blob: 0d315d2b20e2632e207fef28bb745440eb5e82db [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom
import scala.xml.{ XML, Utility, Node }
import org.junit.Test
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.compiler._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.Implicits._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.{ YesNo, TextNumberRep, SeparatorPosition, Representation, OccursCountKind, NilKind, LengthKind, ChoiceLengthKind, ByteOrder, BinaryNumberRep, AlignmentUnits }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.AlignmentType
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.{ Misc, Logging }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import junit.framework.Assert.{ assertTrue, assertEquals, assertFalse, fail }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.Diagnostic
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.SchemaUtils
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.PrimitiveFactory
import org.junit.Test
class TestDsomCompiler extends Logging {
val xsd = XMLUtils.XSD_NAMESPACE
val dfdl = XMLUtils.dfdlAppinfoSource // XMLUtils.DFDL_NAMESPACE
val xsi = XMLUtils.XSI_NAMESPACE
val example = XMLUtils.EXAMPLE_NAMESPACE
// The below is lazy for a reason.
// It defers evaluation until used. This is nice because suppose there is a bug
// in the Fakes stuff. Then you want tests that use that to fail. But lots of
// these tests don't use this. If you make this an eager val, then if there
// is any problem in the Fakes, the whole class can't be constructed, and None
// of the tests will run. Lazy lets this class be constructed no matter what.
lazy val dummyGroupRef = Fakes.fakeGroupRef
@Test def testHasProps() {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="list" type="tns:example1"/>
<xs:complexType name="example1">
<xs:element name="w" type="xs:int" dfdl:length="1" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit"/>
val compiler = Compiler()
val (sset, _) = compiler.frontEnd(testSchema)
val Seq(schema) = sset.schemas
val Seq(schemaDoc) = schema.schemaDocuments
val Seq(declf) = schemaDoc.globalElementDecls
val decl = declf.forRoot()
val df = schemaDoc.defaultFormat
val tnr = schemaDoc.textNumberRep
assertEquals(TextNumberRep.Standard, tnr)
val tnr2 = decl.textNumberRep
assertEquals(TextNumberRep.Standard, tnr2)
@Test def testSchemaValidationSubset() {
val sch: Node = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="list">
<xs:sequence maxOccurs="2">
<xs:element name="w" type="xsd:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="{ 1 }"/>
val compiler = Compiler()
val (sset, _) = compiler.frontEnd(sch)
val diagnostics = sset.getDiagnostics.asInstanceOf[Seq[Diagnostic]]
val msgs = { _.getMessage }
val msg = msgs.mkString("\n")
val hasErrorText = msg.contains("maxOccurs");
if (!hasErrorText) fail("Didn't get expected error. Got: " + msg)
@Test def testTypeReferentialError() {
val sch: Node = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="list" type="typeDoesNotExist"/>)
val (_, pf) = Compiler().compileInternal(Seq.empty, sch)
val msg = pf.getDiagnostics.toString
val hasErrorText = msg.contains("typeDoesNotExist");
if (!hasErrorText) fail("Didn't get expected error. Got: " + msg)
@Test def testTypeReferentialError2() {
val sch: Node = <schema xmlns="" targetNamespace="">
<element name="foo" type="bar"/><!-- Illegal: no prefix on name of the type. -->
<complexType name="bar">
val (_, pf) = Compiler().compileInternal(Seq.empty, sch)
val msg = pf.getDiagnostics.toString
val hasErrorText = msg.contains("bar");
if (!hasErrorText) fail("Didn't get expected error. Got: " + msg)
@Test def testSchemaValidationPropertyChecking() {
val s: Node = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="list">
<xs:element name="w" type="xsd:int" dfdl:byteOrder="invalidValue" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="{ 1 }"/>
val compiler = Compiler()
val (sset, _) = Compiler().frontEnd(s)
sset.isError // forces compilation
val diags = sset.getDiagnostics
// diags.foreach { println(_) }
val msg = diags.toString
val hasErrorText = msg.contains("invalidValue");
if (!hasErrorText) fail("Didn't get expected error. Got: " + msg)
@Test def test2() {
val sc = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="list" type="tns:example1">
<xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
<dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
