blob: e43ca7059d8867a7b1cc9a7e3d3cc1c0efcdac45 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
import java.math.{ BigInteger => JBigInt }
import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.cookers.IntRangeCooker
import org.apache.daffodil.cookers.RepValueCooker
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo.PrimType
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.InvalidPrimitiveDataException
import org.apache.daffodil.dsom.walker.SimpleTypeView
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.IdentifyTypeCalculator
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.RepValueSet
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.RepValueSetCompiler
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.TypeCalculator
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.TypeCalculatorCompiler
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.Found
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.GlobalQName
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.QName
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.RangeBound
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.DataValue.DataValuePrimitiveNullable
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.DataValue
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.DataValue.DataValueBigInt
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.DataValue.DataValuePrimitive
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.SimpleTypeRuntime1Mixin
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.ParseUnparsePolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.RefQName
trait TypeBase {
def optRestriction: Option[Restriction] = None
def optUnion: Option[Union] = None
def typeNode: NodeInfo.AnyType.Kind
trait NonPrimTypeMixin
sealed trait SimpleTypeBase extends TypeBase
with HasOptRepTypeMixin with SimpleTypeView {
override def primType: PrimType
* For components which can define dfdlx:repValues and dfdlx:repValueRanges
* Construct the repValueSet using only the above mentioned attributes on the element itself
* Applies to simpleType and enumeration
* In the case of simpleType, it is possible that optRepValueSetFromAttribute will be none
* but the element will still have an optRepValueSet for another source (eg. children elements)
sealed trait HasRepValueAttributes extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent
with ResolvesLocalProperties // for repValues, repValueRanges, repType
def optRepType: Option[SimpleTypeBase]
def optRepValueSet: Option[RepValueSet]
lazy val (repValuesAttrCooked: Seq[DataValuePrimitive], repValueRangesAttrCooked: Seq[(RangeBound, RangeBound)]) =
optRepType match {
case Some(repType) => {
val repValueSetRaw = findPropertyOption("repValues").toOption
val repValueRangesRaw = findPropertyOption("repValueRanges").toOption.getOrElse("")
repType.primType match {
case PrimType.String => {
if (repValueRangesRaw.size > 0) SDE("repValueRanges set when using a string repType")
val repValueSetCooked = repValueSetRaw.flatMap(RepValueCooker.convertConstant(_, this, false)).map(DataValue.toDataValue)
(repValueSetCooked, Seq())
case _: NodeInfo.Integer.Kind => {
val ans1 = JBigInt(_): DataValueBigInt)
val ans2 = IntRangeCooker.convertConstant(repValueRangesRaw, this, false).map({
case (lower, upper) =>
(new RangeBound(lower, true), new RangeBound(upper, true))
(ans1, ans2)
case x => SDE("repType must be either String or Integer type")
case None => (Seq(), Seq())
lazy val optRepValueSetFromAttribute: Option[RepValueSet] = optRepType.flatMap(repType => {
val ans = RepValueSetCompiler.compile(repValuesAttrCooked, repValueRangesAttrCooked.asInstanceOf[Seq[(RangeBound, RangeBound)]])
if (ans.isEmpty) None else Some(ans)
* PrimType nodes are part of the runtime. For compilation, we need a notion
* of primitive type that derives from the same base a SimpleTypeBase and
* ComplexTypeBase, and it needs to have methods that take and return
* compiler-only object types; hence we can't define a base in the runtime
* because it can't have those methods; hence, can't achieve the
* polymorphism over all sorts of types.
* So for the compiler, a PrimitiveType is just a wrapper around a PrimType object.
