blob: 64c60ef189f60ab1a448466690a62983037aa46d [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2016 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Developed by: Tresys Technology, LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the names of Tresys Technology, nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software
* without specific prior written permission.
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.equality._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Misc
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.MaybeULong
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Maybe
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import passera.unsigned.ULong
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Bits
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.ThinThrowable
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.LogLevel
* This simple extension just gives us a public method for access to the underlying byte array.
* That way we don't have to make a copy just to access the bytes.
private[io] class ByteArrayOutputStreamWithGetBuf() extends {
def getBuf() = buf
def getCount() = count
def toDebugContent = {
val content = toString("iso-8859-1")
val s = Misc.remapControlsAndLineEndingsToVisibleGlyphs(content)
* To support dfdl:outputValueCalc, we must suspend output. This is done by
* taking the current "direct" output, and splitting it into a still direct part, and
* a following buffered output.
* The direct part waits for the OVC calculation to complete, when that is written,
* it is finished and collapses into the following, which was buffered, but becomes direct
* as a result of this collapsing.
* Hence, most output will be to direct data output streams, with some, while an OVC
* is pending, will be buffered, but this is eliminated as soon as possible.
* A Buffered DOS can be finished or not. Not finished means that it might still be
* appended to. Not concurrently, but by other code invoked from this thread of
* control (which might traverse different co-routine "stack" threads, but it's still
* one thread of control).
* Finished means that the Buffered DOS can never be appended to again.
* Has two modes of operation, buffering or direct. When buffering, all output goes into a
* buffer. When direct, all output goes into a "real" DataOutputStream.
final class DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream private[io] (var splitFrom: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream)
extends DataOutputStreamImplMixin {
type ThisType = DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream
* Must be val, as split-from will get reset to null as streams
* are morphed into direct streams.
val id: Int = if (splitFrom == null) 0 else + 1
* Two of these are equal if they are eq.
* This matters because we compare them to see if we are making forward progress
override def equals(other: Any) = AnyRef.equals(other)
override def hashCode() = AnyRef.hashCode()
override def toString = {
lazy val buf = bufferingJOS.getBuf()
lazy val max16ByteArray = buf.slice(0, 16)
lazy val upTo16BytesInHex = Misc.bytes2Hex(max16ByteArray)
val toDisplay = "DOS(id=" + id + ", " + dosState +
(if (isBuffering) ", Buffered" else ", Direct") +
(if (maybeAbsBitPos0b.isDefined) {
val srt = if (isDirect) 0 else maybeAbsStartingBitPos0b.get
val end = maybeAbsBitPos0b.get
val len = ULong(end - srt).longValue
" Absolute from %d to %d (length %d)".format(srt, end, len)
} else {
if (splitFrom ne null)
" at rel bit pos %d".format(relBitPos0b.longValue)
" at rel bit pos %d".format(relBitPos0b.longValue)
}) +
(if (maybeAbsBitLimit0b.isDefined) {
" limit %d.".format(maybeAbsBitLimit0b.get)
} else if (maybeRelBitLimit0b.isDefined) {
" length limit %d.".format(maybeRelBitLimit0b.get)
} else "") +
(if (isBuffering) ", data=" + upTo16BytesInHex else "") +
(if (_following.isEmpty) " no following" else "") +
* This is for debugging. It works backward through the chain of DOS' until
* it finds one that is holding things up (preventing collapsing)
* by not having any absolute position information, or being still active.
def findFirstBlocking: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream = {
if (maybeAbsBitPos0b.isEmpty || !isFinished) this
else {
Assert.invariant(this.splitFrom ne null)
* When in buffering mode, this is the buffering device.
* If reused, this must be reset.
private val bufferingJOS = new ByteArrayOutputStreamWithGetBuf()
* Returns a byte buffer containing all the whole bytes that have been buffered.