<xs:complexType name="example1">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="">
<xs:element name="w" type="xs:int" dfdl:length="1" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit"/>
val (sset, _) = Compiler().frontEnd(sc)
val Seq(schema) = sset.schemas
val Seq(schemaDoc) = schema.schemaDocuments
val Seq(declFactory) = schemaDoc.globalElementDecls
val decl = declFactory.forRoot()
val Seq(ct) = schemaDoc.globalComplexTypeDefs
val fa = decl.formatAnnotation.asInstanceOf[DFDLElement]
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes, decl.alignmentUnits)
// fa.alignmentUnits match {
// case AlignmentUnits.Bits => println("was bits")
// case AlignmentUnits.Bytes => println("was bytes")
// }
/* @Test def testXsomMultifile(){
val parser = new XSOMParser()
val apf = new DomAnnotationParserFactory()
val inFile = new File(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/first.xsd"))
val sset = parser.getResult()
val sds = parser.getDocuments().toList
assertTrue(sds.size() >= 2)
//{sd => println(sd.getSystemId)}
@Test def testSequence1() {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="list" type="tns:example1">
<xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
<dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
<xs:complexType name="example1">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separatorSuppressionPolicy="never" dfdl:separator="">
<xs:element name="w" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="1" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1" dfdl:occursCountKind="fixed"/>
val w = Utility.trim(testSchema)
val (sset, _) = Compiler().frontEnd(w)
val Seq(schema) = sset.schemas
val Seq(schemaDoc) = schema.schemaDocuments
val Seq(decl) = schemaDoc.globalElementDecls
val Seq(ct) = schemaDoc.globalComplexTypeDefs
val mg = ct.forElement(null).modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(elem) = mg.groupMembers
@Test def test3 {
val testSchema = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/example-of-most-dfdl-constructs.dfdl.xml").toURL)
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
// No annotations
val Seq(ct) = sd.globalComplexTypeDefs
// Explore global element decl
val Seq(e1f, e2f, e3f, e4f, e5f) = sd.globalElementDecls // there are 3 factories
val e1 = e1f.forRoot()
val e2 = e2f.forRoot()
val e3 = e3f.forRoot()
val Seq(a1, a2) = e3.annotationObjs // third one has two annotations
assertTrue(a2.isInstanceOf[DFDLAssert]) // second annotation is newVariableInstance
assertEquals("implicit", a1.asInstanceOf[DFDLElement].getProperty("occursCountKind"))
val e1ct = e1.immediateType.get.asInstanceOf[LocalComplexTypeDef] // first one has immediate complex type
// Explore local complex type def
val seq = e1ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence] //... which is a sequence
val sfa = seq.formatAnnotation.asInstanceOf[DFDLSequence] //...annotated with...
assertEquals(YesNo.No, seq.initiatedContent) // initiatedContent="no"
val Seq(e1a: DFDLElement) = e1.annotationObjs
assertEquals("UTF-8", e1a.getProperty("encoding"))
// Explore global simple type defs
val Seq(st1, st2, st3, st4) = sd.globalSimpleTypeDefs // there are two.
val Seq(b1, b2, b3, b4) = st1.forElement(e1).annotationObjs // first one has 4 annotations
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes.toString.toLowerCase, b1.asInstanceOf[DFDLSimpleType].getProperty("alignmentUnits")) // first has alignmentUnits
assertEquals("tns:myVar1", b2.asInstanceOf[DFDLSetVariable].ref) // second is setVariable with a ref
assertEquals("yadda yadda yadda", b4.asInstanceOf[DFDLAssert].message) // fourth is an assert with yadda message
// Explore define formats
val Seq(df1, df2) = sd.defineFormats // there are two
val def1 = df1.asInstanceOf[DFDLDefineFormat]
assertEquals("def1", // first is named "def1"
assertEquals(Representation.Text.toString.toLowerCase, def1.formatAnnotation.getProperty("representation")) // has representation="text"
// Explore define variables
val Seq(dv1, dv2) = sd.defineVariables // there are two
//assertEquals("2003年08月27日", dv2.asInstanceOf[DFDLDefineVariable].defaultValue) // second has kanji chars in default value
// Explore define escape schemes
val Seq(desc1) = sd.defineEscapeSchemes // only one of these
val es = desc1.escapeScheme.escapeCharacterRaw.value
assertEquals("%%", es) // has escapeCharacter="%%" (note: string literals not digested yet, so %% is %%, not %.
