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/* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Developed by: Tresys Technology, LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
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* 3. Neither the names of Tresys Technology, nor the names of its contributors
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* without specific prior written permission.
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo.PrimType
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.Found
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.InitiatedTerminatedMixin
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.SimpleTypeBase
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ElementBase
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DaffodilTunableParameters
import java.lang.{ Long => JLong }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ExpressionCompilers
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.GlobalQName
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.NotFound
// Elements System
trait ElementBaseGrammarMixin
extends InitiatedTerminatedMixin
with AlignedMixin
with ByteOrderMixin
with HasStatementsGrammarMixin
with PaddingInfoMixin { self: ElementBase =>
private val context = this
private lazy val (leftPadding, rightPadding) = {
if (unparsingPadChar.isEmpty)
(EmptyGram, EmptyGram)
else {
import TextJustificationType._
this.justificationPad match {
case None => (EmptyGram, EmptyGram)
case Left => (EmptyGram, OnlyPadding(context))
case Right => (OnlyPadding(context), EmptyGram)
case Center => (LeftCenteredPadding(context), RightCenteredPadding(context))
protected lazy val isDelimitedPrefixedPattern = {
import LengthKind._
lengthKind match {
case Delimited => true // don't test for hasDelimiters because it might not be our delimiter, but a surrounding group's separator, or it's terminator, etc.
case Pattern => true
case Prefixed => true
case _ => false
* true if padding will be inserted for this delimited element when unparsing.
protected lazy val isDelimitedPrefixedPatternWithPadding = {
(isDelimitedPrefixedPattern &&
(impliedRepresentation eq Representation.Text) &&
(justificationPad ne TextJustificationType.None) &&
minLen > 0)
* Quite tricky when we add padding or fill
* For complex types, there has to be a length defined. That's it.
* For simple types, we need the fill region processors
* to detect excess length
final lazy val shouldAddPadding = {
val res =
if (isComplexType &&
(this.maybeLengthEv.isDefined) &&
(lengthUnits eq LengthUnits.Characters))
maybeUnparseTargetLengthInBitsEv.isDefined // "pad" complex types.
else if (isDelimitedPrefixedPatternWithPadding)
true // simple type for unparse that needs to be padded.
// simple type, specified length.
(maybeUnparseTargetLengthInBitsEv.isDefined &&
(justificationPad ne TextJustificationType.None)) // None if not text.
// if (res)
// println("%s should add padding.".format(this.prettyName))
// else
// println("%s NOT adding padding.".format(this.prettyName))
* We add fill to complex types of specified length so long as length units
* are bytes/bits. If characters then "pad" puts the characters on.
* We also add it to text elements of variable specified length again, unless
* length units are in characters.
final lazy val shouldAddFill = {
val res =
(isComplexType &&
isSpecifiedLengthForUnparsing &&
(lengthUnits ne LengthUnits.Characters)) ||
(isSimpleType &&
isSpecifiedLengthForUnparsing &&
couldBeVariableLengthInfoset &&
(lengthUnits ne LengthUnits.Characters))
// if (res)
// println("%s should add fill.".format(this.prettyName))
// else
// println("%s NOT adding fill.".format(this.prettyName))
// /**
// * Means the representation could have varying sizes.
// *
// * Does not mean the infoset element might be bigger or smaller and
// * might get truncated or padded to fit a fixed size representation.
// *
// * This is about whether the box we're fitting it into is fixed or varying size.
// */
// final protected lazy val isVariableLengthRep: Boolean = {
// isDelimitedPrefixedPattern ||
// ((lengthKind eq LengthKind.Explicit) &&
// !lengthEv.optConstant.isDefined)
// //
// // TODO: do we have to consider utf-8 situation for strings when
// // even though the length is constant, because it's utf-8
// // the length units are characters but we don't know
// // how many bytes without knowing what characters are?
// //
// // This requires an Evaluatable, since it depends on charset.
// //
// // Also, whether we want this to be true/false depends on
// // context. If the context is a complex type with lengthUnits characters
// // then we're ok with utf-8 fixed number of characters. We're not
// // ok if the complex type has length its bytes, but contains an
// // element with length units bytes and charset utf-8.
// //
// }
* Means the specified length must, necessarily, be big enough to hold the representation
* so long as the value in the infoset is legal for the type.
* This does not include numeric range checking. So for example if you
* have an xs:unsignedInt but length is 3 bits, this will be true even though an
* integer value of greater than 7 cannot fit.