final class PrimitiveType private (tn: PrimType)
extends SimpleTypeBase
with NamedMixin {
override def optRestriction = None
override def optUnion = None
override def optRepType = None
override def optRepValueSet = None
override def primType = tn
override def typeNode = tn
override def optRepTypeElement = None
override def name = diagnosticDebugName
override def namedQName = typeNode.globalQName
override def namespace = namedQName.namespace
override def prefix = namedQName.prefix.get
override def xml = Assert.invariantFailed("Primitive types do not have XML")
override def schemaDocument = Assert.invariantFailed("Primitive types do not have schemaDocument")
* These methods don't really make sense here, but are needed by NamedMixin
override def SDE(id: String, args: Any*) = Assert.invariantFailed("Primitive types shouldn't ever have an SDE")
override def schemaFileLocation = Assert.invariantFailed("Primitive types don't have a schemaFileLocation")
override def toString = namedQName.toQNameString
object PrimitiveType {
def apply(typeNode: PrimType) = {
typeNode match {
case PrimType.String => String
case PrimType.Int => Int
case PrimType.Byte => Byte
case PrimType.Short => Short
case PrimType.Long => Long
case PrimType.Integer => Integer
case PrimType.Decimal => Decimal
case PrimType.UnsignedInt => UnsignedInt
case PrimType.UnsignedByte => UnsignedByte
case PrimType.UnsignedShort => UnsignedShort
case PrimType.UnsignedLong => UnsignedLong
case PrimType.NonNegativeInteger => NonNegativeInteger
case PrimType.Double => Double
case PrimType.Float => Float
case PrimType.HexBinary => HexBinary
case PrimType.Boolean => Boolean
case PrimType.DateTime => DateTime
case PrimType.Date => Date
case PrimType.Time => Time
case PrimType.AnyURI => AnyURI
case _ => Assert.usageError("Not a primitive type node: " + typeNode)
val String = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.String)
val Int = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Int)
val Byte = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Byte)
val Short = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Short)
val Long = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Long)
val Integer = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Integer)
val Decimal = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Decimal)
val UnsignedInt = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.UnsignedInt)
val UnsignedByte = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.UnsignedByte)
val UnsignedShort = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.UnsignedShort)
val UnsignedLong = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.UnsignedLong)
val NonNegativeInteger = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.NonNegativeInteger)
val Double = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Double)
val Float = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Float)
val HexBinary = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.HexBinary)
val Boolean = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Boolean)
val DateTime = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.DateTime)
val Date = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Date)
val Time = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.Time)
val AnyURI = new PrimitiveType(PrimType.AnyURI)
abstract class SimpleTypeDefBase(xml: Node, lexicalParent: SchemaComponent)
extends AnnotatedSchemaComponentImpl(xml, lexicalParent)
with SimpleTypeBase
with NonPrimTypeMixin
with ProvidesDFDLStatementMixin
with OverlapCheckMixin
with HasOptRepTypeMixinImpl
with NamedMixin
with HasRepValueAttributes
with SimpleTypeRuntime1Mixin {
override def typeNode = primType
def toOpt[R <: AnyRef](b: Boolean, v: => R): Option[R] = Misc.boolToOpt(b, v)
private lazy val validateRepType: Unit = {
if (optRepType.isDefined && optRepType.get.isInstanceOf[PrimitiveType]) {
val ees = enclosingElements
// for all enclosing elements (if this is a named type, there could be several),
// they all have to be inputValueCalc.
val areNotAllIVC = ees.exists { ee => ee.isRepresented }
if (areNotAllIVC) {
// Also, we don't care about this parsing check if all uses of the type
// are unparse-only usages.
val isAtLeastOneUsageForParsing =
ees.exists { ee => ee.defaultParseUnparsePolicy != ParseUnparsePolicy.UnparseOnly }
if (isAtLeastOneUsageForParsing) {
SDE("Primitive types can only be used as repTypes for parsing when the enclosing element is computed with inputValueCalc")
lazy val noFacetChecks = { r =>
if (r.hasPattern || r.hasEnumeration || r.hasMinLength || r.hasMaxLength ||
r.hasMinInclusive || r.hasMaxInclusive || r.hasMinExclusive || r.hasMaxExclusive ||
r.hasTotalDigits || r.hasFractionDigits) false
else true
// override def name = diagnosticDebugName // don't do this. names are used by diagnosticDebugName
override final lazy val optReferredToComponent = optRestriction.flatMap { _.optBaseTypeDef }
override final lazy val emptyFormatFactory = new DFDLSimpleType(newDFDLAnnotationXML("simpleType"), this)
override final def isMyFormatAnnotation(a: DFDLAnnotation) = a.isInstanceOf[DFDLSimpleType]
override final def annotationFactory(node: Node): Option[DFDLAnnotation] = {
node match {
case <dfdl:simpleType>{ contents @ _* }</dfdl:simpleType> => Some(new DFDLSimpleType(node, this))
case _ => annotationFactoryForDFDLStatement(node, this)
lazy val primType: NodeInfo.PrimType = { { _.primType }.getOrElse { { _.primType }.getOrElse {
Assert.invariantFailed("must be either a restriction or union")
final lazy val restrictions = {
val thisR = optRestriction.toSeq
val res = thisR ++
thisR.flatMap { _.derivationBaseRestrictions }
* Exclusive of self.
