries));
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed) {
+compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator) {
   ensure_minimum_memory(size, 8);
   const char* ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bytes);
+  const char* base = ptr;
   uint8_t preamble_longs;
   ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
   uint8_t serial_version;
@@ -804,28 +452,19 @@
   ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
   uint16_t seed_hash;
   ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
-  theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_serial_version(serial_version, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::SERIAL_VERSION);
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
-  if (!is_empty) theta_sketch_alloc<A>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, theta_sketch_alloc<A>::get_seed_hash(seed));
-  return internal_deserialize(ptr, size - (ptr - static_cast<const char*>(bytes)), preamble_longs, flags_byte, seed_hash);
+  checker<true>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
+  checker<true>::check_serial_version(serial_version, SERIAL_VERSION);
+  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_EMPTY);
+  if (!is_empty) checker<true>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, compute_seed_hash(seed));
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::internal_deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint8_t preamble_longs, uint8_t flags_byte, uint16_t seed_hash) {
-  const char* ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bytes);
-  const char* base = ptr;
-  uint64_t theta = theta_sketch_alloc<A>::MAX_THETA;
-  uint32_t num_keys = 0;
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_EMPTY);
+  uint64_t theta = theta_constants::MAX_THETA;
+  uint32_t num_entries = 0;
   if (!is_empty) {
     if (preamble_longs == 1) {
-      num_keys = 1;
+      num_entries = 1;
     } else {
       ensure_minimum_memory(size, 8); // read the first prelong before this method
-      ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &num_keys, sizeof(num_keys));
+      ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &num_entries, sizeof(num_entries));
       uint32_t unused32;
       ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &unused32, sizeof(unused32));
       if (preamble_longs > 2) {
@@ -834,106 +473,16 @@
-  const size_t keys_size_bytes = sizeof(uint64_t) * num_keys;
-  check_memory_size(ptr - base + keys_size_bytes, size);
-  vector_u64<A> keys(num_keys);
-  if (!is_empty) ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr,, keys_size_bytes);
+  const size_t entries_size_bytes = sizeof(uint64_t) * num_entries;
+  check_memory_size(ptr - base + entries_size_bytes, size);
+  std::vector<uint64_t, A> entries(num_entries, 0, allocator);
+  if (!is_empty) ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr,, entries_size_bytes);
-  const bool is_ordered = flags_byte & (1 << theta_sketch_alloc<A>::flags::IS_ORDERED);
-  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(is_empty, theta, std::move(keys), seed_hash, is_ordered);
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::begin() const {
-  return typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator(, keys_.size(), 0);
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::end() const {
-  return typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator(, keys_.size(), keys_.size());
-// builder
-template<typename A>
-template<typename A>
-typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder& update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::set_lg_k(uint8_t lg_k) {
-  if (lg_k < MIN_LG_K) {
-    throw std::invalid_argument("lg_k must not be less than " + std::to_string(MIN_LG_K) + ": " + std::to_string(lg_k));
-  }
-  lg_k_ = lg_k;
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder& update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::set_resize_factor(resize_factor rf) {
-  rf_ = rf;
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder& update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::set_p(float p) {
-  p_ = p;
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder& update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::set_seed(uint64_t seed) {
-  seed_ = seed;
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-uint8_t update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::starting_sub_multiple(uint8_t lg_tgt, uint8_t lg_min, uint8_t lg_rf) {
-  return (lg_tgt <= lg_min) ? lg_min : (lg_rf == 0) ? lg_tgt : ((lg_tgt - lg_min) % lg_rf) + lg_min;
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder::build() const {
-  return update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(starting_sub_multiple(lg_k_ + 1, MIN_LG_K, static_cast<uint8_t>(rf_)), lg_k_, rf_, p_, seed_);
-// iterator
-template<typename A>
-theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator::const_iterator(const uint64_t* keys, uint32_t size, uint32_t index):
-keys_(keys), size_(size), index_(index) {
-  while (index_ < size_ && keys_[index_] == 0) ++index_;
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator& theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator::operator++() {
-  do {
-    ++index_;
-  } while (index_ < size_ && keys_[index_] == 0);
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator::operator++(int) {
-  const_iterator tmp(*this);
-  operator++();
-  return tmp;
-template<typename A>
-bool theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator::operator==(const const_iterator& other) const {
-  return index_ == other.index_;
-template<typename A>
-bool theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator::operator!=(const const_iterator& other) const {
-  return index_ != other.index_;
-template<typename A>
-uint64_t theta_sketch_alloc<A>::const_iterator::operator*() const {
-  return keys_[index_];
+  const bool is_ordered = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_ORDERED);
+  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc(is_empty, is_ordered, seed_hash, theta, std::move(entries));
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_union.hpp b/theta/include/theta_union.hpp
index 6cf8ccc..74716e0 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_union.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_union.hpp
@@ -20,103 +20,69 @@
-#include <memory>
-#include <functional>
-#include <climits>
+#include "serde.hpp"
 #include "theta_sketch.hpp"
+#include "theta_union_base.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
-template<typename A>
+template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
 class theta_union_alloc {
-  class builder;
+  using Entry = uint64_t;
+  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
+  using Sketch = theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  using CompactSketch = compact_theta_sketch_alloc<Allocator>;
+  using resize_factor = theta_constants::resize_factor;
+  struct pass_through_policy {
+    uint64_t operator()(uint64_t internal_entry, uint64_t incoming_entry) const {
+      unused(incoming_entry);
+      return internal_entry;
+    }
+  };
+  using State = theta_union_base<Entry, ExtractKey, pass_through_policy, Sketch, CompactSketch, Allocator>;
   // No constructor here. Use builder instead.
+  class builder;
    * This method is to update the union with a given sketch
    * @param sketch to update the union with
-  void update(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& sketch);
+  void update(const Sketch& sketch);
    * This method produces a copy of the current state of the union as a compact sketch.
    * @param ordered optional flag to specify if ordered sketch should be produced
    * @return the result of the union
-  compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> get_result(bool ordered = true) const;
+  CompactSketch get_result(bool ordered = true) const;
-  bool is_empty_;
-  uint64_t theta_;
-  update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> state_;
+  State state_;
   // for builder
-  theta_union_alloc(uint64_t theta, update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>&& state);
+  theta_union_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const Allocator& allocator);
-// builder
 template<typename A>
-class theta_union_alloc<A>::builder {
+class theta_union_alloc<A>::builder: public theta_base_builder<builder, A> {
-  typedef typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::resize_factor resize_factor;
-  /**
-   * Set log2(k), where k is a nominal number of entries in the sketch
-   * @param lg_k base 2 logarithm of nominal number of entries
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_lg_k(uint8_t lg_k);
-  /**
-   * Set resize factor for the internal hash table (defaults to 8)
-   * @param rf resize factor
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_resize_factor(resize_factor rf);
-  /**
-   * Set sampling probability (initial theta). The default is 1, so the sketch retains
-   * all entries until it reaches the limit, at which point it goes into the estimation mode
-   * and reduces the effective sampling probability (theta) as necessary.
-   * @param p sampling probability
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_p(float p);
-  /**
-   * Set the seed for the hash function. Should be used carefully if needed.
-   * Sketches produced with different seed are not compatible
-   * and cannot be mixed in set operations.
-   * @param seed hash seed
-   * @return this builder
-   */
-  builder& set_seed(uint64_t seed);
+  builder(const A& allocator = A());
    * This is to create an instance of the union with predefined parameters.
-   * @return and instance of the union
+   * @return an instance of the union
   theta_union_alloc<A> build() const;
-  typename update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>::builder sketch_builder;
 // alias with default allocator for convenience
-typedef theta_union_alloc<std::allocator<void>> theta_union;
+using theta_union = theta_union_alloc<std::allocator<uint64_t>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
 #include "theta_union_impl.hpp"
-# endif
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_union_base.hpp b/theta/include/theta_union_base.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from tuple/include/theta_union_base.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_union_base.hpp
index 3072630..d41f5bd 100644
--- a/tuple/include/theta_union_base.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_union_base.hpp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   typename Policy,
   typename Sketch,
   typename CompactSketch,
-  typename Allocator = std::allocator<Entry>
+  typename Allocator
 class theta_union_base {
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
similarity index 97%
rename from tuple/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
index a86ba3e..ec8ce56 100644
--- a/tuple/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
  * under the License.
