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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.grammar.primitives
import org.apache.daffodil.grammar.Terminal
import org.apache.daffodil.dsom._
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.{ Parser => DaffodilParser }
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.{ Unparser => DaffodilUnparser }
import org.apache.daffodil.grammar.Gram
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.ComplexTypeParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.SequenceCombinatorParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.ChoiceCombinatorParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.ChoiceDispatchCombinatorParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.ArrayCombinatorParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.OptionalCombinatorParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.ComplexTypeUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.SequenceCombinatorUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.ChoiceCombinatorUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.HiddenChoiceCombinatorUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.DelimiterStackParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.DynamicEscapeSchemeParser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.DynamicEscapeSchemeUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.Unparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.ArrayCombinatorUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.OptionalCombinatorUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.DelimiterStackUnparser
import org.apache.daffodil.grammar.EmptyGram
import org.apache.daffodil.equality._;
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import org.apache.daffodil.cookers.ChoiceBranchKeyCooker
import org.apache.daffodil.api.WarnID
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
object ENoWarn3 { EqualitySuppressUnusedImportWarning() }
case class DelimiterStackCombinatorSequence(sq: SequenceTermBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(sq, !body.isEmpty) {
lazy val pInit = if (sq.initiatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(sq.initiatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val pSep = if (sq.separatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(sq.separatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val pTerm = if (sq.terminatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(sq.terminatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val uInit = if (sq.initiatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(sq.initiatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val uSep = if (sq.separatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(sq.separatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val uTerm = if (sq.terminatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(sq.terminatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new DelimiterStackParser((pInit.toList ++ pSep.toList ++ pTerm.toList).toArray, sq.runtimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser = new DelimiterStackUnparser(uInit, uSep, uTerm, sq.termRuntimeData, body.unparser)
case class DelimiterStackCombinatorChoice(ch: ChoiceTermBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(ch, !body.isEmpty) {
lazy val pInit = if (ch.initiatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(ch.initiatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val pTerm = if (ch.terminatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(ch.terminatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val uInit = if (ch.initiatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(ch.initiatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val uTerm = if (ch.terminatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(ch.terminatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new DelimiterStackParser((pInit.toList ++ pTerm.toList).toArray, ch.runtimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser = new DelimiterStackUnparser(uInit, None, uTerm, ch.termRuntimeData, body.unparser)
case class DelimiterStackCombinatorElement(e: ElementBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(e, !body.isEmpty) {
lazy val pInit = if (e.initiatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(e.initiatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val pTerm = if (e.terminatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(e.terminatorParseEv) else Nope
lazy val uInit = if (e.initiatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(e.initiatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val uTerm = if (e.terminatorParseEv.isKnownNonEmpty) One(e.terminatorUnparseEv) else Nope
lazy val delims = (pInit.toList ++ pTerm.toList)
override def toString() = {
val delimAttrib = { _.toString }.map { XMLUtils.escape(_).toString() }.mkString(" ")
"<" + Misc.getNameFromClass(this) + " delims='" + delimAttrib + "'>" +
body.toString() +
"</" + Misc.getNameFromClass(this) + ">"
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new DelimiterStackParser(delims.toArray, e.termRuntimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser = new DelimiterStackUnparser(uInit, None, uTerm, e.termRuntimeData, body.unparser)
case class DynamicEscapeSchemeCombinatorElement(e: ElementBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(e, !body.isEmpty) {
val schemeParseOpt = { _.escapeSchemeParseEv }
val schemeUnparseOpt = { _.escapeSchemeUnparseEv }
Assert.invariant(schemeParseOpt.isDefined && !schemeParseOpt.get.isConstant)
Assert.invariant(schemeUnparseOpt.isDefined && !schemeUnparseOpt.get.isConstant)
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new DynamicEscapeSchemeParser(schemeParseOpt.get, e.termRuntimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser = new DynamicEscapeSchemeUnparser(schemeUnparseOpt.get, e.termRuntimeData, body.unparser)
case class ComplexTypeCombinator(ct: ComplexTypeBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(ct.elementDecl, !body.isEmpty) {
override def isEmpty = body.isEmpty
override def toString() =
"<" + Misc.getNameFromClass(this) + ">" +
body.toString() +
"</" + Misc.getNameFromClass(this) + ">"
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new ComplexTypeParser(ct.runtimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser =
new ComplexTypeUnparser(ct.runtimeData, body.unparser)
case class SequenceCombinator(sq: SequenceTermBase, rawTerms: Seq[Gram])
extends Terminal(sq, true) {
override lazy val isEmpty = {
val rt = rawTerms
val frt = rt.filterNot { _.isEmpty }
val res = frt.isEmpty
override def toString() =
"<" + Misc.getNameFromClass(this) + ">" + { _.toString() }.mkString +
"</" + Misc.getNameFromClass(this) + ">"
private val mt: Gram = EmptyGram
lazy val body = rawTerms.foldRight(mt) { _ ~ _ }
lazy val terms = rawTerms.filterNot { _.isEmpty }
lazy val unparsers = { term =>
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new SequenceCombinatorParser(sq.termRuntimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser = {
new SequenceCombinatorUnparser(sq.modelGroupRuntimeData, unparsers)
case class UnorderedSequenceCombinator(s: Sequence, terms: Seq[Gram])
extends UnimplementedPrimitive(s, false) {
// stub for now. These are not implemented currently.
