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title: Apache DataFu Spark - Getting Started
version: 1.6.1
section_name: Getting Started
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# DataFu Spark
Apache DataFu Spark is a collection of utils and user-defined functions for working with large scale data in [Apache Spark](
A list of some of the things you can do with DataFu Spark is given below:
* ["Dedup" a table]( - remove duplicates based on a key and ordering (typically a date updated field, to get only the mostly recently updated record).
* [Join a table with a numeric field with a table with a range](
* [Do a skewed join between tables]( (where the small table is still too big to fit in memory)
* [Count distinct up to]( - an efficient implementation when you just want to verify that a certain minimum of distinct rows appear in a table
* Call Python code from Spark Scala, or Scala code from PySpark
If you'd like to read more details about these functions, check out the [Guide](/docs/spark/guide.html). Otherwise if you are
ready to get started using DataFu Spark, keep reading.
The rest of this page assumes you already have a built JAR available. If this is not the case, please see the [Download](/docs/download.html) page.
This jar should be loaded to the Spark class path. You can verify that you've done this correctly by trying to import one of our DataFu classes, for example, _DataFrameOps_.
## Basic Example: Finding the most recent update of a given record
A common scenario in data sent to the HDFS — the Hadoop Distributed File System — is multiple rows representing updates for the same logical data. For example, in a table representing accounts, a record might be written every time customer data is updated, with each update receiving a newer timestamp. Lets consider the following simplified example.
<script src=""></script>
<center>Raw customers data, with more than one row per customer</center>
We can see that though most of the customers only appear once, _julia_ and _quentin_ have 2 and 3 rows, respectively. How can we get just the most recent record for each customer? We can use DataFu's _dedupWithOrder_ method.
import datafu.spark.DataFrameOps._
val customers ="csv").option("header", "true").load("customers.csv")
csv.dedupWithOrder($"id", $"date_updated".desc).show
Our result will be as expected — each customer only appears once, as you can see below:
<script src=""></script>
<center>“Deduplicated” data, with only the most recent record for each customer (though not in order)</center>
There are two additional variants of _dedupWithOrder_ in datafu-spark. The _dedupWithCombiner_ method has similar functionality to _dedupWithOrder_, but uses a UDAF to utilize map side aggregation. _dedupTopN_ allows retaining more than one record for each key.
## Next Steps
Check out the [Guide](/docs/spark/guide.html) for more information on what you can do with DataFu Spark.