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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.daffodil.tdml
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import org.apache.daffodil.Implicits._
class TestTDMLRoundTrips {
val tdml = XMLUtils.TDML_NAMESPACE
val dfdl = XMLUtils.DFDL_NAMESPACE
val daf = XMLUtils.EXT_NS_APACHE
val xsi = XMLUtils.XSI_NAMESPACE
val xsd = XMLUtils.XSD_NAMESPACE
val example = XMLUtils.EXAMPLE_NAMESPACE
val tns = example
@Test def testOnePassPass1(): Unit = {
val testSuite = <ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator=",">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<ts:parserTestCase ID="test1" name="test1" root="r" model="s" roundTrip="onePass">
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
* A test defined to show that we need two-pass, because the canonical separator
* is a ";", but "," is also accepted and that's what is in the original data.
* The output from the one pass unparse will have the semicolon, and so will fail
* to match the original input.
@Test def testOnePassFail1(): Unit = {
val testSuite = <ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="; ,">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<ts:parserTestCase ID="test1" name="test1" root="r" model="s" roundTrip="onePass">
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
val e = intercept[TDMLException] {
val m = e.getMessage()
assertTrue(m.toLowerCase.contains("unparsed data differs"))
def needsTwoPassesOnlyTDML(passesEnum: String) =
<ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="; ,">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<ts:parserTestCase ID="test1" name="test1" root="r" model="s" roundTrip={ passesEnum }>
* A test defined to show that we need two-passes, so that we re-parse
* the canonical data from the unparse and then get a matching infoset.
@Test def testTwoPass1(): Unit = {
val testSuite = needsTwoPassesOnlyTDML("twoPass")
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
* Tests windows style (CRLF) line endings for two pass
@Test def testTwoPass2(): Unit = {
val testSuite =
<ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
<xs:element name="all">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="//%NL;">
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit" dfdl:occursCountKind="parsed" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="; ,">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<ts:parserTestCase ID="test1" name="test1" root="all" model="s" roundTrip="twoPass">
<ts:documentPart type="text" replaceDFDLEntities="true"><![CDATA[Text,One%CR;%LF;New Line//%CR;%LF;Text following,Two%CR;%LF;New Line//%CR;%LF;]]></ts:documentPart>
New Line]]></bar>
<foo>Text following</foo>
New Line]]></bar>
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
* Tests mac style (CR) line endings for two pass
@Test def testTwoPass3(): Unit = {
val testSuite = <ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
<xs:element name="all">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="//%NL;">
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:occursCountKind="parsed" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="; ,">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<ts:parserTestCase ID="test1" name="test1" root="all" model="s" roundTrip="twoPass">
<ts:documentPart type="text" replaceDFDLEntities="true"><![CDATA[Text,One%CR;New Line//%CR;%LF;Text following,Two%CR;New Line//%CR;%LF;]]></ts:documentPart>
New Line]]></bar>
<foo>Text following</foo>
New Line]]></bar>
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
def nPassNotNeededTDML(passesEnum: String) =
<ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat"/>
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator=",">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<ts:parserTestCase ID="test1" name="test1" root="r" model="s" roundTrip={ passesEnum }>
* A test defined to show that when we say we need two passes, if the
* unparse data in fact matches the original (i.e., we didn't really need two passes)
* that is detected and reported.
* This means test authors have to know if the test is parse-only, one pass parse/unparse round trip,
* or two-pass, and label the test accordingly.
@Test def testTwoPassNotNeeded1(): Unit = {
val testSuite = nPassNotNeededTDML("twoPass")
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
val e = intercept[TDMLException] {
val m = e.getMessage()
assertTrue(m.toLowerCase.contains("should this really be a twopass test"))
* A test defined to show that we need three-passes, so that we re-parse
* the canonical data from the unparse and then still do not get a matching infoset,
* but unparsing that infoset finally does give us matching unparsed data.
@Test def testThreePass1(): Unit = {
val testSuite = <ts:testSuite xmlns:dfdl={ dfdl } xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:xsi={ xsi } xmlns:fn={ fn } xmlns:ex={ example } xmlns:ts={ tdml } xmlns:daf={ daf } suiteName="theSuiteName">
<ts:defineSchema name="s" elementFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
<dfdl:format ref="ex:GeneralFormat" lengthKind="delimited" separatorSuppressionPolicy="anyEmpty"/>
<xs:element name="r" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator=",," dfdl:separatorPosition="postfix">
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="," dfdl:separatorPosition="postfix">
<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="xs:string" nillable="true" dfdl:nilKind="literalValue" dfdl:nilValue="%ES; nil"/>
<ts:parserTestCase name="test1" root="r" model="s" roundTrip="threePass">
In a three pass test the infoset given should be the
final steady-state infoset.
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
* A test defined to show that when we say we need three passes, if the
* unparse data in fact matches the original (i.e., we didn't
* even really need two passes, that it is detected and reported.
@Test def testThreePassNotNeeded1(): Unit = {
val testSuite = nPassNotNeededTDML("threePass")
val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
val e = intercept[TDMLException] {
val m = e.getMessage()
assertTrue(m.toLowerCase.contains("should this really be a threepass test"))
* A test defined to show that when we say we need three passes, if the
* reparsed unparse data in fact matches the original infoset (i.e., we didn't
* even really need three passes, two would have been enough),
* that it is detected and reported.
// Note: three pass tests no longer actually check that the first parse infoset
// matches. There is a class of such tests where even though the unparsed data requires
// three pass testing, the infoset is right from the very first parse.
// Forcing the original infoset to NOT match just makes those tests harder to write.
// FYI: One such test is in PCAP.
// ts.runOneTest("test1")
// val testSuite = needsTwoPassesOnlyTDML("threePass")
// val runner = new Runner(testSuite)
// val e = intercept[TDMLException] {
// runner.runOneTest("test1")
// }
// runner.reset
// val m = e.getMessage()
// assertTrue(m.toLowerCase.contains("should this really be a threepass test"))
// }