case class ArrayCombinator(e: ElementBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(e, !body.isEmpty) {
override def toString() = "<Array>" + body.toString + "</Array>"
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new ArrayCombinatorParser(e.elementRuntimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: Unparser = new ArrayCombinatorUnparser(e.elementRuntimeData, body.unparser)
case class OptionalCombinator(e: ElementBase, body: Gram) extends Terminal(e, !body.isEmpty) {
override def toString() = "<Optional>" + body.toString + "</Optional>"
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = new OptionalCombinatorParser(e.elementRuntimeData, body.parser)
override lazy val unparser: Unparser = new OptionalCombinatorUnparser(e.elementRuntimeData, body.unparser)
* The purpose of the ChoiceCombinator (and the parsers it creates) is to
* determine which branch to go down. In the parser case, for non-direct
* dispatch, we just rely on the AltCompParser behavior to handle the
* backtracking. For direct dispatch, we create a disapatch-branch key map
* which is used to determine which branch to parse at runtime.
* In the unparser case, we know which element we got from the infoset, but we
* need to determine which branch of the choice to take at runtime. This
* unparser uses a Map to make the determination based on the element seen.
case class ChoiceCombinator(ch: ChoiceTermBase, alternatives: Seq[Gram]) extends Terminal(ch, !alternatives.isEmpty) {
lazy val parser: DaffodilParser = {
if (!ch.isDirectDispatch) {
val folded = { gf => gf }.foldRight(EmptyGram.asInstanceOf[Gram]) { _ | _ }
new ChoiceCombinatorParser(ch.termRuntimeData, folded.parser)
} else {
val dispatchBranchKeyValueTuples = alternatives.flatMap { alt =>
val keyTerm = alt.context.asInstanceOf[Term]
val cbk = keyTerm.choiceBranchKey
// Note that this behaves differently than the specification, since
// this accepts a space separated list of keys
val cbks = ChoiceBranchKeyCooker.convertConstant(cbk, keyTerm.runtimeData, forUnparse = false) { (_, alt) }
// check for duplicate dfdl:choiceBranchKeys
val groupedByKey = dispatchBranchKeyValueTuples.groupBy(_._1)
groupedByKey.foreach {
case (k, kvs) =>
if (kvs.length > 1) {
SDE("dfdl:choiceBranchKey value (%s) is not unique across all branches of a direct dispatch choice. Offending branches are:\n%s",
k, => rd.diagnosticDebugName + " " + rd.schemaFileLocation.locationDescription).mkString("- ", "\n- ", ""))
val dispatchBranchKeyMap = dispatchBranchKeyValueTuples.toMap.mapValues(_.parser)
val serializableMap =
new ChoiceDispatchCombinatorParser(ch.termRuntimeData, ch.choiceDispatchKeyEv, serializableMap)
override lazy val unparser: DaffodilUnparser = {
if (!ch.isHidden) {
val eventRDMap = ch.choiceBranchMap
val eventUnparserMap = eventRDMap.mapValues { rd =>
alternatives.find(_.context.runtimeData =:= rd).get.unparser
// The following line is required because mapValues() creates a "view" of
// the map, which is not serializable. map()ing this "view" with the
// identity forces evaluation of the "view", creating a map that is
// serializable and can be safely passed to a parser. See SI-7005 for
// discussions about this issue.
val serializableMap =
new ChoiceCombinatorUnparser(ch.modelGroupRuntimeData, serializableMap)
} else {
// Choices inside a hidden group ref are slightly different because we
// will never see events for any of the branches. Instead, we will just
// always pick the branch in which every thing is defaultble or OVC. It
// is a warning if more than one of those branches exist. It is an SDE if
// such a branch does not exist, which is detected elsewhere
// this call is necessary since it will throw an SDE if no choice branch
// was defaultable
val defaultableBranches = ch.groupMembers.filter { _.childrenInHiddenGroupNotDefaultableOrOVC.length == 0 }
Assert.invariant(defaultableBranches.length > 0)
if (defaultableBranches.length > 1) {
SDW(WarnID.ChoiceInsideHiddenGroup, "xs:choice inside a hidden group has unparse ambiguity: multiple branches exist with all children either defaulable or have the dfdl:outputValueCalc property set. The first branch will be chosen during unparse. Defaultable branches are:\n%s",
val defaultableBranchRD = defaultableBranches(0).runtimeData
val defaultableBranchUnparser = alternatives.find(_.context.runtimeData =:= defaultableBranchRD).get.unparser
new HiddenChoiceCombinatorUnparser(ch.modelGroupRuntimeData, defaultableBranchUnparser)