blob: 5311fddef1398c8df302e2c962528dba7ef28fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom
/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Developed by: Tresys Technology, LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the names of Tresys Technology, nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software
* without specific prior written permission.
import scala.xml.Node
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.oolag.OOLAG._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Misc.bytes2Hex
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors._
import java.math.BigInteger
trait GrammarMixin {
protected val NYI = false // our flag for Not Yet Implemented
trait InitiatedTerminatedMixin
extends GrammarMixin
with AnnotatedMixin
with DelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin { self: Term =>
lazy val parentSaysInitiatedContent = {
val parentSays = self.immediatelyEnclosingModelGroup match {
case Some(s) if (s.initiatedContent == YesNo.Yes) => true
case _ => false
lazy val hasInitiator = {
val hasOne = initiator.isKnownNonEmpty
if (parentSaysInitiatedContent)
schemaDefinition(hasOne, "Enclosing group has initiatedContent='yes', but initiator is not defined.")
lazy val hasTerminator = terminator.isKnownNonEmpty
lazy val initiatorDiscriminator = Prod("initiatorDiscriminator", this, parentSaysInitiatedContent, InitiatedContent(this))
lazy val initiatorRegion = Prod("initiatorRegion", this, hasInitiator, initiatorItself ~ initiatorDiscriminator)
lazy val initiatorItself = {
if (initiator.isConstant) StaticInitiator(this)
else DynamicInitiator(this)
lazy val terminatorRegion = Prod("terminatorRegion", this, hasTerminator,
if (terminator.isConstant) StaticTerminator(this)
else DynamicTerminator(this))
lazy val escapeScheme: Option[DFDLEscapeScheme] = {
val er = getPropertyOption("escapeSchemeRef")
er match {
case None => None
case Some(qName) => {
if (qName.length() == 0) {
} else {
val (nsURI, name) = formatAnnotation.resolveQName(qName)
val defES = schemaSet.getDefineEscapeScheme(nsURI, name)
defES match {
case None => SDE("Define Escape Scheme Not Found")
case Some(es) => Some(es.escapeScheme)
trait AlignedMixin { self: Term =>
lazy val leadingSkipRegion = Prod("leadingSkipRegion", this, LeadingSkipRegion(this))
lazy val trailingSkipRegion = Prod("trailingSkipRegion", this, TrailingSkipRegion(this))
lazy val alignmentFill = Prod("alignmentFill", this, AlignmentFill(this))
// Elements System
trait ElementBaseGrammarMixin
extends InitiatedTerminatedMixin
with AlignedMixin
with HasStatementsGrammarMixin { self: ElementBase =>
// This silly redundancy where the variable name has to also be passed as a string,
// is, by the way, a good reason Scala needs real Lisp-style macros, that can take an argument and
// turn it into a type/class, object, def, or val/var name, as well as a string, etc.
lazy val parsedNil = Prod("parsedNil", this, NYI && isNillable && nilKind == NilKind.LogicalValue,
nilElementInitiator ~ LogicalNilValue(this) ~ nilElementTerminator)
lazy val parsedValue = {
val res = Prod("parsedValue", this, initiatorRegion ~ allowedValue ~ terminatorRegion)
def allowedValue: Prod // provided by LocalElementBase for array considerations, and GlobalElementDecl - scalar only
// lazy val explicitLengthBinary = Prod("explicitLengthBinary", this, !isFixedLength,
// lengthUnits match {
// case LengthUnits.Bytes => BinaryExplicitLengthInBytes(this)
// case LengthUnits.Characters => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthUnits='Character'.")
// case LengthUnits.Bits => BinaryExplicitLengthInBits(this)
// })
// lazy val binaryValueLength = binaryValueLength_.value
// lazy val binaryValueLength_ = LV {
// val res = Prod("BinaryValueLength", this, lengthKind match {
// case LengthKind.Explicit => explicitLengthBinary
// case LengthKind.Delimited => Assert.notYetImplemented() // Binary Data delimiters aren't supported TODO: Should we?
// case LengthKind.Pattern => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='Pattern'.")
// case LengthKind.Implicit => Assert.notYetImplemented() // TODO: Get size from xs:type
// case _ => Assert.notYetImplemented()
// })
// res
// }
// Length is in bits, (size would be in bytes) (from DFDL Spec 12.3.3)
lazy val implicitBinaryLengthInBits: Long = primType.myPrimitiveType match {
case PrimType.Byte | PrimType.UByte => 8
case PrimType.Short | PrimType.UShort => 16
case PrimType.Float | PrimType.Int | PrimType.UInt | PrimType.Boolean => 32
case PrimType.Double | PrimType.Long | PrimType.ULong => 64
case _ => schemaDefinitionError("Size of binary data '" + + "' cannot be determined implicitly.")
lazy val binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits: Long = lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Implicit => implicitBinaryLengthInBits
case LengthKind.Explicit if (length.isConstant) => {
val lengthFromProp = length.constantAsLong
val nbits = lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bits => lengthFromProp
case LengthUnits.Bytes => lengthFromProp * 8
case LengthUnits.Characters => SDE("The lengthUnits for binary numbers must be either 'bits' or 'bytes'. Not 'characters'.")
case LengthKind.Explicit => -1 // means must be computed at runtime.
case LengthKind.Delimited => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='delimited'.")
case LengthKind.Pattern => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='pattern'.")
case LengthKind.Prefixed => subsetError("lengthKind='prefixed' not yet supported.")
case LengthKind.EndOfParent => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='endOfParent'.")
lazy val fixedLengthString = Prod("fixedLengthString", this, isFixedLength,
(lengthUnits, knownEncodingIsFixedWidth) match {
case (LengthUnits.Bytes, true) => StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(this, fixedLength) // TODO: make sure it divides evenly.