* Does not contain any bits of the fragment byte (if there is one).
def getByteBuffer = {
val bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(bufferingJOS.getBuf())
* Switched to point a either the buffering or direct java output stream in order
* to change modes from buffering to direct (and back if these objects get reused.)
private var _javaOutputStream: = bufferingJOS
private[io] final def isBuffering: Boolean = {
val res = getJavaOutputStream() _eq_ bufferingJOS
override def setJavaOutputStream(newOutputStream: {
Assert.usage(newOutputStream ne null)
_javaOutputStream = newOutputStream
Assert.usage(newOutputStream ne bufferingJOS) // these are born buffering, and evolve into direct.
override def getJavaOutputStream() = {
Assert.usage(_javaOutputStream ne null)
* Refers to the next DOS the contents of which will follow the contents of this DOS in the output.
* Note that an alignment region may be inserted first if the next DOS has an alignment requirement.
private var _following: Maybe[DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream] = Nope
* Provides a new buffered data output stream. Note that this must
* be completely configured (byteOrder, encoding, bitOrder, etc.)
def addBuffered: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream = {
val newBufStr = new DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream(this)
_following = One(newBufStr)
// TODO: PERFORMANCE: This is very pessimistic. It's making a complete clone of the state
// just in case after an outputValueCalc element we go off for a long time and lots of things
// change about these format settings.
// Really the expected case is that an OVC element and an IVC element form pairs. Often they'll
// be adjacent elements even, and it's very unlikely that any of the format properties vary as we
// go from the OVC element to the most distant element the OVC expression references
// So algorithmically, we'd like to share the DataOutputStream state, and UState, and split so they
// can differ only if we need to.
// Seems we need one more indirection to the state, so that we can share it, but on any write operation, we
// can split it by copying, and then change our indirection pointer to the copy, and then modify that.
val savedBP = relBitPos0b.toLong
if (maybeRelBitLimit0b.isDefined) newBufStr.setMaybeRelBitLimit0b(MaybeULong(maybeRelBitLimit0b.get - savedBP))
* A buffering stream, when preceded by a direct stream, can become a
* direct stream when the preceding direct stream is finished.
private def convertToDirect(oldDirectDOS: ThisType) {
// Preserve the bit limit
val mabl = oldDirectDOS.maybeAbsBitLimit0b
val absLargerLimit = math.max(mabl.getOrElse(0L),
if (mabl.isDefined || maybeAbsBitLimit0b.isDefined) {
val newRelLimit = absLargerLimit - this.maybeAbsStartingBitPos0b.get
// after the old bufferedDOS has been completely written to the
// oldDirectDOS, there may have been a fragment byte left over. We must
// copy that fragment byte to the new directDOS
this.setFragmentLastByte(oldDirectDOS.fragmentLastByte, oldDirectDOS.fragmentLastByteLimit)
// lastly, as the direct stream, we no longer have a splitFrom that we look back at.
this.splitFrom = null
override def setFinished() {
// if we are direct, and there's a buffer following this one
// we know it isn't finished (because of flush() above)
// It must take over being the direct one.
if (isDirect) {
var directStream = this
var keepMerging = true
while (directStream._following.isDefined && keepMerging) {
val first = directStream._following.get
keepMerging = first.isFinished // continue until AFTER we merge forward into the first non-finished successor
log(LogLevel.Debug, "merging direct DOS %s into DOS %s", directStream, first)
val dabp = directStream.maybeAbsBitPos0b.getULong
if (first.maybeAbsStartingBitPos0b.isEmpty) {
DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream.deliverBufferContent(directStream, first) // from first, into direct stream's buffers
// so now the first one is an EMPTY not necessarily a finished buffered DOS
first.convertToDirect(directStream) // first is now the direct stream
directStream.setDOSState(Uninitialized) // old direct stream is now dead
directStream = first // long live the new direct stream!
log(LogLevel.Debug, "New direct DOS %s", directStream)
if (directStream._following.isDefined) {
Assert.invariant(!keepMerging) // we stopped because we merged forward into an active stream.
// that active stream isn't finished
// we still have a following stream, but it might be finished or might still be active.
Assert.invariant(directStream._following.get.isActive ||
} else {
// nothing following, so we're setting finished at the very end of everything.
// However, the last thing we merged forward into may or may not be finished.
// So you can setFinished() on a stream, that stream becomes dead (state uninitialized),
// and the stream it merges forward into remains active. Funny, but no stream ends up in state "finished".
if (keepMerging) {
// the last stream we merged into was finished. So we're completely done.