* Another way to think of this is that legal infoset values will have fixed
* length representations.
* This is a conservative analysis, meaning if true the property definitely
* holds, but if false it may mean we just couldn't tell if it holds or not.
* If this is true, then we never need to check how many bits were written when
* unparsing, because we know a legal value has to fit. If the value is illegal
* then we'll get an unparse error anyway.
* If this is false, then it's possible that the value, even a legal value,
* might not fit if the length is specified. We're unable to prove that all
* legal values WILL fit.
* A critical case is that fixed length binary integers should always
* return true here so that we're not doing excess length checks on them
* Or computing their value length unnecessarily.
final protected lazy val mustBeFixedLengthInfoset = {
(isSimpleType &&
(impliedRepresentation eq Representation.Binary) &&
(primType ne PrimType.HexBinary) &&
import NodeInfo._
primType match {
case Float => true
case Double => true;
case n: Numeric.Kind =>
binaryNumberRep eq BinaryNumberRep.Binary
case _ => true
} &&
((lengthKind eq LengthKind.Implicit) ||
((lengthKind eq LengthKind.Explicit) &&
lengthEv.optConstant.isDefined)) // TODO: consider if delimiters matter, alignment, nil values,.... Are we excluding
// that stuff here? For example, if the element is nillable, but
// if isNilled, the representation will still be exactly the same
// length, then we'd like this to be true.
) ||
// a fixed-length textual number, where a legal value
// (or nil value) must by definition be smaller than the
// fixed length. E.g., since the largest unsignedByte value
// is 256, and with textNumberPattern="###" the max width is 3
// then so long as the fixed length is 3 or greater we know
// it's going to fit.
// Furthermore, if it is nillable, and the nilValue is "nil", which
// is also length 3, then it's going to fit.
// Also matters that if the textNumberPattern can output fewer
// characters than the fixed width, then padding must be enabled and a
// pad char specified, and that the padChar is the same width as
// a digit. (similarly if the nilValue was "-" we need to pad that too)
// This also assumes that in every charset encoding the digit
// characters are always the same width so the whole utf-8
// variable-width encoding crud doesn't apply.
// However, textNumberPattern
// matters, because sometimes the lengths of positive and negative
// numbers can differ. So the fixed length has to be big enough
// for the largest possible textNumber matching the pattern.
false // TODO: implement this
) ||
(isComplexType && !isNillable &&
// recursively, the complex type can contain only isFixedLengthInfoset items
// but in addition, no delimiter can be varying width - so there can only be one
// delimiter value for each of these, nor can there be any variable-width
// alignment regions.
false // TODO: implement this
* Means the infoset element could have varying length.
* And that means if there is a specified length box to fit it into
* that we have to check if it is too big/small for the box.
* So that means hexBinary, or representation text (for simple types)
* or any complex type unless everything in it is fixedLengthInfoset.
* So for example, a complex type containing only fixed length binary
* integers is itself fixed length.
final protected lazy val couldBeVariableLengthInfoset: Boolean = {
* Only strings can be truncated, only if they are specified length,
* and only if truncateSpecifiedLengthString is 'yes'.
* Note that specified length might mean fixed length or variable (but specified)
* length.
final protected lazy val isTruncatable = {
isSimpleType &&
(primType eq PrimType.String) &&
(truncateSpecifiedLengthString eq YesNo.Yes) &&
* Fixed length, or variable length with explicit length expression.
final protected lazy val isSpecifiedLengthForUnparsing: Boolean = {
(isSimpleType && (
(lengthKind eq LengthKind.Explicit) ||
(lengthKind eq LengthKind.Implicit))) ||
(isComplexType &&
(lengthKind eq LengthKind.Explicit))
* Check for excess length if it's variable length and we cannot truncate it.
final lazy val shouldCheckExcessLength = {
val res =
couldBeVariableLengthInfoset &&
!isTruncatable &&
// if (res)
// println("%s should check excess length.".format(this.prettyName))
// else
// println("%s NOT checking excess length.".format(this.prettyName))
private lazy val rightFill = new RightFill(context)
// maybe can be private - if it is used still
protected lazy val elementUnused = new ElementUnused(context)
* provided by LocalElementBase for array considerations, and GlobalElementDecl - scalar only
protected def allowedValue: Gram
// This silly redundancy where the variable name has to also be passed as a string,
// is, by the way, a good reason Scala needs real Lisp-style macros, that can take an argument and
// turn it into a type/class, object, def, or val/var name, as well as a string, etc.