//case (LengthUnits.Bytes, true) => StringFixedLengthInBytes(this, fixedLength / knownEncodingWidth) // TODO: make sure it divides evenly.
case (LengthUnits.Bytes, false) => StringFixedLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters(this, fixedLength)
case (LengthUnits.Characters, true) => {
// we deal with the fact that some encodings have characters taking up smaller than
// a full byte. E.g., encoding='US-ASCII-7-bit-packed' are 7-bits packed with no unused
// bits
val lengthInBits = fixedLength * knownEncodingWidthInBits
val lengthInBytes = lengthInBits / 8
val hasWholeBytesOnly = (lengthInBits % 8) == 0
if (hasWholeBytesOnly)
StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(this, lengthInBytes)
StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(this, lengthInBytes + 1) // 1 more for fragment byte
// The string may be "fixed" length, but a variable-width charset like utf-8 means that N characters can take anywhere from N to
// 4*N bytes. So it's not really fixed width. We'll have to parse the string to determine the actual length.
case (LengthUnits.Characters, false) => StringFixedLengthInVariableWidthCharacters(this, fixedLength)
case (LengthUnits.Bits, _) => notYetImplemented("lengthUnits='bits' for type " + typeDef)
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("all cases should have been exhausted.")
lazy val implicitLengthString = Prod("implicitLengthString", this, hasSpecifiedLength,
(lengthUnits, knownEncodingIsFixedWidth) match {
case (LengthUnits.Bytes, true) => StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(this, facetMaxLength) // TODO: make sure it divides evenly.
//case (LengthUnits.Bytes, true) => StringFixedLengthInBytes(this, fixedLength / knownEncodingWidth) // TODO: make sure it divides evenly.
case (LengthUnits.Bytes, false) => StringFixedLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters(this, facetMaxLength)
case (LengthUnits.Characters, true) => {
// we deal with the fact that some encodings have characters taking up smaller than
// a full byte. E.g., encoding='US-ASCII-7-bit-packed' are 7-bits packed with no unused
// bits
val lengthInBits = facetMaxLength * knownEncodingWidthInBits
val lengthInBytes = lengthInBits / 8
val hasWholeBytesOnly = (lengthInBits % 8) == 0
if (hasWholeBytesOnly)
StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(this, lengthInBytes)
StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(this, lengthInBytes + 1) // 1 more for fragment byte
// The string may be "fixed" length, but a variable-width charset like utf-8 means that N characters can take anywhere from N to
// 4*N bytes. So it's not really fixed width. We'll have to parse the string to determine the actual length.
case (LengthUnits.Characters, false) => StringFixedLengthInVariableWidthCharacters(this, facetMaxLength)
case (LengthUnits.Bits, _) => SDE("Strings with lengthKind='implicit' may not have lengthUnits='bits'")
lazy val variableLengthString = Prod("variableLengthString", this, !isFixedLength,
(lengthUnits, knownEncodingIsFixedWidth) match {
//case (LengthUnits.Bytes, true) => StringExplicitLengthInBytes(this)
//case (LengthUnits.Bytes, false) =>
// notYetImplemented("lengthKind='explicit' and lengthUnits='bytes' with non-fixed-width or potentially non-fixed-width encoding='%s'.", this.encodingRaw)
//// StringExplicitLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters(this)
//case (LengthUnits.Characters, _) =>
// notYetImplemented("lengthKind='explicit' and lengthUnits='characters'")
//// Above, keep in mind fixed length but variable-width encoding means variable width.
//// The string may be "fixed" length, but a variable-width charset like utf-8 means that N characters can take anywhere from N to
//// 4*N bytes. So it's not really fixed width. We'll have to parse the string to determine the actual length.
//case (LengthUnits.Bits, _) =>
// SDE("lengthKind='explicit' and lengthUnits='bits' for type %s", this.typeDef)
case (LengthUnits.Bytes, true) => StringVariableLengthInBytes(this)
case (LengthUnits.Bytes, false) => StringVariableLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters(this)
case (LengthUnits.Characters, true) => StringVariableLengthInBytes(this)
// The string may be "fixed" length, but a variable-width charset like utf-8 means that N characters can take anywhere from N to
// 4*N bytes. So it's not really fixed width. We'll have to parse the string to determine the actual length.
case (LengthUnits.Characters, false) => StringVariableLengthInVariableWidthCharacters(this)
case (LengthUnits.Bits, _) => SDE("lengthKind='explicit' and lengthUnits='bits' for type %s", this.typeDef)
//lazy val stringDelimitedEndOfData = Prod("stringDelimitedEndOfData", this, StringDelimitedEndOfData(this))
lazy val stringDelimitedEndOfDataStatic = Prod("stringDelimitedEndOfDataStatic", this, StringDelimitedEndOfDataStatic(this))
lazy val stringDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic = Prod("stringDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic", this, StringDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic(this))
lazy val stringPatternMatched = Prod("stringPatternMatched", this, StringPatternMatched(this))
lazy val stringValue = stringValue_.value
private val stringValue_ = LV('stringValue) {
val res = Prod("stringValue", this, lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Explicit if isFixedLength => fixedLengthString
case LengthKind.Explicit => variableLengthString
//case LengthKind.Delimited => stringDelimitedEndOfData
case LengthKind.Delimited if this.hasExpressionsInTerminatingMarkup => stringDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic
case LengthKind.Delimited => stringDelimitedEndOfDataStatic
case LengthKind.Pattern => stringPatternMatched
case LengthKind.Implicit => implicitLengthString
case _ => SDE("Unimplemented lengthKind %s", lengthKind)
// lazy val binaryByte = Prod("binaryByte", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryShort = Prod("binaryShort", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryLong = Prod("binaryLong", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryInteger = Prod("binaryInteger", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryUnsignedInt = Prod("binaryInt", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryUnsignedByte = Prod("binaryByte", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryUnsignedShort = Prod("binaryShort", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val binaryUnsignedLong = Prod("binaryLong", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// regularBinaryRepInt | bcdInt | packedInt)
// lazy val regularBinaryRepInt = Prod("regularBinaryRepInt", this,
// binaryNumberRep == BinaryNumberRep.Binary, lengthKind match {
// case LengthKind.Implicit => {
// if (byteOrder.isConstant) {
// val javaByteOrder = ByteOrder(byteOrder.constantAsString, this) match {
// case ByteOrder.BigEndian => java.nio.ByteOrder.BigEndian
// case ByteOrder.LittleEndian => java.nio.ByteOrder.LittleEndian
// }
// Regular32bitIntPrim(this, javaByteOrder)
// else Assert.notYetImplemented() // Dynamic byte order not implemented
// }
// case _ => Assert.notYetImplemented() // binary number length kinds other than implicit not implemented
// })
// lazy val bcdInt = Prod("bcdInt", this,
// binaryNumberRep == BinaryNumberRep.Bcd, BCDIntPrim(this))
// lazy val packedInt = Prod("packedInt", this,
// binaryNumberRep == BinaryNumberRep.Packed, PackedIntPrim(this))
// TODO: Handle the zonedTextXXX possibilities
lazy val textInt = Prod("textInt", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextInt | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textByte = Prod("textByte", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextByte | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textShort = Prod("textShort", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextShort | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textLong = Prod("textLong", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextLong | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textInteger = Prod("textInteger", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextInteger | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textUnsignedInt = Prod("textUnsignedInt", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextUnsignedInt | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textUnsignedByte = Prod("textUnsignedByte", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextUnsignedByte | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textUnsignedShort = Prod("textUnsignedShort", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextUnsignedShort | zonedTextInt)
lazy val textUnsignedLong = Prod("textUnsignedLong", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextUnsignedLong | zonedTextInt)
// We could now break it down by lengthKind, and have specialized primitives
// depending on the length kind.