 #include <algorithm>
 #include "conditional_forward.hpp"
@@ -82,3 +85,5 @@
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/theta/include/theta_union_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_union_impl.hpp
index 4d8ebaa..88de353 100644
--- a/theta/include/theta_union_impl.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_union_impl.hpp
@@ -22,86 +22,29 @@
 namespace datasketches {
- * author Alexander Saydakov
- * author Lee Rhodes
- * author Kevin Lang
- */
+template<typename A>
+theta_union_alloc<A>::theta_union_alloc(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
+state_(lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, rf, theta, seed, pass_through_policy(), allocator)
 template<typename A>
-theta_union_alloc<A>::theta_union_alloc(uint64_t theta, update_theta_sketch_alloc<A>&& state):
-is_empty_(true), theta_(theta), state_(std::move(state)) {}
-template<typename A>
-void theta_union_alloc<A>::update(const theta_sketch_alloc<A>& sketch) {
-  if (sketch.is_empty()) return;
-  if (sketch.get_seed_hash() != state_.get_seed_hash()) throw std::invalid_argument("seed hash mismatch");
-  is_empty_ = false;
-  if (sketch.get_theta64() < theta_) theta_ = sketch.get_theta64();
-  if (sketch.is_ordered()) {
-    for (auto hash: sketch) {
-      if (hash >= theta_) break; // early stop
-      state_.internal_update(hash);
-    }
-  } else {
-    for (auto hash: sketch) if (hash < theta_) state_.internal_update(hash);
-  }
-  if (state_.get_theta64() < theta_) theta_ = state_.get_theta64();
+void theta_union_alloc<A>::update(const Sketch& sketch) {
+  state_.update(sketch);
 template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A> theta_union_alloc<A>::get_result(bool ordered) const {
-  if (is_empty_) return state_.compact(ordered);
-  const uint32_t nom_num_keys = 1 << state_.lg_nom_size_;
-  if (theta_ >= state_.theta_ && state_.get_num_retained() <= nom_num_keys) return state_.compact(ordered);
-  uint64_t theta = std::min(theta_, state_.get_theta64());
-  vector_u64<A> keys(state_.get_num_retained());
-  uint32_t num_keys = 0;
-  for (auto key: state_) {
-    if (key < theta) keys[num_keys++] = key;
-  }
-  if (num_keys > nom_num_keys) {
-    std::nth_element(keys.begin(), keys.begin() + nom_num_keys, keys.begin() + num_keys);
-    theta = keys[nom_num_keys];
-    num_keys = nom_num_keys;
-  }
-  if (num_keys != state_.get_num_retained()) {
-    keys.resize(num_keys);
-  }
-  if (ordered) std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
-  return compact_theta_sketch_alloc<A>(false, theta, std::move(keys), state_.get_seed_hash(), ordered);
-// builder
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_union_alloc<A>::builder& theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::set_lg_k(uint8_t lg_k) {
-  sketch_builder.set_lg_k(lg_k);
-  return *this;
+auto theta_union_alloc<A>::get_result(bool ordered) const -> CompactSketch {
+  return state_.get_result(ordered);
 template<typename A>
-typename theta_union_alloc<A>::builder& theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::set_resize_factor(resize_factor rf) {
-  sketch_builder.set_resize_factor(rf);
-  return *this;
+theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::builder(const A& allocator): theta_base_builder<builder, A>(allocator) {}
 template<typename A>
-typename theta_union_alloc<A>::builder& theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::set_p(float p) {
-  sketch_builder.set_p(p);
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-typename theta_union_alloc<A>::builder& theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::set_seed(uint64_t seed) {
-  sketch_builder.set_seed(seed);
-  return *this;
-template<typename A>
-theta_union_alloc<A> theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::build() const {
-  update_theta_sketch_alloc<A> sketch =;
-  return theta_union_alloc(sketch.get_theta64(), std::move(sketch));
+auto theta_union_alloc<A>::builder::build() const -> theta_union_alloc {
+  return theta_union_alloc(
+      this->starting_sub_multiple(this->lg_k_ + 1, this->MIN_LG_K, static_cast<uint8_t>(this->rf_)),
+      this->lg_k_, this->rf_, this->starting_theta(), this->seed_, this->allocator_);
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp b/theta/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
similarity index 95%
rename from tuple/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
index 425a8bd..337f68f 100644
--- a/tuple/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   typename Entry,
   typename ExtractKey,
-  typename Allocator = std::allocator<Entry>
+  typename Allocator
 struct theta_update_sketch_base {
   using resize_factor = theta_constants::resize_factor;
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
   static uint8_t starting_sub_multiple(uint8_t lg_tgt, uint8_t lg_min, uint8_t lg_rf);
-// key extractors
+// key extractor
 struct trivial_extract_key {
   template<typename T>
@@ -156,17 +156,7 @@
-template<typename K, typename V>
-struct pair_extract_key {
-  K& operator()(std::pair<K, V>& entry) const {
-    return entry.first;
-  }
-  const K& operator()(const std::pair<K, V>& entry) const {
-    return entry.first;
-  }
-// not zero
+// key not zero
 template<typename Entry, typename ExtractKey>
 class key_not_zero {
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp b/theta/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from tuple/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
rename to theta/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
index bbf845b..a343c78 100644
--- a/tuple/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
+++ b/theta/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
  * under the License.
 #include <iostream>
 #include <sstream>
 #include <algorithm>
@@ -387,3 +390,5 @@
 } /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/theta/test/CMakeLists.txt b/theta/test/CMakeLists.txt
index c7d3a5d..7df65c4 100644
--- a/theta/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/theta/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,4 +42,5 @@
+    theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
diff --git a/tuple/test/theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp b/theta/test/theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
similarity index 97%
rename from tuple/test/theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
rename to theta/test/theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
index fda1a6d..9354d1c 100644
--- a/tuple/test/theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
+++ b/theta/test/theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
@@ -20,12 +20,11 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <catch.hpp>
-#include <jaccard_similarity.hpp>
+#include "theta_jaccard_similarity.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
 TEST_CASE("theta jaccard: empty", "[theta_sketch]") {
   auto sk_a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
   auto sk_b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
diff --git a/theta/test/theta_sketch_test.cpp b/theta/test/theta_sketch_test.cpp
index 6fc4ac7..f817a3e 100644
--- a/theta/test/theta_sketch_test.cpp
+++ b/theta/test/theta_sketch_test.cpp
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
  * under the License.
-#include <catch.hpp>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <sstream>
+#include <catch.hpp>
 #include <theta_sketch.hpp>
 namespace datasketches {
@@ -134,75 +134,7 @@
   REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) > n);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize update empty from java as base", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketchptr = theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketchptr->is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize update empty from java as subclass", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketch = update_theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize update estimation from java as base", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketchptr = theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketchptr->is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_num_retained() == 5324);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_estimate() == Approx(10000.0).margin(10000 * 0.01));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(1) < 10000);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(1) > 10000);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize update estimation from java as subclass", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketch = update_theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 5324);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == Approx(10000.0).margin(10000 * 0.01));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(1) < 10000);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) > 10000);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact empty from java as base", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketchptr = theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketchptr->is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact empty from java as subclass", "[theta_sketch]") {
+TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact empty from java", "[theta_sketch]") {
   std::ifstream is;
   is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
@@ -216,21 +148,7 @@
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize single item from java as base", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketchptr = theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketchptr->is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketchptr->is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_num_retained() == 1);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_estimate() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(1) == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(1) == 1.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize single item from java as subclass", "[theta_sketch]") {
+TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize single item from java", "[theta_sketch]") {
   std::ifstream is;
   is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
@@ -244,55 +162,21 @@
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 1.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact estimation from java as base", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketchptr = theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketchptr->is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_num_retained() == 4342);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_theta() == Approx(0.531700444213199).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_estimate() == Approx(8166.25234614053).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(2) == Approx(7996.956955317471).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(2) == Approx(8339.090301078124).margin(1e-10));
-  // the same construction process in Java must have produced exactly the same sketch
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  const int n = 8192;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_num_retained() == update_sketch.get_num_retained());
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_theta() == Approx(update_sketch.get_theta()).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_estimate() == Approx(update_sketch.get_estimate()).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(1) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(1) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(2) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(2)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(2) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(2)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_lower_bound(3) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(3)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketchptr->get_upper_bound(3) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(3)).margin(1e-10));
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
-  auto iter = sketchptr->begin();
-  for (auto key: compact_sketch) {
-    REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-    ++iter;
-  }
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact estimation from java as subclass", "[theta_sketch]") {
+TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact estimation from java", "[theta_sketch]") {
   std::ifstream is;
   is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit); + "", std::ios::binary);
   auto sketch = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
+  REQUIRE(sketch.is_ordered());
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 4342);
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_theta() == Approx(0.531700444213199).margin(1e-10));
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == Approx(8166.25234614053).margin(1e-10));
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(2) == Approx(7996.956955317471).margin(1e-10));
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(2) == Approx(8339.090301078124).margin(1e-10));
+  // the same construction process in Java must have produced exactly the same sketch
   update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
   const int n = 8192;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
@@ -305,132 +189,51 @@
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(2) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(2)).margin(1e-10));
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(3) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(3)).margin(1e-10));
   REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(3) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(3)).margin(1e-10));
+  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
+  // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
+  auto iter = sketch.begin();
+  for (const auto& key: compact_sketch) {
+    REQUIRE(*iter == key);
+    ++iter;
+  }
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: serialize deserialize stream and bytes equivalency", "[theta_sketch]") {
+TEST_CASE("theta sketch: serialize deserialize stream and bytes equivalence", "[theta_sketch]") {
   update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
   const int n = 8192;
   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
-  // update sketch stream and bytes comparison
-  {
-    std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
-    update_sketch.serialize(s);
-    auto bytes = update_sketch.serialize();
-    REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()));
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); ++i) {
-      REQUIRE(((char*)[i] == (char)s.get());
-    }
-    // deserialize as base class
-    {
-      s.seekg(0); // rewind
-      auto deserialized_sketch_ptr1 = theta_sketch::deserialize(s);
-      auto deserialized_sketch_ptr2 = theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size());
-      REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellg()));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->is_empty() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->is_empty());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->is_ordered() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->is_ordered());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_num_retained() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_num_retained());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_theta() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_theta());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_estimate() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_estimate());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_lower_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_lower_bound(1));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_upper_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_upper_bound(1));
