blob: 71ff9ca1a8e9cb0a1280461e1f7b56e3c9e2a3c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers
import org.apache.daffodil.processors._
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset._
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.RuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import org.apache.daffodil.api.ValidationMode
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.equality._
class ComplexTypeUnparser(rd: RuntimeData, bodyUnparser: Unparser)
extends CombinatorUnparser(rd) {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Nil
override def nom = "ComplexType"
override def isEmpty = bodyUnparser.isEmpty
override lazy val childProcessors = Seq(bodyUnparser)
def unparse(start: UState): Unit = {
start.childIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
class SequenceCombinatorUnparser(ctxt: ModelGroupRuntimeData, childUnparsers: Vector[Unparser])
extends CombinatorUnparser(ctxt)
with ToBriefXMLImpl {
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Nil
override def nom = "Sequence"
// Sequences of nothing (no initiator, no terminator, nothing at all) should
// have been optimized away
Assert.invariant(childUnparsers.length > 0)
// Since some of the grammar terms might have folded away to EmptyGram,
// the number of unparsers here may be different from the number of
// children of the sequence group.
Assert.invariant(ctxt.groupMembers.length >= childUnparsers.length)
override lazy val childProcessors: Seq[Processor] = childUnparsers
def unparse(start: UState): Unit = {
start.groupIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
var index = 0
var doUnparser = false
val limit = childUnparsers.length
while (index < limit) {
doUnparser = false
val childUnparser = childUnparsers(index)
val childRD = childUnparser.context
childRD match {
case erd: ElementRuntimeData if !erd.isRequired => {
// it's not a required element, so we check to see if we have a matching
// incoming infoset event
if (start.inspect) {
val ev = start.inspectAccessor
if (ev.isStart) {
val eventNQN = ev.node.namedQName
if (eventNQN =:= erd.namedQName) {
doUnparser = true
} else if (ev.isEnd && ev.isComplex) {
val c = ev.asComplex
//ok. We've peeked ahead and found the end of the complex element
//that this sequence is the model group of.
val optParentRD = ctxt.immediateEnclosingElementRuntimeData
optParentRD match {
case Some(e: ElementRuntimeData) =>
Assert.invariant(c.runtimeData.namedQName =:= e.namedQName)
case _ =>
Assert.invariantFailed("Not end element for this sequence's containing element. Event %s, optParentRD %s.".format(
ev, optParentRD))
} else {
Assert.invariantFailed("Not a start event: " + ev)
case _ => {
// since only elements can be optional, anything else is non-optional
doUnparser = true
if (doUnparser) {
index += 1
// Note: the invariant is that unparsers move over 1 within their group themselves
// we do not do the moving over here as we are the caller of the unparser.
// this is establishing the invariant that unparsers (in this case the sequence unparser)
// moves over within its containing group. The caller of an unparser does not do this move.
class ChoiceCombinatorUnparser(mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData, eventUnparserMap: Map[ChoiceBranchEvent, Unparser])
extends CombinatorUnparser(mgrd)
with ToBriefXMLImpl {
override def nom = "Choice"
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Nil
override lazy val childProcessors: Seq[Processor] = { case (k, v) => v }.toSeq
def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
val event: InfosetAccessor = state.inspectOrError
val key: ChoiceBranchEvent = event match {
// The ChoiceBranchStartEvent(...) is not a case class constructor. It is a
// hash-table lookup for a cached value. This avoids constructing these
// objects over and over again.
case e if e.isStart && e.isElement => ChoiceBranchStartEvent(e.asElement.runtimeData.namedQName)
case e if e.isEnd && e.isElement => ChoiceBranchEndEvent(e.asElement.runtimeData.namedQName)
case e if e.isStart && e.isArray => ChoiceBranchStartEvent(e.asArray.erd.namedQName)
case e if e.isEnd && e.isArray => ChoiceBranchEndEvent(e.asArray.erd.namedQName)
val childUnparser = eventUnparserMap.get(key).getOrElse {
UnparseError(One(mgrd.schemaFileLocation), One(state.currentLocation), "Encountered event %s. Expected one of %s.",
key, eventUnparserMap.keys.mkString(", "))
// Choices inside a hidden group ref (i.e. Hidden Choices) are slightly
// different because we will never see events for any of the branches. Instead,
// we will just always pick the branch in which every thing is defaultble or
// OVC, so we can calculated exactly which branch to take in a hidden choice
// statically at compile time. That logic is in ChoiceCombinator, and the
// branch to take is passed into this HiddenChoiceCombinatorUnparser.