lazy val standardTextInteger = Prod("standardTextInteger", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextIntegerPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextLong = Prod("standardTextLong", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextLongPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextInt = Prod("standardTextInt", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextIntPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextShort = Prod("standardTextShort", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextShortPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextByte = Prod("standardTextByte", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextBytePrim(this))
lazy val standardTextUnsignedLong = Prod("standardTextUnsignedLong", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextUnsignedLongPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextUnsignedInt = Prod("standardTextUnsignedInt", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextUnsignedIntPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextUnsignedShort = Prod("standardTextUnsignedShort", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextUnsignedShortPrim(this))
lazy val standardTextUnsignedByte = Prod("standardTextUnsignedByte", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextUnsignedBytePrim(this))
lazy val zonedTextInt = Prod("zonedTextInt", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned, ZonedTextIntPrim(this))
// lazy val binaryDouble = Prod("binaryDouble", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// ieeeBinaryRepDouble | ibm390HexBinaryRepDouble)
lazy val textDouble = Prod("textDouble", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextDouble | zonedTextDouble)
// lazy val ieeeBinaryRepDouble = Prod("ieeeBinaryRepDouble", this,
// {
// val bfr = binaryFloatRep
// val res = bfr.isConstant &&
// BinaryFloatRep(bfr.constantAsString, this) == BinaryFloatRep.Ieee
// res
// },
// lengthKind match {
// case LengthKind.Implicit => {
// if (byteOrder.isConstant) ByteOrder(byteOrder.constantAsString, this) match {
// case ByteOrder.BigEndian => BigEndianDoublePrim(this)
// case ByteOrder.LittleEndian => LittleEndianDoublePrim(this)
// }
// else Assert.notYetImplemented()
// }
// case _ => Assert.notYetImplemented()
// })
lazy val ibm390HexBinaryRepDouble = Prod("ibm390HexBinaryRepDouble", this,
binaryFloatRep.isConstant &&
binaryFloatRep.constantAsString == BinaryFloatRep.Ibm390Hex.toString,
subsetError("ibm390Hex not supported"))
lazy val standardTextDouble = Prod("standardTextDouble", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextDoublePrim(this))
lazy val zonedTextDouble = Prod("zonedTextDouble", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned, subsetError("Zoned not supported for float and double"))
// lazy val binaryFloat = Prod("binaryFloat", this, representation == Representation.Binary,
// ieeeBinaryRepFloat | ibm390HexBinaryRepFloat)
lazy val textFloat = Prod("textFloat", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextFloat | zonedTextFloat)
// lazy val ieeeBinaryRepFloat = Prod("ieeeBinaryRepFloat", this,
// {
// val bfr = binaryFloatRep
// val res = bfr.isConstant &&
// BinaryFloatRep(bfr.constantAsString, this) == BinaryFloatRep.Ieee
// res
// },
// lengthKind match {
// case LengthKind.Implicit => {
// if (byteOrder.isConstant) ByteOrder(byteOrder.constantAsString, this) match {
// case ByteOrder.BigEndian => BigEndianFloatPrim(this)
// case ByteOrder.LittleEndian => LittleEndianFloatPrim(this)
// }
// else Assert.notYetImplemented()
// }
// case _ => Assert.notYetImplemented()
// })
// lazy val ibm390HexBinaryRepFloat = Prod("ibm390HexBinaryRepFloat", this,
// binaryFloatRep.isConstant &&
// binaryFloatRep.constantAsString == BinaryFloatRep.Ibm390Hex.toString,
// subsetError("ibm390Hex not supported"))
lazy val standardTextFloat = Prod("standardTextFloat", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextFloatPrim(this))
lazy val zonedTextFloat = Prod("zonedTextFloat", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned, subsetError("Zoned not supported for float and double"))
lazy val textDate = Prod("textDate", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextDate | zonedTextDate)
lazy val textTime = Prod("textTime", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextTime | zonedTextTime)
lazy val textDateTime = Prod("textDateTime", this, representation == Representation.Text,
standardTextDateTime | zonedTextDateTime)
lazy val standardTextDate = Prod("standardTextDate", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextDatePrim(this))
lazy val standardTextTime = Prod("standardTextTime", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextTimePrim(this))
lazy val standardTextDateTime = Prod("standardTextDateTime", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard, stringValue ~ ConvertTextDateTimePrim(this))
lazy val zonedTextDate = Prod("zonedTextDate", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned, subsetError("Zoned not supported for date"))
lazy val zonedTextTime = Prod("zonedTextDate", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned, subsetError("Zoned not supported for time"))
lazy val zonedTextDateTime = Prod("zonedTextDate", this,
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned, subsetError("Zoned not supported for dateTime"))
// shorthand
lazy val primType = {
val res = typeDef.asInstanceOf[SimpleTypeBase].primitiveType
// lazy val value = Prod("value", this, isSimpleType,
// // TODO: Consider issues with matching a stopValue. Can't say isScalar here because
// // This gets used for array contents also.