// Explore global group defs
val Seq(gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4, gr5) = sd.globalGroupDefs // there are two
val seq1 = gr1.forGroupRef(dummyGroupRef, 1).modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
//Explore LocalSimpleTypeDef
val Seq(gr2c1, gr2c2, gr2c3) = gr2.forGroupRef(dummyGroupRef, 1).modelGroup.asInstanceOf[ModelGroup].groupMembers
val ist = gr2c3.asInstanceOf[LocalElementDecl].immediateType.get.asInstanceOf[LocalSimpleTypeDef]
assertEquals("tns:aType", ist.baseName)
//Explore LocalElementDecl
val led = gr2c1.asInstanceOf[LocalElementDecl]
assertEquals(1, led.maxOccurs)
val Seq(leda) = led.annotationObjs
assertEquals("{ $myVar1 eq (+47 mod 4) }", leda.asInstanceOf[DFDLDiscriminator].testBody.get)
// Explore sequence
val Seq(seq1a: DFDLSequence) = seq1.annotationObjs // one format annotation with a property
assertEquals(SeparatorPosition.Infix, seq1.separatorPosition)
val Seq(seq1e1, seq1s1) = seq1.groupMembers // has an element and a sub-sequence as its children.
assertEquals(2, seq1e1.asInstanceOf[ElementRef].maxOccurs)
assertEquals("ex:a", seq1e1.asInstanceOf[ElementRef].ref)
assertEquals(1, seq1s1.asInstanceOf[Sequence].groupMembers.length) // it has the hidden group
@Test def test4 {
val testSchema = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/example-of-most-dfdl-constructs.dfdl.xml").toURL)
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(gd1, gd2f, gd3, gd4, gd5) = sd.globalGroupDefs // Obtain Group nodes
val gd2 = gd2f.forGroupRef(dummyGroupRef, 1)
val ch1 = gd2.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Choice] // Downcast child-node of group to Choice
val Seq(cd1, cd2, cd3) = ch1.groupMembers // Children nodes of Choice-node, there are 3
val Seq(a1: DFDLChoice) = ch1.annotationObjs // Obtain the annotation object that is a child
// of the group node.
assertEquals(AlignmentType.Implicit, ch1.alignment)
assertEquals(ChoiceLengthKind.Implicit, ch1.choiceLengthKind)
val Seq(asrt1) = cd2.asInstanceOf[LocalElementDecl].annotationObjs // Obtain Annotation object that is child
// of cd2.
assertEquals("{ $myVar1 eq xs:int(xs:string(fn:round-half-to-even(8.5))) }", asrt1.asInstanceOf[DFDLAssert].testTxt)
@Test def test_named_format_chaining {
val testSchema =
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f, ge2f, ge3f, ge4f, ge5f, ge6f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val Seq(a1: DFDLElement) = ge1.annotationObjs
assertEquals(true, a1.verifyPropValue("occursCountKind", "parsed"))
assertEquals(true, a1.verifyPropValue("lengthKind", "pattern"))
assertEquals(true, a1.verifyPropValue("representation", "text"))
assertEquals(true, a1.verifyPropValue("binaryNumberRep", "packed"))
@Test def test_simple_types_access_works {
val testSchema =
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1, ge2, ge3, ge4, ge5, ge6) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val x = ge2.forRoot().typeDef.asInstanceOf[LocalSimpleTypeDef]
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes, x.alignmentUnits)
@Test def test_simple_types_property_combining {
val testSchema =
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f, ge2f, ge3f, ge4f, ge5f, ge6f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge2 = ge2f.forRoot()
val ge3 = ge3f.forRoot()
val ge4 = ge4f.forRoot()
val ge5 = ge5f.forRoot()
val ge6 = ge6f.forRoot()
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes, ge2.alignmentUnits)
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes, ge3.alignmentUnits)
assertEquals(NilKind.LiteralValue, ge3.nilKind)
// Tests overlapping properties
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes, ge5.alignmentUnits) // local