final lazy val bases: Seq[SimpleTypeDefBase] =
if (restrictions.isEmpty) Nil
else { _.simpleTypeDef }
override lazy val (optRestriction, optUnion) = {
val restrictionNodeSeq = xml \ "restriction"
if (restrictionNodeSeq.isEmpty) {
val unionNodeSeq = xml \ "union"
Assert.invariant(unionNodeSeq.length == 1)
(None, Some(Union(unionNodeSeq(0), this)))
} else {
(Some( Restriction(restrictionNodeSeq(0), this)), None)
lazy val optInputTypeCalc = findPropertyOption("inputTypeCalc", expressionAllowed = true)
lazy val optOutputTypeCalc = findPropertyOption("outputTypeCalc", expressionAllowed = true)
lazy val optTypeCalculator: Option[TypeCalculator] = LV('optTypeCalculator) {
optRepType.flatMap(repType => {
val srcType = repType.primType
val dstType = primType
val fromRestriction: Option[TypeCalculator] = optRestriction.flatMap({ restriction =>
val enumerations = restriction.enumerations.filter(_.optRepValueSet.isDefined)
if (enumerations.isEmpty) {
* In theory, we require srcType == dstType.
* But, we also compute this when we are an expression calculator.
* In such a case, the above invariant may not hold, which is okay, because we
* will not actually use the identity calculator.
} else {
if (enumerations.size != restriction.enumerations.size) {
SDE("If one enumeration value defines a repValue, then all must define a repValue")
val terms = => {
(enum.optRepValueSet.get, enum.canonicalRepValue.getNonNullable, enum.enumValueCooked)
Some(TypeCalculatorCompiler.compileKeysetValue(terms, srcType, dstType))
val fromUnion: Option[TypeCalculator] ={ union =>
val subCalculators: Seq[(RepValueSet, RepValueSet, TypeCalculator)] = => (subType.optRepValueSet.get, subType.optLogicalValueSet.get, subType.optTypeCalculator.get))
val fromExpression: Option[TypeCalculator] = {
* This is a minefield for circular dependencies.
* In order to compile expressions involve many typeCalc functions,
* the DPath compiler needs to look up the typeCalculator involved
* (to determine the src/dst type of the calculator)
* However, a fromExpression typeCalculator needs to compile DPath expressions,
* which may make use of typeCalc functions, and therefore need for the expressions
* to have been already compiled.
lazy val optInputCompiled = => {
val prop = optInputTypeCalc.asInstanceOf[Found]
val qn = GlobalQName(Some("dfdlx"), "inputTypeCalc", XMLUtils.dafintURI)
val exprNamespaces = prop.location.namespaces
val exprComponent = prop.location.asInstanceOf[SchemaComponent]
dstType, sExpr, exprNamespaces, exprComponent.dpathCompileInfo, false, this, dpathCompileInfo)
lazy val optOutputCompiled = => {
val prop = optOutputTypeCalc.asInstanceOf[Found]
val qn = GlobalQName(Some("daf"), "outputTypeCalc", XMLUtils.dafintURI)
val exprNamespaces = prop.location.namespaces
val exprComponent = prop.location.asInstanceOf[SchemaComponent]
srcType, sExpr, exprNamespaces, exprComponent.dpathCompileInfo, false, this, dpathCompileInfo)
val supportsParse = optInputTypeCalc.isDefined
val supportsUnparse = optOutputTypeCalc.isDefined
val res = {
if (supportsParse || supportsUnparse) {
Some(TypeCalculatorCompiler.compileTypeCalculatorFromExpression(optInputCompiled, optOutputCompiled, srcType, dstType))
} else {
val ans = (fromRestriction, fromUnion, fromExpression) match {
case (Some(x), None, None) => Some(x)
case (None, Some(x), None) => Some(x)
case (None, None, Some(x)) => SDE("Usage of inputTypeCalc and outputTypeCalc requires an empty xs:restriction to determine the base type.")