// flush the final frag byte if there is one.
if (directStream.cst.fragmentLastByteLimit > 0) {
// must not omit the fragment byte on the end.
directStream.cst.setFragmentLastByte(0, 0) // zero out so we don't end up thinking it is still there.
directStream.setDOSState(Uninitialized) // not just finished. We're dead now.
} else {
// the last stream we merged forward into was not finished.
// that ends everything for a direct stream being set finished.
} else {
// setFinished() on a unfinished buffered DOS
// we want to become read-only. So that after the
// setFinished, any bugs if someone still tries to
// operate on this, are caught.
// However, we don't merge forward, because that involves copying the bytes
// and we want to do that exactly once, which is when the direct DOS "catches up"
// and merges itself forward into all the buffered streams.
// But, we do need to propagate information about the absolute position
// of buffers.
if (_following.isDefined) {
val f = _following.get
f.maybeAbsBitPos0b // requesting this pulls the absolute position info forward.
* This override implements a critical behavior, which is that when we ask for
* an absolute bit position, if we have it great. if we don't, we look at the
* prior DOS to see if it is finished and has an absolute bit position. If so
* that bit position becomes this DOS abs starting bit position, and then our
* absolute bit position is known.
* Without this behavior, it's possible for the unparse to hang, with every
* DOS chained together, but they all get finished in just the wrong order,
* and so the content or value length of something late in the data can't be
* determined that is needed to determine something early in the schema.
* Unless this absolute position information is propagated forward, everything
* can hang.
* Recursively this reaches backward until it finds a non-finished DOS or one
* that doesn't have absolute positioning information.
* I guess worst case this is a bad algorithm in that this could recurse
* deeply, going all the way back to the very start, over and over again.
* A better algorithm would depend on forward push of the absolute positioning
* information when setFinished occurs, which is, after all, the time when we
* can push such info forward.
* However, see setFinished comment. Where we setFinished and there is a following
* DOS we reach forward and ask that for its maybeAbsBitPos0b, which pulls the information
* forward by one DOS in the chain. So this chain should never be very long.
override def maybeAbsBitPos0b: MaybeULong = {
val mSuper = super.maybeAbsBitPos0b
if (mSuper.isDefined)
else if (splitFrom eq null) MaybeULong.Nope
else {
val prior = this.splitFrom
Assert.invariant(prior ne null)
Assert.invariant(prior._following.get eq this)
if (prior.isFinished) {
// The prior is a finished DOS. If it (recursively) has a maybeAbsBitPos0b,
// then since it is finished, we can compute ours and save it.
val pmabp = prior.maybeAbsBitPos0b
if (pmabp.isDefined) {
val pabp = pmabp.getULong
log(LogLevel.Debug, "for %s propagated absolute starting bit pos %s\n", this, pabp.toString)
super.maybeAbsBitPos0b // will get the right value this time.
} else {
// prior doesn't have an abs bit pos.
} else {
// prior is not finished, so we don't know where we start yet
// and so can't compute an absolute bit pos yet.
final override protected def putLong_BE_MSBFirst(signedLong: Long, bitLengthFrom1To64: Int): Boolean = {
// Note: we don't have to check for bit limit. That check was already done.
// steps are
// add bits to the fragmentByte (if there is one)
// if the fragmentByte is full, write it.
// so now there is no fragment byte
// if we have more bits still to write, then
// do we have a multiple of 8 bits left (all whole bytes) or are we going to have a final fragment byte?
// shift long until MSB is first bit to be output
// for all whole bytes, take most-significant byte of the long, and write it out. shift << 8 bits
// set the fragment byte to the remaining most significant byte.
var nBitsRemaining = bitLengthFrom1To64
val mask = if (bitLengthFrom1To64 == 64) -1.toLong else (1.toLong << bitLengthFrom1To64) - 1
var bits = signedLong & mask
if (fragmentLastByteLimit > 0) {
// there is a frag byte, to which we are writing first.