// {
// match {
// case "string" => stringValue
// case _ => {
// val res = representation match {
// case Representation.Binary => binaryValue
// case Representation.Text => textValue
// }
// res
// }
// }
// })
lazy val value = Prod("value", this, isSimpleType,
// TODO: Consider issues with matching a stopValue. Can't say isScalar here because
// this gets used for array contents also.
primType.myPrimitiveType match {
case PrimType.String => stringValue
case _ => {
val res = representation match {
case Representation.Binary => binaryValue
case Representation.Text => textValue
// This is the right name that the DFDL property should have had!
lazy val binaryIntRep = {
subset(binaryNumberRep == BinaryNumberRep.Binary, "binaryNumberRep='%s' is unsupported. Only 'binary' is supported.", binaryNumberRep.toString)
lazy val staticBinaryFloatRep = {
subset(binaryFloatRep.isConstant, "Dynamic binaryFloatRep is not supported.")
BinaryFloatRep(binaryFloatRep.constantAsString, this)
lazy val binary = {
subset(lengthKind == LengthKind.Explicit, "Currently only lengthKind='explicit' is supported.")
LengthKind(lengthKind.toString(), this)
val bin = BinaryNumberRep.Binary // shorthands for table dispatch
val ieee = BinaryFloatRep.Ieee
type BO = java.nio.ByteOrder
lazy val zero = new BigInteger("0")
lazy val two = new BigInteger("2")
lazy val maximumUnsignedLong = two.pow(64).subtract(new BigInteger("1"))
lazy val binaryValue: Gram = {
Assert.invariant(primType.myPrimitiveType != PrimType.String)
subset(byteOrder.isConstant, "Dynamic byte order is not currently supported.")
// We have to dispatch carefully here. We cannot force evaluation of properties
// that may not be necessary. E.g., float does not need property binaryNumberRep, so
// if our dispatch table uses that, it will create a false dependency on the property
// being defined.
// The DFDL spec has a section where it gives the precedence order of properties.
// This is in the spirit of that section.
val res: Gram = primType.myPrimitiveType match {
// case PrimType.HexBinary =>
// (primType.myPrimitiveType, binary) match { // TODO: Only takes explicit length
// case (PrimType.HexBinary, b) => new BinaryNumberBase[Array[Byte]](this, this.length.constantAsLong) {
// def getNum(bp : Long, in : InStream, bo : BO) = {
// // FIXME: size constraints, overflow
// in.getByteArray(bp, bo, length.constantAsLong.asInstanceOf[Int])
// }
// override def getNum(num : Number) = null //FIXME
// protected override val GramName = "hexBinary"
// protected override val GramDescription = "Hex Binary"
// protected override def numFormat = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance()
// protected override def isInt = true
// }
// case _ => Assert.impossibleCase()
// }
case PrimType.Byte | PrimType.Short | PrimType.Int | PrimType.Long | PrimType.Integer => {
Assert.invariant(binaryIntRep == bin)
binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits match {
case -1 => new SignedRuntimeLengthRuntimeByteOrderBinaryNumber(this)
case _ => new SignedKnownLengthRuntimeByteOrderBinaryNumber(this, binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits)
case PrimType.UByte | PrimType.UShort | PrimType.UInt | PrimType.ULong => {
Assert.invariant(binaryIntRep == bin)
binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits match {
case -1 => new UnsignedRuntimeLengthRuntimeByteOrderBinaryNumber(this)
case _ => new UnsignedKnownLengthRuntimeByteOrderBinaryNumber(this, binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits)
case PrimType.Double | PrimType.Float =>
(primType.myPrimitiveType, binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits, staticBinaryFloatRep) match {
case (_, -1, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => SDE("Floating point binary numbers may not have runtime-specified lengths.")
case (PrimType.Float, 32, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => new FloatKnownLengthRuntimeByteOrderBinaryNumber(this, 32)
case (PrimType.Float, n, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => SDE("binary xs:float must be 32 bits. Length in bits was %s.", n)
case (PrimType.Double, 64, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => new DoubleKnownLengthRuntimeByteOrderBinaryNumber(this, 64)
case (PrimType.Double, n, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => SDE("binary xs:double must be 64 bits. Length in bits was %s.", n)
case (_, _, floatRep) => subsetError("binaryFloatRep='%s' not supported. Only binaryFloatRep='ieee'", floatRep.toString)
// (primType.myPrimitiveType, staticBinaryFloatRep) match {
// case (PrimType.Double, ieee) => new BinaryNumber[Double](this, 64) {
// Assert.invariant(staticBinaryFloatRep == BinaryFloatRep.Ieee)
// def getNum(bp : Long, in : InStream, bo : BO) = in.getDouble(bp, bo)
// override def getNum(num : Number) = num.doubleValue
// protected override val GramName = "double"
// protected override val GramDescription = "Double"
// protected override def numFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance() // .getScientificInstance() Note: scientific doesn't allow commas as grouping separators.
// protected override def isInt = false
// }
// case (PrimType.Float, ieee) => new BinaryNumber[Float](this, 32) {
// Assert.invariant(staticBinaryFloatRep == BinaryFloatRep.Ieee)
// def getNum(bp : Long, in : InStream, bo : BO) = in.getFloat(bp, bo)
// override def getNum(num : Number) = num.floatValue
// protected override val GramName = "float"
// protected override val GramDescription = "Float"
// protected override def numFormat = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance() // .getScientificInstance() Note: scientific doesn't allow commas as grouping separators.
