blob: 942e2390b9512fe6bec25361c8bdb076a84a88d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.xml
* Adapted from a question/answer on the Stack Overflow web site.
* See
import javax.xml.XMLConstants
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.asScalaBufferConverter
import scala.xml.InputSource
import scala.xml.SAXParseException
import scala.xml.parsing.NoBindingFactoryAdapter
import org.apache.daffodil.api.DaffodilSchemaSource
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.util.LogLevel
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Logging
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc
import org.apache.daffodil.validation.XercesValidator
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLInputSource
import org.apache.xml.resolver.Catalog
import org.apache.xml.resolver.CatalogManager
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory
import javax.xml.validation.Schema
import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory
import scala.xml.SAXParser
* Resolves URI/URL/URNs to loadable files/streams.
* Uses xml catalogs.
* The user can specify their own catalogs by putting
* on the classpath when they run
* daffodil.
* You can also turn on/off verbose messaging from the resolver
* by putting 'verbosity=4' in that same file.
* In all cases, we get the resource daffodil-built-in-catalog.xml
* and that gets priority, so that entities we choose to resolve
* as built-ins are resolved from the Daffodil jars.
class DFDLCatalogResolver private ()
extends org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLEntityResolver
with org.xml.sax.EntityResolver
with org.xml.sax.ext.EntityResolver2
with Logging {
lazy val init = {
lazy val catalogFiles = cm.getCatalogFiles().asScala.toList.asInstanceOf[List[String]]
// Caution: it took a long time to figure out how to use
// the XML Catalog stuff. Many permutations were attempted
// so change this next block of code at your peril
lazy val cm = {
val cm = new CatalogManager()
// Note: don't edit code to turn this on and off. You can
// create file (don't commit/push it tho)
// and put one line in it 'verbosity=4' and it will do the same
// as this next line.
// cm.setVerbosity(4)
// The user might specify catalogs using the
// file. So to insure that our catalog "wins" any conflicts with the user's
// catalogs, we take any user-specified catalogs and explicitly put
// our catalog first in the catalog list, and then set it again.
val catFiles = cm.getCatalogFiles().toArray.toList.asInstanceOf[List[String]]
log(LogLevel.Debug, "initial catalog files: %s ", catFiles)
val builtInCatalog = Misc.getRequiredResource("/daffodil-built-in-catalog.xml")
val newCatFiles = builtInCatalog.toString() :: catFiles
val catFilesAfter = cm.getCatalogFiles()
log(LogLevel.Debug, "final catalog files: %s ", catFilesAfter)
lazy val delegate = {
val delegate = new Catalog(cm)
// delegate.getCatalogManager().debug.setDebug(100) // uncomment for even more debug output
* Flag to let us know we're already inside the resolution of the
* XML Schema URI. See comment below.
* This is not thread safe, but the underlying catalog resolver isn't either, so
* we're not making it worse.
var alreadyResolvingXSD: Boolean = false
* Called by SAX parser of the schema to resolve entities.
* Why the alreadyResolvingXSD flag?? it's because DFDL Schemas use the XSD namespace,
* but want it to resolve to the DFDL subset schema, but the DFDL Subset Schema
* uses the XSD Namespace, and does NOT want it to resolve to the DFDL subset,
* but rather, to the regular XSD namespace. Actually its more than that.
* We don't want to bother validating the DFDL Subset schemas every time
* we load a file. So we special case the XSD namespace URI.
* Without this special case check, we'll recurse and stack overflow here.
