blob: 89ccc7310c01e45713eff86a92e5b807da055d1d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.{ ElementRuntimeData, SequenceRuntimeData, TermRuntimeData }
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.{ SeparatorPosition }
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.ModelGroupRuntimeData
import scala.collection.mutable.Buffer
import SeparatorSuppressionPolicy._
import SeparatorPosition._
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe
import org.apache.daffodil.util.MaybeInt
trait Separated { self: SequenceChildUnparser =>
def sep: Unparser
def spos: SeparatorPosition
def ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
def zeroLengthDetector: ZeroLengthDetector
def isPotentiallyTrailing: Boolean
def isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator: Boolean
def isDeclaredLast: Boolean
def isPositional: Boolean
val childProcessors = Vector(childUnparser, sep)
sealed abstract class ScalarOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparserBase(
childUnparser: Unparser,
srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
trd: TermRuntimeData,
override val sep: Unparser,
override val spos: SeparatorPosition,
override val ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy,
override val zeroLengthDetector: ZeroLengthDetector,
override val isPotentiallyTrailing: Boolean,
override val isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator: Boolean,
override val isPositional: Boolean,
override val isDeclaredLast: Boolean)
extends SequenceChildUnparser(childUnparser, srd, trd)
with Separated {
override def unparse(state: UState) = childUnparser.unparse1(state)
class ScalarOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparser(
childUnparser: Unparser,
srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
trd: TermRuntimeData,
sep: Unparser,
spos: SeparatorPosition,
ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy,
zlDetector: ZeroLengthDetector,
isPotentiallyTrailing: Boolean,
isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator: Boolean,
isPositional: Boolean,
isDeclaredLast: Boolean)
extends ScalarOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparserBase(childUnparser, srd, trd, sep, spos, ssp,
zlDetector, isPotentiallyTrailing, isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator, isPositional,
class RepOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparser(
childUnparser: Unparser,
srd: SequenceRuntimeData,
erd: ElementRuntimeData,
override val sep: Unparser,
override val spos: SeparatorPosition,
override val ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy, // need for diagnostics perhaps
override val zeroLengthDetector: ZeroLengthDetector,
override val isPotentiallyTrailing: Boolean,
override val isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator: Boolean,
override val isPositional: Boolean,
override val isDeclaredLast: Boolean)
extends RepeatingChildUnparser(childUnparser, srd, erd)
with Separated {
override def checkArrayPosAgainstMaxOccurs(state: UState) =
state.arrayPos <= maxRepeats(state)
class OrderedSeparatedSequenceUnparser(
rd: SequenceRuntimeData,
ssp: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy,
spos: SeparatorPosition,
sepMtaAlignmentMaybe: MaybeInt,
sepMtaUnparserMaybe: Maybe[Unparser],
sep: Unparser,
childUnparsersArg: Vector[SequenceChildUnparser])
extends OrderedSequenceUnparserBase(rd, (childUnparsersArg :+ sep) ++ sepMtaUnparserMaybe.toSeq) {
private val childUnparsers =
childUnparsersArg.asInstanceOf[Seq[SequenceChildUnparser with Separated]]
* Unparses one occurrence with associated separator (non-suppressable).
protected def unparseOne(
unparser: SequenceChildUnparser,
trd: TermRuntimeData,
state: UState): Unit = {
if (trd.isRepresented) {
spos match {
case Prefix => {
case Infix => {
if (state.groupPos > 1) {
case Postfix => {
} else {
* Unparses just the separator, as well as any mandatory text alignment if necessary
* Does not deals with infix boundary condition.
private def unparseJustSeparator(state: UState): Unit = {
if (sepMtaUnparserMaybe.isDefined) {
// we know we are unparsing a separator here, so we must also unparse
// mandatory text alignment for that separator. If we didn't staticaly
// determine MTA isn't necessary, we must unparse the MTA. This might
// lead to a suspension, which is okay in this case because this logic is
// not in a suspension, so nested suspensions are avoided.
* Unparses the separator only, which might be optional. The suspension
* handles determine if the separator should be unparsed as well as if
* alignment is needed, and avoids issues with nested suspensions.
* Does not have to deal with infix and first child.
* FIXME: this function is not used anywhere and appears to be dead code.
* This is commented out for now so as to not affect code coverage. See
* DAFFODIL-2405 and potentially related DAFFODIL-2219 to determine the
* future of this code.
//private def unparseJustSeparatorWithTrailingSuppression(
// trd: TermRuntimeData,
// state: UState,
// trailingSuspendedOps: Buffer[SuppressableSeparatorUnparserSuspendableOperation]): Unit = {
// // We don't know if the unparse will result in zero length or not. We have
// // to use a suspendable unparser here for the separator which suspends
// // until it is known whether the unparse of the contents were ZL or not. If
// // the suspension determines that the field is non-zero length then the
// // suspenion must also unparser mandatory text alignment for the separator.