assertEquals(OccursCountKind.Parsed, ge5.occursCountKind) // def1
assertEquals(BinaryNumberRep.Packed, ge5.binaryNumberRep) // def3
assertEquals(NilKind.LiteralValue, ge5.nilKind) // local
assertEquals(Representation.Text, ge5.representation) // def3
assertEquals(LengthKind.Pattern, ge5.lengthKind) // superseded by local
// Test Defaulting
assertEquals(BinaryNumberRep.Packed, ge6.binaryNumberRep)
@Test def testTerminatingMarkup {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="e1" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator=",">
<xs:element name="s1" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="{ 1 }" minOccurs="0" dfdl:occursCountKind="parsed" dfdl:terminator=";"/>
<xs:element name="s2" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="{ 1 }"/>
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val ct = ge1.immediateType.get.asInstanceOf[LocalComplexTypeDef]
val sq =[Sequence]
val Seq(s1, s2) = sq.groupMembers.asInstanceOf[List[LocalElementDecl]]
val s1tm = s1.terminatingMarkup
val Seq(ce) = s1tm
assertEquals(";", ce.constant)
@Test def testTerminatingMarkup2 {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="e1" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit">
<xs:sequence dfdl:separator="," dfdl:separatorPosition="infix" dfdl:separatorSuppressionPolicy="never" dfdl:terminator=";">
<xs:element name="s1" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="{ 1 }" minOccurs="0" dfdl:occursCountKind="parsed"/>
<xs:element name="s2" type="xs:string" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="{ 1 }"/>
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val ct = ge1.immediateType.get.asInstanceOf[LocalComplexTypeDef]
val sq =[Sequence]
val Seq(s1, s2) = sq.groupMembers.asInstanceOf[List[LocalElementDecl]]
val s1tm = s1.terminatingMarkup
val Seq(ce) = s1tm
assertEquals(",", ce.constant)
val s2tm = s2.terminatingMarkup
val Seq(ce1, ce2) = s2tm
assertEquals(",", ce1.constant)
assertEquals(";", ce2.constant)
@Test def test_simpleType_base_combining {
val testSchema = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/example-of-most-dfdl-constructs.dfdl.xml").toURL)
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
// No annotations
val Seq(ct) = sd.globalComplexTypeDefs
// Explore global element decl
val Seq(e1f, e2f, e3f, e4f, e5f) = sd.globalElementDecls // there are 3 factories
val e1 = e1f.forRoot()
val e2 = e2f.forRoot()
val e3 = e3f.forRoot()
val Seq(gs1f, gs2f, gs3f, gs4f) = sd.globalSimpleTypeDefs
val gs1 = gs1f.forElement(e1) // Global Simple Type - aType
assertEquals("ex:aaType", gs1.restrictionBase)
// println(
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("alignmentUnits", "bytes")) // SimpleType - Local
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("byteOrder", "bigEndian")) // SimpleType - Base
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("occursCountKind", "implicit")) // Default Format
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("representation", "text")) // Define Format - def1
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("encoding", "utf-8")) // Define Format - def1
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("textStandardBase", "10")) // Define Format - def2
assertTrue(gs1.verifyPropValue("escapeSchemeRef", "tns:quotingScheme")) // Define Format - def2
val gs3 = gs3f.forElement(e1) // Global SimpleType - aTypeError - overlapping base props
// Tests overlapping properties
// println(gs3.nonDefaultPropertySources)
// println(gs3.defaultPropertySources)
// gs3.valueAsAny // because these unit tests are outside the normal framework,
// we sometimes have to demand things in order for errors to be noticed.
