blob: 643ffb74f35a575aef214a5c8bd62ba4286ababe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <frequent_items_sketch.hpp>
#include "frequent_items_sketch_accuracy_profile.hpp"
#include "zipf_distribution.hpp"
namespace datasketches {
void frequent_items_sketch_accuracy_profile::run() {
const unsigned lg_num_sketches = 4; // merge if > 0 (more than 1 sketch)
const unsigned lg_min_stream_len = 5;
const unsigned lg_max_stream_len = 23;
const unsigned ppo = (lg_num_sketches > 0) ? 1 : 16; // simple partitioning for merging relies on powers of 2
const unsigned lg_max_trials = 18;
const unsigned lg_min_trials = 10;
const unsigned lg_max_sketch_size = 10;
const unsigned zipf_lg_range = 13; // range: 8K values for 1K sketch
const double zipf_exponent = 0.7;
zipf_distribution zipf(1 << zipf_lg_range, zipf_exponent);
size_t stream_length = 1 << lg_min_stream_len;
while (stream_length <= 1 << lg_max_stream_len) {
unsigned num_items = 0;
unsigned max_error = 0;
unsigned num_error_1 = 0;
unsigned num_error_2 = 0;
unsigned extra_items = 0;
unsigned num_error_3 = 0;
const size_t num_trials = get_num_trials(stream_length, lg_min_stream_len, lg_max_stream_len, lg_min_trials, lg_max_trials);
// trust sketch to compute epsilon
unsigned threshold = frequent_items_sketch<unsigned>::get_epsilon(lg_max_sketch_size) * stream_length;
unsigned* values = new unsigned[stream_length];
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_trials; i++) {
// prepare values for this trial
for (size_t j = 0; j < stream_length; j++) {
values[j] = zipf.sample();
frequent_items_sketch<unsigned> sketch(lg_max_sketch_size);
if (lg_num_sketches == 0) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < stream_length; j++) {
} else {
// this partitioning relies on stream length being power of 2, so ppo must be 1
const unsigned substream_length = stream_length / (1 << lg_num_sketches);
for (size_t j = 0; j < (1 << lg_num_sketches); j++) {
frequent_items_sketch<unsigned> s(lg_max_sketch_size);
for (size_t k = 0; k < substream_length; k++) {
s.update(values[j * substream_length + k]);
num_items += sketch.get_num_active_items();
max_error += sketch.get_maximum_error();
// brute-force frequent items
std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> frequencies;
for (size_t j = 0; j < stream_length; j++) {
std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> frequent_items;
for (auto it: frequencies) {
if (it.second > threshold) frequent_items[it.first] = it.second;
// checks
// using a priori threshold (conservative)
// this must be a subset of the exact solution (only frequent items above threshold, not necessarily all of them)
auto conservative_no_false_positives = sketch.get_frequent_items(frequent_items_error_type::NO_FALSE_POSITIVES, threshold);
for (auto& it: conservative_no_false_positives) {
if (frequent_items.find(it.get_item()) == frequent_items.end()) {
// the exact solution must be a subset of this (all frequent items above threshold must be present, and possibly some extra items)
auto conservative_no_false_negatives = sketch.get_frequent_items(frequent_items_error_type::NO_FALSE_NEGATIVES, threshold);
std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> conservative_no_false_negatives_map;
for (auto& it: conservative_no_false_negatives) conservative_no_false_negatives_map[it.get_item()] = it.get_estimate();
for (auto& it: frequent_items) {
if (conservative_no_false_negatives_map.find(it.first) == conservative_no_false_negatives_map.end()) {
// using actual max error as threshold (the default)
// this is expected to find more items compared to using conservative threshold
auto no_false_positives = sketch.get_frequent_items(frequent_items_error_type::NO_FALSE_POSITIVES);
for (auto& it: no_false_positives) {
unsigned item = it.get_item();
if (frequent_items.find(item) == frequent_items.end()) {
// all items of the exact solution must be in this set
auto no_false_negatives = sketch.get_frequent_items(frequent_items_error_type::NO_FALSE_NEGATIVES);
std::unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> no_false_negatives_map;
for (auto& it: no_false_negatives) no_false_negatives_map[it.get_item()] = it.get_estimate();
for (auto& it: frequent_items) {
if (no_false_negatives_map.find(it.first) == no_false_negatives_map.end()) {
delete [] values;
std::cout << stream_length
<< "\t" << num_trials
<< "\t" << (double) num_items / num_trials
<< "\t" << threshold
<< "\t" << (double) max_error / num_trials
<< "\t" << (double) num_error_1 / num_trials
<< "\t" << (double) num_error_2 / num_trials
<< "\t" << (double) extra_items / num_trials
<< "\t" << (double) num_error_3 / num_trials
<< std::endl;
stream_length = pwr_2_law_next(ppo, stream_length);
} /* namespace datasketches */