// protected override def isInt = false
// }
// case (_, floatRep) => subsetError("binaryFloatRep='%s' not supported. Only binaryFloatRep='ieee'", floatRep.toString)
// }
case _ => schemaDefinitionError("Unrecognized primitive type: " +
lazy val textValue: Gram = {
Assert.invariant(primType.myPrimitiveType != PrimType.String)
val res = primType.myPrimitiveType match {
case PrimType.Int => textInt
case PrimType.Byte => textByte
case PrimType.Short => textShort
case PrimType.Long => textLong
case PrimType.Integer => textInteger
case PrimType.UInt => textUnsignedInt
case PrimType.UByte => textUnsignedByte
case PrimType.UShort => textUnsignedShort
case PrimType.ULong => textUnsignedLong
case PrimType.Double => textDouble
case PrimType.Float => textFloat
case PrimType.HexBinary => notYetImplemented("textValue: hexBinary")
case PrimType.Boolean => notYetImplemented("textValue: boolean")
case PrimType.Date => textDate
case PrimType.Time => textTime
case PrimType.DateTime => textDateTime
case _ => schemaDefinitionError("Unrecognized primitive type: " +
lazy val empty = Prod("empty", this, NYI && emptyIsAnObservableConcept, emptyRepresentation)
lazy val emptyRepresentation = Prod("emptyRepresentation", this,
simpleOrNonImplicitComplexEmpty | complexImplicitEmpty)
lazy val simpleOrNonImplicitComplexEmpty = Prod("simpleOrNonImplicitComplexEmpty", this,
NYI && isSimpleType || isComplexType && lengthKind != LengthKind.Implicit,
emptyElementInitiator ~ emptyElementTerminator)
* This is about the case where we take an empty, parse a complex type recursively from it
* and potentially succeed.
lazy val complexImplicitEmpty = Prod("complexImplicitEmpty", this, NYI &&
isComplexType && lengthKind == LengthKind.Implicit,
SaveInputStream(this) ~ SetEmptyInputStream(this) ~ elementComplexType.mainGrammar ~
RestoreInputStream(this) ~ emptyElementTerminator)
lazy val emptyDefaulted = Prod("emptyDefaulted", this,
isDefaultable && emptyIsAnObservableConcept,
empty ~ TheDefaultValue(this))
lazy val nilElementInitiator = Prod("nilElementInitiator", this, hasNilValueInitiator,
if (initiator.isConstant) StaticInitiator(this) else DynamicInitiator(this))
lazy val nilElementTerminator = Prod("nilElementTerminator", this, hasNilValueTerminator,
if (terminator.isConstant) StaticTerminator(this) else DynamicTerminator(this))
lazy val emptyElementInitiator = Prod("emptyElementInitiator", this, NYI && hasEmptyValueInitiator, EmptyGram)
lazy val emptyElementTerminator = Prod("emptyElementTerminator", this, NYI && hasEmptyValueTerminator, EmptyGram)
lazy val complexContent = Prod("complexContent", this, isComplexType,
initiatorRegion ~ elementComplexType.mainGrammar ~ terminatorRegion)
lazy val nilLit = {
Prod("nilLit", this,
isNillable && nilKind == NilKind.LiteralValue,
nilElementInitiator ~ {
// if (representation != Representation.Text) this.SDE("LiteralValue Nils require representation='text'.")
lengthKind match {
// case LengthKind.Delimited => LiteralNilDelimitedOrEndOfData(this)
case LengthKind.Delimited if this.hasExpressionsInTerminatingMarkup => LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic(this)
case LengthKind.Delimited => LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfDataStatic(this)
case LengthKind.Pattern => LiteralNilPattern(this)
case LengthKind.Explicit => {
lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bits => notYetImplemented("nilKind='literalValue' with lengthKind='bits'")
case LengthUnits.Bytes => LiteralNilExplicitLengthInBytes(this)
case LengthUnits.Characters => LiteralNilExplicitLengthInChars(this)
case LengthKind.Implicit => {
schemaDefinition(representation != Representation.Text, "LiteralValue Nils with lengthKind='implicit' cannot have representation='text'.")
val lengthInBytes = implicitBinaryLengthInBits / 8
LiteralNilKnownLengthInBytes(this, lengthInBytes)
case LengthKind.Prefixed => notYetImplemented("lengthKind='prefixed'")
case LengthKind.EndOfParent => notYetImplemented("lengthKind='endOfParent'")
} ~ nilElementTerminator)
lazy val scalarDefaultableSimpleContent = {
val res = Prod("scalarDefaultableSimpleContent", this,
isSimpleType, nilLit | emptyDefaulted | parsedNil | parsedValue)
lazy val scalarNonDefaultSimpleContent = {
val res = Prod("scalarNonDefaultSimpleContent", this,
isSimpleType, nilLit | parsedNil | parsedValue)
def specifiedLength(body: => Gram) = {
lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Pattern => new SpecifiedLengthPattern(this, body)
case LengthKind.Explicit if lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Bits && isFixedLength => new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsFixed(this, body, fixedLength)
case LengthKind.Explicit if lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Bits && !isFixedLength => new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBits(this, body)
case LengthKind.Explicit if lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Bytes && isFixedLength => new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesFixed(this, body, fixedLength)
case LengthKind.Explicit if lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Bytes && !isFixedLength => new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytes(this, body)
case LengthKind.Explicit if lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Characters && isFixedLength => new SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharactersFixed(this, body, fixedLength)
case LengthKind.Explicit if lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Characters && !isFixedLength => new SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharacters(this, body)
case _ => {
// TODO: implement other specified length restrictions
// for now, no restriction
lazy val scalarComplexContent = Prod("scalarComplexContent", this, isComplexType, specifiedLength(nilLit | complexContent))
// Note: there is no such thing as defaultable complex content because you can't have a
// default value for a complex type element.
