blob: 5bd63483aae7aa0c9f68b01b09bcd1b525f0435c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
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* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.daffodil.propGen
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.Paths
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder
class TestPropertyGenerator {
@Test def testGenEnum(): Unit = {
val sch = <xsd:simpleType name="NilKindEnum">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="literalValue"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="logicalValue"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="literalCharacter"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="nilIndicator"/>
<!-- 15.9 Properties for Nillable Elements -->
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val nk = pg.genSimpleType(sch)
assertTrue(nk.contains("sealed trait NilKind"))
* test that we get some of the right artifacts generated from a real example derived from
* the XML Schema for DFDL Annotations.
* Includes both enum-valued properties and string-valued properties, qnames, etc.
* Test also looks for the registration of the toString function for the property.
@Test def testGenPropMixins(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:attributeGroup name="LengthPropertiesAG">
<xsd:attribute name="lengthKind" type="dfdl:LengthKindEnum"/>
<xsd:attribute name="length" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="lengthPattern" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="lengthUnits" type="dfdl:LengthUnitsEnum"/>
<xsd:attribute name="prefixIncludesPrefixLength" type="xsd:boolean"/>
<xsd:attribute name="prefixLengthType" type="xsd:QName"/>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genAttributeGroup(sch)
assertTrue(mx.contains(""" = convertToBoolean(findProperty("prefixIncludesPrefixLength").value)"""))
assertTrue(mx.contains("""def lengthPropertiesAGInit(): Unit = {"""))
assertTrue(mx.contains("""registerToStringFunction(()=>{getPropertyOption("lengthPattern") match {
case None => ""
case Some(value) => "lengthPattern='" + value.toString + "'"
* make sure we generate trait mixin for referenced attribute groups.
@Test def testGenPropMixins2(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:attributeGroup name="ElementAG">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:SimpleTypeAG"></xsd:attributeGroup>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:NillableAG"></xsd:attributeGroup>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:DefaultValueControlAG"></xsd:attributeGroup>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:OccursAG"></xsd:attributeGroup>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genAttributeGroup(sch)
assertTrue(mx.contains("""with SimpleTypeAGMixin"""))
assertTrue(mx.contains("""with NillableAGMixin"""))
* verify that the right thing is generated when the type is xsd:NCName, i.e., a built-in type
* not one defined in the XML Schema for DFDL annotations.
@Test def testGenPropMixins3(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:attributeGroup name="TextNumberFormatAG1">
<xsd:attribute name="textNumberFormatRef" type="xsd:NCName"/>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genAttributeGroup(sch)
@Test def testGenCT(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:complexType name="DFDLSequenceType">
<xsd:extension base="dfdl:DFDLBaseType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:SequenceGroupsAG"/>
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:SequenceGroupsWithDelimitersAG"/>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genComplexType(sch)
assertTrue(mx.contains("""with SequenceGroupsAGMixin"""))
assertTrue(mx.contains("""with SequenceGroupsWithDelimitersAGMixin"""))
@Test def testGenCT2(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:complexType name="DFDLDefineFormat">
<xsd:element ref="dfdl:format" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:NCName"/>
<xsd:attribute name="baseFormat" type="xsd:QName"/>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genComplexType(sch)
@Test def testElement1(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:element name="defineFormat" type="dfdl:DFDLDefineFormat"/>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genElement(sch)
assertTrue(mx.contains("""with DFDLDefineFormatMixin"""))
@Test def testElementWithImmediateComplexType1(): Unit = {
val sch =
<xsd:element name="defineVariable">
<xsd:extension base="dfdl:DFDLVariableType">
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="dfdl:DefineVariableAG"/>
val pg = new PropertyGenerator(sch)
val mx = pg.genElement(sch)
assertTrue(mx.contains("""trait DFDLDefineVariableTypeMixin extends PropertyMixin"""))
assertTrue(mx.contains("""trait DefineVariable_AnnotationMixin extends PropertyMixin"""))
assertTrue(mx.contains("""with DFDLDefineVariableTypeMixin"""))
* Test the entire PropertyGenerator package and verify that it creates some files.
* Ulterior motivation is to push codecov's total coverage above 80% too.
private val _folder = new TemporaryFolder()
@Rule def folder = _folder
@Test def testPropertyGeneratorMain(): Unit = {
val args = Array(folder.getRoot.getCanonicalPath)
val path1 = Paths.get(args(0), "org/apache/daffodil/schema/annotation/props/gen/GeneratedCode.scala")
val path2 = Paths.get(args(0), "org/apache/daffodil/api/DaffodilTunablesGen.scala")
val path3 = Paths.get(args(0), "org/apache/daffodil/api/WarnIdGen.scala")
assert(Files.exists(path1), "Expected PropertyGenerator to create a file")
assert(Files.exists(path2), "Expected PropertyGenerator to create a file")
assert(Files.exists(path3), "Expected PropertyGenerator to create a file")