blob: 108181433180787cd741b9abbd90fd8f752b0be7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.propGen
class TunableGenerator(schemaRootConfig: scala.xml.Node, schemaRootExt: scala.xml.Node) {
val top = """
| * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
| * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
| * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
| * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
| * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
| * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
| *
| *
| *
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
| * limitations under the License.
| */
|package org.apache.daffodil.api
|// Generated Code - Do not hand modify!
|// This file is entirely generated code created from the
|// XML Schema files that describe Daffodil configuration files.
|// Don't edit this. Go fix the generator to create what you need instead.
|import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
|import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.ThrowsSDE
|import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.EmptyElementParsePolicy
|import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.Enum
|import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc
|import org.apache.daffodil.xml.DaffodilXMLLoader
|import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
|object DaffodilTunables extends DaffodilTunablesStaticMixin {
| def apply(tunables: Map[String, String]): DaffodilTunables = {
| apply().setTunables(tunables)
| }
| def apply(tunable: String, value: String): DaffodilTunables = {
| apply().setTunable(tunable, value)
| }
| def apply(): DaffodilTunables = {
| // override tunables from the global configuration file on the class path, if it exists
| val (configOpt, _) = Misc.getResourceOption("/daffodil-config.xml")
| val configTunables: Map[String, String] =
| if (configOpt.isDefined) {
| val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader()
| val node = loader.load(URISchemaSource(configOpt.get), Some(XMLUtils.dafextURI))
| tunablesMap(node)
| } else {
| Map.empty
| }
| new DaffodilTunables().setTunables(configTunables)
| }
|case class DaffodilTunables private (
val middle = """
| extends Serializable {
| def setTunables(tunables: Map[String, String]): DaffodilTunables = {
| tunables.foldLeft(this) { case (dafTuns, (tunable, value)) => dafTuns.setTunable(tunable, value) }
| }
| def setTunable(tunable: String, value: String): DaffodilTunables = {
| tunable match {
val bottom = """
| case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown tunable: " + tunable)
| }
| }
| def notSuppressedWarning(warnID: WarnID) =
| !suppressSchemaDefinitionWarnings.contains(warnID) &&
| !suppressSchemaDefinitionWarnings.contains(WarnID.All)
| private def throwInvalidTunableValue(tunable: String, value: String) = {
| throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value for tunable " + tunable + ": " + value)
| }
val tunablesRoot = (schemaRootConfig \ "element").find(_ \@ "name" == "tunables").get
val tunableNodes = tunablesRoot \\ "all" \ "element"
val excludedSimpleTypes = Seq(
val tunableSimpleTypeNodes = (schemaRootConfig \ "simpleType")
.filter { st => (st \@ "name").startsWith("Tunable") }
.filter { st => !excludedSimpleTypes.contains(st \@ "name") }
def writeGeneratedCode(w: Unit = {
val tunables = { tunableNode =>
val schemaName = tunableNode \@ "name"
val schemaType =
if (tunableNode \@ "type" != "") tunableNode \@ "type"
else tunableNode \\ "restriction" \@ "base"
val schemaDefault = tunableNode \@ "default"
if (schemaName == "") throw new Exception("Tunable missing mandatory name attribute: " + tunableNode)
if (schemaType == "") throw new Exception("Tunable missing mandatory type or restriction base attribute: " + schemaName)
if (schemaDefault == "") throw new Exception("Tunable missing mandatory default attribute: " + schemaName)
val tunable =
if (schemaName == "suppressSchemaDefinitionWarnings") {
// special case, list of enums
new EnumListTunable(schemaName, schemaType, schemaDefault, "WarnID")
} else if (!schemaType.startsWith("xs:")) {
// non-primitive type, assume a single enum
new EnumTunable(schemaName, schemaType, schemaDefault)
} else if (schemaName == "tempFilePath") {
// special case, creates actual file object instead of string
new FileTunable("tempFilePath", """System.getProperty("")""")
} else {
// primitive type
new PrimitiveTunable(schemaName, schemaType, schemaDefault, tunableNode)
val definitionString =
.mkString(" ", ",\n ", ")")
val conversionString =
.map { tunable =>
.filter(_.trim.length > 0)
.mkString(" ", "\n ", "")
val tunableDefinitions = { n =>