val msgs = gs3.getDiagnostics.mkString("\n").toLowerCase
// println(msgs)
@Test def test_group_references {
val testSchema = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/example-of-most-dfdl-constructs.dfdl.xml").toURL)
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
// No annotations
val Seq(ct) = sd.globalComplexTypeDefs
// Explore global element decl
val Seq(e1f, e2f, e3f, e4f, e5f) = sd.globalElementDecls // there are 3 factories
// GroupRefTest
val e4 = e4f.forRoot() // groupRefTest
// println(e4)
val e4ct = e4.immediateType.get.asInstanceOf[LocalComplexTypeDef]
// println(e4ct)
val e4ctgref = e4ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[GroupRef] // groupRefTests' local group decl
// println(e4ctgref)
val myGlobal1 = e4ctgref.groupDef
// println(myGlobal1)
val myGlobal1Seq = myGlobal1.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
// println(myGlobal1Seq)
val myGlobal2Seq = myGlobal1Seq.groupRefChildren(0).group.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
// println(myGlobal2Seq)
// println(
// println(
// val myGlobal2Seq = myGlobal2.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
// myGlobal1 Properties
assertTrue(myGlobal1Seq.verifyPropValue("separator", ","))
// myGlobal2 Properties
assertTrue(myGlobal2Seq.verifyPropValue("separator", ";"))
assertTrue(myGlobal2Seq.verifyPropValue("separatorPosition", "infix"))
// GroupRefTestOverlap
val e5 = e5f.forRoot() // groupRefTestOverlap
val e5ct = e5.immediateType.get.asInstanceOf[LocalComplexTypeDef]
val e5ctgref = e5ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[GroupRef] // groupRefTestOverlap's local group decl
val myGlobal3 = e5ctgref.groupDef
val myGlobal3Seq = myGlobal3.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
// Tests overlapping properties
val msg = e5ctgref.getDiagnostics.mkString("\n").toLowerCase
@Test def test_ibm_7132 {
val ibm7132Schema = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/TestRefChainingIBM7132.dfdl.xml").toURL)
// val ibm7132Schema = "test/TestRefChainingIBM7132.dfdl.xml"
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, ibm7132Schema)
// val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sset.allSchemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val f1 = ge1.formatAnnotation
// println(
assertTrue(f1.verifyPropValue("separatorPosition", "infix"))
assertTrue(f1.verifyPropValue("lengthKind", "implicit"))
assertFalse(f1.verifyPropValue("representation", "text"))
assertTrue(f1.verifyPropValue("textNumberRep", "standard"))
val ct = ge1.typeDef.asInstanceOf[ComplexTypeBase]
val seq = ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(e1: ElementBase, e2: ElementBase) = seq.groupMembers
val e1f = e1.formatAnnotation.asInstanceOf[DFDLElement]
assertTrue(e1f.verifyPropValue("initiator", ""))
assertTrue(e1f.verifyPropValue("representation", "text"))
@Test def testDfdlRef = {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:defineFormat name="ref1"> <dfdl:format initiator=":"/> </dfdl:defineFormat>,
<xs:element name="e1" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit" dfdl:ref="tns:ref1" type="xs:string">
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val props =
// println(props)
//assertEquals(":", ge1.initiatorRaw)
@Test def testGetQName = {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:defineFormat name="ref1">
<dfdl:format initiator=":"/>
<xs:element name="e1" dfdl:lengthKind="implicit" dfdl:ref="tns:ref1" type="xs:string">
// println(testSchema)
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val (nsURI, localName) = ge1.formatAnnotation.resolveQName("tns:ref1")
// println(nsURI + ", " + localName)
assertEquals("ref1", localName)
@Test def testGetAllNamespaces() {
val xml = <bar xmlns:foo="fooNS" xmlns:bar="barNS">
<quux xmlns:baz="bazNS" attr1="x"/>
val scope = (xml \ "quux")(0).scope
// println(scope)
val newElem = scala.xml.Elem("dfdl", "element", scala.xml.Null, scope)
// println(newElem)
@Test def test_delim_inheritance {
val delimiterInheritance = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/TestDelimiterInheritance.dfdl.xml").toURL)
val compiler = Compiler()
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, delimiterInheritance)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val ct = ge1.typeDef.asInstanceOf[ComplexTypeBase]
val seq = ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(e1: LocalElementDecl, e2: ElementBase, e3: ElementBase) = seq.groupMembers
// println(
assertEquals(3, e1.allTerminatingMarkup.length) // 1 Level + ref on global element decl
// assertEquals("a", e1.allTerminatingMarkup(0).prettyExpr)
// assertEquals("b", e1.allTerminatingMarkup(1).prettyExpr)
// assertEquals("g", e1.allTerminatingMarkup(2).prettyExpr)
assertEquals("a", e1.allTerminatingMarkup(0)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("b", e1.allTerminatingMarkup(1)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("g", e1.allTerminatingMarkup(2)._1.prettyExpr)
val ct2 = e3.asInstanceOf[ElementBase].typeDef.asInstanceOf[ComplexTypeBase]
