blob: 85e09501abd2094a226b034f6a827825441aaf6f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.ElementRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.TextTruncationType
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.CharsetEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.UnparseTargetLengthInBitsEv
import org.apache.daffodil.util.MaybeJULong
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.LengthEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.Evaluatable
import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException
import java.nio.charset.UnmappableCharacterException
sealed abstract class StringSpecifiedLengthUnparserBase(
val erd: ElementRuntimeData)
extends TextPrimUnparser {
override def context = erd
* override in nil specified length unparsers
protected def contentString(state: UState) =
class StringNoTruncateUnparser(
erd: ElementRuntimeData)
extends StringSpecifiedLengthUnparserBase(erd) {
override def runtimeDependencies: Vector[Evaluatable[AnyRef]] = Vector()
override def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
val dos = state.dataOutputStream
val valueToWrite = contentString(state)
val nCharsWritten = try {
dos.putString(valueToWrite, state)
} catch {
case m: MalformedInputException => { UE(state, "%s - MalformedInputException: \n%s", nom, m.getMessage()) }
case u: UnmappableCharacterException => { UE(state, "%s - UnmappableCharacterException: \n%s", nom, u.getMessage()) }
Assert.invariant(nCharsWritten == valueToWrite.length)
sealed abstract class StringSpecifiedLengthUnparserTruncateBase(
stringTruncationType: TextTruncationType.Type,
erd: ElementRuntimeData)
extends StringSpecifiedLengthUnparserBase(erd) {
Assert.usage(stringTruncationType ne TextTruncationType.None)
* We only truncate strings, and only if textStringJustification is left or
* right, and only if truncateSpecifiedLengthString is yes.
protected final def truncateByJustification(ustate: UState, str: String, nChars: Long): String = {
val nCharsToTrim = str.length - nChars.toInt
val result = stringTruncationType match {
case TextTruncationType.Right => {
case TextTruncationType.Left => {
str.substring(0, str.length - nCharsToTrim)
case TextTruncationType.ErrorIfNeeded => {
// justification type was "center", which cannot be truncated, so
// should be an error
UE(ustate, "Truncation required but disallowed when dfdl:truncateSpecifiedLengthString=\"yes\" and dfdl:textStringJustification=\"center\"")
case TextTruncationType.None => {
Assert.invariantFailed("cannot be TextTruncationType.None")
* Truncates strings to the right length measured in bits.
* LengthUnits is Bits, but we still don't know whether the encoding
* is fixed width or variable width.
class StringMaybeTruncateBitsUnparser(
targetLengthInBitsEv: UnparseTargetLengthInBitsEv,
stringTruncationType: TextTruncationType.Type,
erd: ElementRuntimeData,
charsetEv: CharsetEv)
extends StringSpecifiedLengthUnparserTruncateBase(
erd) {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector(targetLengthInBitsEv, charsetEv)
private def getLengthInBits(str: String, state: UState): (Long, Long) = {
val cs = charsetEv.evaluate(state)
val mfw = cs.maybeFixedWidth
val sl = str.length.toLong
val res =
if (mfw.isDefined) {
// fixed width encoding so we can get the length in bits by calculation
// DFDL workgroup discussed whether one must scan the characters here so as
// to detect encoding errors, and it was decided one does not have
// to do so for the fixed length case. This encoding error will get
// found when the string is *actually* encoded later.
(sl * mfw.get, sl)
} else {
// variable width encoding. (most important example is utf-8 encoding)
// We have to measure.
// It would be nice to save the result of this, if the string is
// very long (which is certainly possible), but the overhead of
// doing so for short strings is probably not worth it.
// Almost certainly the right thing is to add complexity only if
// profiling shows this to be a bottleneck.
// We do this measurment is reusing the I/O system, this has the advantage
// of whatever the I/O system's encoding error behavior is, this will
// reuse that. However, we're not, per-se, required to detect that here,
// but we do need to get the exact same number of bits here as will
// be output to the actual data output stream later, so reusing the
// DOS insures that we're using the exact same encoder initialized
// the exact same way.