case (Some(x), _, Some(y)) if x.isInstanceOf[IdentifyTypeCalculator] => Some(y)
case (None, None, None) => {
if (dstType != srcType) {
val repTypeName = optRepTypeDef match {
case Some(r) => r.diagnosticDebugName
case None => repType.toString()
"repType (%s) with primitive type (%s) used without defining a transformation is not compatable with the baseType of (%s) with primitive type (%s)",
case (Some(_), Some(_), _) => Assert.invariantFailed("Cannot combine an enumeration with a union")
case (Some(_), _, Some(_)) => SDE("Cannot use typeCalcExpressions while defining repValues of enumerations")
case (_, Some(_), Some(_)) => SDE("Cannot use typeCalcExpressions while using a union that defines typeCalcs")
ans match {
case Some(idt: IdentifyTypeCalculator) => {
if (srcType != dstType) {
SDE("Identity transform requires that the basetype and reptype have a common primitive type")
case _ => ()
private lazy val optRepTypeQNameString = findPropertyOption("repType").toOption
private lazy val optRepTypeQName: Option[RefQName] = LV('optRepTypeQName) {
.map(qn => {
QName.resolveRef(qn, namespaces, tunable.unqualifiedPathStepPolicy).toOption match {
case Some(x) => x
case None => SDE(s"Cannot resolve type ${qn}")
private lazy val optRepTypeFromSelf: Option[SimpleTypeBase with NamedMixin] = LV('optRepTypeFromSelf){
val optRepTypeDef = optRepTypeQName.flatMap(schemaSet.getGlobalSimpleTypeDef(_))
val optRepPrimType = optRepTypeQName.flatMap(schemaSet.getPrimitiveType(_))
Assert.invariant(!(optRepPrimType.isDefined && optRepTypeDef.isDefined))
if (optRepTypeQName.isDefined) {
schemaDefinitionUnless(optRepTypeDef.isDefined || optRepPrimType.isDefined,
s"Cannot find reptype ${optRepTypeQNameString.get}")
private lazy val optRepTypeFromUnion: Option[SimpleTypeBase with NamedMixin] = LV('optRepTypeFromUnion) {
optUnion.flatMap(union => {
val repTypes =
//check that all repTypes are the same
//Because of how we inline types, we do not expect to see structural equality,
//so we rely on the xml qname instead
val numRepTypes =
if (numRepTypes > 1) {
SDE("If any child type of a union has a repType, they all must have the same repType")
if (numRepTypes == 0) {
} else {
* We don't really need the NamedMixin. It is only used for detecting duplicates
* However, since only named types can be a repType, there is no problem
* in requiring them to be named
override lazy val optRepType: Option[SimpleTypeBase with NamedMixin] = LV('optRepType) {
* Note that there is no fromRestriction option here
* In theory, we could consider every restriction type without an explicit repType to be
* either a restriction or identity transform.
* In practice, this would introduce the overhead of a transform to almost every derived type.
* Instead, when a user needs a restriction transform, they must simply provide the reptype explitly,
* which is arguably a good design decision from a readability standpoint of the schema as well.