// We will write at least 1 bit to the frag.
val nFragBitsAvailableToWrite = 8 - fragmentLastByteLimit
val nBitsOfFragToBeFilled =
if (bitLengthFrom1To64 >= nFragBitsAvailableToWrite) nFragBitsAvailableToWrite
else bitLengthFrom1To64
val nFragBitsAfter = fragmentLastByteLimit + nBitsOfFragToBeFilled // this can be 8 if we're going to fill all of the frag.
val bitsToGoIntoFrag = bits >> (bitLengthFrom1To64 - nBitsOfFragToBeFilled)
val bitsToGoIntoFragInPosition = bitsToGoIntoFrag << (8 - nFragBitsAfter)
val newFragByte = Bits.asUnsignedByte(fragmentLastByte | bitsToGoIntoFragInPosition)
Assert.invariant(newFragByte <= 255 && newFragByte >= 0)
val shift1 = 64 - (bitLengthFrom1To64 - nBitsOfFragToBeFilled)
bits = (bits << shift1) >>> shift1
nBitsRemaining = bitLengthFrom1To64 - nBitsOfFragToBeFilled
if (nFragBitsAfter == 8) {
// we filled the entire frag byte. Write it out, then zero it
setFragmentLastByte(0, 0)
} else {
// we did not fill up the frag byte. We added bits to it (at least 1), but
// it's not filled up yet.
setFragmentLastByte(newFragByte.toInt, nFragBitsAfter)
// at this point we have bits and nBitsRemaining
Assert.invariant(nBitsRemaining >= 0)
if (nBitsRemaining == 0)
true // we are done
else {
// we have more bits to write. Could be as many as 64 still.
Assert.invariant(fragmentLastByteLimit == 0) // there is no frag byte.
val nWholeBytes = nBitsRemaining / 8
val nFragBits = nBitsRemaining % 8
// we want to shift the bits so that the 1st byte is in 0xFF00000000000000 position.
val shift = 64 - nBitsRemaining
var shiftedBits = bits << shift
var i = 0
while (i < nWholeBytes) {
val byt = shiftedBits >>> 56
Assert.invariant(byt <= 255)
shiftedBits = shiftedBits << 8
i += 1
if (nFragBits > 0) {
val newFragByte = shiftedBits >>> 56
setFragmentLastByte(newFragByte.toInt, nFragBits)
final override protected def putLong_LE_MSBFirst(signedLong: Long, bitLengthFrom1To64: Int): Boolean = {
// Note: we don't have to check for bit limit. That check was already done.
// LE_MSBF is most complicated of all.
// Frag byte contents must be shifted to MSB position
// But we take MSBs of the least-significant byte of the signedLong to put into that FragByte.
var bits = signedLong
// The long we're writing has a last byte (from byteOrder LittleEndian perspective).
// If this last byte is partial, we have to shift left to put the bits in the MSBs of
// that byte, since we're storing data MSBF.
val nWholeBytesAtStart = bitLengthFrom1To64 / 8
val nUsedBitsLastByte = (bitLengthFrom1To64 % 8)
val nUnusedBitsLastByte = if (nUsedBitsLastByte == 0) 0 else 8 - nUsedBitsLastByte
val indexOfLastByteLE = nWholeBytesAtStart - (if (nUnusedBitsLastByte > 0) 0 else 1)
unionLongBuffer.put(0, bits)
// bytes are now in unionByteBuffer in LE order
val lastByte = unionByteBuffer.get(indexOfLastByteLE) // last byte is the most significant byte
val newLastByte = ((lastByte << nUnusedBitsLastByte) & 0xFF).toByte
unionByteBuffer.put(indexOfLastByteLE, newLastByte)
// bytes of the number are now in LE order, but with bits MSBF
var nBitsOfFragToBeFilled = 0
if (fragmentLastByteLimit > 0) {
// there is a frag byte, to which we are writing first.
// We will write at least 1 bit to the frag.
val nFragBitsAvailableToWrite = 8 - fragmentLastByteLimit
// the bits we're writing might not fill the frag, so the number
// we will fill is the lesser of the size of available space in the frag, and the bitLength argument.
nBitsOfFragToBeFilled =
if (bitLengthFrom1To64 >= nFragBitsAvailableToWrite) nFragBitsAvailableToWrite
else bitLengthFrom1To64
val nFragBitsAfter = fragmentLastByteLimit + nBitsOfFragToBeFilled // this can be 8 if we're going to fill all of the frag.