-      // hash tables must be identical since they are restored from dumps, and iteration is deterministic
-      auto iter = deserialized_sketch_ptr1->begin();
-      for (auto key: *deserialized_sketch_ptr2) {
-        REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-        ++iter;
-      }
-    }
-    // deserialize as subclass
-    {
-      s.seekg(0); // rewind
-      update_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::deserialize(s);
-      update_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size());
-      REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellg()));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_empty() == deserialized_sketch1.is_empty());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_ordered() == deserialized_sketch1.is_ordered());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_num_retained() == deserialized_sketch1.get_num_retained());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_theta() == deserialized_sketch1.get_theta());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_estimate() == deserialized_sketch1.get_estimate());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_lower_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_lower_bound(1));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_upper_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_upper_bound(1));
-      // hash tables must be identical since they are restored from dumps, and iteration is deterministic
-      auto iter = deserialized_sketch1.begin();
-      for (auto key: deserialized_sketch2) {
-        REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-        ++iter;
-      }
-    }
+  std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
+  update_sketch.compact().serialize(s);
+  auto bytes = update_sketch.compact().serialize();
+  REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()));
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); ++i) {
+    REQUIRE(((char*)[i] == (char)s.get());
-  // compact sketch stream and bytes comparison
-  {
-    std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
-    update_sketch.compact().serialize(s);
-    auto bytes = update_sketch.compact().serialize();
-    REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()));
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); ++i) {
-      REQUIRE(((char*)[i] == (char)s.get());
-    }
-    // deserialize as base class
-    {
-      s.seekg(0); // rewind
-      auto deserialized_sketch_ptr1 = theta_sketch::deserialize(s);
-      auto deserialized_sketch_ptr2 = theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size());
-      REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellg()));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->is_empty() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->is_empty());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->is_ordered() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->is_ordered());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_num_retained() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_num_retained());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_theta() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_theta());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_estimate() == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_estimate());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_lower_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_lower_bound(1));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch_ptr2->get_upper_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch_ptr1->get_upper_bound(1));
-      // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
-      auto iter = deserialized_sketch_ptr1->begin();
-      for (auto key: *deserialized_sketch_ptr2) {
-        REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-        ++iter;
-      }
-    }
-    // deserialize as subclass
-    {
-      s.seekg(0); // rewind
-      compact_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch1 = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(s);
-      compact_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch2 = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size());
-      REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellg()));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_empty() == deserialized_sketch1.is_empty());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_ordered() == deserialized_sketch1.is_ordered());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_num_retained() == deserialized_sketch1.get_num_retained());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_theta() == deserialized_sketch1.get_theta());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_estimate() == deserialized_sketch1.get_estimate());
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_lower_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_lower_bound(1));
-      REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_upper_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_upper_bound(1));
-      // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
-      auto iter = deserialized_sketch1.begin();
-      for (auto key: deserialized_sketch2) {
-        REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-        ++iter;
-      }
-    }
+  s.seekg(0); // rewind
+  compact_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch1 = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(s);
+  compact_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch2 = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size());
+  REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellg()));
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_empty() == deserialized_sketch1.is_empty());
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_ordered() == deserialized_sketch1.is_ordered());
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_num_retained() == deserialized_sketch1.get_num_retained());
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_theta() == deserialized_sketch1.get_theta());
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_estimate() == deserialized_sketch1.get_estimate());
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_lower_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_lower_bound(1));
+  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_upper_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_upper_bound(1));
+  // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
+  auto iter = deserialized_sketch1.begin();
+  for (auto key: deserialized_sketch2) {
+    REQUIRE(*iter == key);
+    ++iter;
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize update single item buffer overrun", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  update_sketch.update(1);
-  theta_sketch::vector_bytes bytes = update_sketch.serialize();
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(update_theta_sketch::deserialize(, 7), std::out_of_range);
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(update_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1), std::out_of_range);
 TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact single item buffer overrun", "[theta_sketch]") {
   update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  theta_sketch::vector_bytes bytes = update_sketch.compact().serialize();
+  auto bytes = update_sketch.compact().serialize();
   REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, 7), std::out_of_range);
   REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1), std::out_of_range);
diff --git a/tuple/CMakeLists.txt b/tuple/CMakeLists.txt
index ea03566..2c3f111 100644
--- a/tuple/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tuple/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-target_link_libraries(tuple INTERFACE common)
+target_link_libraries(tuple INTERFACE common theta)
 target_compile_features(tuple INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
 set(tuple_HEADERS "")
@@ -37,23 +37,11 @@
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/tuple_union.hpp;include/tuple_union_impl.hpp")
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/tuple_intersection.hpp;include/tuple_intersection_impl.hpp")
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/tuple_a_not_b.hpp;include/tuple_a_not_b_impl.hpp")
+list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/tuple_jaccard_similarity.hpp")
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/array_of_doubles_sketch.hpp;include/array_of_doubles_sketch_impl.hpp")
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/array_of_doubles_union.hpp;include/array_of_doubles_union_impl.hpp")
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/array_of_doubles_intersection.hpp;include/array_of_doubles_intersection_impl.hpp")
 list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/array_of_doubles_a_not_b.hpp;include/array_of_doubles_a_not_b_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp;include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_union_base.hpp;include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_intersection_base.hpp;include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp;include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_sketch_experimental.hpp;include/theta_sketch_experimental_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_union_experimental.hpp;include/theta_union_experimental_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_intersection_experimental.hpp;include/theta_intersection_experimental_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_a_not_b_experimental.hpp;include/theta_a_not_b_experimental_impl.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/jaccard_similarity.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_comparators.hpp")
-list(APPEND tuple_HEADERS "include/theta_constants.hpp")
 install(TARGETS tuple
@@ -72,6 +60,7 @@
+    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/tuple_jaccard_similarity.hpp
@@ -80,25 +69,4 @@
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_update_sketch_base.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_update_sketch_base_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_union_base.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_union_base_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_intersection_base.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_intersection_base_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_set_difference_base.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_set_difference_base_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_sketch_experimental.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_sketch_experimental_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_union_experimental.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_union_experimental_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_intersection_experimental.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_intersection_experimental_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental_impl.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_sampled_sets.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/bounds_on_ratios_in_theta_sketched_sets.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/jaccard_similarity.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_comparators.hpp
-    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/theta_constants.hpp
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index ba35dc7..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include "theta_sketch_experimental.hpp"
-#include "theta_set_difference_base.hpp"
-namespace datasketches {
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
-class theta_a_not_b_experimental {
-  using Entry = uint64_t;
-  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
-  using CompactSketch = compact_theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  using State = theta_set_difference_base<Entry, ExtractKey, CompactSketch, Allocator>;
-  explicit theta_a_not_b_experimental(uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
-  /**
-   * Computes the a-not-b set operation given two sketches.
-   * @return the result of a-not-b
-   */
-  template<typename FwdSketch, typename Sketch>
-  CompactSketch compute(FwdSketch&& a, const Sketch& b, bool ordered = true) const;
-  State state_;
-} /* namespace datasketches */
-#include "theta_a_not_b_experimental_impl.hpp"
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental_impl.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental_impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fc321b..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_a_not_b_experimental_impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-namespace datasketches {
-template<typename A>
-theta_a_not_b_experimental<A>::theta_a_not_b_experimental(uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
-state_(seed, allocator)
-template<typename A>
-template<typename FwdSketch, typename Sketch>
-auto theta_a_not_b_experimental<A>::compute(FwdSketch&& a, const Sketch& b, bool ordered) const -> CompactSketch {
-  return state_.compute(std::forward<FwdSketch>(a), b, ordered);
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_intersection_experimental.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_intersection_experimental.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 293b2e9..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_intersection_experimental.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include "theta_sketch_experimental.hpp"
-#include "theta_intersection_base.hpp"
-namespace datasketches {
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
-class theta_intersection_experimental {
-  using Entry = uint64_t;
-  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
-  using Sketch = theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  using CompactSketch = compact_theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  struct pass_through_policy {
-    uint64_t operator()(uint64_t internal_entry, uint64_t incoming_entry) const {
-      unused(incoming_entry);
-      return internal_entry;
-    }
-  };
-  using State = theta_intersection_base<Entry, ExtractKey, pass_through_policy, Sketch, CompactSketch, Allocator>;
-  explicit theta_intersection_experimental(uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
-  /**
-   * Updates the intersection with a given sketch.
-   * The intersection can be viewed as starting from the "universe" set, and every update
-   * can reduce the current set to leave the overlapping subset only.
-   * @param sketch represents input set for the intersection
-   */
-  template<typename FwdSketch>
-  void update(FwdSketch&& sketch);
-  /**
-   * Produces a copy of the current state of the intersection.
-   * If update() was not called, the state is the infinite "universe",
-   * which is considered an undefined state, and throws an exception.
-   * @param ordered optional flag to specify if ordered sketch should be produced
-   * @return the result of the intersection
-   */
-  CompactSketch get_result(bool ordered = true) const;
-  /**
-   * Returns true if the state of the intersection is defined (not infinite "universe").