lazy val scalarDefaultableContent = Prod("scalarDefaultableContent", this, scalarDefaultableSimpleContent | scalarComplexContent)
lazy val scalarNonDefaultContent = Prod("scalarNonDefaultContent", this, scalarNonDefaultSimpleContent | scalarComplexContent)
* the element left framing does not include the initiator nor the element right framing the terminator
lazy val elementLeftFraming = Prod("elementLeftFraming", this,
leadingSkipRegion ~ alignmentFill ~ PrefixLength(this))
lazy val elementRightFraming = Prod("elementRightFraming", this, trailingSkipRegion)
lazy val dfdlElementBegin = Prod("dfdlElementBegin", this, ElementBegin(this))
lazy val dfdlElementEnd = Prod("dfdlElementEnd", this, {
if (isRepresented) ElementEnd(this)
else ElementEndNoRep(this)
// lazy val scalarNonDefault = Prod("scalarNonDefault", this,
// dfdlElementBegin ~ elementLeftFraming ~ dfdlScopeBegin ~
// scalarNonDefaultContent ~ elementRightFraming ~ dfdlStatementEvaluations ~ dfdlScopeEnd ~ dfdlElementEnd)
lazy val scalarNonDefaultPhysical = Prod("scalarNonDefault", this,
StmtEval(this, dfdlElementBegin ~ elementLeftFraming ~ dfdlScopeBegin ~
scalarNonDefaultContent) ~ elementRightFraming ~ dfdlScopeEnd ~ dfdlElementEnd)
// def scalarDefaultable: Prod
// def scalarNonDefault: Prod
lazy val scalarDefaultable = Prod("scalarDefaultable", this,
if (inputValueCalcOption == None) {
} else {
lazy val scalarNonDefault = Prod("scalarNonDefault", this,
if (inputValueCalcOption == None) {
} else {
lazy val inputValueCalcElement = Prod("inputValueCalcElement", this,
isSimpleType && inputValueCalcOption != None,
StmtEval(this, dfdlElementBegin ~ dfdlScopeBegin ~
InputValueCalc(self)) ~ dfdlScopeEnd ~ dfdlElementEnd)
lazy val scalarDefaultablePhysical = Prod("scalarDefaultablePhysical", this, {
val res = StmtEval(this, dfdlElementBegin ~ elementLeftFraming ~ dfdlScopeBegin ~
scalarDefaultableContent) ~ elementRightFraming ~ dfdlScopeEnd ~ dfdlElementEnd
trait ElementReferenceGrammarMixin { self: ElementRef =>
override lazy val termContentBody = self.referencedElement.termContentBody
trait LocalElementGrammarMixin { self: LocalElementBase =>
lazy val termContentBody = {
val res = Prod("termContentBody", self, separatedScalarDefaultable | recurrance)
lazy val allowedValue = Prod("allowedValue", this, notStopValue | value)
lazy val notStopValue = Prod("notStopValue", this, hasStopValue, NotStopValue(this))
lazy val separatedEmpty = Prod("separatedEmpty", this, emptyIsAnObservableConcept, separatedForPosition(empty))
lazy val separatedScalarDefaultable = Prod("separatedScalarDefaultable", this, isScalar, separatedForPosition(scalarDefaultable))
lazy val separatedRecurringDefaultable = Prod("separatedRecurringDefaultable", this, !isScalar, separatedForPosition(scalarDefaultable))
lazy val separatedScalarNonDefault = Prod("separatedScalarNonDefault", this, isScalar, separatedForPosition(scalarNonDefault))
lazy val separatedRecurringNonDefault = Prod("separatedRecurringNonDefault", this, !isScalar, separatedForPosition(scalarNonDefault))
lazy val nonSeparatedScalarDefaultable = Prod("nonSeparatedScalarDefaultable", this, isScalar, scalarDefaultable)
lazy val recurrance = Prod("recurrance", this,
StartArray(this) ~ arrayContents ~ EndArray(this) ~ FinalUnusedRegion(this))
override lazy val asTermInChoice = {
val res = Prod("asTermInChoice", this, nonSeparatedScalarDefaultable | recurrance)
* speculate parsing forward until we get an error
lazy val separatedContentUnboundedWithoutTrailingEmpties = Prod("separatedContentUnboundedWithoutTrailingEmpties", this, isRecurring,
RepExactlyN(self, minOccurs, separatedRecurringDefaultable) ~
RepUnbounded(self, separatedRecurringNonDefault) ~
lazy val separatedContentUnbounded = Prod("separatedContentUnbounded", this, isRecurring,
separatedContentUnboundedWithoutTrailingEmpties // These are for tolerating trailing empties. Let's not tolerate them for now.
// ~
// RepUnbounded(separatedEmpty)
lazy val separatedContentAtMostNWithoutTrailingEmpties = Prod("separatedContentAtMostNWithoutTrailingEmpties", this, isRecurring,
RepExactlyN(self, minOccurs, separatedRecurringDefaultable) ~
RepAtMostTotalN(this, maxOccurs, separatedRecurringNonDefault) ~
// TODO: Do we have to adjust the count to take stopValue into account?
// Answer: No because the counts are never used when there is a stopValue (at least in current
// thinking about how occursCountKind='stopValue' works.)
lazy val separatedContentAtMostN = Prod("separatedContentAtMostN", this, isRecurring,
separatedContentAtMostNWithoutTrailingEmpties ~
RepAtMostTotalN(self, maxOccurs, separatedEmpty)) // absorb extra separators, if found.
