Spin 10, Patch Release 1, Release Candidate 1
Spin 10, Patch Release 1, Release Candidate 1
Change how version numbers are determined

Using the most recent tag as the version number does not work very well
because it a version behind what we are actually developing for. This
changes how version are determined:

1) If the current commit is a tag, use that tag as the version
      a) Make it a SNAPSHOT if the git tree is dirty

2) If we are on a version branch, (e.g. 0.10.1), then use
   that as the version, making it a SNAPSHOT

3) If we are not on a version branch, but the current branch tracks a
   version branch (using --track), use the tracking version branch as the
   version, making a it a SNAPSHOT

4) Otherwise, use a default 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT version

2 files changed