// Now get the bits that will go into the frag, from the least significant (first) byte.
val newFragBitsMask = 0x80.toByte >> (nBitsOfFragToBeFilled - 1)
val LSByte = unionByteBuffer.get(0)
val bitsToGoIntoFragInPosition = ((LSByte & newFragBitsMask) >>> fragmentLastByteLimit).toInt
val newFragByte = Bits.asUnsignedByte((fragmentLastByte | bitsToGoIntoFragInPosition).toByte)
Assert.invariant(newFragByte <= 255 && newFragByte >= 0)
if (nFragBitsAfter == 8) {
// we filled the entire frag byte. Write it out, then zero it
setFragmentLastByte(0, 0)
} else {
// we did not fill up the frag byte. We added bits to it (at least 1), but
// it's not filled up yet.
setFragmentLastByte(newFragByte, nFragBitsAfter)
// Now we have to remove the bits that went into the
// current frag byte
// This is a strange operation. Were creating a long from the littleEndian bytes.
// The value of this will be very strange, but shifting left moves bits from more significant
// bytes into less significant bytes,
bits = unionLongBuffer.get(0)
bits = bits << nBitsOfFragToBeFilled
unionLongBuffer.put(0, bits)
// now we have the unionByteBuffer containing the correct LE bytes, in LE order.
val bitLengthRemaining = bitLengthFrom1To64 - nBitsOfFragToBeFilled
Assert.invariant(bitLengthRemaining >= 0)
if (bitLengthRemaining > 0) {
val nWholeBytesNow = bitLengthRemaining / 8
val nBitsInFinalFrag = bitLengthRemaining % 8
val indexOfFinalFragByte = nWholeBytesNow
var i = 0
while (i < nWholeBytesNow) {
i += 1
if (nBitsInFinalFrag > 0) {
val finalFragByte = Bits.asUnsignedByte(unionByteBuffer.get(indexOfFinalFragByte))
setFragmentLastByte(finalFragByte, nBitsInFinalFrag)
final override protected def putLong_LE_LSBFirst(signedLong: Long, bitLengthFrom1To64: Int): Boolean = {
// Note: we don't have to check for bit limit. That check was already done.
// Interestingly, LE_LSBF is slightly simpler than BE_MSBF as we don't have to shift bytes to get the
// bits into MSBF position.
// steps are
// add bits to the fragmentByte (if there is one)
// if the fragmentByte is full, write it.
// so now there is no fragment byte
// if we have more bits still to write, then
// do we have a multiple of 8 bits left (all whole bytes) or are we going to have a final fragment byte?
// for all whole bytes, take least-significant byte of the long, and write it out. shift >> 8 bits
// set the fragment byte to the remaining most significant byte.
var nBitsRemaining = bitLengthFrom1To64
var bits = signedLong
if (fragmentLastByteLimit > 0) {
// there is a frag byte, to which we are writing first.
// We will write at least 1 bit to the frag.
val nFragBitsAvailableToWrite = 8 - fragmentLastByteLimit
val nBitsOfFragToBeFilled =
if (bitLengthFrom1To64 >= nFragBitsAvailableToWrite) nFragBitsAvailableToWrite
else bitLengthFrom1To64
val nFragBitsAfter = fragmentLastByteLimit + nBitsOfFragToBeFilled // this can be 8 if we're going to fill all of the frag.
val fragLastByteMask = 0xFF >> (8 - nFragBitsAfter)
val bitsToGoIntoFragInPosition = ((bits << fragmentLastByteLimit) & fragLastByteMask).toInt
val newFragByte = fragmentLastByte | bitsToGoIntoFragInPosition
Assert.invariant(newFragByte <= 255 && newFragByte >= 0)
bits = bits >>> nBitsOfFragToBeFilled
nBitsRemaining = bitLengthFrom1To64 - nBitsOfFragToBeFilled
if (nFragBitsAfter == 8) {
// we filled the entire frag byte. Write it out, then zero it
setFragmentLastByte(0, 0)
} else {
// we did not fill up the frag byte. We added bits to it (at least 1), but
// it's not filled up yet.
setFragmentLastByte(newFragByte, nFragBitsAfter)
// at this point we have bits and nBitsRemaining
Assert.invariant(nBitsRemaining >= 0)
if (nBitsRemaining == 0)
true // we are done
else {
// we have more bits to write. Could be as many as 64 still.
