blob: fa4060c429aeb1e7407e02efa6d494d1eed6fc58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package datafu.spark
import com.holdenkarau.spark.testing.DataFrameSuiteBase
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.FunSuite
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
class DataFrameOpsTests extends FunSuite with DataFrameSuiteBase {
import DataFrameOps._
import spark.implicits._
val inputSchema = List(
StructField("col_grp", StringType, true),
StructField("col_ord", IntegerType, false),
StructField("col_str", StringType, true)
val dedupSchema = List(
StructField("col_grp", StringType, true),
StructField("col_ord", IntegerType, false)
lazy val inputRDD = sc.parallelize(
Seq(Row("a", 1, "asd1"),
Row("a", 2, "asd2"),
Row("a", 3, "asd3"),
Row("b", 1, "asd4")))
lazy val inputDataFrame =
sqlContext.createDataFrame(inputRDD, StructType(inputSchema)).cache
test("dedup") {
val expected: DataFrame =
sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(Seq(Row("b", 1), Row("a", 3))),
.dedupWithOrder($"col_grp", $"col_ord".desc)
.select($"col_grp", $"col_ord"))
case class dedupExp(col2: String,
col_grp: String,
col_ord: Option[Int],
col_str: String)
test("dedup2_by_int") {
val expectedByIntDf: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
List(dedupExp("asd4", "b", Option(1), "asd4"),
dedupExp("asd1", "a", Option(3), "asd3")))
val actual = inputDataFrame.dedupWithCombiner($"col_grp",
moreAggFunctions = Seq(min($"col_str")))
assertDataFrameEquals(expectedByIntDf, actual)
case class dedupExp2(col_grp: String, col_ord: Option[Int], col_str: String)
test("dedup2_by_string_asc") {
val actual = inputDataFrame.dedupWithCombiner($"col_grp", $"col_str", desc = false)
val expectedByStringDf: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
List(dedupExp2("b", Option(1), "asd4"),
dedupExp2("a", Option(1), "asd1")))
assertDataFrameEquals(expectedByStringDf, actual)
test("test_dedup2_by_complex_column") {
val actual = inputDataFrame.dedupWithCombiner($"col_grp",
expr("cast(concat('-',col_ord) as int)"),
desc = false)
val expectedComplex: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
List(dedupExp2("b", Option(1), "asd4"),
dedupExp2("a", Option(3), "asd3")))
assertDataFrameEquals(expectedComplex, actual)
case class Inner(col_grp: String, col_ord: Int)
case class expComplex(
col_grp: String,
col_ord: Option[Int],
col_str: String,
arr_col: Array[String],
struct_col: Inner,
map_col: Map[String, Int]
test("test_dedup2_with_other_complex_column") {
val actual = inputDataFrame
.withColumn("arr_col", expr("array(col_grp, col_ord)"))
.withColumn("struct_col", expr("struct(col_grp, col_ord)"))
.withColumn("map_col", expr("map(col_grp, col_ord)"))
.withColumn("map_col_blah", expr("map(col_grp, col_ord)"))
.dedupWithCombiner($"col_grp", expr("cast(concat('-',col_ord) as int)"))
val expected: DataFrame = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
Array("b", "1"),
Inner("b", 1),
Map("b" -> 1)),
Array("a", "1"),
Inner("a", 1),
Map("a" -> 1))
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)
val dedupTopNExpectedSchema = List(
StructField("col_grp", StringType, true),
StructField("col_ord", IntegerType, false)
test("test_dedup_top_n") {
val actual = inputDataFrame
.dedupTopN(2, $"col_grp", $"col_ord".desc)
.select($"col_grp", $"col_ord")
val expected = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
sc.parallelize(Seq(Row("b", 1), Row("a", 3), Row("a", 2))),
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)
val schema2 = List(
StructField("start", IntegerType, false),
StructField("end", IntegerType, false),
StructField("desc", StringType, true)
val expectedSchemaRangedJoin = List(
StructField("col_grp", StringType, true),
StructField("col_ord", IntegerType, false),
StructField("col_str", StringType, true),
StructField("start", IntegerType, true),
StructField("end", IntegerType, true),
StructField("desc", StringType, true)
test("join_with_range") {
val joinWithRangeDataFrame =
Seq(Row(1, 2, "asd1"),
Row(1, 4, "asd2"),
Row(3, 5, "asd3"),
Row(3, 10, "asd4"))),
val expected = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
Row("b", 1, "asd4", 1, 2, "asd1"),
Row("a", 2, "asd2", 1, 2, "asd1"),
Row("a", 1, "asd1", 1, 2, "asd1"),
Row("b", 1, "asd4", 1, 4, "asd2"),
Row("a", 3, "asd3", 1, 4, "asd2"),
Row("a", 2, "asd2", 1, 4, "asd2"),
Row("a", 1, "asd1", 1, 4, "asd2"),
Row("a", 3, "asd3", 3, 5, "asd3"),
Row("a", 3, "asd3", 3, 10, "asd4")
val actual = inputDataFrame.joinWithRange("col_ord",
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)
val expectedSchemaRangedJoinWithDedup = List(
StructField("col_grp", StringType, true),
StructField("col_ord", IntegerType, true),
StructField("col_str", StringType, true),
