blob: c4f534321b5ccf57de80969376cdf59d9897e71c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.util
import java.nio.channels.Channels
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel
import scala.util.Try
import scala.xml._
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.apache.daffodil.Implicits._
import org.apache.daffodil.api.DFDL
import org.apache.daffodil.api._
import org.apache.daffodil.compiler.Compiler
import org.apache.daffodil.debugger._
import org.apache.daffodil.dsom._
import org.apache.daffodil.externalvars.Binding
import org.apache.daffodil.grammar.VariableMapFactory
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.InfosetInputter
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.InfosetOutputter
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.ScalaXMLInfosetInputter
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.DataProcessor
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.VariableMap
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import org.apache.daffodil.xml._
object INoWarnU2 { ImplicitsSuppressUnusedImportWarning() }
* This is not a file of tests.
* These are utilities to support unit testing schemas
object TestUtils {
* Compares two XML Elements, after having (optionally) stripped off all attributes.
def assertEqualsXMLElements(expected: Node, actual: Node): Unit = {
XMLUtils.compareAndReport(expected, actual)
* We want to be able to run tests from Eclipse or from batch builds that
* are rooted in a different directory, so, since Java/JVMs don't have a notion
* of setting the current directory to a specific value for interpreting things,
* we have to do that ourselves manually like this.
* When you specify a file for use in a test, you want to specify it
* relative to the root of the sub-project of which it is part. I.e., within core,
* the file you specify should be relative to daffodil/sub-projects/core.
* Returns null if the file cannot be found.
def findFile(fn: String): File = findFile(new File(fn))
def findFile(f: File): File = {
if (f.exists()) return f
val cwd = new File("").getAbsolutePath
throw new FileNotFoundException("Couldn't find file " + f + " relative to " + cwd + ".")
def testString(testSchema: Node, data: String, areTracing: Boolean = false) = {
runSchemaOnRBC(testSchema, Misc.stringToReadableByteChannel(data), areTracing)
def testBinary(testSchema: Node, hexData: String, areTracing: Boolean = false): (DFDL.ParseResult, Node) = {
val b = Misc.hex2Bytes(hexData)
testBinary(testSchema, b, areTracing)
def testBinary(testSchema: Node, data: Array[Byte], areTracing: Boolean): (DFDL.ParseResult, Node) = {
val rbc = Misc.byteArrayToReadableByteChannel(data)
runSchemaOnRBC(testSchema, rbc, areTracing)
def testFile(testSchema: Node, fileName: String) = {
runSchemaOnRBC(testSchema, Misc.fileToReadableByteChannel(new
val useSerializedProcessor = true
def testUnparsing(testSchema: scala.xml.Elem, infosetXML: Node, unparseTo: String, areTracing: Boolean = false): Seq[Diagnostic] = {
val compiler = Compiler().withTunable("allowExternalPathExpressions", "true")
val pf = compiler.compileNode(testSchema)
if (pf.isError) {
val msgs ="\n")
throw new Exception(msgs)
var u = saveAndReload(pf.onPath("/").asInstanceOf[DataProcessor])
if (u.isError) {
val msgs ="\n")
throw new Exception(msgs)
val outputStream = new
val out = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(outputStream)
u = if (areTracing) {
} else u
val inputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetInputter(infosetXML)
val actual = u.unparse(inputter, out)
if (actual.isProcessingError) {
val unparsed = outputStream.toString
// System.err.println("parsed: " + infoset)
// System.err.println("unparsed: " + unparsed)
assertEquals(unparseTo, unparsed)
def throwDiagnostics(ds: Seq[Diagnostic]): Unit = {
if (ds.length == 1) throw (ds(0))
else {
val msgs ="\n")
throw new Exception(msgs)
def testUnparsingBinary(testSchema: scala.xml.Elem, infoset: Node, unparseTo: Array[Byte], areTracing: Boolean = false): Unit = {
val compiler = Compiler()
val pf = compiler.compileNode(testSchema)