private lazy val parsedNil = prod("parsedNil", NYI && isNillable && nilKind == NilKind.LogicalValue) {
nilElementInitiator ~
captureLengthRegions(leftPadding, LogicalNilValue(this), rightPadding ~ rightFill) ~
private def captureLengthRegions(leftPaddingArg: => Gram, bodyArg: => Gram, rightPadFillArg: => Gram) = {
lazy val leftPadding = leftPaddingArg
lazy val rightPadFill = rightPadFillArg
lazy val body = bodyArg
CaptureContentLengthStart(this) ~
leftPadding ~
CaptureValueLengthStart(this) ~
body ~
CaptureValueLengthEnd(this) ~
rightPadFill ~
private lazy val parsedValue = prod("parsedValue", isSimpleType) {
initiatorRegion ~
valueMTA ~
captureLengthRegions(leftPadding, ovcRetry(allowedValue), rightPadding ~ rightFill) ~
* Wrapped around the simple value unparsers used for dfdl:outputValueCalc (OVC)
* with a combinator. Will retry them until the value is available.
* Evaporates for parsing, and when the element is not dfdl:outputValueCalc.
private def ovcRetry(allowedValueArg: => Gram) = {
lazy val allowedValue = allowedValueArg
if (this.isOutputValueCalc)
OVCRetry(this, allowedValue)
// Length is in bits, (size would be in bytes) (from DFDL Spec 12.3.3)
final protected lazy val implicitBinaryLengthInBits: Long = primType match {
case PrimType.Byte | PrimType.UnsignedByte => 8
case PrimType.Short | PrimType.UnsignedShort => 16
case PrimType.Float | PrimType.Int | PrimType.UnsignedInt | PrimType.Boolean => 32
case PrimType.Double | PrimType.Long | PrimType.UnsignedLong => 64
case _ => schemaDefinitionError("Size of binary data '" + + "' cannot be determined implicitly.")
private lazy val binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits: Long = lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Implicit => implicitBinaryLengthInBits
case LengthKind.Explicit if (lengthEv.isConstant) => {
val lengthFromProp: JLong = lengthEv.optConstant.get
val nbits = lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bits => lengthFromProp.longValue()
case LengthUnits.Bytes => lengthFromProp.longValue() * 8
case LengthUnits.Characters => SDE("The lengthUnits for binary numbers must be either 'bits' or 'bytes'. Not 'characters'.")
case LengthKind.Explicit => -1 // means must be computed at runtime.
case LengthKind.Delimited => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='delimited'.")
case LengthKind.Pattern => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='pattern'.")
case LengthKind.Prefixed => subsetError("lengthKind='prefixed' not yet supported.")
case LengthKind.EndOfParent => schemaDefinitionError("Binary data elements cannot have lengthKind='endOfParent'.")
private lazy val fixedLengthHexBinary = prod("fixedLengthHexBinary", isFixedLength) {
lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bytes => HexBinaryFixedLengthInBytes(this, fixedLength)
case LengthUnits.Bits => SDE("lengthUnits='bits' is not valid for hexBinary.")
case LengthUnits.Characters => SDE("lengthUnits='characters' is not valid for hexBinary.")
private lazy val implicitLengthHexBinary = prod("implicitLengthHexBinary", lengthKind eq LengthKind.Implicit) {
val maxLengthLong = maxLength.longValueExact
lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bytes => HexBinaryFixedLengthInBytes(this, maxLengthLong)
case LengthUnits.Bits => SDE("lengthUnits='bits' is not valid for hexBinary.")
case LengthUnits.Characters => SDE("lengthUnits='characters' is not valid for hexBinary.")
private lazy val variableLengthHexBinary = prod("variableLengthHexBinary", !isFixedLength) {
lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bytes => new SpecifiedLengthExplicit(this, HexBinaryVariableLengthInBytes(this), 8)
case LengthUnits.Bits => SDE("lengthUnits='bits' is not valid for hexBinary.")
case LengthUnits.Characters => SDE("lengthUnits='characters' is not valid for hexBinary.")