StructField("start", IntegerType, true),
StructField("end", IntegerType, true),
StructField("desc", StringType, true)
test("join_with_range_and_dedup") {
val df = sc
List(("a", 1, "asd1"),
("a", 2, "asd2"),
("a", 3, "asd3"),
("b", 1, "asd4")))
.toDF("col_grp", "col_ord", "col_str")
val dfr = sc
List((1, 2, "asd1"), (1, 4, "asd2"), (3, 5, "asd3"), (3, 10, "asd4")))
.toDF("start", "end", "desc")
val expected = sqlContext.createDataFrame(
Row("b", 1, "asd4", 1, 2, "asd1"),
Row("a", 3, "asd3", 3, 5, "asd3"),
Row("a", 2, "asd2", 1, 2, "asd1")
val actual = df.joinWithRangeAndDedup("col_ord", dfr, "start", "end")
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)
test("randomJoinSkewedTests") {
def makeSkew(i: Int): Int = {
if (i < 200) 10 else 50
val skewed = sqlContext.createDataFrame((1 to 500).map(i => ((Math.random * makeSkew(i)).toInt, s"str$i")))
.toDF("key", "val_skewed")
val notSkewed = sqlContext
.createDataFrame((1 to 500).map(i => ((Math.random * 50).toInt, s"str$i")))
.toDF("key", "val")
val expected = notSkewed.join(skewed, Seq("key")).sort($"key", $"val", $"val_skewed")
val actual1 = notSkewed.broadcastJoinSkewed(skewed, "key", 1).sort($"key", $"val", $"val_skewed")
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual1)
val leftExpected = notSkewed.join(skewed, Seq("key"), "left").sort($"key", $"val", $"val_skewed")
val actual2 = notSkewed.broadcastJoinSkewed(skewed, "key", 1, joinType = "left").sort($"key", $"val", $"val_skewed")
assertDataFrameEquals(leftExpected, actual2)
val rightExpected = notSkewed.join(skewed, Seq("key"), "right").sort($"key", $"val", $"val_skewed")
val actual3 = notSkewed.broadcastJoinSkewed(skewed, "key", 2, joinType = "right").sort($"key", $"val", $"val_skewed")
assertDataFrameEquals(rightExpected, actual3)
// because of nulls in expected data, an actual schema needs to be used
case class expJoinSkewed(str1: String,
str2: String,
str3: String,
str4: String)
test("joinSkewed") {
val skewedList = List(("1", "a"),
("1", "b"),
("1", "c"),
("1", "d"),
("1", "e"),
("2", "k"),
("0", "k"))
val skewed =
sqlContext.createDataFrame(skewedList).toDF("key", "val_skewed")
val notSkewed = sqlContext
.createDataFrame((1 to 10).map(i => (i.toString, s"str$i")))
.toDF("key", "val")
val actual1 ="a").joinSkewed("b"), expr("a.key = b.key"), 3)
val expected1 = sqlContext
("1", "a", "1", "str1"),
("1", "b", "1", "str1"),
("1", "c", "1", "str1"),
("1", "d", "1", "str1"),
("1", "e", "1", "str1"),
("2", "k", "2", "str2")
.toDF("key", "val_skewed", "key", "val")
// assertDataFrameEquals cares about order but we don't
assertDataFrameEquals(expected1, actual1.sort($"val_skewed"))
val actual2 = skewed
.joinSkewed("b"), expr("a.key = b.key"), 3, "left_outer")
val expected2 = sqlContext
expJoinSkewed("1", "a", "1", "str1"),
expJoinSkewed("1", "b", "1", "str1"),
expJoinSkewed("1", "c", "1", "str1"),
expJoinSkewed("1", "d", "1", "str1"),
expJoinSkewed("1", "e", "1", "str1"),
expJoinSkewed("2", "k", "2", "str2"),
expJoinSkewed("0", "k", null, null)
.toDF("key", "val_skewed", "key", "val")
// assertDataFrameEquals cares about order but we don't
assertDataFrameEquals(expected2, actual2.sort($"val_skewed"))
val changedSchema = List(
StructField("fld1", StringType, true),
StructField("fld2", IntegerType, false),
StructField("fld3", StringType, true)
test("test_changeSchema") {
val actual = inputDataFrame.changeSchema("fld1", "fld2", "fld3")
val expected =
sqlContext.createDataFrame(inputRDD, StructType(changedSchema))
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)
test("test_flatten") {
val input = inputDataFrame
.withColumn("struct_col", expr("struct(col_grp, col_ord)"))
val expected: DataFrame ="col_grp", "col_ord")
val actual = input.flatten("struct_col")
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)
test("test_explode_array") {
val input = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0.0, Seq("Hi", "I heard", "about", "Spark")),
(0.0, Seq("I wish", "Java", "could use", "case", "classes")),
(1.0, Seq("Logistic", "regression", "models", "are neat")),
(0.0, Seq()),
(1.0, null)
)).toDF("label", "sentence_arr")
val actual = input.explodeArray($"sentence_arr", "token")
val expected = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(
(0.0, Seq("Hi", "I heard", "about", "Spark"),"Hi", "I heard", "about", "Spark",null),
(0.0, Seq("I wish", "Java", "could use", "case", "classes"),"I wish", "Java", "could use", "case", "classes"),
(1.0, Seq("Logistic", "regression", "models", "are neat"),"Logistic", "regression", "models", "are neat",null),
(0.0, Seq(),null,null,null,null,null),
(1.0, null,null,null,null,null,null)
)).toDF("label", "sentence_arr","token0","token1","token2","token3","token4")
assertDataFrameEquals(expected, actual)