Assert.invariant(fragmentLastByteLimit == 0) // there is no frag byte.
val nWholeBytes = nBitsRemaining / 8
val nFragBits = nBitsRemaining % 8
val fragUsedBitsMask = ((1 << nFragBits) - 1)
var shiftedBits = bits
var i = 0
while (i < nWholeBytes) {
val byt = shiftedBits & 0xFF
shiftedBits = shiftedBits >>> 8
i += 1
if (nFragBits > 0) {
val newFragByte = Bits.asUnsignedByte((shiftedBits & fragUsedBitsMask).toByte)
setFragmentLastByte(newFragByte, nFragBits)
* Convenience methods that temporarily set and (reliably) restore the bitLimit.
* The argument gives the limit length. Note this is a length, not a bit position.
* This is added to the current bit position to get the limiting bit position
* which is then set as the bitLimit when
* the body is evaluated. On return the bit limit is restored to its
* prior value.
* <p>
* The return value is false if the new bit limit is beyond the existing bit limit range.
* Otherwise the return value is true.
* <p>
* The prior value is restored even if an Error/Exception is thrown. (ie., via a try-finally)
* <p>
* These are intended for use implementing specified-length types (simple or complex).
* <p>
* Note that length limits in lengthUnits Characters are not implemented
* this way. See fillCharBuffer(cb) method.
// private def withBitLengthLimit(lengthLimitInBits: Long)(body: => Unit): Boolean = macro IOMacros.withBitLengthLimitMacroForOutput
* Throw to indicate that bitOrder changed, but not on a byte boundary.
* Must be caught at higher level and turned into a RuntimeSDE.
class BitOrderChangeException(directDOS: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream,
bufDOS: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream) extends Exception with ThinThrowable
object DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream {
* This is over here to be sure it isn't operating on other members
* of the object. This operates on the arguments only.
* Delivers the bits of bufDOS into directDOS's output stream. Deals with the possibility that
* the directDOS ends with a fragment byte, or the bufDOS does, or both.
private def deliverBufferContent(directDOS: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream, bufDOS: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream) {
val ba = bufDOS.bufferingJOS.getBuf
val bufferNBits = bufDOS.relBitPos0b // don't have to subtract a starting offset. It's always zero in buffered case.
if (bufDOS.cst.bitOrder ne directDOS.cst.bitOrder) {
if (!directDOS.isEndOnByteBoundary) {
// If the bit order changes, it has to be on a byte boundary
// It's simply not meaningful for it to change otherwise.
throw new BitOrderChangeException(directDOS, bufDOS)
// cases
// no fragment bytes anywhere - just take the bytes
// fragment byte on directDOS, fragment byte on bufDOS, or both.
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.MaybeULong
val dStream: DataOutputStream = directDOS
val newLengthLimit = bufferNBits.toLong
val savedLengthLimit = dStream.maybeRelBitLimit0b
if (dStream.setMaybeRelBitLimit0b(MaybeULong(dStream.relBitPos0b + newLengthLimit))) {
try {
if (directDOS.isEndOnByteBoundary && bufDOS.isEndOnByteBoundary) {
val nBytes = (bufferNBits / 8).toInt
val nBytesPut = directDOS.putBytes(ba, 0, nBytes)
Assert.invariant(nBytesPut == nBytes)
} else {
if (bufDOS.cst.fragmentLastByteLimit > 0) {
val bufDOSStream = bufDOS.getJavaOutputStream()
val nBitsPut = directDOS.putBitBuffer(bufDOS.getByteBuffer, bufferNBits.toLong)
Assert.invariant(nBitsPut == bufferNBits.toLong)
} finally {
* Factory for creating new ones
def apply(jos:, creator: DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream) = {
val dbdos = new DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream(creator)
if (creator eq null) {
dbdos.setAbsStartingBitPos0b(ULong(0)) // yes. We do want to call this twice.