* parse counted number of occurrences exactly.
lazy val stopValueSize = if (hasStopValue) 1 else 0
// TODO FIXME: We really want to have different productions for parsing and unparsing in these
// complex cases where there is defaulting, etc. Unparsing has many fewer cases, and is just not
// symmetric with parsing in these situations.
def separatedContentExactlyN(count: Long) = {
RepExactlyN(self, minOccurs, separatedRecurringDefaultable) ~
RepAtMostTotalN(self, count, separatedRecurringNonDefault) ~
StopValue(this) ~
RepExactlyTotalN(self, maxOccurs + stopValueSize, separatedEmpty) // absorb reps remaining separators
lazy val separatedContentExactlyNComputed = {
OccursCountExpression(this) ~
RepAtMostOccursCount(this, minOccurs, separatedRecurringDefaultable) ~
RepExactlyTotalOccursCount(this, separatedRecurringNonDefault)
// keep in mind that anything here that scans for a representation either knows the length it is going after, or knows what the terminating markup is, and
// our invariant is, that it does NOT consume that markup ever. The parser consumes it with appropriate grammar terminals.
val UNB = -1 // UNBOUNDED
lazy val arrayContents = {
val res = Prod("arrayContents", this, isRecurring,
arrayContentsNoSeparators | arrayContentsWithSeparators)
lazy val contentUnbounded = {
val res = Prod("contentUnbounded", this, isRecurring, RepUnbounded(self, separatedRecurringDefaultable))
lazy val arrayContentsNoSeparators = Prod("arrayContentsNoSeparators", this, isRecurring && !hasSep, {
val max = maxOccurs
val min = minOccurs
val res = occursCountKind match {
case Expression => separatedContentExactlyNComputed
case OccursCountKind.Fixed if (max == UNB) => SDE("occursCountKind='fixed' not allowed with unbounded maxOccurs")
case OccursCountKind.Fixed if (min != max) => SDE("occursCountKind='fixed' requires minOccurs and maxOccurs to be equal (%d != %d)", min, max)
case OccursCountKind.Fixed => separatedContentExactlyN(max)
case OccursCountKind.Implicit if (max == UNB) => contentUnbounded // same as parsed
case OccursCountKind.Implicit => separatedContentAtMostN // uses maxOccurs
case OccursCountKind.Parsed => contentUnbounded
case OccursCountKind.StopValue => contentUnbounded
// Silly constants to make the lookup table below more readable without using fragile whitespace
val Never______ : SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.Never
val TrailingLax: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.TrailingLax
val Trailing___ : SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.Trailing
val Always_____ : SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.Always
val StopValue_ = OccursCountKind.StopValue
val Implicit__ = OccursCountKind.Implicit
val Parsed____ = OccursCountKind.Parsed
val Fixed_____ = OccursCountKind.Fixed
val Expression = OccursCountKind.Expression
* Matches the table about separator suppression policy.
* TODO: Right now that table is in DFDL WG subgroup working on "Issue 140" which is trying to
* rationalize separator suppression among other things. Update this table to match the final spec.
lazy val arrayContentsWithSeparators = Prod("arrayContentsWithSeparators", this, isRecurring && hasSep, {
val triple = (separatorSuppressionPolicy, occursCountKind, maxOccurs)
val res = triple match {
case (___________, Expression, ___) => separatedContentExactlyNComputed
case (___________, Fixed_____, UNB) => SDE("occursCountKind='fixed' not allowed with unbounded maxOccurs")
case (___________, Fixed_____, max) if (max != minOccurs) => SDE("occursCountKind='fixed' requires minOccurs to equal maxOccurs (%d != %d)", minOccurs, max)
case (___________, Fixed_____, max) => separatedContentExactlyN(max)
case (Never______, Implicit__, UNB) => SDE("separatorSuppressionPolicy='never' with occursCountKind='implicit' required bounded maxOccurs.")
case (Never______, Implicit__, max) => separatedContentExactlyN(max)
case (Never______, ock, ___) => SDE("separatorSuppressionPolicy='never' not allowed in combination with occursCountKind='" + ock + "'.")
case (TrailingLax, Implicit__, UNB) if (!isLastRequiredElementOfSequence) => SDE("occursCountKind='implicit' with unbounded maxOccurs only allowed for last element of a sequence")
case (TrailingLax, Implicit__, UNB) => separatedContentUnbounded
case (TrailingLax, Implicit__, max) => separatedContentAtMostN // FIXME: have to have all of them - not trailing position
case (Trailing___, Implicit__, UNB) if (!isLastRequiredElementOfSequence) => SDE("occursCountKind='implicit' with unbounded maxOccurs only allowed for last element of a sequence")
case (Trailing___, Implicit__, UNB) => separatedContentUnboundedWithoutTrailingEmpties // we're depending on optionalEmptyPart failing on empty content.
case (Trailing___, Implicit__, max) => separatedContentAtMostNWithoutTrailingEmpties
case (Always_____, Implicit__, UNB) => separatedContentUnbounded
case (Always_____, Implicit__, max) => separatedContentAtMostN
case (Always_____, Parsed____, ___) => separatedContentUnbounded
case (Always_____, StopValue_, ___) => separatedContentUnbounded
case (policy, ock, max) => SDE("separatorSuppressionPolicy='" + policy + "' not allowed with occursCountKind='" + ock + "'.")
trait ElementDeclGrammarMixin { self: ElementBase with ElementDeclMixin =>
override lazy val inputValueCalcOption = getPropertyOption("inputValueCalc")
trait GlobalElementDeclGrammarMixin
extends LocalElementGrammarMixin // can be repeating if not root
{ self: GlobalElementDecl =>
lazy val documentElement = Prod("documentElement", this, scalarDefaultable)
lazy val document = Prod("document", this, {
UnicodeByteOrderMark(this) ~ documentElement
// Groups System
trait TermGrammarMixin { self: Term =>
lazy val newVars = this.annotationObjs.filter { st =>
lazy val newVarStarts = { _.gram }
lazy val newVarEnds = { _.endGram }
lazy val dfdlScopeBegin = Prod("dfdlScopeBegin", this, newVarStarts.length > 0,
newVarStarts.fold(EmptyGram) { _ ~ _ })
lazy val dfdlScopeEnd = Prod("dfdlScopeEnd", this, newVarEnds.length > 0,
newVarEnds.fold(EmptyGram) { _ ~ _ })
def termContentBody: Prod
// I am not sure we need to distinguish these two.
lazy val asTermInSequence = termContentBody
lazy val asTermInChoice = termContentBody
def separatedForPosition(body: => Gram) = {
if (!isRepresented) body // no separators for things that have no representation in the data stream
else {
val res = prefixSep ~ infixSepRule ~ body ~ postfixSep
lazy val Some(es) = {
// Not sure how to assert this,
// but an invariant we're assuming here is that we are NOT the
// root element, which has no enclosing sequence at all.