if (pf.isError) throwDiagnostics(pf.diagnostics)
var u = pf.onPath("/").asInstanceOf[DataProcessor]
if (u.isError) throwDiagnostics(u.getDiagnostics)
val outputStream = new
val out = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(outputStream)
val inputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetInputter(infoset)
u = if (areTracing) {
} else u
val actual = u.unparse(inputter, out)
if (actual.isProcessingError) throwDiagnostics(actual.getDiagnostics)
val unparsed = outputStream.toByteArray()
assertEquals(unparsed.length, unparseTo.length)
for (i <- 0 until unparsed.length) {
assertEquals(unparseTo(i), unparsed(i))
private lazy val builtInTracer = new InteractiveDebugger(new TraceDebuggerRunner, ExpressionCompilers)
private def saveAndReload(p: DataProcessor): DataProcessor = {
if (this.useSerializedProcessor) {
// We want to serialize/deserialize here, to avoid strange debug artifacts
// like where schema compilation is still happening at runtime (and
// therefore generating lots of Debug messages to the log)
val os = new
val output = Channels.newChannel(os)
val is = new
val input = Channels.newChannel(is)
val compiler_ = Compiler()
} else p
def compileSchema(testSchema: Node) = {
val compiler = Compiler()
val pf = compiler.compileNode(testSchema)
val isError = pf.isError
val msgs ="\n")
if (isError) {
throw new Exception(msgs)
val p = saveAndReload(pf.onPath("/").asInstanceOf[DataProcessor])
val pIsError = p.isError
if (pIsError) {
val msgs ="\n")
throw new Exception(msgs)
def runSchemaOnRBC(testSchema: Node, data: ReadableByteChannel, areTracing: Boolean = false): (DFDL.ParseResult, Node) = {
runSchemaOnInputStream(testSchema, Channels.newInputStream(data), areTracing)
def runSchemaOnInputStream(testSchema: Node, is: InputStream, areTracing: Boolean = false): (DFDL.ParseResult, Node) = {
val p = compileSchema(testSchema)
runDataProcessorOnInputStream(p, is, areTracing)
def runDataProcessorOnInputStream(dp: DataProcessor, is: InputStream, areTracing: Boolean = false): (DFDL.ParseResult, Node) = {
val p1 =
if (areTracing) {
} else dp
val p = p1.withValidationMode(ValidationMode.Limited)
val outputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter()
val input = InputSourceDataInputStream(is)
val actual = p.parse(input, outputter)
if (actual.isProcessingError) {
val diags = actual.getDiagnostics
if (diags.length == 1) throw diags(0)
val msgs ="\n")
throw new Exception(msgs)
(actual, outputter.getResult)
private val defaultIncludeImports =
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
private val defaultTopLevels =
<dfdl:format ref="tns:GeneralFormat" lengthKind="delimited" encoding="US-ASCII"/>
* For convenient unit testing of schema compiler attributes defined on Term types.
def getRoot(
contentElements: Seq[Node],
elementFormDefault: String = "unqualified",
includeImports: Seq[Node] = defaultIncludeImports,
topLevels: Seq[Node] = defaultTopLevels): Root = {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
val sset = SchemaSet(testSchema)
private def compileAndSave(compiler: Compiler, schemaSource: URISchemaSource, output: WritableByteChannel) = {
Try {
val pf = compiler.compileSource(schemaSource)
if (!pf.isError) {
val dp = pf.onPath("/")
if (!dp.isError) {
(pf, dp)
} else {
throw new Exception(
(dp.getDiagnostics ++ pf.getDiagnostics).map { _.getMessage() }.mkString("\n"))
} else
throw new Exception( { _.getMessage() }.mkString("\n"))
def testCompileTime(resourcePathString: String): Unit = {
val nos = NullOutputStream.NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM
val nullChannel = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(nos)
val compiler = Compiler()
val uri = Misc.getRequiredResource(resourcePathString)
val schemaSource = URISchemaSource(uri)
val theTry = Timer.getResult(compileAndSave(compiler, schemaSource, nullChannel))
* We need a schema document and such for unit testing, also our PrimType
* needs a dummy schema document also so that our invariant, that *everything*
* has a schema document, schema, and schema set
* holds true even when we're not building up a "real" schema.
