blob: c117163ca813f7f6e83e516f2e86ed9d45849eca [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.NS
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.NoNamespace
import org.apache.daffodil.util._
import IIUtils._
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import org.apache.daffodil.equality._
* Mixin for SchemaDocument
trait SchemaDocIncludesAndImportsMixin { self: XMLSchemaDocument =>
* For include, if the included schema doesn't have a
* targetNamespace, then we will take on the namespace
* of whatever we are included into.
* This is the chameleon namespace concept, and it works
* inductively. I.e., the included schema could include more
* schemas, all of them ultimately getting the targetNamespace
* from the schema enclosing that outermost include.
* If an included schema DOES have a targetNamespace, it must match what we're
* included into.
lazy val sdTNSAttrib = this.getAttributeOption("targetNamespace").map { NS(_) }
lazy val sdTargetNS = sdTNSAttrib.getOrElse(NoNamespace)
* A schema document gets its target namespace from the targetNamespace attribute
* of the xs:schema root.
* However, if this schema document is being included in another document, then
* the target namespace (if none is specified) is of the document into which this is being included.
* If this schema document DOES have a target namespace, then it must match the target
* namespace of the schema into which this is being included.
* And, if this schema document is being imported, then the target
* namespace (if found) on the xs:schema of this schema document must match
* that of the import statement. If a namespace is specified there.
override lazy val targetNamespace: NS = LV('targetNamespace) {
val checkedNS = {
_ match {
case inc: Include => { { tns =>
schemaDefinitionUnless(inc.targetNamespace =:= tns,
"Included schema does not have the same namespace as the file %s including it.",
case imp: Import => {
val xmlSchemaDocContainingTheImportStatement = imp.xmlSchemaDocument
val res = checkImportCompatibleNS(
imp.importElementNS, sdTargetNS,
val resultNS = checkedNS.getOrElse { { _.targetNamespace }.getOrElse(NoNamespace)
// There is one distinguished top level SchemaDocument
// that we use to start the ball rolling by importing all the
// files that the user supplies via the API/command line.
// For all other SchemaDocuments they are not the bootstrap.
def isBootStrapSD: Boolean
def checkImportCompatibleNS(
importElementNS: Option[NS],
schemaDocsNS: NS,
schemaDocContainingTheImportStatement: XMLSchemaDocument) = {
(importElementNS, schemaDocsNS, schemaDocContainingTheImportStatement.targetNamespace) match {
case (None, NoNamespace, NoNamespace) =>
if (schemaDocContainingTheImportStatement.isBootStrapSD) NoNamespace
else schemaDefinitionError("Namespaces of importing and imported schemas cannot both be no namespace.")
case (None, NoNamespace, _) => NoNamespace
case (None, importedSchemaNS, _) =>
if (schemaDocContainingTheImportStatement.isBootStrapSD) importedSchemaNS
else schemaDefinitionError("Import element specifies no namespace, but the imported schema has namespace %s.", importedSchemaNS)
case (Some(importElementNS), importedSchemaNS, _) if (importElementNS != importedSchemaNS) =>
schemaDefinitionError("Import element specifies namespace %s but namespace %s of imported schema does not match.", importElementNS, importedSchemaNS)
case (Some(importElementNS), _, importingSchemaNS) if (importElementNS == importingSchemaNS) =>
schemaDefinitionError("Importing schema namespace %s and imported schema namespace must be different.", importingSchemaNS)
case (Some(importElementNS), _, _) => importElementNS
override lazy val uriString = {
protected def seenBefore: IIMap
// val iiXML: Node = xml // override in SchemaSet
lazy val impNodes = {
val i = (xml \ "import")
log(LogLevel.Debug, "There are %s imports", i.length)
lazy val incNodes = (xml \ "include")
val mtList: List[IIBase] = Nil
* This is a bit complex. It's folding the list of includes (or imports)
* and threading the accumulating map of included/imported things we've
* already seen, and also building up a shorter list of just the local
* children.
def getImportsOrIncludes(
seenStart: IIMap,
nodes: NodeSeq,
factory: (Node, XMLSchemaDocument, IIMap) => IIBase): (IIMap, List[IIBase]) = {
val res = nodes.foldLeft((seenStart, mtList)) {
case ((seen, localList), iNode) =>
val i = factory(iNode, this, seen)
val sa = i.seenAfter
val locals = i +: localList
(sa, locals)
def importStatementsMap = ismli_._1
def localImports = ismli_._2
private lazy val ismli_ = LV('importStatementsMap_localImports) {
val res = getImportsOrIncludes(seenBefore, impNodes, new Import(_, _, _))
def seenAfter = sali_._1
def localIncludes = sali_._2
private lazy val sali_ = LV('seenAfter_localIncludes) {
val res = getImportsOrIncludes(importStatementsMap, incNodes, new Include(_, _, _))