// The grammar rules shouldn't be asking for separated stuff
// in that situation, so we shouldn't be here.
// Also note: we can get away with just looking upward for nearest enclosing
// sequence because we have restrictions on what can be inside a choice,
// and we disallow delimiters on choices. If one allows delimiters on
// choices... consider
// <sequence dfdl:separator=",">
// <choice dfdl:initiator="[", terminator="]">
// <element ref="foo" maxOccurs="20"/>
// ...
// In this case, what separates the multiple occurrances of foo? I claim
// they are comma separated.
// But data could be like this 'a, b, c,[foo1,foo2,foo3],d,e,f'
// Not unreasonable, but just too much complexity. Postpone until later.
// TODO: fix this when those restrictions are lifted.
subset(hasES, "(Current restriction) There must be an enclosing sequence.")
def hasES = nearestEnclosingSequence != None
def ignoreES = inChoiceBeforeNearestEnclosingSequence == true
lazy val staticSeparator = Prod("staticSeparator", this, !ignoreES && hasES && es.separator.isConstant,
StaticSeparator(es, self))
lazy val dynamicSeparator = Prod("dynamicSeparator", this, !ignoreES && hasES && !es.separator.isConstant,
DynamicSeparator(es, self))
lazy val sepRule = staticSeparator | dynamicSeparator
lazy val prefixSep = Prod("prefixSep", this,
val res = !ignoreES && hasES && es.hasPrefixSep
lazy val postfixSep = Prod("postfixSep", this, !ignoreES && hasES && es.hasPostfixSep, sepRule)
lazy val infixSep = Prod("infixSep", this, !ignoreES && hasES && es.hasInfixSep, sepRule)
lazy val isStaticallyFirst = {
es.hasInfixSep &&
this.positionInNearestEnclosingSequence == 1 &&
isScalar &&
lazy val infixSepRule = Prod("infixSepRule", this,
!ignoreES && hasES && es.hasInfixSep, {
if (isStaticallyFirst) Nada(this) // we're first, no infix sep.
else if (hasPriorRequiredSiblings) infixSep // always in this case
else if (positionInNearestEnclosingSequence > 1 || !isScalar) {
// runtime check for group pos such that we need a separator.
// Note that GroupPosGreaterThan(N,..) sets discriminator, so if it is true, and infixSep is not found, it won't
// backtrack and try nothing. Only if GroupPos is not greater than N will it backtrack.
// TODO: adding ChildPosGreaterThan and ArrayPosGreaterThan fixes bug with xs:choice and array tests--check for other cases
(ArrayPosGreaterThan(1, self) ~ infixSep) |
((GroupPosGreaterThan(1, self) ~ infixSep) | Nada(this))
} else Assert.invariantFailed("infixSepRule didn't understand what to lay down as grammar for this situation: " + this)
trait HasStatementsGrammarMixin { self: Term with DFDLStatementMixin =>
final lazy val statementGrams = { _.gram }
// TODO: statements (but specifically not newVariableInstance) can appear on simple type definitions as well as terms.
lazy val dfdlStatementEvaluations = Prod("dfdlStatementEvaluations", this, statementGrams.length > 0,
statementGrams.fold(EmptyGram) { _ ~ _ })
trait ModelGroupGrammarMixin
extends InitiatedTerminatedMixin
with AlignedMixin
with HasStatementsGrammarMixin
with GroupCommonAGMixin { self: ModelGroup =>
lazy val groupLeftFraming = Prod("groupLeftFraming", this, leadingSkipRegion ~ alignmentFill ~ initiatorRegion)
lazy val groupRightFraming = Prod("groupRightFraming", this, terminatorRegion ~ trailingSkipRegion)
// I believe we can have the same grammar rules whether we're directly inside a complex type, or
// we're nested inside another group as a term.
lazy val asChildOfComplexType = termContentBody
lazy val modelGroupSyntax = Prod("modelGroupSyntax", this, dfdlStatementEvaluations ~ groupLeftFraming ~ groupContent ~ groupRightFraming)
lazy val termContentBody = Prod("termContentBody", this, separatedForPosition(modelGroupSyntax))
def mt = EmptyGram.asInstanceOf[Gram] // cast trick to shut up foldLeft compile errors below
def groupContent: Prod
trait ChoiceGrammarMixin { self: Choice =>
lazy val groupContent = Prod("choiceContent", this, alternatives.foldRight(mt)(folder))
def folder(p: Gram, q: Gram): Gram = p | q
lazy val alternatives = { _.asTermInChoice }
trait SequenceGrammarMixin { self: Sequence =>
lazy val groupContent = Prod("sequenceContent", this, StartSequence(this) ~ terms.foldRight(mt)(folder) ~ EndSequence(this))
def folder(p: Gram, q: Gram): Gram = p ~ q
lazy val terms = { _.asTermInSequence }
* These are static properties even though the delimiters can have runtime-computed values.
* The existence of an expression to compute a delimiter is assumed to imply a non-zero-length, aka a real delimiter.
lazy val hasPrefixSep = sepExpr(SeparatorPosition.Prefix)
lazy val hasInfixSep = sepExpr(SeparatorPosition.Infix)
lazy val hasPostfixSep = sepExpr(SeparatorPosition.Postfix)
lazy val hasSeparator = separator.isKnownNonEmpty
// note use of pass by value. We don't want to even need the SeparatorPosition property unless there is a separator.
def sepExpr(pos: => SeparatorPosition): Boolean = {
if (hasSeparator) if (separatorPosition eq pos) true else false
else false
trait GroupRefGrammarMixin { self: GroupRef =>
def termContentBody =
// Types System
trait ComplexTypeBaseGrammarMixin { self: ComplexTypeBase =>
lazy val startChildren = StartChildren(this, true)
lazy val endChildren = EndChildren(this, true)
lazy val mainGrammar = Prod("mainGrammar", self.element, startChildren ~ ~ endChildren)