// // This cannot be done with a standard MTA alignment unparser since that is
// // a suspension and suspensions cannot create suspensions. This this
// // suspension is also responsible for unparsing alignment if the separator
// // should be unparsed.
// val suspendableOp = new SuppressableSeparatorUnparserSuspendableOperation(sepMtaAlignmentMaybe, sep, trd)
// // TODO: merge these two objects. We can allocate just one thing here.
// val suppressableSep = SuppressableSeparatorUnparser(sep, trd, suspendableOp)
// suppressableSep.unparse1(state)
// trailingSuspendedOps += suspendableOp
* Unparses an entire sequence, including both scalar and array/optional children.
protected def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
ssp match {
case Never =>
case _ =>
private def unparseOneWithSuppression(
unparser: SequenceChildUnparser,
trd: TermRuntimeData,
state: UState,
trailingSuspendedOps: Buffer[SuppressableSeparatorUnparserSuspendableOperation],
onlySeparatorFlag: Boolean): Unit = {
val doUnparseChild = !onlySeparatorFlag
// We don't know if the unparse will result in zero length or not. We have
// to use a suspendable unparser here for the separator which suspends
// until it is known whether the unparse of the contents were ZL or not. If
// the suspension determines that the field is non-zero length then the
// suspension must also unparse mandatory text alignment for the separator.
// This cannot be done with a standard MTA alignment unparser since that is
// a suspension and suspensions cannot create suspensions. This suspension
// is also responsible for unparsing alignment if the separator should be
// unparsed.
// infix, prefix, postfix matters here, because the separator comes after
// for postfix.
if ((spos eq Infix) && state.groupPos == 1) {
// no separator possible; hence, no suppression
if (doUnparseChild) unparser.unparse1(state)
} else {
val suspendableOp = new SuppressableSeparatorUnparserSuspendableOperation(sepMtaAlignmentMaybe, sep, trd)
// TODO: merge these two objects. We can allocate just one thing here.
val suppressableSep = SuppressableSeparatorUnparser(sep, trd, suspendableOp)
spos match {
case Prefix | Infix => {
if (doUnparseChild) unparser.unparse1(state)
ssp match {
case AnyEmpty => {
case TrailingEmpty | TrailingEmptyStrict => {
trailingSuspendedOps += suspendableOp
case Never => Assert.invariantFailed("Should not be ssp Never")
case Postfix => {
ssp match {
case AnyEmpty => {
if (doUnparseChild) unparser.unparse1(state)
case TrailingEmpty | TrailingEmptyStrict => {
if (doUnparseChild) unparser.unparse1(state)
trailingSuspendedOps += suspendableOp
case Never => Assert.invariantFailed("Should not be ssp Never")
private def unparseWithSuppression(state: UState): Unit = {
state.groupIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
var index = 0
var doUnparser = false
val limit = childUnparsers.length
lazy val trailingSuspendedOps = Buffer[SuppressableSeparatorUnparserSuspendableOperation]()
while (index < limit) {
val childUnparser = childUnparsers(index)
val trd = childUnparser.trd
state.pushTRD(trd) // because we inspect before we call the unparse1 for the child unparser.
val zlDetector = childUnparser.zeroLengthDetector
childUnparser match {
case unparser: RepOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparser => {
val erd = unparser.erd
var numOccurrences = 0
val maxReps = unparser.maxRepeats(state)
// The number of occurrances we unparse is always exactly driven
// by the number of infoset events for the repeating/optional element.
// For RepUnparser - array/optional case - in all cases we should get a
// startArray event. That is, defaulting of required array elements
// (up to minOccurs) happens elsewhere, and we get events for all of those
// here.
// If we don't get any array element events, then the element must be
// entirely optional, so we get no events for it at all.
if (state.inspect) {
val ev = state.inspectAccessor
val isArr = erd.isArray
if (ev.isStart && (isArr || erd.isOptional)) {
if (ev.erd eq erd) {
// Note: leaving in some of these println, since debugger for unparsing is so inadequate currently.
// This is the only way to figure out what is going on.