-   * @return true if the state is valid
-   */
-  bool has_result() const;
-  State state_;
-} /* namespace datasketches */
-#include "theta_intersection_experimental_impl.hpp"
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_intersection_experimental_impl.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_intersection_experimental_impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index e8bcfbb..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_intersection_experimental_impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-namespace datasketches {
-template<typename A>
-theta_intersection_experimental<A>::theta_intersection_experimental(uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
-state_(seed, pass_through_policy(), allocator)
-template<typename A>
-template<typename SS>
-void theta_intersection_experimental<A>::update(SS&& sketch) {
-  state_.update(std::forward<SS>(sketch));
-template<typename A>
-auto theta_intersection_experimental<A>::get_result(bool ordered) const -> CompactSketch {
-  return state_.get_result(ordered);
-template<typename A>
-bool theta_intersection_experimental<A>::has_result() const {
-  return state_.has_result();
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_sketch_experimental.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_sketch_experimental.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2056687..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_sketch_experimental.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include "theta_update_sketch_base.hpp"
-namespace datasketches {
-// experimental theta sketch derived from the same base as tuple sketch
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
-class theta_sketch_experimental {
-  using Entry = uint64_t;
-  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
-  using iterator = theta_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>;
-  using const_iterator = theta_const_iterator<Entry, ExtractKey>;
-  virtual ~theta_sketch_experimental() = default;
-  /**
-   * @return allocator
-   */
-  virtual Allocator get_allocator() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @return true if this sketch represents an empty set (not the same as no retained entries!)
-   */
-  virtual bool is_empty() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @return estimate of the distinct count of the input stream
-   */
-  double get_estimate() const;
-  /**
-   * Returns the approximate lower error bound given a number of standard deviations.
-   * This parameter is similar to the number of standard deviations of the normal distribution
-   * and corresponds to approximately 67%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals.
-   * @param num_std_devs number of Standard Deviations (1, 2 or 3)
-   * @return the lower bound
-   */
-  double get_lower_bound(uint8_t num_std_devs) const;
-  /**
-   * Returns the approximate upper error bound given a number of standard deviations.
-   * This parameter is similar to the number of standard deviations of the normal distribution
-   * and corresponds to approximately 67%, 95% and 99% confidence intervals.
-   * @param num_std_devs number of Standard Deviations (1, 2 or 3)
-   * @return the upper bound
-   */
-  double get_upper_bound(uint8_t num_std_devs) const;
-  /**
-   * @return true if the sketch is in estimation mode (as opposed to exact mode)
-   */
-  bool is_estimation_mode() const;
-  /**
-   * @return theta as a fraction from 0 to 1 (effective sampling rate)
-   */
-  double get_theta() const;
-  /**
-   * @return theta as a positive integer between 0 and LLONG_MAX
-   */
-  virtual uint64_t get_theta64() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @return the number of retained entries in the sketch
-   */
-  virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @return hash of the seed that was used to hash the input
-   */
-  virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * @return true if retained entries are ordered
-   */
-  virtual bool is_ordered() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * Provides a human-readable summary of this sketch as a string
-   * @param print_items if true include the list of items retained by the sketch
-   * @return sketch summary as a string
-   */
-  virtual string<Allocator> to_string(bool print_items = false) const;
-  /**
-   * Iterator over hash values in this sketch.
-   * @return begin iterator
-   */
-  virtual iterator begin() = 0;
-  /**
-   * Iterator pointing past the valid range.
-   * Not to be incremented or dereferenced.
-   * @return end iterator
-   */
-  virtual iterator end() = 0;
-  /**
-   * Const iterator over hash values in this sketch.
-   * @return begin iterator
-   */
-  virtual const_iterator begin() const = 0;
-  /**
-   * Const iterator pointing past the valid range.
-   * Not to be incremented or dereferenced.
-   * @return end iterator
-   */
-  virtual const_iterator end() const = 0;
-  virtual void print_specifics(std::ostringstream& os) const = 0;
-// forward declaration
-template<typename A> class compact_theta_sketch_experimental;
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
-class update_theta_sketch_experimental: public theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator> {
-  using Base = theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  using Entry = typename Base::Entry;
-  using ExtractKey = typename Base::ExtractKey;
-  using iterator = typename Base::iterator;
-  using const_iterator = typename Base::const_iterator;
-  using theta_table = theta_update_sketch_base<Entry, ExtractKey, Allocator>;
-  using resize_factor = typename theta_table::resize_factor;
-  // No constructor here. Use builder instead.
-  class builder;
-  update_theta_sketch_experimental(const update_theta_sketch_experimental&) = default;
-  update_theta_sketch_experimental(update_theta_sketch_experimental&&) noexcept = default;
-  virtual ~update_theta_sketch_experimental() = default;
-  update_theta_sketch_experimental& operator=(const update_theta_sketch_experimental&) = default;
-  update_theta_sketch_experimental& operator=(update_theta_sketch_experimental&&) = default;
-  virtual Allocator get_allocator() const;
-  virtual bool is_empty() const;
-  virtual bool is_ordered() const;
-  virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const;
-  virtual uint64_t get_theta64() const;
-  virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const;
-  /**
-   * @return configured nominal number of entries in the sketch
-   */
-  uint8_t get_lg_k() const;
-  /**
-   * @return configured resize factor of the sketch
-   */
-  resize_factor get_rf() const;
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given string.
-   * @param value string to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(const std::string& value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given unsigned 64-bit integer.
-   * @param value uint64_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(uint64_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given signed 64-bit integer.
-   * @param value int64_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(int64_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given unsigned 32-bit integer.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value uint32_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(uint32_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given signed 32-bit integer.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value int32_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(int32_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given unsigned 16-bit integer.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value uint16_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(uint16_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given signed 16-bit integer.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value int16_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(int16_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given unsigned 8-bit integer.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value uint8_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(uint8_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given signed 8-bit integer.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value int8_t to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(int8_t value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given double-precision floating point value.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value double to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(double value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with a given floating point value.
-   * For compatibility with Java implementation.
-   * @param value float to update the sketch with
-   */
-  void update(float value);
-  /**
-   * Update this sketch with given data of any type.
-   * This is a "universal" update that covers all cases above,
-   * but may produce different hashes.
-   * Be very careful to hash input values consistently using the same approach
-   * both over time and on different platforms
-   * and while passing sketches between C++ environment and Java environment.
-   * Otherwise two sketches that should represent overlapping sets will be disjoint
-   * For instance, for signed 32-bit values call update(int32_t) method above,
-   * which does widening conversion to int64_t, if compatibility with Java is expected
-   * @param data pointer to the data
-   * @param length of the data in bytes
-   */
-  void update(const void* data, size_t length);
-  /**
-   * Remove retained entries in excess of the nominal size k (if any)
-   */
-  void trim();
-  /**
-   * Converts this sketch to a compact sketch (ordered or unordered).
-   * @param ordered optional flag to specify if ordered sketch should be produced
-   * @return compact sketch
-   */
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator> compact(bool ordered = true) const;
-  virtual iterator begin();
-  virtual iterator end();
-  virtual const_iterator begin() const;
-  virtual const_iterator end() const;
-  theta_table table_;
-  // for builder
-  update_theta_sketch_experimental(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta,
-      uint64_t seed, const Allocator& allocator);
-  virtual void print_specifics(std::ostringstream& os) const;
-// compact sketch
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
-class compact_theta_sketch_experimental: public theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator> {
-  using Base = theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  using iterator = typename Base::iterator;
-  using const_iterator = typename Base::const_iterator;
-  using AllocBytes = typename std::allocator_traits<Allocator>::template rebind_alloc<uint8_t>;
-  using vector_bytes = std::vector<uint8_t, AllocBytes>;
-  static const uint8_t SERIAL_VERSION = 3;
-  static const uint8_t SKETCH_TYPE = 3;
-  // Instances of this type can be obtained:
-  // - by compacting an update_theta_sketch
-  // - as a result of a set operation
-  // - by deserializing a previously serialized compact sketch
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental(const Base& other, bool ordered);
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental(const compact_theta_sketch_experimental&) = default;
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental(compact_theta_sketch_experimental&&) noexcept = default;
-  virtual ~compact_theta_sketch_experimental() = default;
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental& operator=(const compact_theta_sketch_experimental&) = default;
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental& operator=(compact_theta_sketch_experimental&&) = default;
-  virtual Allocator get_allocator() const;
-  virtual bool is_empty() const;
-  virtual bool is_ordered() const;
-  virtual uint64_t get_theta64() const;
-  virtual uint32_t get_num_retained() const;
-  virtual uint16_t get_seed_hash() const;
-  /**
-   * This method serializes the sketch into a given stream in a binary form
-   * @param os output stream
-   */
-  void serialize(std::ostream& os) const;
-  /**
-   * This method serializes the sketch as a vector of bytes.
-   * An optional header can be reserved in front of the sketch.
-   * It is an uninitialized space of a given size.
-   * This header is used in Datasketches PostgreSQL extension.
-   * @param header_size_bytes space to reserve in front of the sketch
-   */
-  vector_bytes serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes = 0) const;
-  virtual iterator begin();
-  virtual iterator end();
-  virtual const_iterator begin() const;
-  virtual const_iterator end() const;
-  /**
-   * This method deserializes a sketch from a given stream.
-   * @param is input stream
-   * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of the sketch
-   */
-  static compact_theta_sketch_experimental deserialize(std::istream& is,
-      uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
-  /**
-   * This method deserializes a sketch from a given array of bytes.