object Fakes {
def fakeDP = new Fakes().fakeDP
def fakeElem = new Fakes().fakeElem
def fakeSD = new Fakes().fakeSD
def fakeGroupRef = new Fakes().fakeGroupRef
def fakeChoiceGroupRef = new Fakes().fakeChoiceGroupRef
def fakeSequenceGroupRef = new Fakes().fakeSequenceGroupRef
def fakeGroupRefFactory = new Fakes().fakeGroupRefFactory
class Fakes private () {
lazy val sch = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>,
<dfdl:format ref="tns:GeneralFormat"/>,
<xs:element name="fake" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="delimited"/>
<xs:element name="fake2" type="tns:fakeCT"/>
<xs:complexType name="fakeCT">
<xs:group ref="tns:fakeChoiceGroup"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:fake"/>
<xs:group ref="tns:fakeSequenceGroup"/>
<xs:group name="fakeChoiceGroup">
<xs:group name="fakeSequenceGroup">
val DummyPrimitiveFactory = null
val tunables = DaffodilTunables()
lazy val xsd_sset: SchemaSet = SchemaSet(sch, "", "fake")
lazy val xsd_schema = xsd_sset.getSchema(NS("")).get
lazy val fakeSD = xsd_schema.schemaDocuments(0)
lazy val fakeElem = fakeSD.getGlobalElementDecl("fake").get
lazy val fakeCT = fakeSD.getGlobalElementDecl("fake2").get.typeDef.asInstanceOf[GlobalComplexTypeDef]
lazy val fakeSequence = fakeCT.sequence
lazy val Seq(fs1, fs2, fs3) = fakeSequence.groupMembers
lazy val fakeChoiceGroupRef = fs1.asInstanceOf[ChoiceGroupRef]
lazy val fakeGroupRef = fakeChoiceGroupRef
lazy val fakeSequenceGroupRef = fs3.asInstanceOf[SequenceGroupRef]
lazy val fakeGroupRefFactory = GroupRefFactory(fs1.xml, fs1, 1, false)
class FakeDataProcessor extends DFDL.DataProcessor {
@deprecated("Use withValidationMode.", "2.6.0")
override def setValidationMode(mode: ValidationMode.Type): Unit = {}
def getValidationMode(): ValidationMode.Type = { ValidationMode.Full }
override def save(output: DFDL.Output): Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
override def setExternalVariables(extVars: Map[String, String]): Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
override def setExternalVariables(extVars: Seq[Binding]): Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
override def setExternalVariables(extVars: File): Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
override def setExternalVariables(extVars: File, tunable: DaffodilTunables): Unit = {}
def getVariables(): VariableMap = VariableMapFactory.create(Nil)
override def parse(input: InputSourceDataInputStream, output: InfosetOutputter): DFDL.ParseResult = null
override def unparse(inputter: InfosetInputter, output: DFDL.Output): DFDL.UnparseResult = null
override def getDiagnostics: Seq[Diagnostic] = Seq.empty
override def isError: Boolean = false
@deprecated("Use withTunables.", "2.6.0")
override def setTunable(tunable: String, value: String): Unit = {}
@deprecated("Use withTunables.", "2.6.0")
override def setTunables(tunables: Map[String, String]): Unit = {}
override def getTunables(): DaffodilTunables = { tunables }
override def validationMode: ValidationMode.Type = ValidationMode.Full
override def variableMap: VariableMap = VariableMapFactory.create(Nil)
override def withExternalVariables(extVars: Seq[Binding]): DFDL.DataProcessor = this
override def withExternalVariables(extVars: DFDL.DataProcessor = this
override def withExternalVariables(extVars: Map[String,String]): DFDL.DataProcessor = this
override def withTunable(tunable: String, value: String): DFDL.DataProcessor = this
override def withTunables(tunables: Map[String,String]): DFDL.DataProcessor = this
override def withValidationMode(mode: ValidationMode.Type): DFDL.DataProcessor = this
override def newXMLReaderInstance: DFDL.DaffodilParseXMLReader = null
override def newContentHandlerInstance(output: DFDL.Output): DFDL.DaffodilUnparseContentHandler = null
lazy val fakeDP = new FakeDataProcessor