blob: 985c7ade2b74b967012eaa09578fd2172b027dd0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.xml._
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo
object ElementRef {
def apply(xmlArg: Node, lexicalParent: GroupDefLike, position: Int) = {
val er = new ElementRef(xmlArg, lexicalParent, position)
* There are 3 first-class concrete children of ElementBase.
* Root, LocalElementDecl, and ElementRef
final class ElementRef private (xmlArg: Node, lexicalParent: GroupDefLike, position: Int)
extends AbstractElementRef(xmlArg, lexicalParent, position)
abstract class AbstractElementRef(
xmlArg: Node,
parentArg: SchemaComponent,
positionArg: Int)
extends ElementBase
with HasRefMixin
with NamedMixin
with NestingLexicalMixin {
override lazy val xml = xmlArg
final override lazy val optLexicalParent = Option(parentArg)
final override lazy val position = positionArg
def complexType: ComplexTypeBase = this.referencedElement.complexType
def defaultValueAsString: String = this.referencedElement.defaultValueAsString
def fixedValueAsString: String = this.referencedElement.fixedValueAsString
def hasDefaultValue: Boolean = this.referencedElement.hasDefaultValue
def hasFixedValue: Boolean = this.referencedElement.hasFixedValue
def isComplexType: Boolean = this.referencedElement.isComplexType
def isNillable: Boolean = this.referencedElement.isNillable
def isSimpleType: Boolean = this.referencedElement.isSimpleType
def simpleType: SimpleTypeBase = this.referencedElement.simpleType
def primType: NodeInfo.PrimType = this.referencedElement.primType
def optSimpleType = this.referencedElement.optSimpleType
def optComplexType = this.referencedElement.optComplexType
override lazy val optReferredToComponent = Some(referencedElement)
* Note: since the namedQName might not exist, we cannot use
* this in diagnostic messages. So any method/lazyval that
* invokes namedQName because it's a named thing, must be overridden
* and use refQName instead.
override lazy val namedQName: NamedQName = LV('namedQName) {
override lazy val name = refQName.local
override lazy val prefix = refQName.prefix.getOrElse(null)
// Need to go get the Element we are referencing
lazy val referencedElement: GlobalElementDecl = LV('referencedElement) {
val ged = this.schemaSet.getGlobalElementDecl(refQName)
val res = ged match {
case None => {
// this element ref refers to something not found.
// That might be because the QName namespace prefix is no good, or
// because there is no element with that global name.
// Can't use namedQName because that's the resolved one
// must use the refQName
SDE("Referenced element not found: %s.", this.refQName)
case Some(x) => x
override lazy val namespace = refQName.namespace
override protected lazy val diagnosticDebugNameImpl = "element reference " + refQName
override def typeDef = referencedElement.typeDef