-   * @param bytes pointer to the array of bytes
-   * @param size the size of the array
-   * @param seed the seed for the hash function that was used to create the sketch
-   * @return an instance of the sketch
-   */
-  static compact_theta_sketch_experimental deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size,
-      uint64_t seed = DEFAULT_SEED, const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
-  // for internal use
-  compact_theta_sketch_experimental(bool is_empty, bool is_ordered, uint16_t seed_hash, uint64_t theta, std::vector<uint64_t, Allocator>&& entries);
-  bool is_empty_;
-  bool is_ordered_;
-  uint16_t seed_hash_;
-  uint64_t theta_;
-  std::vector<uint64_t, Allocator> entries_;
-  virtual void print_specifics(std::ostringstream& os) const;
-template<typename Allocator>
-class update_theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>::builder: public theta_base_builder<builder, Allocator> {
-    builder(const Allocator& allocator = Allocator());
-    update_theta_sketch_experimental build() const;
-} /* namespace datasketches */
-#include "theta_sketch_experimental_impl.hpp"
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_sketch_experimental_impl.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_sketch_experimental_impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fa4652..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_sketch_experimental_impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <sstream>
-#include "serde.hpp"
-#include "binomial_bounds.hpp"
-#include "theta_helpers.hpp"
-namespace datasketches {
-template<typename A>
-bool theta_sketch_experimental<A>::is_estimation_mode() const {
-  return get_theta64() < theta_constants::MAX_THETA && !is_empty();
-template<typename A>
-double theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_theta() const {
-  return static_cast<double>(get_theta64()) / theta_constants::MAX_THETA;
-template<typename A>
-double theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_estimate() const {
-  return get_num_retained() / get_theta();
-template<typename A>
-double theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_lower_bound(uint8_t num_std_devs) const {
-  if (!is_estimation_mode()) return get_num_retained();
-  return binomial_bounds::get_lower_bound(get_num_retained(), get_theta(), num_std_devs);
-template<typename A>
-double theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_upper_bound(uint8_t num_std_devs) const {
-  if (!is_estimation_mode()) return get_num_retained();
-  return binomial_bounds::get_upper_bound(get_num_retained(), get_theta(), num_std_devs);
-template<typename A>
-string<A> theta_sketch_experimental<A>::to_string(bool detail) const {
-  std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<A>> os;
-  os << "### Theta sketch summary:" << std::endl;
-  os << "   num retained entries : " << get_num_retained() << std::endl;
-  os << "   seed hash            : " << get_seed_hash() << std::endl;
-  os << "   empty?               : " << (is_empty() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   ordered?             : " << (is_ordered() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   estimation mode?     : " << (is_estimation_mode() ? "true" : "false") << std::endl;
-  os << "   theta (fraction)     : " << get_theta() << std::endl;
-  os << "   theta (raw 64-bit)   : " << get_theta64() << std::endl;
-  os << "   estimate             : " << this->get_estimate() << std::endl;
-  os << "   lower bound 95% conf : " << this->get_lower_bound(2) << std::endl;
-  os << "   upper bound 95% conf : " << this->get_upper_bound(2) << std::endl;
-  print_specifics(os);
-  os << "### End sketch summary" << std::endl;
-  if (detail) {
-    os << "### Retained entries" << std::endl;
-    for (const auto& hash: *this) {
-      os << hash << std::endl;
-    }
-    os << "### End retained entries" << std::endl;
-  }
-  return os.str();
-// update sketch
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update_theta_sketch_experimental(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf,
-    uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
-table_(lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, rf, theta, seed, allocator)
-template<typename A>
-A update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_allocator() const {
-  return table_.allocator_;
-template<typename A>
-bool update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::is_empty() const {
-  return table_.is_empty_;
-template<typename A>
-bool update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::is_ordered() const {
-  return false;
-template<typename A>
-uint64_t update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_theta64() const {
-  return table_.theta_;
-template<typename A>
-uint32_t update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_num_retained() const {
-  return table_.num_entries_;
-template<typename A>
-uint16_t update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_seed_hash() const {
-  return compute_seed_hash(table_.seed_);
-template<typename A>
-uint8_t update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_lg_k() const {
-  return table_.lg_nom_size_;
-template<typename A>
-auto update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_rf() const -> resize_factor {
-  return table_.rf_;
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(uint64_t value) {
-  update(&value, sizeof(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(int64_t value) {
-  update(&value, sizeof(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(uint32_t value) {
-  update(static_cast<int32_t>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(int32_t value) {
-  update(static_cast<int64_t>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(uint16_t value) {
-  update(static_cast<int16_t>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(int16_t value) {
-  update(static_cast<int64_t>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(uint8_t value) {
-  update(static_cast<int8_t>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(int8_t value) {
-  update(static_cast<int64_t>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(double value) {
-  update(canonical_double(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(float value) {
-  update(static_cast<double>(value));
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(const std::string& value) {
-  if (value.empty()) return;
-  update(value.c_str(), value.length());
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::update(const void* data, size_t length) {
-  const uint64_t hash = table_.hash_and_screen(data, length);
-  if (hash == 0) return;
-  auto result = table_.find(hash);
-  if (!result.second) {
-    table_.insert(result.first, hash);
-  }
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::trim() {
-  table_.trim();
-template<typename A>
-auto update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::begin() -> iterator {
-  return iterator(table_.entries_, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_, 0);
-template<typename A>
-auto update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::end() -> iterator {
-  return iterator(nullptr, 0, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_);
-template<typename A>
-auto update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::begin() const -> const_iterator {
-  return const_iterator(table_.entries_, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_, 0);
-template<typename A>
-auto update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::end() const -> const_iterator {
-  return const_iterator(nullptr, 0, 1 << table_.lg_cur_size_);
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A> update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::compact(bool ordered) const {
-  return compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>(*this, ordered);
-template<typename A>
-void update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::print_specifics(std::ostringstream& os) const {
-  os << "   lg nominal size      : " << static_cast<int>(table_.lg_nom_size_) << std::endl;
-  os << "   lg current size      : " << static_cast<int>(table_.lg_cur_size_) << std::endl;
-  os << "   resize factor        : " << (1 << table_.rf_) << std::endl;
-// builder
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::builder::builder(const A& allocator): theta_base_builder<builder, A>(allocator) {}
-template<typename A>
-update_theta_sketch_experimental<A> update_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::builder::build() const {
-  return update_theta_sketch_experimental(this->starting_lg_size(), this->lg_k_, this->rf_, this->starting_theta(), this->seed_, this->allocator_);
-// experimental compact theta sketch
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::compact_theta_sketch_experimental(const Base& other, bool ordered):
-is_ordered_(other.is_ordered() || ordered),
-  entries_.reserve(other.get_num_retained());
-  std::copy(other.begin(), other.end(), std::back_inserter(entries_));
-  if (ordered && !other.is_ordered()) std::sort(entries_.begin(), entries_.end());
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::compact_theta_sketch_experimental(bool is_empty, bool is_ordered, uint16_t seed_hash, uint64_t theta,
-    std::vector<uint64_t, A>&& entries):
-template<typename A>
-A compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_allocator() const {
-  return entries_.get_allocator();
-template<typename A>
-bool compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::is_empty() const {
-  return is_empty_;
-template<typename A>
-bool compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::is_ordered() const {
-  return is_ordered_;
-template<typename A>
-uint64_t compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_theta64() const {
-  return theta_;
-template<typename A>
-uint32_t compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_num_retained() const {
-  return entries_.size();
-template<typename A>
-uint16_t compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::get_seed_hash() const {
-  return seed_hash_;
-template<typename A>
-auto compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::begin() -> iterator {
-  return iterator(, entries_.size(), 0);
-template<typename A>
-auto compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::end() -> iterator {
-  return iterator(nullptr, 0, entries_.size());
-template<typename A>
-auto compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::begin() const -> const_iterator {
-  return const_iterator(, entries_.size(), 0);
-template<typename A>
-auto compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::end() const -> const_iterator {
-  return const_iterator(nullptr, 0, entries_.size());
-template<typename A>
-void compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::print_specifics(std::ostringstream&) const {}
-template<typename A>
-void compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::serialize(std::ostream& os) const {
-  const bool is_single_item = entries_.size() == 1 && !this->is_estimation_mode();
-  const uint8_t preamble_longs = this->is_empty() || is_single_item ? 1 : this->is_estimation_mode() ? 3 : 2;
-  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&preamble_longs), sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  const uint8_t serial_version = SERIAL_VERSION;
-  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&serial_version), sizeof(serial_version));