private lazy val stringDelimitedEndOfData = prod("stringDelimitedEndOfData") { StringDelimitedEndOfData(this) }
// private lazy val stringPatternMatched = prod("stringPatternMatched") { StringPatternMatched(this) }
private lazy val stringValue = prod("stringValue") { stringPrim }
private lazy val stringPrim = {
lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Explicit => specifiedLength(StringOfSpecifiedLength(this))
case LengthKind.Delimited => stringDelimitedEndOfData
case LengthKind.Pattern => specifiedLength(StringOfSpecifiedLength(this))
case LengthKind.Implicit => {
val pt = this.simpleType.primitiveType
Assert.invariant(pt == PrimType.String)
case _ => SDE("Unimplemented lengthKind %s", lengthKind)
private lazy val hexBinaryDelimitedEndOfData = prod("hexBinaryDelimitedEndOfData") { HexBinaryDelimitedEndOfData(this) }
private lazy val hexBinaryValue = prod("hexBinaryValue") {
lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Explicit if isFixedLength => fixedLengthHexBinary
case LengthKind.Explicit => variableLengthHexBinary
case LengthKind.Delimited => hexBinaryDelimitedEndOfData
case LengthKind.Pattern => SDE("lengthKind Pattern is not allowed for hexBinary.")
case LengthKind.Implicit => implicitLengthHexBinary
case _ => SDE("Unimplemented lengthKind %s", lengthKind)
private lazy val textInt = prod("textInt", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextInt || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textByte = prod("textByte", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextByte || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textShort = prod("textShort", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextShort || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textLong = prod("textLong", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextLong || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textInteger = prod("textInteger", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextInteger || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textDecimal = prod("textDecimal", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextDecimal || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textNonNegativeInteger = prod("textNonNegativeInteger", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextNonNegativeInteger || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textUnsignedInt = prod("textUnsignedInt", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextUnsignedInt || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textUnsignedByte = prod("textUnsignedByte", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextUnsignedByte || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textUnsignedShort = prod("textUnsignedShort", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextUnsignedShort || zonedTextInt
private lazy val textUnsignedLong = prod("textUnsignedLong", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextUnsignedLong || zonedTextInt
// We could now break it down by lengthKind, and have specialized primitives
// depending on the length kind.
private lazy val standardTextInteger = prod("standardTextInteger",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextIntegerPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextDecimal = prod("standardTextDecimal",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextDecimalPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextNonNegativeInteger = prod("standardTextNonNegativeInteger",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextNonNegativeIntegerPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextLong = prod("standardTextLong",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextLongPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextInt = prod("standardTextInt",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextIntPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextShort = prod("standardTextShort",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextShortPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextByte = prod("standardTextByte",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextBytePrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextUnsignedLong = prod("standardTextUnsignedLong",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextUnsignedLongPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextUnsignedInt = prod("standardTextUnsignedInt",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextUnsignedIntPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextUnsignedShort = prod("standardTextUnsignedShort",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextUnsignedShortPrim(this)) }
private lazy val standardTextUnsignedByte = prod("standardTextUnsignedByte",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextUnsignedBytePrim(this)) }
private lazy val zonedTextInt = prod("zonedTextInt",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned) { ZonedTextIntPrim(this) }
private lazy val textDouble = prod("textDouble", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextDouble || zonedTextDouble
// private lazy val ibm390HexBinaryRepDouble = prod("ibm390HexBinaryRepDouble",
// binaryFloatRep.isConstant &&
// binaryFloatRep.constant == BinaryFloatRep.Ibm390Hex.toString) {
// subsetError("ibm390Hex not supported")
// }
private lazy val standardTextDouble = prod("standardTextDouble",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextDoublePrim(this)) }
private lazy val zonedTextDouble = prod("zonedTextDouble",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned) { SDE("Zoned not supported for float and double") }
private lazy val textFloat = prod("textFloat", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
standardTextFloat || zonedTextFloat
private lazy val standardTextFloat = prod("standardTextFloat",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Standard) { ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextFloatPrim(this)) }
private lazy val zonedTextFloat = prod("zonedTextFloat",
textNumberRep == TextNumberRep.Zoned) { SDE("Zoned not supported for float and double") }
private lazy val textDate = prod("textDate", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextDatePrim(this))
private lazy val textTime = prod("textTime", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextTimePrim(this))
private lazy val textDateTime = prod("textDateTime", impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text) {
ConvertTextCombinator(this, stringValue, ConvertTextDateTimePrim(this))
// shorthand
final lazy val primType = {
val res = typeDef.asInstanceOf[SimpleTypeBase].primitiveType
protected final lazy val value = prod("value", isSimpleType) {
// TODO: Consider issues with matching a stopValue. Can't say isScalar here because
// this gets used for array contents also.
