blob: bb804f7e32e9c6bf1416bd6ae6aeaf637ac7f9e2 [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.WithDiagnostics
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.NS
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.oolag.OOLAG.OOLAGException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.Implicits._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.DiagnosticUtils._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.oolag.OOLAG.ErrorAlreadyHandled
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.ExecutionMode
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DFDL
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.WithDiagnostics
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.compiler.ProcessorFactory
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.debugger.Debugger
import org.jdom.Namespace
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DFDL
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.compiler.ProcessorFactory
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ValidationError
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Validator
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.GlobalElementDecl
import org.xml.sax.SAXException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.ValidationException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.ValidationMode
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.externalvars.ExternalVariablesLoader
import scala.xml.Node
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.externalvars.Binding
* Implementation mixin - provides simple helper methods
trait WithDiagnosticsImpl extends WithDiagnostics {
// final lazy val hasDiagnostics = {
// getDiagnostics.size > 0
// }
* The very last aspects of compilation, and the start of the
* back-end runtime.
class DataProcessor(pf: ProcessorFactory, val rootElem: GlobalElementDecl)
extends SchemaComponentBase(<dp/>, pf)
with ImplementsThrowsSDE
with DFDL.DataProcessor {
private var validationMode: ValidationMode.Type = ValidationMode.Off
private var variables: VariableMap = rootElem.schemaDocument.schemaSet.variableMap
def setValidationMode(mode: ValidationMode.Type): Unit = { validationMode = mode }
def getValidationMode() = validationMode
def setExternalVariables(extVars: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
val bindings = ExternalVariablesLoader.getVariablesAsBindings(extVars)
ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariablesByBinding(bindings, this, variables)
variables = ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariablesByMap(extVars, this, variables)
def setExternalVariables(extVars: File): Unit = {
variables = ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariablesByFile(extVars, this, variables)
def setExternalVariables(extVars: Seq[Binding]): Unit = {
variables = ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariablesByBinding(extVars, this, variables)
def getVariables = variables
def minMajorJVersion = 1
def minMinorJVersion = 7
def checkJavaVersion = {
val jVersion = {
try { System.getProperty("java.version") }
catch {
case se: SecurityException => this.SDE("Attempted to read property 'java.version' failed due to a SecurityException: \n%s".format(se.getMessage()))
case _: Throwable => this.SDE("An invalid 'key' was passed to System.getProperty.")
val javaVersion = """([0-9])\.([0-9])\.(.*)""".r
jVersion match {
case javaVersion(major, minor, x) => {
if (major.toInt < minMajorJVersion) {
this.SDE("You must run Java 7 (1.7) or higher. You are currently running %s".format(jVersion))
if (minor.toInt < minMinorJVersion) {
this.SDE("You must run Java 7 (1.7) or higher. You are currently running %s".format(jVersion))
case _ => {
this.SDE("Failed to obtain the Java version. You must run Java 7 (1.7) or higher.")
// force creation of the parser value so that all errors are issued
// this is in case some compilation happens in the constructors of parsers.
lazy val processorFactory = pf
override lazy val fileName = processorFactory.fileName
// just delegate to the PF. It has access to the SchemaSet.
override def isError = pf.isError
override def diagnostics = pf.diagnostics
// Last tidbits of compilation. Really this is just accessing the
// result of compilation
lazy val parser = parser_.value
private val parser_ = LV('parser) {
ExecutionMode.usingCompilerMode {
lazy val unparser = unparser_.value
private val unparser_ = LV('unparser) {
ExecutionMode.usingCompilerMode {
def save(output: DFDL.Output): Unit = {
* Here begins the parser runtime. Compiler-oriented mechanisms (OOLAG etc.) aren't used in the
* runtime. Instead we deal with success and failure statuses.
def parse(input: DFDL.Input, lengthLimitInBits: Long = -1): DFDL.ParseResult = {
val initialState = PState.createInitialState(this.processorFactory.sset.schemaComponentRegistry,
bitOffset = 0,
bitLengthLimit = lengthLimitInBits) // TODO also want to pass here the externally set variables, other flags/settings.
try {
} finally {
def parse(initialState: PState) = {
ExecutionMode.usingRuntimeMode {
val pr = new ParseResult(this) {
val p = parser
val postParseState = { // Not lazy. We want to parse right now.
try {
p.parse1(initialState, rootElem)
} catch {
// technically, runtime shouldn't throw. It's really too heavyweight a construct. And "failure"
// when parsing isn't exceptional, it's routine behavior. So ought not be implemented via an
// exception handling construct.
// But we might not catch everything inside...
case pe: ParseError => {
// if we get one here, then someone threw instead of returning a status.