-  const uint8_t type = SKETCH_TYPE;
-  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&type), sizeof(type));
-  const uint16_t unused16 = 0;
-  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&unused16), sizeof(unused16));
-  const uint8_t flags_byte(
-    (1 << flags::IS_COMPACT) |
-    (1 << flags::IS_READ_ONLY) |
-    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << flags::IS_EMPTY : 0) |
-    (this->is_ordered() ? 1 << flags::IS_ORDERED : 0)
-  );
-  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&flags_byte), sizeof(flags_byte));
-  const uint16_t seed_hash = get_seed_hash();
-  os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&seed_hash), sizeof(seed_hash));
-  if (!this->is_empty()) {
-    if (!is_single_item) {
-      const uint32_t num_entries = entries_.size();
-      os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&num_entries), sizeof(num_entries));
-      const uint32_t unused32 = 0;
-      os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&unused32), sizeof(unused32));
-      if (this->is_estimation_mode()) {
-        os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&(this->theta_)), sizeof(uint64_t));
-      }
-    }
-    os.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, entries_.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
-  }
-template<typename A>
-auto compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::serialize(unsigned header_size_bytes) const -> vector_bytes {
-  const bool is_single_item = entries_.size() == 1 && !this->is_estimation_mode();
-  const uint8_t preamble_longs = this->is_empty() || is_single_item ? 1 : this->is_estimation_mode() ? 3 : 2;
-  const size_t size = header_size_bytes + sizeof(uint64_t) * preamble_longs
-      + sizeof(uint64_t) * entries_.size();
-  vector_bytes bytes(size, 0, entries_.get_allocator());
-  uint8_t* ptr = + header_size_bytes;
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&preamble_longs, ptr, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  const uint8_t serial_version = SERIAL_VERSION;
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&serial_version, ptr, sizeof(serial_version));
-  const uint8_t type = SKETCH_TYPE;
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&type, ptr, sizeof(type));
-  const uint16_t unused16 = 0;
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&unused16, ptr, sizeof(unused16));
-  const uint8_t flags_byte(
-    (1 << flags::IS_COMPACT) |
-    (1 << flags::IS_READ_ONLY) |
-    (this->is_empty() ? 1 << flags::IS_EMPTY : 0) |
-    (this->is_ordered() ? 1 << flags::IS_ORDERED : 0)
-  );
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&flags_byte, ptr, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  const uint16_t seed_hash = get_seed_hash();
-  ptr += copy_to_mem(&seed_hash, ptr, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  if (!this->is_empty()) {
-    if (!is_single_item) {
-      const uint32_t num_entries = entries_.size();
-      ptr += copy_to_mem(&num_entries, ptr, sizeof(num_entries));
-      const uint32_t unused32 = 0;
-      ptr += copy_to_mem(&unused32, ptr, sizeof(unused32));
-      if (this->is_estimation_mode()) {
-        ptr += copy_to_mem(&theta_, ptr, sizeof(uint64_t));
-      }
-    }
-    ptr += copy_to_mem(, ptr, entries_.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
-  }
-  return bytes;
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A> compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::deserialize(std::istream& is, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator) {
-  uint8_t preamble_longs;
-<char*>(&preamble_longs), sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  uint8_t serial_version;
-<char*>(&serial_version), sizeof(serial_version));
-  uint8_t type;
-<char*>(&type), sizeof(type));
-  uint16_t unused16;
-<char*>(&unused16), sizeof(unused16));
-  uint8_t flags_byte;
-<char*>(&flags_byte), sizeof(flags_byte));
-  uint16_t seed_hash;
-<char*>(&seed_hash), sizeof(seed_hash));
-  checker<true>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
-  checker<true>::check_serial_version(serial_version, SERIAL_VERSION);
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_EMPTY);
-  if (!is_empty) checker<true>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, compute_seed_hash(seed));
-  uint64_t theta = theta_constants::MAX_THETA;
-  uint32_t num_entries = 0;
-  if (!is_empty) {
-    if (preamble_longs == 1) {
-      num_entries = 1;
-    } else {
-<char*>(&num_entries), sizeof(num_entries));
-      uint32_t unused32;
-<char*>(&unused32), sizeof(unused32));
-      if (preamble_longs > 2) {
-<char*>(&theta), sizeof(theta));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  std::vector<uint64_t, A> entries(num_entries, 0, allocator);
-  if (!is_empty)<char*>(, sizeof(uint64_t) * entries.size());
-  const bool is_ordered = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_ORDERED);
-  if (!is.good()) throw std::runtime_error("error reading from std::istream");
-  return compact_theta_sketch_experimental(is_empty, is_ordered, seed_hash, theta, std::move(entries));
-template<typename A>
-compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A> compact_theta_sketch_experimental<A>::deserialize(const void* bytes, size_t size, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator) {
-  ensure_minimum_memory(size, 8);
-  const char* ptr = static_cast<const char*>(bytes);
-  const char* base = ptr;
-  uint8_t preamble_longs;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &preamble_longs, sizeof(preamble_longs));
-  uint8_t serial_version;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &serial_version, sizeof(serial_version));
-  uint8_t type;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &type, sizeof(type));
-  uint16_t unused16;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &unused16, sizeof(unused16));
-  uint8_t flags_byte;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &flags_byte, sizeof(flags_byte));
-  uint16_t seed_hash;
-  ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &seed_hash, sizeof(seed_hash));
-  checker<true>::check_sketch_type(type, SKETCH_TYPE);
-  checker<true>::check_serial_version(serial_version, SERIAL_VERSION);
-  const bool is_empty = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_EMPTY);
-  if (!is_empty) checker<true>::check_seed_hash(seed_hash, compute_seed_hash(seed));
-  uint64_t theta = theta_constants::MAX_THETA;
-  uint32_t num_entries = 0;
-  if (!is_empty) {
-    if (preamble_longs == 1) {
-      num_entries = 1;
-    } else {
-      ensure_minimum_memory(size, 8); // read the first prelong before this method
-      ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &num_entries, sizeof(num_entries));
-      uint32_t unused32;
-      ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &unused32, sizeof(unused32));
-      if (preamble_longs > 2) {
-        ensure_minimum_memory(size, (preamble_longs - 1) << 3);
-        ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr, &theta, sizeof(theta));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  const size_t entries_size_bytes = sizeof(uint64_t) * num_entries;
-  check_memory_size(ptr - base + entries_size_bytes, size);
-  std::vector<uint64_t, A> entries(num_entries, 0, allocator);
-  if (!is_empty) ptr += copy_from_mem(ptr,, entries_size_bytes);
-  const bool is_ordered = flags_byte & (1 << flags::IS_ORDERED);
-  return compact_theta_sketch_experimental(is_empty, is_ordered, seed_hash, theta, std::move(entries));
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_union_experimental.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_union_experimental.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0849f70..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_union_experimental.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include "serde.hpp"
-#include "tuple_sketch.hpp"
-#include "theta_union_base.hpp"
-#include "theta_sketch_experimental.hpp"
-namespace datasketches {
-// experimental theta union derived from the same base as tuple union
-template<typename Allocator = std::allocator<uint64_t>>
-class theta_union_experimental {
-  using Entry = uint64_t;
-  using ExtractKey = trivial_extract_key;
-  using Sketch = theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  using CompactSketch = compact_theta_sketch_experimental<Allocator>;
-  using resize_factor = theta_constants::resize_factor;
-  struct pass_through_policy {
-    uint64_t operator()(uint64_t internal_entry, uint64_t incoming_entry) const {
-      unused(incoming_entry);
-      return internal_entry;
-    }
-  };
-  using State = theta_union_base<Entry, ExtractKey, pass_through_policy, Sketch, CompactSketch, Allocator>;
-  // No constructor here. Use builder instead.
-  class builder;
-  /**
-   * This method is to update the union with a given sketch
-   * @param sketch to update the union with
-   */
-  void update(const Sketch& sketch);
-  /**
-   * This method produces a copy of the current state of the union as a compact sketch.
-   * @param ordered optional flag to specify if ordered sketch should be produced
-   * @return the result of the union
-   */
-  CompactSketch get_result(bool ordered = true) const;
-  State state_;
-  // for builder
-  theta_union_experimental(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const Allocator& allocator);
-template<typename A>
-class theta_union_experimental<A>::builder: public theta_base_builder<builder, A> {
-  builder(const A& allocator = A());
-  /**
-   * This is to create an instance of the union with predefined parameters.
-   * @return an instance of the union
-   */
-  theta_union_experimental<A> build() const;
-} /* namespace datasketches */
-#include "theta_union_experimental_impl.hpp"
diff --git a/tuple/include/theta_union_experimental_impl.hpp b/tuple/include/theta_union_experimental_impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index f80afe4..0000000
--- a/tuple/include/theta_union_experimental_impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-namespace datasketches {
-template<typename A>
-theta_union_experimental<A>::theta_union_experimental(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const A& allocator):
-state_(lg_cur_size, lg_nom_size, rf, theta, seed, pass_through_policy(), allocator)
-template<typename A>
-void theta_union_experimental<A>::update(const Sketch& sketch) {
-  state_.update(sketch);
-template<typename A>
-auto theta_union_experimental<A>::get_result(bool ordered) const -> CompactSketch {
-  return state_.get_result(ordered);
-template<typename A>
-theta_union_experimental<A>::builder::builder(const A& allocator): theta_base_builder<builder, A>(allocator) {}
-template<typename A>
-auto theta_union_experimental<A>::builder::build() const -> theta_union_experimental {
-  return theta_union_experimental(
-      this->starting_sub_multiple(this->lg_k_ + 1, this->MIN_LG_K, static_cast<uint8_t>(this->rf_)),
-      this->lg_k_, this->rf_, this->starting_theta(), this->seed_, this->allocator_);
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/test/theta_union_experimental_test.cpp b/tuple/include/tuple_jaccard_similarity.hpp
similarity index 60%
rename from tuple/test/theta_union_experimental_test.cpp
rename to tuple/include/tuple_jaccard_similarity.hpp
index c270a11..0a6633c 100644
--- a/tuple/test/theta_union_experimental_test.cpp
+++ b/tuple/include/tuple_jaccard_similarity.hpp
@@ -17,28 +17,22 @@
  * under the License.
