blob: e609db5c702580546ae6d67f6aef691cc4ce646e [file] [log] [blame]
import sbt._
object DaffodilBuild extends Build {
var s = Defaults.defaultSettings
lazy val example = Project(id = "daffodil-example", base = file("."), settings = s)
val packFileList = Seq(
"bin" -> "/bin",
"build.sbt" -> "/build.sbt",
"../daffodil-perf/src/test/resources/edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/pcap/" -> "/examples/pcap",
"../daffodil-perf/src/test/resources/edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/csv/" -> "/examples/csv"
lazy val packTask = TaskKey[Unit]("pack", "Generate distributable pack files", KeyRanks.APlusTask)
lazy val packTaskSettings = packTask <<= (tarTask, zipTask) map { (t, z) => () }
s ++= packTaskSettings
lazy val tarTask = TaskKey[Unit]("pack-tar", "Generate a distributable tar file", KeyRanks.APlusTask)
lazy val tarTaskSettings = tarTask <<= (Keys.fullClasspath in Runtime,, Keys.version, Keys.crossTarget) map { (cp, n, v, t) =>
packFiles(t / "pack", n, v, packFileList, cp.files, "tar -jcf", "tar.bz2")
s ++= tarTaskSettings
lazy val zipTask = TaskKey[Unit]("pack-zip", "Generate a distributable zip file", KeyRanks.APlusTask)
lazy val zipTaskSettings = zipTask <<= (Keys.fullClasspath in Runtime,, Keys.version, Keys.crossTarget) map { (cp, n, v, t) =>
packFiles(t / "pack", n, v, packFileList, cp.files, "zip -r", "zip")
s ++= zipTaskSettings
// Unforunately, we can't completly reuse IO.copy, for two reason:
// 1) IO.copy doesn't copy recurisvely (IO.copyDirectory does though)
// 2) IO.copy doesn't retain permissions (all we care about is the execute bit)
def copy(source: File, dest: File) {
def copyFile(source: File, dest: File) {
IO.copyFile(source, dest)
def copyDirectory(source: File, dest: File) {
val files = source.listFiles
files.foreach(f => {
val newFile = new File(dest,
if (f.isFile) {
copyFile(f, newFile)
if (f.isDirectory) {
copyDirectory(f, newFile)
if (source.isFile) {
copyFile(source, dest)
if (source.isDirectory) {
copyDirectory(source, dest)
def modifyBuildSBT(file: File, version: String) {
val DaffodilDepLine = """(\s+)//(.*)XXX_VERSION_XXX(.*)""".r
val VersionLine = """//(.*)XXX_VERSION_XXX(.*)""".r
val lines =
val modifiedLines = { l =>
l match {
case DaffodilDepLine(indent, pre, post) => indent + pre + version + post
case VersionLine(pre, post) => pre + version + post
case _ => l
val fw = new
val bw = new
modifiedLines.foreach( l => {
def packFiles(outDir: File, name: String, version: String, inFiles: Seq[(String,String)], cpFiles: Seq[File], packCmd: String, packExt: String) {
val outBase = "%s-%s".format(name, version)
IO.withTemporaryDirectory(dir => {
val daffodilDir = new File(dir, outBase)
inFiles.foreach { case (fs, fd) => {
val source = new File(fs)
val dest = new File(daffodilDir, fd)
copy(source, dest)
// Special case for build.sbt
if (fs == "build.sbt") {
modifyBuildSBT(dest, version)
val libDir = new File(daffodilDir, "lib")
cpFiles.filter(_.isFile).foreach(f => {
val dest = new File(libDir,
IO.copyFile(f, dest)
val outFile = new File(outDir, "%s.%s".format(outBase, packExt))
if (outFile.exists) {
if (!outFile.delete) {
sys.error("Failed to remove old file: %s".format(outFile))
val r = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime()
val p = r.exec("%s %s %s".format(packCmd, outFile.getAbsoluteFile(), daffodilDir.getName), null, new File(daffodilDir, ".."))
val ret = p.exitValue()
if (ret != 0) {
sys.error("Failed to pack file: %s".format(outFile))
def exec(cmd: String): Seq[String] = {
val r = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime()
val p = r.exec(cmd)
val ret = p.exitValue()
if (ret != 0) {
sys.error("Command failed: " + cmd)
val is = p.getInputStream
val res =
// get the version from the latest tag
s ++= Seq(Keys.version := {
val describe = exec("git describe --long HEAD")
assert(describe.length == 1)
val DescribeRegex = """^(.+)-(.+)-(.+)$""".r
val res = describe(0) match {
case DescribeRegex(taggedVersion, "0", hash) => {
// we are on a tag, build a tag release
val status = exec("git status --porcelain")
if (status.length > 0) {
taggedVersion + "-SNAPSHOT"
} else {
case DescribeRegex(version, _, hash) => {
// not on a tag
// get the current branch
val branch = exec("git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD")
assert(branch.length == 1)
val VersionBranchRegex = """^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$""".r
branch(0) match {
case VersionBranchRegex => {
// we are developing on a version branch, create a snapshot
branch + "-SNAPSHOT"
case _ => {
// not on a version branch (e.g. a review branch), try to figure
// out the tracking branch
val trackingBranch = exec("git for-each-ref --format=%(upstream:short) refs/heads/" + branch(0))
assert(trackingBranch.length == 1)
val TrackingBranchRegex = """^[^/]+/(.+)$""".r
trackingBranch(0) match {
case TrackingBranchRegex(trackingVersion) => {
trackingVersion + "-SNAPSHOT"
case _ => {
// no idea what the version is, set it to a fefault
s ++= Seq(Keys.libraryDependencies <+= Keys.version(v => "edu.illinois.ncsa" %% "daffodil-cli" % v))