override lazy val optRepValueSet: Option[RepValueSet] = optRepTypeDef.flatMap(repType => {
val primType: PrimType = repType.primType
val fromRestriction: Option[RepValueSet] = optRestriction.flatMap(_.optRepValueSet)
val fromUnion: Option[RepValueSet] = {
val componentTypes =
val componentValueSets = componentTypes.flatMap(_.optRepValueSet)
val ans = componentValueSets.fold(RepValueSetCompiler.empty)((a, b) => a.merge(b))
if (ans.isEmpty) None else Some(ans)
val fromSelf: Option[RepValueSet] = optRepValueSetFromAttribute
(fromRestriction, fromUnion, fromSelf) match {
case (None, None, None) => None
case (Some(a), None, None) => Some(a)
case (None, Some(a), None) => Some(a)
case (None, None, Some(a)) => Some(a)
case (Some(_), Some(_), _) => throw new IllegalStateException("Can't happen")
case (Some(_), _, Some(_)) => SDE("Cannot put repValues or repRangeValues on a simple type defining an enumeration")
case (_, Some(_), Some(_)) => SDE("Cannot put repValue or repRangeValues on a simple type defined by a union")
lazy val optLogicalValueSet: Option[RepValueSet] = {
val fromRestriction: Option[RepValueSet] =
val fromUnion: Option[RepValueSet] = => {
val subsets =
subsets.fold(RepValueSetCompiler.empty)((a, b) => a.merge(b))
object LocalSimpleTypeDef {
def apply(xmlArg: Node, lexicalParent: SchemaComponent) = {
val lstd = new LocalSimpleTypeDef(xmlArg, lexicalParent)
final class LocalSimpleTypeDef private (
xmlArg: Node, lexicalParent: SchemaComponent)
extends SimpleTypeDefBase(xmlArg, lexicalParent)
with LocalNonElementComponentMixin
with NestingLexicalMixin {
* For anonymous simple type def, uses the base name, or primitive type name
override protected lazy val diagnosticDebugNameImpl: String = {
if (optRestriction.isDefined)
optRestriction.get.baseQNameString // unresolved string
else {
object GlobalSimpleTypeDef {
def apply(xmlArg: Node, schemaDocumentArg: SchemaDocument) = {
val gstd = new GlobalSimpleTypeDef(xmlArg, schemaDocumentArg)
final class GlobalSimpleTypeDef private (xmlArg: Node, schemaDocumentArg: SchemaDocument)
extends SimpleTypeDefBase(xmlArg, schemaDocumentArg)
with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin
with NestingLexicalMixin
with NamedMixin {
override lazy val name = super[NamedMixin].name
* This isn't really a Factory class, as it already knows everything about the enumeration,
* and we never actually use it to construct a concrete EnumerationDef object.
* It is, however, a "Factory" in the sense that DSOM makes a factory/object distinction,
* where a factory holds all the information stored on the node itself, while the object
* computes additional information based on the context in the schema where it is being used.
* In this sense, all usages of EnumerationDefs are using them as a "factory".
final class EnumerationDef(
xml: Node,
parentType: SimpleTypeDefBase)
extends SchemaComponentImpl(xml, parentType.schemaDocument)
with NestingLexicalMixin
with HasRepValueAttributes {
Assert.invariant(xml.label == "enumeration")
override lazy val optRepType = parentType.optRepType
lazy val enumValueRaw: String = (xml \ "@value").head.text
lazy val enumValueCooked: DataValuePrimitive = try {
} catch {
case e: InvalidPrimitiveDataException => SDE("Invalid data for enumeration: %s", e.getMessage)
override lazy val optRepValueSet: Option[RepValueSet] = optRepValueSetFromAttribute
lazy val logicalValueSet: RepValueSet = RepValueSetCompiler.compile(Seq(enumValueCooked), Seq())
lazy val canonicalRepValue: DataValuePrimitiveNullable = {
val ans1 = repValuesAttrCooked.headOption.getOrElse(DataValue.NoValue)
val ans2 = => {
//TODO, currently, if the first repValue comes from an exclusive restriction we cannot
//infer a canonical repValue
if (asBound.isInclusive) asBound.maybeBound else DataValue.NoValue
val ans = if (ans1.isDefined) ans1 else ans2
Assert.invariant(ans.isDefined == optRepValueSet.isDefined)
override val optReferredToComponent = None
protected def annotationFactory(node: Node): Option[DFDLAnnotation] = Assert.invariantFailed("Should not be called")
protected lazy val emptyFormatFactory: DFDLFormatAnnotation = new DFDLEnumerationFactory(newDFDLAnnotationXML("enumeration"), this)
protected def isMyFormatAnnotation(a: DFDLAnnotation): Boolean = Assert.invariantFailed("Should not be called")