-#include <iostream>
-#include <catch.hpp>
-#include <tuple_union.hpp>
-#include <theta_union_experimental.hpp>
+#include "theta_jaccard_similarity_base.hpp"
+#include "tuple_union.hpp"
+#include "tuple_intersection.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
-TEST_CASE("theta_union_exeperimental") {
-  auto update_sketch1 = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>::builder().build();
-  update_sketch1.update(1);
-  update_sketch1.update(2);
-  auto update_sketch2 = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>::builder().build();
-  update_sketch2.update(1);
-  update_sketch2.update(3);
-  auto u = theta_union_experimental<>::builder().build();
-  u.update(update_sketch1);
-  u.update(update_sketch2);
-  auto r = u.get_result();
+  typename Summary,
+  typename IntersectionPolicy,
+  typename UnionPolicy = default_union_policy<Summary>,
+  typename Allocator = std::allocator<Summary>>
+using tuple_jaccard_similarity = jaccard_similarity_base<tuple_union<Summary, UnionPolicy, Allocator>, tuple_intersection<Summary, IntersectionPolicy, Allocator>, pair_extract_key<uint64_t, Summary>>;
 } /* namespace datasketches */
+# endif
diff --git a/tuple/include/tuple_sketch.hpp b/tuple/include/tuple_sketch.hpp
index 4966b74..7777606 100644
--- a/tuple/include/tuple_sketch.hpp
+++ b/tuple/include/tuple_sketch.hpp
@@ -31,7 +31,17 @@
 template<typename S, typename A> class tuple_sketch;
 template<typename S, typename U, typename P, typename A> class update_tuple_sketch;
 template<typename S, typename A> class compact_tuple_sketch;
-template<typename A> class theta_sketch_experimental;
+template<typename A> class theta_sketch_alloc;
+template<typename K, typename V>
+struct pair_extract_key {
+  K& operator()(std::pair<K, V>& entry) const {
+    return entry.first;
+  }
+  const K& operator()(const std::pair<K, V>& entry) const {
+    return entry.first;
+  }
   typename Summary,
@@ -143,7 +153,8 @@
   virtual const_iterator end() const = 0;
-  virtual void print_specifics(std::basic_ostream<char>& os) const = 0;
+  using ostrstream = std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<Allocator>>;
+  virtual void print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const = 0;
   static uint16_t get_seed_hash(uint64_t seed);
@@ -333,7 +344,8 @@
   // for builder
   update_tuple_sketch(uint8_t lg_cur_size, uint8_t lg_nom_size, resize_factor rf, uint64_t theta, uint64_t seed, const Policy& policy, const Allocator& allocator);
-  virtual void print_specifics(std::basic_ostream<char>& os) const;
+  using ostrstream = typename Base::ostrstream;
+  virtual void print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const;
 // compact sketch
@@ -372,7 +384,7 @@
   compact_tuple_sketch& operator=(const compact_tuple_sketch&) = default;
   compact_tuple_sketch& operator=(compact_tuple_sketch&&) = default;
-  compact_tuple_sketch(const theta_sketch_experimental<AllocU64>& other, const Summary& summary, bool ordered = true);
+  compact_tuple_sketch(const theta_sketch_alloc<AllocU64>& other, const Summary& summary, bool ordered = true);
   virtual Allocator get_allocator() const;
   virtual bool is_empty() const;
@@ -461,7 +473,8 @@
     bool destroy_;
-  virtual void print_specifics(std::basic_ostream<char>& os) const;
+  using ostrstream = typename Base::ostrstream;
+  virtual void print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const;
diff --git a/tuple/include/tuple_sketch_impl.hpp b/tuple/include/tuple_sketch_impl.hpp
index 52e2ebf..51d79ad 100644
--- a/tuple/include/tuple_sketch_impl.hpp
+++ b/tuple/include/tuple_sketch_impl.hpp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 template<typename S, typename A>
 string<A> tuple_sketch<S, A>::to_string(bool detail) const {
-  std::basic_ostringstream<char, std::char_traits<char>, AllocChar<A>> os;
+  ostrstream os;
   os << "### Tuple sketch summary:" << std::endl;
   os << "   num retained entries : " << get_num_retained() << std::endl;
   os << "   seed hash            : " << get_seed_hash() << std::endl;
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 template<typename S, typename U, typename P, typename A>
-void update_tuple_sketch<S, U, P, A>::print_specifics(std::basic_ostream<char>& os) const {
+void update_tuple_sketch<S, U, P, A>::print_specifics(ostrstream& os) const {
   os << "   lg nominal size      : " << (int) map_.lg_nom_size_ << std::endl;
   os << "   lg current size      : " << (int) map_.lg_cur_size_ << std::endl;
   os << "   resize factor        : " << (1 << map_.rf_) << std::endl;
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
 template<typename S, typename A>
-compact_tuple_sketch<S, A>::compact_tuple_sketch(const theta_sketch_experimental<AllocU64>& other, const S& summary, bool ordered):
+compact_tuple_sketch<S, A>::compact_tuple_sketch(const theta_sketch_alloc<AllocU64>& other, const S& summary, bool ordered):
 is_ordered_(other.is_ordered() || ordered),
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
 template<typename S, typename A>
-void compact_tuple_sketch<S, A>::print_specifics(std::basic_ostream<char>&) const {}
+void compact_tuple_sketch<S, A>::print_specifics(ostrstream&) const {}
 // builder
diff --git a/tuple/test/CMakeLists.txt b/tuple/test/CMakeLists.txt
index cf87aaa..af01c34 100644
--- a/tuple/test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tuple/test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -43,11 +43,6 @@
-    array_of_doubles_sketch_test.cpp
-    theta_sketch_experimental_test.cpp
-    theta_union_experimental_test.cpp
-    theta_intersection_experimental_test.cpp
-    theta_a_not_b_experimental_test.cpp
-    theta_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
+    array_of_doubles_sketch_test.cpp
diff --git a/tuple/test/theta_a_not_b_experimental_test.cpp b/tuple/test/theta_a_not_b_experimental_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b44f8b..0000000
--- a/tuple/test/theta_a_not_b_experimental_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <catch.hpp>
-#include <theta_a_not_b_experimental.hpp>
-namespace datasketches {
-// These tests have been copied from the existing theta sketch implementation.
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
-using compact_theta_sketch = compact_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
-using theta_a_not_b = theta_a_not_b_experimental<>;
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: empty", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  auto a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  auto b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: non empty no retained keys", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  a.update(1);
-  update_theta_sketch b = update_theta_sketch::builder().set_p(0.001).build();
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // B is still empty
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 1);
-  REQUIRE(result.get_theta() == Approx(1).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 1.0);
-  // B is not empty in estimation mode and no entries
-  b.update(1);
-  REQUIRE(b.get_num_retained() == 0U);
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(result.get_theta() == Approx(0.001).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: exact mode half overlap", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) a.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 500;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) b.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs, ordered result
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-  // unordered inputs, unordered result
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a, b, false);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a.compact(), b.compact());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-  // A is ordered, so the result is ordered regardless
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a.compact(), b, false);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: exact mode disjoint", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) a.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) b.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 1000.0);
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a.compact(), b.compact());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 1000.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: exact mode full overlap", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(sketch, sketch);
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(sketch.compact(), sketch.compact());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: estimation mode half overlap", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) a.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 5000;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) b.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(5000).margin(5000 * 0.02));
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a.compact(), b.compact());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(5000).margin(5000 * 0.02));
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: estimation mode disjoint", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) a.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) b.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(10000).margin(10000 * 0.02));
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a.compact(), b.compact());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(10000).margin(10000 * 0.02));
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: estimation mode full overlap", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(sketch, sketch);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(sketch.compact(), sketch.compact());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: seed mismatch", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  sketch.update(1); // non-empty should not be ignored
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b(123);
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(a_not_b.compute(sketch, sketch), std::invalid_argument);
-TEST_CASE("theta a-not-b: issue #152", "[theta_a_not_b]") {
-  update_theta_sketch a = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) a.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch b = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 5000;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 25000; i++) b.update(value++);
-  theta_a_not_b a_not_b;
-  // unordered inputs
-  compact_theta_sketch result = a_not_b.compute(a, b);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(5000).margin(5000 * 0.03));
-  // ordered inputs
-  result = a_not_b.compute(a.compact(), b.compact());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(5000).margin(5000 * 0.03));
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/test/ b/tuple/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6c647f..0000000
--- a/tuple/test/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tuple/test/ b/tuple/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c6babf..0000000
--- a/tuple/test/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tuple/test/ b/tuple/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index be5ee68..0000000
--- a/tuple/test/
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tuple/test/theta_intersection_experimental_test.cpp b/tuple/test/theta_intersection_experimental_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3337636..0000000
--- a/tuple/test/theta_intersection_experimental_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <catch.hpp>
-#include <theta_intersection_experimental.hpp>
-namespace datasketches {
-// These tests have been copied from the existing theta sketch implementation.