// System.err.println("Starting unparse of array/opt %s. Array Index Stack is: %s".format(
// erd.namedQName, state.arrayIndexStack))
// StartArray for this unparser's array element
while ({
doUnparser = unparser.shouldDoUnparser(unparser, state)
}) {
// These are so we can check invariants on these stacks being
// pushed and popped reliably, and incremented only once
val arrayIndexBefore = state.arrayPos
val arrayIndexStackDepthBefore = state.arrayIndexStack.length
val groupIndexBefore = state.groupPos
val groupIndexStackDepthBefore = state.groupIndexStack.length
Assert.invariant(erd.isRepresented) // since this is an array, can't have inputValueCalc
if (isArr) if (state.dataProc.isDefined) state.dataProc.get.beforeRepetition(state, this)
if (unparser.isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator ||
val isKnownNonZeroLength =
}) {
unparseOne(unparser, erd, state)
} else {
unparseOneWithSuppression(unparser, erd, state, trailingSuspendedOps,
onlySeparatorFlag = false)
numOccurrences += 1
Assert.invariant(state.arrayIndexStack.length == arrayIndexStackDepthBefore)
Assert.invariant(state.arrayPos == arrayIndexBefore + 1)
Assert.invariant(state.groupIndexStack.length == groupIndexStackDepthBefore)
state.moveOverOneGroupIndexOnly() // array elements are always represented.
Assert.invariant(state.groupPos == groupIndexBefore + 1)
if (isArr) if (state.dataProc.isDefined) state.dataProc.get.afterRepetition(state, this)
numOccurrences = unparsePositionallyRequiredSeps(unparser, erd, state, numOccurrences, trailingSuspendedOps)
unparser.checkFinalOccursCountBetweenMinAndMaxOccurs(state, unparser, numOccurrences, maxReps, state.arrayPos - 1)
unparser.endArrayOrOptional(erd, state)
} else {
// start array for some other array. Not this one.
Assert.invariant(erd.minOccurs == 0L)
numOccurrences = unparsePositionallyRequiredSeps(unparser, erd, state, numOccurrences, trailingSuspendedOps)
} else if (ev.isStart) {
Assert.invariant(!ev.erd.isArray && !erd.isOptional)
val eventNQN = ev.erd.namedQName
Assert.invariant(eventNQN != erd.namedQName)
// start of scalar.
// That has to be for a different element later in the sequence
// since this one has a RepUnparser (i.e., is NOT scalar)
numOccurrences = unparsePositionallyRequiredSeps(unparser, erd, state, numOccurrences, trailingSuspendedOps)
} else {
Assert.invariant(ev.isEnd && ev.erd.isComplexType)
unparser.checkFinalOccursCountBetweenMinAndMaxOccurs(state, unparser, numOccurrences, maxReps, 0)
numOccurrences = unparsePositionallyRequiredSeps(unparser, erd, state, numOccurrences, trailingSuspendedOps)
} else {
// no event (state.inspect returned false)
Assert.invariantFailed("No event for unparsing.")
case scalarUnparser => trd match {
case erd: ElementRuntimeData => {
// scalar element case. These always get associated separator (if represented)
unparseOne(scalarUnparser, trd, state) // handles case of non-represented.
if (erd.isRepresented)
case mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData => {
// There are cases where we suppress the separator associated with a model group child
// The model group must have no required syntax (initiator/terminator nor alignment)
// and all optional children (none of which can be present if there are unsuppressed separators)
// The model group must be zero-length
// The SSP must be AnyEmpty or
// The SSP must be TrailingEmpty | TrailingEmptyStrict, AND the model group must be
// potentially trailing AND actually trailing.
// Most of the above is static information. Only whether the length is nonZero or zero, and
// whether it is actually trailing are run-time concepts.
if (scalarUnparser.isKnownStaticallyNotToSuppressSeparator) {
unparseOne(scalarUnparser, trd, state)
} else {
unparseOneWithSuppression(scalarUnparser, trd, state, trailingSuspendedOps,
onlySeparatorFlag = false)
index += 1
ssp match {
case TrailingEmpty | TrailingEmptyStrict => {
// For trailing empty suppression, things have to be actually trailing in the sequence.
// By setting the after-state to the complete end of the sequence, we insure that we suppress
// separators only if there is nothing at all after them.
// Note: Quadratic behavior here.
// When determining if trailing, each suspended separator will examine a list of length N, where
// N is number of children in the list. It will examine them only to determine if the entries are
// zero-length or not. But these chains could in principle have shared structure so that there
// would, in principle, be only one chain length N, not Sum(for i from 1 to N)of(N - i), whichis O(n^2).