new TunableEnumDefinition(schemaRootConfig, schemaRootExt, n)
abstract class TunableBase {
def scalaDefinition: String
def scalaConversion: String
def name: String
class PrimitiveTunable(
override val name: String,
schemaType: String,
schemaDefault: String,
node: scala.xml.Node)
extends TunableBase {
private val scalaType = schemaType match {
case "xs:boolean" => "Boolean"
case "xs:int" => "Int"
case "xs:long" => "Long"
case "xs:string" => "String"
case _ => throw new Exception("Type not supported for tunable: " + schemaType)
private val scalaDefault = schemaType match {
case "xs:string" => "\"" + schemaDefault + "\""
case _ => schemaDefault
private def restrictionCheck(rCheck: String, rValue: String): Option[String] = {
if (rValue != "") {
Some(s""" if (!(v ${rCheck} ${rValue})) throwInvalidTunableValue(tunable, value)""")
} else {
private val minInclusive = node \\ "minInclusive" \@ "value"
private val maxInclusive = node \\ "maxInclusive" \@ "value"
private val minExclusive = node \\ "minExclusive" \@ "value"
private val maxExclusive = node \\ "maxExclusive" \@ "value"
private val restrictionChecks = Seq(
restrictionCheck(">=", minInclusive),
restrictionCheck("<=", maxInclusive),
restrictionCheck(">", minExclusive),
restrictionCheck("<", maxExclusive),
override val scalaDefinition = s"""val ${name}: ${scalaType} = ${scalaDefault}"""
override val scalaConversion = s"""
|case "${name}" => {
| val v = scala.util.Try(${scalaType}).getOrElse { throwInvalidTunableValue(tunable, value) }
| this.copy(${name} = v)
class FileTunable(
override val name: String,
default: String)
extends TunableBase {
override val scalaDefinition = s"""val ${name}: = new${default})"""
override val scalaConversion = s"""
|case "${name}" => {
| this.copy(${name} = new
class EnumTunable(
override val name: String,
schemaType: String,
schemaDefault: String)
extends TunableBase {
private val scalaType = schemaType.stripPrefix("daf:Tunable")
private val scalaDefault = scalaType + "." + schemaDefault.head.toUpper + schemaDefault.tail
override val scalaDefinition = s"""val ${name}: ${scalaType} = ${scalaDefault}"""
override val scalaConversion = s"""
|case "${name}" => {
| val vOpt = ${scalaType}.optionStringToEnum("${scalaType}", value)
| val v = vOpt.getOrElse { throwInvalidTunableValue(tunable, value) }
| this.copy(${name} = v)
class EnumListTunable(
override val name: String,
schemaType: String,
schemaDefault: String,
listType: String)
extends TunableBase {
val scalaDefault = {
val trimmedDefault = schemaDefault.trim
if (trimmedDefault == "") {
} else {
val defaultSeq = trimmedDefault.split("\\s+").map(d => s"${listType}.${d.head.toUpper + d.tail}")
s"""Seq(${defaultSeq.mkString(", ")})"""
override val scalaDefinition = s"val ${name}: Seq[${listType}] = ${scalaDefault}"
override val scalaConversion = s"""
|case "${name}" => {
| val values = value.split("\\\\s+") { v =>
| val vOpt = ${listType}.optionStringToEnum("${listType}", v)
| vOpt.getOrElse { throwInvalidTunableValue(tunable, value) }
| }
| this.copy(${name} = values)
class TunableEnumDefinition(schemaRootConfig: scala.xml.Node, schemaRootExt: scala.xml.Node, simpleTypeNode: scala.xml.Node) {
private val nodeName = (simpleTypeNode \@ "name").stripPrefix("Tunable")
private val scalaType = nodeName.head.toUpper + nodeName.tail
* Returns a list of all string values of enumerations. If a simpletype is a
* untion of other simple types, it recursively gets their enumeration values
* and combines everything.
private def getAllEnumerationValues(node: scala.xml.Node): Seq[String] = {
val restrictions = node \\ "restriction"
restrictions.flatMap { r =>
val base = r \@ "base"
val enumerationValues =
if (base.startsWith("xs:")) {
(r \ "enumeration").map(_ \@ "value")
} else {
val Array(pre, local) = base.split(":")
val schemaToSearch = pre match {
case "daf" => schemaRootConfig
case "dfdlx" => schemaRootExt
val restrictionSimpleTypeNode =
(schemaToSearch \ "simpleType").find(_ \@ "name" == base.split(":")(1)).get
private val allEnumerationValues = getAllEnumerationValues(simpleTypeNode)
private val top = s"""
|sealed trait ${scalaType} extends ${scalaType}.Value
|object ${scalaType} extends Enum[${scalaType}] {
private val scalaEnums = {
val scalaEnumValues = { e => e.head.toUpper + e.tail } { e => s""" case object ${e} extends ${scalaType}""" }
private val values = {
val scalaEnumValues = { e => e.head.toUpper + e.tail }
scalaEnumValues.mkString(" override lazy val values = Array(", ", ", ")")
private val bottom = s"""
| override def apply(name: String, context: ThrowsSDE) = Assert.usageError("not to be called. Use optionStringToEnum")
val scalaEnumeration = {
top + "\n" + scalaEnums.mkString("\n") + "\n" + values + "\n" + bottom