blob: 7208321715b52c785f880d889be47cc043da8db3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
import scala.xml.Node
import scala.xml.Utility
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.EscapeScheme_AnnotationMixin
import org.apache.daffodil.dpath._
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.EscapeKind
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeSchemeParseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeSchemeBlockParseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeSchemeCharParseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeSchemeUnparseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeSchemeBlockUnparseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeSchemeCharUnparseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeCharEv
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.EscapeEscapeCharEv
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.PropertyLookupResult
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.NotFound
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.Found
final class DFDLEscapeScheme(node: Node, decl: AnnotatedSchemaComponent, defES: DFDLDefineEscapeScheme)
extends DFDLFormatAnnotation(node, decl)
with EscapeScheme_AnnotationMixin
with RawEscapeSchemeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin {
final lazy val referringComponent: Option[SchemaComponent] = Some(defES)
protected final override def lookupProperty(pname: String): PropertyLookupResult = {
val propNodeSeq = xml.attribute(pname)
propNodeSeq match {
case None => NotFound(Seq(this), Nil, pname) // attribute was not found
case Some(nodeseq) => {
// Interesting that attributeName="" produces a Nil nodeseq, not an empty string.
// This whole attributes as NodeSeq thing in Scala seems strange, but attributes
// can contain unresolved entities, e.g., quote=""2B || ! 2B""
// so really they do have to return them as node sequences. It requires DTD processing
// to resolve everything, and most code isn't going to process the DTDs. I.e., the scala
// XML library lets your code be the one doing the DTD resolving, so they can't do it for you.
nodeseq match {
case Nil => Found("", this, pname, false) // we want to hand back the empty string as a value.
case _ => Found(nodeseq.toString, this, pname, false)
* For unit testing. Must override because of multiple inheritance.
* The scala compiler complains as follows:
* class DFDLEscapeScheme inherits conflicting members:
* method verifyPropValue in class DFDLFormatAnnotation
* of type (propName: String, expectedValue: String)Boolean
* and method verifyPropValue in trait FindPropertyMixin
* of type (key: String, value: String)Boolean
* (Note: this can be resolved by declaring an override in class DFDLEscapeScheme.)
override def verifyPropValue(key: String, value: String): Boolean =
super.verifyPropValue(key, value)
final lazy val escapeCharacterEv = LV('escapeCharacterEv) {
val qn = this.qNameForProperty("escapeCharacter")
val expr = ExpressionCompilers.String.compileProperty(qn, NodeInfo.NonEmptyString, escapeCharacterRaw, this,
val ev = new EscapeCharEv(expr, ci)
final lazy val optionEscapeEscapeCharacterEv = LV('optionEscapeEscapeCharacterEv) {
val qn = this.qNameForProperty("escapeEscapeCharacter")
escapeEscapeCharacterRaw match {
case Found("", loc, _, _) => Nope
case found @ Found(v, loc, _, _) => {
val typeIfStaticallyKnown = NodeInfo.String
val typeIfRuntimeKnown = NodeInfo.NonEmptyString
val ci = defES.pointOfUse.dpathCompileInfo
val expr = ExpressionCompilers.String.compileDelimiter(qn, typeIfStaticallyKnown, typeIfRuntimeKnown, found, this, ci)
val ev = new EscapeEscapeCharEv(expr, ci)
final lazy val optionExtraEscapedCharacters = LV('optionExtraEscapedCharacters) {
extraEscapedCharactersRaw match {
case Found("", _, _, _) => Nope
case Found(v, _, _, _) => One(v)
final lazy val escapeSchemeParseEv: EscapeSchemeParseEv = {
val espev = escapeKind match {
case EscapeKind.EscapeBlock => new EscapeSchemeBlockParseEv(escapeBlockStart, escapeBlockEnd, optionEscapeEscapeCharacterEv, ci)
case EscapeKind.EscapeCharacter => new EscapeSchemeCharParseEv(escapeCharacterEv, optionEscapeEscapeCharacterEv, ci)
final lazy val escapeSchemeUnparseEv: EscapeSchemeUnparseEv = {
val esuev = escapeKind match {
case EscapeKind.EscapeBlock => new EscapeSchemeBlockUnparseEv(escapeBlockStart, escapeBlockEnd, optionEscapeEscapeCharacterEv, optionExtraEscapedCharacters, generateEscapeBlock, ci)
case EscapeKind.EscapeCharacter => new EscapeSchemeCharUnparseEv(escapeCharacterEv, optionEscapeEscapeCharacterEv, optionExtraEscapedCharacters, ci)
object DFDLDefineEscapeSchemeFactory {
def apply(node: Node, decl: SchemaDocument) = {
val desf = new DFDLDefineEscapeSchemeFactory(node, decl)
final class DFDLDefineEscapeSchemeFactory private (node: Node, decl: SchemaDocument)
extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation(node, decl) {
def forComponent(pointOfUse: SchemaComponent) = DFDLDefineEscapeScheme(node, decl, pointOfUse)
object DFDLDefineEscapeScheme {
def apply(node: Node, sd: SchemaDocument, pointOfUse: SchemaComponent) = {
val des = new DFDLDefineEscapeScheme(node, sd, pointOfUse)
* Escape scheme definitions
* These cannot be shared easily, since they can contain expressions (for escapeCharacter and
* escapeEscapeCharacter) which must be evaluated in the context of a point of use location.
* These are copied for each point of use so that these properties behave the way regular properties
* that are not grouped together on a common structure, all work, which is that each term
* has its own expression compilation for these properties, as it would for any regular expression-valued
* property like byteOrder or encoding or a delimiter.
final class DFDLDefineEscapeScheme private (node: Node, decl: SchemaDocument,
val pointOfUse: SchemaComponent)
extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation(node, decl) { // Note: defineEscapeScheme isn't a format annotation itself.
* For diagnostic messages, we need the decl - because that's where the
* escapescheme definition is written.
* But for purposes of compilation of expressions, we need the
* nearest enclosing element. That will be made to happen by way of
* the ExpressionCompiler - every schema component potentially has one.
lazy val referringComponent: Option[SchemaComponent] = Some(pointOfUse)
lazy val escapeScheme = {
val des = Utility.trim(node)
val res = des match {
case <dfdl:defineEscapeScheme>{ e @ <dfdl:escapeScheme>{ contents @ _* }</dfdl:escapeScheme> }</dfdl:defineEscapeScheme> =>
new DFDLEscapeScheme(e, decl, this)
case _ => SDE("The content of %s is not complete.", des.label)
override def toString(): String = {
"dfdl:defineEscapeScheme " + name