def resolveEntity(ri: org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier): XMLInputSource = {
val nsString = ri.getNamespace()
val ns = NS(nsString)
val literalSysId = ri.getLiteralSystemId()
val baseURIString = ri.getBaseSystemId()
if (ns == XMLUtils.XSD_NAMESPACE) {
if (alreadyResolvingXSD) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "special resolved to null")
return null
val prior = alreadyResolvingXSD
val res = try {
alreadyResolvingXSD = (ns == XMLUtils.XSD_NAMESPACE)
val optURI = resolveCommon(nsString, literalSysId, baseURIString)
optURI match {
case None => null
case Some(uri) => {
val xis = new XMLInputSource(null, uri.toString, null)
} finally {
alreadyResolvingXSD = prior
def resolveURI(uri: String): String = {
val optURI = resolveCommon(uri, null, null)
optURI match {
case None => null
case Some(uri) => uri.toString
private def resolveCommon(nsURI: String, systemId: String, baseURIString: String): Option[URI] = {
if (nsURI == null && systemId == null && baseURIString == null) return None
log(LogLevel.Resolver, "nsURI = %s, baseURI = %s, systemId = %s", nsURI, baseURIString, systemId)
val resolvedUri = delegate.resolveURI(nsURI)
val resolvedSystem =
if (systemId == null) null
else {
delegate.resolveSystem(systemId) match {
case null => {
val systemIdFile = new File(systemId)
if (systemIdFile.exists) systemIdFile.toURI().toString else null
case rSys => rSys
// An Include in a schema with a target namespace should resolve to the systemId and ignore the nsURI
// because the nsURI will resolve to the including schema file.
// This will cause the including schema to be repeatedly parsed resulting in a stack overflow.
val resolvedId = {
if (resolvedSystem != null && resolvedSystem != resolvedUri) {
} else if (resolvedUri != null && ((systemId == null) || (systemId != null && resolvedUri.endsWith(systemId)))) {
} else
null // We were unable to resolve the file based on the URI or systemID, so we will return null.
val result = (resolvedId, systemId) match {
case (null, null) => {
// This happens now in some unit tests.
// Assert.invariantFailed("resolvedId and systemId were null.")
log(LogLevel.Resolver, "Unable to resolve.")
case (null, sysId) =>
val baseURI = if (baseURIString == null) None else Some(new URI(baseURIString))
val optURI = Misc.getResourceRelativeOption(sysId, baseURI)
optURI match {
case Some(uri) => log(LogLevel.Resolver, "Found on classpath: %s.", uri)
case None => log(LogLevel.Info, "Unable to resolve " + sysId + " in " + baseURI)
case (resolved, _) => {
log(LogLevel.Resolver, "Found via XML Catalog: %s.", resolved)
Some(new URI(resolved))
def resolveResource(type_ : String, nsURI: String, publicId: String, systemId: String, baseURIString: String): LSInput = {
val optURI = resolveCommon(nsURI, systemId, baseURIString)
optURI match {
case None => null
case Some(uri) => {
try {
val resourceAsStream = new BufferedInputStream(uri.toURL.openStream())
val input = new InputStreamLSInput(publicId, uri.toString, resourceAsStream)
} catch {
case _: => null
override def resolveEntity(publicId: String, systemId: String) = {
Assert.invariantFailed("resolveEntity3 - should not be called")
* We don't deal with DTDs at all. So this always returns null
def getExternalSubset(name: String, baseURI: String) = {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "getExternalSubset: name = %s, baseURI = %s", name, baseURI)
* This resolver is also called sometimes. If we pass this resolver to other uses of resolvers
* (xerces, IBM DFDL, etc.) this API may be called even though Daffodil itself doesn't (or didn't
* anyway as of when this was written) use this method..
def resolveEntity(name: String, publicId: String, baseURI: String, systemId: String) = {
// When this method is called from IBM DFDL, for an xs:include with a schemaLocation, the
// schemaLocation attribute's value is passed in the systemID string.
// Ex: publicId =,
// baseURI= file:/tmp/s_9828982379827.dfdl.xsd (generated schema file when a
// schema is embedded inside a TDML file.
// and
// systemID = org/apache/daffodil/xml/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd
val optURI = resolveCommon(publicId, systemId, baseURI)
optURI match {
case None => null
case Some(uri) => {
val xis = new InputSource(uri.toURL().openStream())
* catalog resolvers aren't thread safe. But they're also expensive stateful,
* do I/O etc. so we really only want one per thread.
object DFDLCatalogResolver {
lazy val d = new ThreadLocal[DFDLCatalogResolver] {
override def initialValue() = {
new DFDLCatalogResolver()
def get = d.get
* This LSInput implementation is tailored specifically for Daffodil's use with
* Xerces and has implementation details to ensure XML data is read correctly
* and InputStreams are closed.