class HiddenChoiceCombinatorUnparser(mgrd: ModelGroupRuntimeData, branchUnparser: Unparser)
extends CombinatorUnparser(mgrd)
with ToBriefXMLImpl {
override def nom = "HiddenChoice"
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Nil
override lazy val childProcessors: Seq[Processor] = Seq(branchUnparser)
def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
class DelimiterStackUnparser(initiatorOpt: Maybe[InitiatorUnparseEv],
separatorOpt: Maybe[SeparatorUnparseEv],
terminatorOpt: Maybe[TerminatorUnparseEv],
ctxt: TermRuntimeData,
bodyUnparser: Unparser)
extends CombinatorUnparser(ctxt) {
override def nom = "DelimiterStack"
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
if (depthLimit == 0) "..." else
"<DelimiterStack initiator='" + initiatorOpt +
"' separator='" + separatorOpt +
"' terminator='" + terminatorOpt + "'>" +
bodyUnparser.toBriefXML(depthLimit - 1) +
override lazy val childProcessors: Seq[Processor] = Seq(bodyUnparser)
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = initiatorOpt.toList ++ separatorOpt.toList ++ terminatorOpt.toList
def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
// Evaluate Delimiters
val init = if (initiatorOpt.isDefined) Maybe.toMaybe(initiatorOpt.get.evaluate(state)) else Nope
val sep = if (separatorOpt.isDefined) Maybe.toMaybe(separatorOpt.get.evaluate(state)) else Nope
val term = if (terminatorOpt.isDefined) Maybe.toMaybe(terminatorOpt.get.evaluate(state)) else Nope
val node = DelimiterStackUnparseNode(init, sep, term)
class DynamicEscapeSchemeUnparser(escapeScheme: EscapeSchemeUnparseEv, ctxt: TermRuntimeData, bodyUnparser: Unparser)
extends CombinatorUnparser(ctxt) {
override def nom = "EscapeSchemeStack"
override lazy val childProcessors: Seq[Processor] = Seq(bodyUnparser)
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Seq(escapeScheme)
def unparse(state: UState): Unit = {
// evaluate the dynamic escape scheme in the correct scope. the resulting
// value is cached in the Evaluatable (since it is manually cached) and
// future parsers/evaluatables that use this escape scheme will use that
// cached value.
// Unparse
// invalidate the escape scheme cache
class ArrayCombinatorUnparser(erd: ElementRuntimeData, bodyUnparser: Unparser)
extends CombinatorUnparser(erd) {
override def nom = "Array"
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Nil
override lazy val childProcessors = Seq(bodyUnparser)
def unparse(state: UState) {
state.arrayIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
var event = state.advanceOrError
Assert.invariant(event.isStart && event.node.isInstanceOf[DIArray])
event = state.advanceOrError
if (!(event.isEnd && event.node.isInstanceOf[DIArray])) {
UnparseError(One(erd.schemaFileLocation), One(state.currentLocation), "Expected array end event for %s, but received %s.", erd.namedQName, event)
val shouldValidate =
(state.dataProc.isDefined) && state.dataProc.value.getValidationMode != ValidationMode.Off
val actualOccurs = state.arrayIndexStack.pop()
if (shouldValidate) {
(erd.minOccurs, erd.maxOccurs) match {
case (Some(minOccurs), Some(maxOccurs)) => {
val isUnbounded = maxOccurs == -1
val occurrence = actualOccurs - 1
if (isUnbounded && occurrence < minOccurs)
state.validationError("%s occurred '%s' times when it was expected to be a " +
"minimum of '%s' and a maximum of 'UNBOUNDED' times.", erd.diagnosticDebugName,
occurrence, minOccurs)
else if (!isUnbounded && (occurrence < minOccurs || occurrence > maxOccurs))
state.validationError("%s occurred '%s' times when it was expected to be a " +
"minimum of '%s' and a maximum of '%s' times.", erd.diagnosticDebugName,
occurrence, minOccurs, maxOccurs)
case _ => // ok
class OptionalCombinatorUnparser(erd: ElementRuntimeData, bodyUnparser: Unparser)
extends CombinatorUnparser(erd) {
override def nom = "Optional"
override lazy val childProcessors = Seq(bodyUnparser)
override lazy val runtimeDependencies = Nil
def unparse(state: UState) {
state.arrayIndexStack.push(1L) // one-based indexing
val event = state.inspectOrError
Assert.invariant(event.isStart && !event.node.isInstanceOf[DIArray])