Assert.invariantFailed("ParseError caught. ParseErrors should be returned as failed status, not thrown. Fix please.")
case procErr: ProcessingError => {
Assert.invariantFailed("got a processing error that was not a parse error. This is the parser!")
case sde: SchemaDefinitionError => {
// A SDE was detected at runtime (perhaps due to a runtime-valued property like byteOrder or encoding)
// These are fatal, and there's no notion of backtracking them, so they propagate to top level
// here.
case rsde: RuntimeSchemaDefinitionError => {
case e: ErrorAlreadyHandled => {
// Assert.invariantFailed("OOLAGException at runtime (should not happen). Caught at DataProcessor level: " + e)
val resultState = {
val finalState = validateResult(postParseState)
lazy val isValidationSuccess = {
val res = getValidationMode match {
case ValidationMode.Off => true
case _ => {
val res = resultState.diagnostics.exists { d =>
d match {
case ve: ValidationError => true
case _ => false
* Unparser runtime begins here. Compiler-oriented mechanisms (OOLAG etc.) aren't used in the
* runtime. Instead we deal with success and failure statuses.
def unparse(output: DFDL.Output, infoset: scala.xml.Node): DFDL.UnparseResult = {
ExecutionMode.usingRuntimeMode {
val jdomElem = XMLUtils.elem2Element(infoset)
val jdomDoc = new org.jdom.Document(jdomElem)
val initialState = UState.createInitialState(rootElem, output, jdomDoc) // also want to pass here the externally set variables, other flags/settings.
val uRes = new UnparseResult(this) {
val resultState = { // Not lazy. We want to unparse right now.
try {
} catch {
// technically, runtime shouldn't throw. It's really too heavyweight a construct. And "failure"
// when parsing isn't exceptional, it's routine behavior. So ought not be implemented via an
// exception handling construct.
// But we might not catch everything inside...
case pe: UnparseError => {
// if we get one here, then someone threw instead of returning a status.
Assert.invariantFailed("UnparseError caught. UnparseErrors should be returned as failed status, not thrown. Fix please.")
case procErr: ProcessingError => {
Assert.invariantFailed("got a processing error that was not an unparse error. This is the unparser!")
case sde: SchemaDefinitionError => {
// A SDE was detected at runtime (perhaps due to a runtime-valued property like byteOrder or encoding)
// These are fatal, and there's no notion of backtracking them, so they propagate to top level here.
case e: OOLAGException => {
Assert.invariantFailed("OOLAGExceptions like " + e.toString() + " are compiler stuff. This is runtime.")
//write unparsed result to outputStream
abstract class ParseResult(dp: DataProcessor)
extends DFDL.ParseResult
with WithDiagnosticsImpl {
def resultState: PState
protected def postParseState: PState
def isValidationSuccess: Boolean
* Xerces validation.
private def validateWithXerces(state: PState): Unit = {
if (state.status == Success) {
val schemaFileNames = state.schemaComponentRegistry.getSchemas
Validator.validateXMLSources(schemaFileNames.get, result)
} else {
Assert.abort(new IllegalStateException("There is no result. Should check by calling isError() first."))
* To be successful here, we need to capture xerces parse/validation
* errors and add them to the Diagnostics list in the PState.
* @param state the initial parse state.
* @return the final parse state with any validation diagnostics.
def validateResult(state: PState) = {
val resultState =
if (dp.getValidationMode == ValidationMode.Full) {
val postValidateState =
try {
} catch {
case (spe: SAXParseException) =>
case (se: SAXException) =>
case (ve: ValidationException) =>
} else state
lazy val result =
if (postParseState.status == Success) {
if (resultAsJDOMDocument.hasRootElement()) XMLUtils.element2Elem(resultAsJDOMDocument.getRootElement())
else <dafint:document xmlns:dafint={ XMLUtils.INT_NS }/>
} else {
Assert.abort(new IllegalStateException("There is no result. Should check by calling isError() first."))
lazy val resultAsJDOMDocument =
if (postParseState.status == Success) {
val xmlClean = postParseState.infoset.jdomElt match {
case Some(e) => {
XMLUtils.removeAttributesJDOM(e, Seq(Namespace.getNamespace(XMLUtils.INT_PREFIX, XMLUtils.INT_NS)))
case None => Assert.impossibleCase() // Shouldn't happen, success means there IS a result.
} else {
Assert.abort(new IllegalStateException("There is no result. Should check by calling isError() first."))
abstract class UnparseResult(dp: DataProcessor)
extends DFDL.UnparseResult
with WithDiagnosticsImpl {
override def resultState: UState