* It is important here that the different data getters (e.g.
* getCharacterStream, getStringData, getEncoding) do not return a value. Only
* getByteStream should return a value representing the data. This ensures that
* Xerces will use the data from the InputStream, use the XML preamble to
* determine encoding, and close the InputStream upon completion. If any of the
* other getters return a value, Xerces might ignore the InputStream
* completely, which can lead to open file descriptors or errors in XML decoding.
class InputStreamLSInput(var pubId: String, var sysId: String, inputStream: InputStream)
extends LSInput {
var myBaseURI: String = null
def getBaseURI = myBaseURI
def getPublicId = pubId
def getSystemId = sysId
def setBaseURI(baseURI: String) = myBaseURI = baseURI
def setPublicId(publicId: String) = pubId = publicId
def setSystemId(systemId: String) = sysId = systemId
def getByteStream = inputStream
def getCertifiedText = false
def getCharacterStream = null
def getEncoding = null
def getStringData = null
def setByteStream(byteStream: InputStream) = {
//do nothing
def setCertifiedText(certifiedText: Boolean) = {
//do nothing
def setCharacterStream(characterStream: Reader) = {
//do nothing
def setEncoding(encoding: String) = {
//do nothing
def setStringData(stringData: String) = {
//do nothing
* Our modified XML loader.
* The saga of the XML Loaders in scala - it's a long story. Xerces is java code.
* It seems to be hopelessly broken in how it handles CDATA regions. It loses line
* information in them. Push comes to shove if an XML element contains syntax where
* line endings play a role. In DFDL, regular expressions that use the free-form comment
* syntax need the line-endings to be preserved. Xerces always loses them, so the line
* endings get lost and a free-form regex with a comment is hopelessly broken.
* Xerces doesn't preserve CDATA and create PCData nodes. Rather, it creates ordinary
* Text nodes. Nor does it give you any way to get control so
* that you can handle CDATA properly. Hence, we use Xerces to validate XML files
* against XML Schemas, and that includes to validate DFDL schemas against the
* XML Schema for DFDL schemas. We also use it to validate DFDL schemas as XML Schemas
* since that checks many things more than just validity checking does. And we use
* Xerces for "full validation" of the Infoset results from DFDL parsing, by converting
* them to XML and validating them as XML against the DFDL Schema (in that case being
* interpreted only as an XML Schema).
* A second issue: some DFDL schemas are created programatically from other files such
* as TDML files. It would be great if we could redirect Xerces to use file/line/col
* information from the TDML files instead of its own. But this has proven to be
* fragile and depends on much undocumented behavior, so was removed. One might get
* it to work for xml.load(...), but there's also the XSD validation of the schema,
* and there we have even less visibility to the parsing of the schema.
* Back to the CDATA issue: Unfortunately, in order to actually get the XML nodes we need for TDML or DFDL
* schemas where CDATA regions may be present, we can't use Xerces. So Daffodil has its
* own DaffodilConstructingLoader which uses the scala.xml.ConstructingParser
* for XML which does deal with CDATA regions properly. Daffodil extends
* the Scala library constructing parser so as to capture the file/line/col
* information needed for diagnostic messages.
* The DaffodilXMLLoader also resolves xmlns URIs using an XML Catalog which
* can be extended to include user-defined catalogs. By way of a
* file anywhere on the classpath.
* It adds the diagnostic file, line number, column number information
* to the nodes unless such info is already present.
* The DaffodilConstructingLoader doesn't do any resolving of its own (it does not
* do any validation either), however, once Daffodil starts processing the
* DFDL schema nodes, it resolves references using the same one true XML catalog resolver.
class DaffodilXMLLoader(val errorHandler: org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler)
extends NoBindingFactoryAdapter {
def this() = this(RethrowSchemaErrorHandler)
private def resolver = DFDLCatalogResolver.get
* UPA errors are detected by xerces if the schema-full-checking feature is
* turned on, AND if you inform xerces that it is reading an XML Schema
* (i.e., xsd).
