blob: fc8f4398528c55704469dbd50483f7f255114406 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers
import java.lang.{ Number => JNumber, Long => JLong }
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.ElementRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.Evaluatable
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.ParseOrUnparseState
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.Processor
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.HasKnownLengthInBits
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.HasRuntimeExplicitLength
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.LengthUnits
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.YesNo
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import org.apache.daffodil.util.MaybeInt
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Numbers._
abstract class BinaryNumberBaseUnparser(override val context: ElementRuntimeData)
extends PrimUnparser {
protected def getNumberToPut(state: UState): JNumber = {
val node = state.currentInfosetNode.asSimple
protected def getBitLength(s: ParseOrUnparseState): Int
protected def putNumber(dos: DataOutputStream, number: JNumber, nBits: Int, finfo: FormatInfo): Boolean
def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
val nBits = getBitLength(state)
val value = getNumberToPut(state)
val dos = state.dataOutputStream
val res =
if (nBits > 0) {
putNumber(dos, value, nBits, state)
} else {
if (!res) {
UnparseError(One(state.schemaFileLocation), One(state.currentLocation), "Insufficient space to unparse element %s, required %s bits, but only %s were available.",
context.dpathElementCompileInfo.namedQName.toPrettyString, nBits, dos.maybeRelBitLimit0b.get)
abstract class BinaryIntegerBaseUnparser(e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: Boolean)
extends BinaryNumberBaseUnparser(e) {
override def putNumber(dos: DataOutputStream, value: JNumber, nBits: Int, finfo: FormatInfo): Boolean = {
if (nBits > 64) {
dos.putBigInt(asBigInt(value), nBits, signed, finfo)
} else {
dos.putLong(asLong(value), nBits, finfo)
class BinaryIntegerKnownLengthUnparser(e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: Boolean, override val lengthInBits: Int)
extends BinaryIntegerBaseUnparser(e, signed)
with HasKnownLengthInBits {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector()
class BinaryIntegerRuntimeLengthUnparser(val e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: Boolean, val lengthEv: Evaluatable[JLong], val lengthUnits: LengthUnits)
extends BinaryIntegerBaseUnparser(e, signed)
with HasRuntimeExplicitLength {
override val runtimeDependencies = Vector(lengthEv)
class BinaryIntegerPrefixedLengthUnparser(
e: ElementRuntimeData,
override val prefixedLengthUnparser: Unparser,
override val prefixedLengthERD: ElementRuntimeData,
maybeNBits: MaybeInt,
signed: Boolean,
override val lengthUnits: LengthUnits,
override val prefixedLengthAdjustmentInUnits: Long)
extends BinaryIntegerBaseUnparser(e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: Boolean)
with KnownPrefixedLengthUnparserMixin {
override def childProcessors: Vector[Processor] = Vector(prefixedLengthUnparser)
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector()
override def getBitLength(s: ParseOrUnparseState): Int = {
if (maybeNBits.isDefined) {
// not xs:integer, so is a fixed number of bits based on the prim type
} else {
// type is xs:integer, the length is determined by the minimum number of
// bytes needed to represent the number
val value = getNumberToPut(s.asInstanceOf[UState])
val len = Math.max(asBigInt(value).bitLength, 1)
val signedLen = if (signed) len + 1 else len
(signedLen + 7) & ~0x7 // round up to nearest multilpe of 8
override def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
class BinaryFloatUnparser(e: ElementRuntimeData)
extends BinaryNumberBaseUnparser(e) {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector()
override def getBitLength(s: ParseOrUnparseState) = 32
override def putNumber(dos: DataOutputStream, value: JNumber, nBits: Int, finfo: FormatInfo): Boolean = {
dos.putBinaryFloat(asFloat(value), finfo)
class BinaryDoubleUnparser(e: ElementRuntimeData)
extends BinaryNumberBaseUnparser(e) {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector()
override def getBitLength(s: ParseOrUnparseState) = 64
override def putNumber(dos: DataOutputStream, value: JNumber, nBits: Int, finfo: FormatInfo): Boolean = {
dos.putBinaryDouble(asDouble(value), finfo)
class BinaryDecimalKnownLengthUnparser(e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: YesNo, binaryDecimalVirtualPoint: Int, val lengthInBits: Int)
extends BinaryDecimalUnparserBase(e, signed, binaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
with HasKnownLengthInBits {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector()
class BinaryDecimalRuntimeLengthUnparser(val e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: YesNo, binaryDecimalVirtualPoint: Int, val lengthEv: Evaluatable[JLong], val lengthUnits: LengthUnits)
extends BinaryDecimalUnparserBase(e, signed, binaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
with HasRuntimeExplicitLength {
override val runtimeDependencies = Vector(lengthEv)
class BinaryDecimalPrefixedLengthUnparser(
e: ElementRuntimeData,
override val prefixedLengthUnparser: Unparser,
override val prefixedLengthERD: ElementRuntimeData,
signed: YesNo,
binaryDecimalVirtualPoint: Int,
override val lengthUnits: LengthUnits,
override val prefixedLengthAdjustmentInUnits: Long)
extends BinaryDecimalUnparserBase(e, signed, binaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
with KnownPrefixedLengthUnparserMixin {
override def childProcessors: Vector[Processor] = Vector(prefixedLengthUnparser)
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Vector()
override def getBitLength(s: ParseOrUnparseState): Int = {
// type is xs:decimal, the length is determined by the minimum number of
// bytes needed to represent the number
val value = getNumberToPut(s.asInstanceOf[UState])
val len = Math.max(asBigInt(value).bitLength, 1)
val signedLen = if (signed == YesNo.Yes) len + 1 else len
(signedLen + 7) & ~0x7 // round up to nearest multilpe of 8
override def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
abstract class BinaryDecimalUnparserBase(e: ElementRuntimeData, signed: YesNo, binaryDecimalVirtualPoint: Int)
extends BinaryNumberBaseUnparser(e) {
override def getNumberToPut(state: UState): JNumber = {
val node = state.currentInfosetNode.asSimple
val value = node.dataValue.getNumber
// We want to scale the bigInt by binaryDecimalVirtualPoint so that it is a BigInt
val bigDec = asBigDecimal(value)
// NOTE: The code below would fail when using java.math.BigDecimal because of an ArithmeticException
// due to the pow() call. Adding the MathContext.DECIMAL128 fixed this issue. This is the
// defaultMathContext for scala's BigDecimal. It's interesting to note that MathContext.UNLIMITED
// also failed here.
val bigInt =
if (binaryDecimalVirtualPoint != 0) bigDec.scaleByPowerOfTen(binaryDecimalVirtualPoint).toBigInteger()
else bigDec.toBigInteger()
override def putNumber(dos: DataOutputStream, value: JNumber, nBits: Int, finfo: FormatInfo): Boolean = {
dos.putBigInt(asBigInt(value), nBits, signed == YesNo.Yes, finfo)