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
-using compact_theta_sketch = compact_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
-using theta_intersection = theta_intersection_experimental<>;
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: invalid", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(intersection.has_result());
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(intersection.get_result(), std::invalid_argument);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: empty", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  update_theta_sketch sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  intersection.update(sketch);
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  intersection.update(sketch);
-  result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: non empty no retained keys", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().set_p(0.001).build();
-  sketch.update(1);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch);
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_theta() == Approx(0.001).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  intersection.update(sketch);
-  result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE(result.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_theta() == Approx(0.001).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: exact mode half overlap unordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 500;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1);
-  intersection.update(sketch2);
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: exact mode half overlap ordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 500;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1.compact());
-  intersection.update(sketch2.compact());
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: exact mode disjoint unordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1);
-  intersection.update(sketch2);
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: exact mode disjoint ordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1.compact());
-  intersection.update(sketch2.compact());
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: estimation mode half overlap unordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 5000;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1);
-  intersection.update(sketch2);
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(5000).margin(5000 * 0.02));
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: estimation mode half overlap ordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  value = 5000;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1.compact());
-  intersection.update(sketch2.compact());
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == Approx(5000).margin(5000 * 0.02));
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: estimation mode disjoint unordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1);
-  intersection.update(sketch2);
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: estimation mode disjoint ordered", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch1 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  int value = 0;
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch1.update(value++);
-  update_theta_sketch sketch2 = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sketch2.update(value++);
-  theta_intersection intersection;
-  intersection.update(sketch1.compact());
-  intersection.update(sketch2.compact());
-  compact_theta_sketch result = intersection.get_result();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(result.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(result.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta intersection: seed mismatch", "[theta_intersection]") {
-  update_theta_sketch sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  sketch.update(1); // non-empty should not be ignored
-  theta_intersection intersection(123);
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(intersection.update(sketch), std::invalid_argument);
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/test/theta_sketch_experimental_test.cpp b/tuple/test/theta_sketch_experimental_test.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 61435a4..0000000
--- a/tuple/test/theta_sketch_experimental_test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <catch.hpp>
-#include <theta_sketch_experimental.hpp>
-namespace datasketches {
-const std::string inputPath = TEST_BINARY_INPUT_PATH;
-const std::string inputPath = "test/";
-// These tests have been copied from the existing theta sketch implementation.
-// Serialization as base class and serialization of update sketch have been removed.
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
-using compact_theta_sketch = compact_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: empty", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: non empty no retained keys", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().set_p(0.001).build();
-  update_sketch.update(1);
-  //std::cerr << update_sketch.to_string();
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) > 0);
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) > 0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: single item", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  update_sketch.update(1);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_estimate() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 1.0);
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_estimate() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 1.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: resize exact", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_estimate() == 2000.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 2000.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 2000.0);
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_estimate() == 2000.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 2000.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 2000.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: estimation", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().set_resize_factor(update_theta_sketch::resize_factor::X1).build();
-  const int n = 8000;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
-  //std::cerr << update_sketch.to_string();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(update_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_theta() < 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_estimate() == Approx((double) n).margin(n * 0.01));
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) < n);
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) > n);
-  const uint32_t k = 1 << update_theta_sketch::builder::DEFAULT_LG_K;
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_num_retained() >= k);
-  update_sketch.trim();
-  REQUIRE(update_sketch.get_num_retained() == k);
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(compact_sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_theta() < 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_estimate() == Approx((double) n).margin(n * 0.01));
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_lower_bound(1) < n);
-  REQUIRE(compact_sketch.get_upper_bound(1) > n);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact empty from java", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketch = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 0.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 0.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize single item from java", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketch = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 1);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_theta() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == 1.0);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == 1.0);
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact estimation from java", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  std::ifstream is;
-  is.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);
- + "", std::ios::binary);
-  auto sketch = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(is);
-  REQUIRE_FALSE(sketch.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.is_estimation_mode());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == 4342);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_theta() == Approx(0.531700444213199).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == Approx(8166.25234614053).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(2) == Approx(7996.956955317471).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(2) == Approx(8339.090301078124).margin(1e-10));
-  // the same construction process in Java must have produced exactly the same sketch
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  const int n = 8192;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_num_retained() == update_sketch.get_num_retained());
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_theta() == Approx(update_sketch.get_theta()).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_estimate() == Approx(update_sketch.get_estimate()).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(1) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(1)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(1) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(1)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(2) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(2)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(2) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(2)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_lower_bound(3) == Approx(update_sketch.get_lower_bound(3)).margin(1e-10));
-  REQUIRE(sketch.get_upper_bound(3) == Approx(update_sketch.get_upper_bound(3)).margin(1e-10));
-  compact_theta_sketch compact_sketch = update_sketch.compact();
-  // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
-  auto iter = sketch.begin();
-  for (const auto& key: compact_sketch) {
-    REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-    ++iter;
-  }
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: serialize deserialize stream and bytes equivalence", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  const int n = 8192;
-  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) update_sketch.update(i);
-  std::stringstream s(std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
-  update_sketch.compact().serialize(s);
-  auto bytes = update_sketch.compact().serialize();
-  REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellp()));
-  for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); ++i) {
-    REQUIRE(((char*)[i] == (char)s.get());
-  }
-  s.seekg(0); // rewind
-  compact_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch1 = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(s);
-  compact_theta_sketch deserialized_sketch2 = compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size());
-  REQUIRE(bytes.size() == static_cast<size_t>(s.tellg()));
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_empty() == deserialized_sketch1.is_empty());
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.is_ordered() == deserialized_sketch1.is_ordered());
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_num_retained() == deserialized_sketch1.get_num_retained());
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_theta() == deserialized_sketch1.get_theta());
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_estimate() == deserialized_sketch1.get_estimate());
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_lower_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_lower_bound(1));
-  REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch2.get_upper_bound(1) == deserialized_sketch1.get_upper_bound(1));
-  // the sketches are ordered, so the iteration sequence must match exactly
-  auto iter = deserialized_sketch1.begin();
-  for (auto key: deserialized_sketch2) {
-    REQUIRE(*iter == key);
-    ++iter;
-  }
-TEST_CASE("theta sketch: deserialize compact single item buffer overrun", "[theta_sketch]") {
-  update_theta_sketch update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();
-  update_sketch.update(1);
-  auto bytes = update_sketch.compact().serialize();
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, 7), std::out_of_range);
-  REQUIRE_THROWS_AS(compact_theta_sketch::deserialize(, bytes.size() - 1), std::out_of_range);
-} /* namespace datasketches */
diff --git a/tuple/test/tuple_a_not_b_test.cpp b/tuple/test/tuple_a_not_b_test.cpp
index 1c56102..7c9446c 100644
--- a/tuple/test/tuple_a_not_b_test.cpp
+++ b/tuple/test/tuple_a_not_b_test.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <catch.hpp>
 #include <tuple_a_not_b.hpp>
-#include <theta_sketch_experimental.hpp>
+#include <theta_sketch.hpp>
 namespace datasketches {
@@ -102,9 +102,6 @@
   REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 500.0);
-// needed until promotion of experimental to replace existing theta sketch
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
 TEST_CASE("mixed a-not-b: exact mode half overlap", "[tuple_a_not_b]") {
   auto a = update_tuple_sketch<float>::builder().build();
   int value = 0;
diff --git a/tuple/test/tuple_intersection_test.cpp b/tuple/test/tuple_intersection_test.cpp
index 9796cb3..06ccd76 100644
--- a/tuple/test/tuple_intersection_test.cpp
+++ b/tuple/test/tuple_intersection_test.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <catch.hpp>
 #include <tuple_intersection.hpp>
-#include <theta_sketch_experimental.hpp>
+#include <theta_sketch.hpp>
 namespace datasketches {
@@ -136,9 +136,6 @@
-// needed until promotion of experimental to replace existing theta sketch
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
 TEST_CASE("mixed intersection: exact mode half overlap", "[tuple_intersection]") {
   auto sketch1 = update_tuple_sketch<float>::builder().build();
   int value = 0;
diff --git a/tuple/test/tuple_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp b/tuple/test/tuple_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
index 9545593..2b3efbb 100644
--- a/tuple/test/tuple_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
+++ b/tuple/test/tuple_jaccard_similarity_test.cpp
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@
 #include <iostream>
 #include <catch.hpp>
-#include <jaccard_similarity.hpp>
+#include "tuple_jaccard_similarity.hpp"
 namespace datasketches {
diff --git a/tuple/test/tuple_sketch_allocation_test.cpp b/tuple/test/tuple_sketch_allocation_test.cpp
index d87c06e..a8e279a 100644
--- a/tuple/test/tuple_sketch_allocation_test.cpp
+++ b/tuple/test/tuple_sketch_allocation_test.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   test_allocator_total_bytes = 0;
   test_allocator_net_allocations = 0;
-    auto update_sketch = update_tuple_sketch_test::builder().build();
+    auto update_sketch = update_tuple_sketch_test::builder(test_type_replace_policy(), test_allocator<test_type>(0)).build();
     for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) update_sketch.update(i, 1);
     for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) update_sketch.update(i, 2);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     REQUIRE(count == update_sketch.get_num_retained());
     auto bytes = compact_sketch.serialize(0, test_type_serde());
-    auto deserialized_sketch = compact_tuple_sketch_test::deserialize(, bytes.size(), DEFAULT_SEED, test_type_serde());
+    auto deserialized_sketch = compact_tuple_sketch_test::deserialize(, bytes.size(), DEFAULT_SEED, test_type_serde(), test_allocator<test_type>(0));
     REQUIRE(deserialized_sketch.get_estimate() == compact_sketch.get_estimate());
     // update sketch copy
diff --git a/tuple/test/tuple_union_test.cpp b/tuple/test/tuple_union_test.cpp
index 281b37c..4088fa2 100644
--- a/tuple/test/tuple_union_test.cpp
+++ b/tuple/test/tuple_union_test.cpp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #include <catch.hpp>
 #include <tuple_union.hpp>
-#include <theta_sketch_experimental.hpp>
+#include <theta_sketch.hpp>
 namespace datasketches {
@@ -37,9 +37,6 @@
   REQUIRE(result.get_estimate() == 0);
-// needed until promotion of experimental to replace existing theta sketch
-using update_theta_sketch = update_theta_sketch_experimental<>;
 TEST_CASE("tupe_union float: empty theta sketch", "[tuple union]") {
   auto update_sketch = update_theta_sketch::builder().build();