* Detecting these requires that we do THREE passes
* 1) load the DFDL schema as an XML document. This validates it against the XML Schema
* for DFDL schemas.
* 2) load the DFDL schema as an XSD - xerces then does lots of more intensive checking
* of the schema
* 3) load the schema for our own consumption by Daffodil code. This uses the
* constructing parser so as to preserve CDATA regions (xerces just does the wrong
* thing with those,...fatally so). Then our own semantic checking is performed
* as part of compiling the DFDL schema.
* Checks like UPA are in step (2) above. They are coded algorithmically
* right into Xerces. This is accomplished by
* using the below SchemaFactory and SchemaFactory.newSchema calls. The
* newSchema call is what forces schema validation to take place.
private lazy val schemaFactory = {
val sf = new org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation.XMLSchemaFactory()
// despite setting the errorHandler here, the validator
// sometimes still throws exceptions, so we cannot depend
// exclusively on the errorHandler picking off all errors.
// In particular, fatal errors when a node cannot be returned
// from the parse, always cause a throw.
sf.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true)
// These are not recognized by a schemaFactory
// sf.setFeature("", true)
// sf.setFeature("", true)
// sf.setFeature("", true)
* This loads the DFDL schema as an XML Schema. This will
* check many more things (ex: UPA) about the DFDL schema other than
* just whether it validates against the XML Schema for DFDL schemas.
* Unfortunately, we don't have control over how Xerces loads up these schemas
* (other than the resolver anyway), so we can't really redirect the way
* it issues error messages so that it properly lays blame at say, the schema fragments
* inside an embedded schema of a TDML file.
* So if we want good file/line/column info from this, we have to give
* it a plain old file or resource, and not try to play games to get it to
* pick up the file/line/col information from attributes of the elements.
* Due to limitations in the xerces newSchema() method
* this method should be called only after loading
* the schema as a regular XML file, which itself insists
* on the XMLUtils.setSecureDefaults, so we don't need to
* further check that here.
def validateAsDFDLSchema(source: DaffodilSchemaSource): Unit = {
// first we load it, with validation explicitly against the
// schema for DFDL Schemas.
try {
load(source, Some(XMLUtils.schemaForDFDLSchemas), addPositionAttributes = true)
// Then we validate explicitly so Xerces can check things
// such as for UPA violations
val inputSource = source.newInputSource()
val saxSource = new SAXSource(inputSource)
// We would like this saxSource to be created from an XMLReader
// so that we can call XMLUtils.setSecureDefaults on it.
// but we get strange errors if I do that, where every symbol
// in the schema has an unrecognized namespace prefix.
try {
} finally {
} catch {
// fatal errors are thrown.
// validation errors are never fatal.
case e: SAXParseException => {
// Capturing this would be redundant.
// It will already have been passed to the errorHandler.fatalError
// method.
// So it is explicitly ok to just rethrow this exception.
// we don't want to record it again, but we do want to stop with a
// fatal error because the schema was invalid. Daffodil assumes the
// schema is valid all over its code base.
throw e
override def parser = {
Assert.usageError("not to be called.")
* Obtain and initialize parser which validates the schema is defined.
private def parserFromURI(optSchemaURI: Option[URI]): SAXParser = {
if (optSchemaURI.isEmpty) noSchemaParser
else {
val f = parserFactory()
val schema = schemaFromURI(optSchemaURI.get)
private def schemaFromURI(schemaURI: URI): Schema = {
val sf = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI)
val schema = sf.newSchema(new StreamSource(schemaURI.toString))
private def parserFactory() = {
val f = DaffodilSAXParserFactory()
f.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true)
f.setValidating(false)// according to javadoc, just controls DTD validation
f.setFeature("", true)
// not recognized by SAXParserFactory
// f.setFeature("", true)
f.setFeature("", true)
f.setFeature("", true)
f.setFeature("", true)
private lazy val noSchemaParser: SAXParser = {
private def parserFromFactory(f: SAXParserFactory) = {
val p = f.newSAXParser()
// Not allowed on a SAXParser
// p.setProperty(XMLUtils.SAX_NAvMESPACES_FEATURE, true)
// Not allowed on a SAXParser
val xrdr = p.getXMLReader()
// not recognized by XMLReader
// xrdr.setFeature("", true)
// This is required to get the parse to really use our resolver.