val seq2 = ct2.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(e3_1: ElementBase, e3_2: ElementBase) = seq2.groupMembers
assertEquals(6, e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup.length) // 2 Level + ref on global element decl
assertEquals("e", e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup(0)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("c", e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup(1)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("d", e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup(2)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("a", e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup(3)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("b", e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup(4)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("g", e3_1.allTerminatingMarkup(5)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals(6, e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup.length) // 2 Level + ref on global element decl + ref on local element decl
assertEquals("f", e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup(0)._1.prettyExpr) // f instead of e, due to ref
assertEquals("c", e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup(1)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("d", e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup(2)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("a", e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup(3)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("b", e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup(4)._1.prettyExpr)
assertEquals("g", e3_2.allTerminatingMarkup(5)._1.prettyExpr)
@Test def test_escapeSchemeOverride = {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format separator="" initiator="" terminator="" emptyValueDelimiterPolicy="none" textNumberRep="standard" representation="text" occursStopValue="-1" occursCountKind="expression" escapeSchemeRef="pound"/>
<dfdl:defineEscapeScheme name="pound">
<dfdl:escapeScheme escapeCharacter='#' escapeKind="escapeCharacter"/>
<dfdl:defineEscapeScheme name='cStyleComment'>
<dfdl:escapeScheme escapeBlockStart='/*' escapeBlockEnd='*/' escapeKind="escapeBlock"/>
<xs:element name="list">
<xs:element name="character" type="xsd:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" dfdl:representation="text" dfdl:separator="," dfdl:terminator="%NL;"/>
<xs:element name="block" type="xsd:string" maxOccurs="unbounded" dfdl:representation="text" dfdl:separator="," dfdl:terminator="%NL;" dfdl:escapeSchemeRef="cStyleComment"/>
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val ct = ge1.typeDef.asInstanceOf[ComplexTypeBase]
val seq = ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(e1: LocalElementDecl, e2: LocalElementDecl) = seq.groupMembers
val e1f = e1.formatAnnotation.asInstanceOf[DFDLElement]
// val props =
val e1f_esref = e1.getProperty("escapeSchemeRef")
// println(e1f_esref)
assertEquals("pound", e1f_esref)
// Should have escapeCharacter and escapeKind
val e2f = e2.formatAnnotation.asInstanceOf[DFDLElement]
val e2f_esref = e2.getProperty("escapeSchemeRef")
// escapeBlockStart/End escapeBlockKind (NOTHING ELSE)
assertEquals("cStyleComment", e2f_esref)
@Test def test_element_references {
val testSchema = XML.load(Misc.getRequiredResource("/test/example-of-most-dfdl-constructs.dfdl.xml").toURL)
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
// No annotations
val Seq(ct) = sd.globalComplexTypeDefs
// == "gr"
val Seq(g1: GlobalGroupDefFactory, g2, g3, g4, g5) = sd.globalGroupDefs
val seq1 = g1.forGroupRef(dummyGroupRef, 1).modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
// e1.ref == "ex:a"
val Seq(e1r: ElementRef, s1: Sequence) = seq1.groupMembers
val e1 = e1r.referencedElement
assertEquals(2, e1r.maxOccurs)
assertEquals(1, e1r.minOccurs)
assertEquals(AlignmentUnits.Bytes, e1.alignmentUnits)
//assertEquals(true, e1.nillable) // TODO: e1.nillable doesn't exist?
//assertEquals("%ES; %% %#0; %NUL;%ACK; foo%#rF2;%#rF7;bar %WSP*; %#2024;%#xAABB; &amp;&#2023;&#xCCDD; -1", e1.nilValue) // TODO: Do not equal each other!
assertEquals(NilKind.LiteralValue, e1.nilKind)
@Test def testPathWithIndexes() {
val testSchema = SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(
<dfdl:format ref="tns:daffodilTest1"/>,
<xs:element name="r" type="tns:myType"/>
<xs:complexType name="myType">
<xs:element name="s" type="xs:int"/>
val sset = new SchemaSet(PrimitiveFactory, testSchema)
val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
val Seq(sd) = sch.schemaDocuments
val Seq(ge1f) = sd.globalElementDecls // Obtain global element nodes
val ge1 = ge1f.forRoot()
val ct = ge1.typeDef.asInstanceOf[ComplexTypeBase]
val seq = ct.modelGroup.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(s1, s2, s3) = seq.groupMembers
val s3s = s3.asInstanceOf[Sequence]
val Seq(es) = s3s.groupMembers
val ese = es.asInstanceOf[LocalElementDecl]
// println(ese)