// We also do have the option of recycling everything here from pools,
// or, since each unparser is single threaded and has its own state,
// we could put temp space for this in the UState and just directly
// reuse it.
state.withByteArrayOutputStream {
case (_, dos) =>
val nChars = dos.putString(str, state)
val nBits = dos.relBitPos0b.toLong
(nBits, nChars)
override def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
// We have to stage the bits of the value just so as to be able to count them
// Then we can figure out the number of padChars to add because a padChar must
// be a minimum-width character.
val dos = state.dataOutputStream
val valueString = contentString(state)
val valueToWrite = {
// Historic note about lessons learned.
// We used to think unparsing would be symmetric to parsing, and there
// would be this ability to bind the length limit, and then use it
// to know how much to unparse, depending on the length limit to detect
// overruns (too much data), and to tell us the size for the truncation
// case.
// This is depending on some outer unparser binding the length limit
// so that we know how long to truncate to.
// And that we're not even being called until that target length is known
// and has been bound.
// But data output streams don't do binding of length limits the
// same way as the parser, because in many situations the data output
// stream before and after aren't the same object.
// So this concept doesn't work.
// Really we want to just get the target length in bits, knowing that
// by the time we get here it DOES have a value.
val maybeTargetLengthInBits: MaybeJULong = targetLengthInBitsEv.evaluate(state)
val targetLengthInBits = maybeTargetLengthInBits.get
val (nBits, nChars) = getLengthInBits(valueString, state)
val targetLengthDiff = nBits - targetLengthInBits
if (targetLengthDiff <= 0) {
// truncation is not needed, just write the original string
} else {
val nBitsToTrim = targetLengthDiff
val dcs = erd.encInfo.getDFDLCharset(state)
val minBitsPerChar = erd.encodingInfo.encodingMinimumCodePointWidthInBits(dcs)
// padChar must be a minimum-width char
val nCharsToTrim = nBitsToTrim / minBitsPerChar // positive if we need to truncate.
Assert.invariant(nCharsToTrim <= nChars)
val truncatedValue = truncateByJustification(state, valueString, nChars - nCharsToTrim.toInt)
Assert.invariant(truncatedValue.length <= valueString.length)
val nCharsWritten = dos.putString(valueToWrite, state)
Assert.invariant(nCharsWritten == valueToWrite.length) // assertion because we figured this out above based on available space.
// Filling of unused bits is done elsewhere now
* Truncates strings to the right length measured in characters.
* LengthUnits is 'characters', but we still don't know what
* encoding so whether it is fixed or variable width.
* What's interesting is that we don't care whether the encoding is
* fixed or variable width in this case.
* This is more efficient for variable-width encodings than
* lengthUnits 'bytes' (or bits), because we don't need a pass to measure
* the number of bits.
* So, for utf-8, we should recommend lengthUnits 'characters' ? Maybe so.
class StringMaybeTruncateCharactersUnparser(
lengthInCharactersEv: LengthEv,
stringTruncationType: TextTruncationType.Type,
erd: ElementRuntimeData)
extends StringSpecifiedLengthUnparserTruncateBase(
erd) {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector(lengthInCharactersEv)
override def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
val dos = state.dataOutputStream
val valueString = contentString(state)
val targetLengthInCharacters =
val valueToWrite = {
if (targetLengthInCharacters >= valueString.length) {
} else {
// We might need to truncate
val nChars = valueString.length.toLong
val nCharsToTrim = nChars - targetLengthInCharacters
Assert.invariant(nCharsToTrim <= nChars)
val truncatedValue = truncateByJustification(state, valueString, nChars - nCharsToTrim.toInt)
Assert.invariant(truncatedValue.length <= valueString.length)
val nCharsWritten = dos.putString(valueToWrite, state)
Assert.invariant(nCharsWritten == valueToWrite.length)