// The setEntityResolver(resolver) does not work.
xrdr.setProperty("", resolver)
* This is the common routine called to actually
* carry out the loading of the schema.
* Does (optional) validation if a schema is supplied.
* @param source The URI for the XML document which may be a XML or DFDL schema, or just XML data.
* @param optSchemaURI Optional URI for XML schema for the XML source document.
* @param addPositionAttributes True to add dafint:file dafint:line attributes to all elements.
* Defaults to false.
* @return an scala.xml.Node (Element actually) which is the document element of the source.
def load(source: DaffodilSchemaSource,
optSchemaURI: Option[URI],
addPositionAttributes: Boolean = false): scala.xml.Node =
load(source, optSchemaURI, addPositionAttributes, normalizeCRLFtoLF = true)
* package private constructor gives access to normalizeCRLFtoLF feature.
* @param source The URI for the XML document which may be a XML or DFDL schema, or just XML data.
* @param optSchemaURI Optional URI for XML schema for the XML source document.
* @param addPositionAttributes True to add dafint:file dafint:line attributes to all elements.
* Defaults to false.
* @param normalizeCRLFtoLF True to normalize CRLF and isolated CR to LF. This should usually be true,
* but some special case situations may require preservation of CRLF/CR.
* @return an scala.xml.Node (Element actually) which is the document element of the source.
private [xml] def load(source: DaffodilSchemaSource,
optSchemaURI: Option[URI],
addPositionAttributes: Boolean,
normalizeCRLFtoLF: Boolean): scala.xml.Node = {
// First we invoke the validator to explicitly validate the XML against
// the XML Schema (not necessarily a DFDL schema), via the
// javax.xml.validation.Validator's validate method.
optSchemaURI.foreach { schemaURI =>
val validator = XercesValidator.fromURIs(Seq(schemaURI))
val inputStream = source.uriForLoading.toURL.openStream()
validator.validateXML(inputStream, errorHandler)
// Next we have to invoke a regular xerces loader, setup for validation
// because that will actually interpret things like xsi:schemaLocation attributes
// of the root element.
// The check of xsi:schemaLocation schemas seems to be the only reason we
// have to run this additional test.
// Possibly xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation would have the same issue, but as of
// this writing, we have no tests that use that.
val parser = parserFromURI(optSchemaURI)
val xrdr = parser.getXMLReader()
val saxSource = scala.xml.Source.fromSysId(source.uriForLoading.toString)
// no result, as the errors are reported separately
// To get reliable xml nodes including conversion of CDATA syntax into
// PCData nodes, we have to use a different loader.
val constructingLoader =
new DaffodilConstructingLoader(source.uriForLoading,
errorHandler, addPositionAttributes, normalizeCRLFtoLF)
val res = try {
constructingLoader.load() // construct the XML objects for us.
} catch {
case e: SAXParseException => // fatal. We can't successfully load.
throw e // good place for a breakpoint
} finally {
* This is handy to keep around for debugging.
class BasicErrorHandler extends org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler {
var diagnostics: List[SAXParseException] = Nil
var hasError: Boolean = false
def warning(exception: SAXParseException) = {
diagnostics :+= exception
def error(exception: SAXParseException) = {
diagnostics :+= exception
hasError = true
def fatalError(exception: SAXParseException) = {
abstract class DFDLSchemaValidationException(cause: Throwable) extends Exception(cause)
case class DFDLSchemaValidationWarning(cause: Throwable) extends DFDLSchemaValidationException(cause)
case class DFDLSchemaValidationError(cause: Throwable) extends DFDLSchemaValidationException(cause)
object RethrowSchemaErrorHandler extends org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler {
def warning(exception: SAXParseException) = {
throw exception
def error(exception: SAXParseException) = {
throw exception
def fatalError(exception: SAXParseException) = {
throw exception