// In practice, these chains are short (separator suppression seldom applies to long arrays, usually to
// optional fields near the end of a record. So the above may simply not matter.
for (suspendedOp <- trailingSuspendedOps.toSeq) {
case _ => // do nothing
private def unparsePositionallyRequiredSeps(
unparserArg: SequenceChildUnparser,
erd: ElementRuntimeData, state: UState, numOccurs: Int, trailingSuspendedOps: Buffer[SuppressableSeparatorUnparserSuspendableOperation]): Int = {
var numOccurrences = numOccurs
unparserArg match {
case unparser: RepOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparser => {
val isBounded = unparser.isBoundedMax
if (unparser.isPositional && isBounded &&
(!unparser.isDeclaredLast || !unparser.isPotentiallyTrailing)) {
val maxReps = unparser.maxRepeats(state)
while (numOccurrences < maxReps) {
unparseOneWithSuppression(unparser, erd, state, trailingSuspendedOps,
onlySeparatorFlag = true)
numOccurrences += 1
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("Not a repeating element")
private def unparseWithNoSuppression(state: UState): Unit = {
state.groupIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
var index = 0
var doUnparser = false
val limit = childUnparsers.length
while (index < limit) {
val childUnparser = childUnparsers(index)
val trd = childUnparser.trd
state.pushTRD(trd) // because we inspect before we invoke child unparser
// Unparsing an ordered sequence depends on the incoming
// stream of infoset events matching up with the order that
// they are expected as the unparser recurses through the
// child term unparsers.
childUnparser match {
case unparser: RepOrderedSeparatedSequenceChildUnparser => {
val erd = unparser.erd
var numOccurrences = 0
val maxReps = unparser.maxRepeats(state)
//val isBounded = unparser.isBoundedMax // not needed for the no-suppression case
// The number of occurrances we unparse is always exactly driven
// by the number of infoset events for the repeating/optional element.
// For RepUnparser - array/optional case - in all cases we should get a
// startArray event. If we don't then
// the element must be entirely optional, so we get no events for it
// at all.
if (state.inspect) {
val ev = state.inspectAccessor
val isArr = erd.isArray
if (ev.isStart && (isArr || erd.isOptional)) {
if (ev.erd eq erd) {
// StartArray for this unparser's array element
while ({
doUnparser = unparser.shouldDoUnparser(unparser, state)
}) {
// These are so we can check invariants on these stacks being
// pushed and popped reliably, and incremented only once
val arrayIndexBefore = state.arrayPos
val arrayIndexStackDepthBefore = state.arrayIndexStack.length
val groupIndexBefore = state.groupPos
val groupIndexStackDepthBefore = state.groupIndexStack.length
Assert.invariant(erd.isRepresented) // since this is an array, can't have inputValueCalc
if (isArr) if (state.dataProc.isDefined) state.dataProc.get.beforeRepetition(state, this)
unparseOne(unparser, erd, state)
numOccurrences += 1
Assert.invariant(state.arrayIndexStack.length == arrayIndexStackDepthBefore)
Assert.invariant(state.arrayPos == arrayIndexBefore + 1)
Assert.invariant(state.groupIndexStack.length == groupIndexStackDepthBefore)
state.moveOverOneGroupIndexOnly() // array elements are always represented.
Assert.invariant(state.groupPos == groupIndexBefore + 1)
if (isArr) if (state.dataProc.isDefined) state.dataProc.get.afterRepetition(state, this)
// If not enough occurences in array, we output extra separators
if (maxReps > numOccurrences) {
var numExtraSeps = erd.maxOccurs - numOccurrences
while (numExtraSeps > 0) {
numExtraSeps -= 1
unparser.checkFinalOccursCountBetweenMinAndMaxOccurs(state, unparser, numOccurrences, maxReps, state.arrayPos - 1)
unparser.endArrayOrOptional(erd, state)
} else {
// start array for some other array. Not this one. So we
// don't unparse anything here, and we'll go on to the next
// sequence child, which hopefully will be a matching array.
Assert.invariant(erd.minOccurs == 0L)
} else if (ev.isStart) {
Assert.invariant(!ev.erd.isArray && !erd.isOptional)
// start of scalar.
// That has to be for a different element later in the sequence
// since this one has a RepUnparser (i.e., is NOT scalar)
val eventNQN = ev.erd.namedQName
Assert.invariant(eventNQN != erd.namedQName)
} else {
Assert.invariant(ev.isEnd && ev.erd.isComplexType)
unparser.checkFinalOccursCountBetweenMinAndMaxOccurs(state, unparser, numOccurrences, maxReps, 0)
} else {
// no event (state.inspect returned false)
Assert.invariantFailed("No event for unparsing.")
case scalarUnparser => {
unparseOne(scalarUnparser, trd, state)
// only move over in group if the scalar "thing" is an element
// that is represented.
trd match {
case erd: ElementRuntimeData if (!erd.isRepresented) => // ok, skip group advance
case _ => state.moveOverOneGroupIndexOnly()
index += 1