primType match {
case PrimType.String => stringValue
case PrimType.HexBinary => hexBinaryValue
case _ => {
val res = impliedRepresentation match {
case Representation.Binary => binaryValue
case Representation.Text => textValue
// This is the right name that the DFDL property should have had!
private lazy val binaryIntRep = {
subset(binaryNumberRep == BinaryNumberRep.Binary, "binaryNumberRep='%s' is unsupported. Only 'binary' is supported.", binaryNumberRep.toString)
private lazy val staticBinaryFloatRep = {
subset(binaryFloatRepEv.isConstant, "Dynamic binaryFloatRep is not supported.")
val bin = BinaryNumberRep.Binary // shorthands for table dispatch
val ieee = BinaryFloatRep.Ieee
type BO = java.nio.ByteOrder
private def binaryIntegerValue(isSigned: Boolean) = {
// Is it a single byte or smaller
if ((primType != PrimType.Byte) &&
(binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits == -1 ||
binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits > 8)) {
byteOrderRaw // must be defined or SDE
Assert.invariant(binaryIntRep == bin)
binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits match {
case -1 => new BinaryIntegerRuntimeLength(this, isSigned)
case _ => new BinaryIntegerKnownLength(this, isSigned, binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits)
private lazy val binaryValue: Gram = {
Assert.invariant(primType != PrimType.String)
// We have to dispatch carefully here. We cannot force evaluation of properties
// that may not be necessary. E.g., float does not need property binaryNumberRep, so
// if our dispatch table uses that, it will create a false dependency on the property
// being defined.
// The DFDL spec has a section where it gives the precedence order of properties.
// This is in the spirit of that section.
val res: Gram = primType match {
case PrimType.Byte | PrimType.Short | PrimType.Int | PrimType.Long | PrimType.Integer => {
case PrimType.UnsignedByte | PrimType.UnsignedShort | PrimType.UnsignedInt | PrimType.UnsignedLong | PrimType.NonNegativeInteger => {
case PrimType.Double | PrimType.Float => {
byteOrderRaw // is required. SDE if not defined
(primType, binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits, staticBinaryFloatRep) match {
case (_, -1, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => SDE("Floating point binary numbers may not have runtime-specified lengths.")
case (PrimType.Float, 32, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => new BinaryFloat(this)
case (PrimType.Float, n, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => SDE("binary xs:float must be 32 bits. Length in bits was %s.", n)
case (PrimType.Double, 64, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => new BinaryDouble(this)
case (PrimType.Double, n, BinaryFloatRep.Ieee) => SDE("binary xs:double must be 64 bits. Length in bits was %s.", n)
case (_, _, floatRep) => subsetError("binaryFloatRep='%s' not supported. Only binaryFloatRep='ieee'", floatRep.toString)
case PrimType.Decimal => {
Assert.invariant(binaryIntRep == bin)
if (binaryDecimalVirtualPoint > DaffodilTunableParameters.maxBinaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
SDE("Property binaryDecimalVirtualPoint %s is greater than limit %s", binaryDecimalVirtualPoint, DaffodilTunableParameters.maxBinaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
if (binaryDecimalVirtualPoint < DaffodilTunableParameters.minBinaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
SDE("Property binaryDecimalVirtualPoint %s is less than limit %s", binaryDecimalVirtualPoint, DaffodilTunableParameters.minBinaryDecimalVirtualPoint)
if (binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits == -1 ||
binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits > 8) byteOrderRaw // must have or SDE
binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits match {
case -1 => new BinaryDecimalRuntimeLength(this)
case _ => new BinaryDecimalKnownLength(this, binaryNumberKnownLengthInBits)
case _ => notYetImplemented("Type %s when representation='binary'",
private lazy val textValue: Gram = {
val pt = primType
Assert.invariant(pt != PrimType.String)
Assert.invariant(pt != PrimType.HexBinary)
Assert.invariant(impliedRepresentation == Representation.Text)
schemaDefinitionWhen(lengthKind == LengthKind.Implicit,
"Type %s cannot have lengthKind='implicit' when representation='text'",
val res = primType match {
case PrimType.Int => textInt
case PrimType.Byte => textByte
case PrimType.Short => textShort
case PrimType.Long => textLong
case PrimType.Integer => textInteger
case PrimType.Decimal => textDecimal
case PrimType.UnsignedInt => textUnsignedInt
case PrimType.UnsignedByte => textUnsignedByte
case PrimType.UnsignedShort => textUnsignedShort
case PrimType.UnsignedLong => textUnsignedLong
case PrimType.NonNegativeInteger => textNonNegativeInteger // Should be treated as unsigned xs:integer
case PrimType.Double => textDouble
case PrimType.Float => textFloat
case PrimType.HexBinary => Assert.invariantFailed("Primitive hexBinary must be representation='binary'.")
case PrimType.Boolean => notYetImplemented("textValue: boolean")
case PrimType.Date => textDate
case PrimType.Time => textTime
case PrimType.DateTime => textDateTime
case _ => schemaDefinitionError("Unrecognized primitive type: " +
protected final lazy val empty = prod("empty", NYI && emptyIsAnObservableConcept) { EmptyGram }
// private lazy val emptyRepresentation = prod("emptyRepresentation") {
// simpleOrNonImplicitComplexEmpty | complexImplicitEmpty
// }
// private lazy val simpleOrNonImplicitComplexEmpty = prod("simpleOrNonImplicitComplexEmpty",
// isSimpleType | isComplexType && lengthKind != LengthKind.Implicit) {
// emptyElementInitiator ~
// valueMTA ~
// captureLengthRegions(EmptyGram, EmptyGram, EmptyGram) ~
// emptyElementTerminator
// }
// /**
// * This is about the case where we take an empty, parse a complex type recursively from it
// * and potentially succeed.
// */
// private lazy val complexImplicitEmpty = prod("complexImplicitEmpty",
// isComplexType && lengthKind == LengthKind.Implicit) {
// SaveInputStream(this) ~ SetEmptyInputStream(this) ~ elementComplexType.mainGrammar ~
// RestoreInputStream(this) ~ emptyElementTerminator
// }
// private lazy val emptyDefaulted = prod("emptyDefaulted",
// isDefaultable && emptyIsAnObservableConcept) {
// empty ~ TheDefaultValue(this)
// }
private lazy val nilElementInitiator = prod("nilElementInitiator", hasInitiator) { delimMTA ~ Initiator(this) }
private lazy val nilElementTerminator = prod("nilElementTerminator", hasTerminator) { delimMTA ~ Terminator(this) }
// private lazy val emptyElementInitiator = prod("emptyElementInitiator", NYI && hasEmptyValueInitiator) { delimMTA ~ Initiator(this) }
// private lazy val emptyElementTerminator = prod("emptyElementTerminator", NYI && hasEmptyValueTerminator) { delimMTA ~ Terminator(this) }
private lazy val complexContent = prod("complexContent", isComplexType) {
private lazy val isNilLit = isNillable && ((nilKind == NilKind.LiteralValue) || (nilKind == NilKind.LiteralCharacter))
* In the below, we must have nilLitMTA because, in the case where it's textual,
* then to distinguish a lit nil from a value, we have to start at the same place.
private lazy val nilLit = prod("nilLit", isNilLit) {
nilElementInitiator ~
nilLitMTA ~
nilLitSimpleOrComplex ~
private lazy val nilLitSimpleOrComplex = prod("nilLitSimpleOrComplex") { nilLitSimple || nilLitComplex }
private lazy val nilLitSimple = prod("nilLitSimple", isSimpleType) {
specifiedLength(nilLitContent) ~ // for parser
NilLiteralCharacter(context), // for unparser
rightPadding ~ rightFill)
private lazy val nilLitComplex = prod("nilLitComplex", isComplexType) {
// Note: the only allowed nil value for a complex type is ES. It's length will be zero always. (as of DFDL v1.0 - 2015-07-15)
schemaDefinitionUnless(this.hasESNilValue && cookedNilValuesForParse.length == 1, "Nillable complex type elements can only have '%ES;' as their dfdl:nilValue property.")
// Because nil complex can only be ES (e.g., length 0), there's no possible
// ElementUnused region after a nil.
private lazy val nilLitMTA = prod("nilLitMTA", isNilLit) { mtaBase }
private lazy val nilLitContent = prod("nilLitContent",
isNillable && (nilKind == NilKind.LiteralValue || nilKind == NilKind.LiteralCharacter)) {
nilKind match {
case NilKind.LiteralValue => {
// if (impliedRepresentation != Representation.Text) this.SDE("LiteralValue Nils require representation='text'.")
lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Delimited => LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfData(this)
case LengthKind.Pattern => LiteralValueNilOfSpecifiedLength(this)
case LengthKind.Explicit => LiteralValueNilOfSpecifiedLength(this)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isSimpleType => {
schemaDefinitionUnless(impliedRepresentation != Representation.Text, "LiteralValue Nils with lengthKind='implicit' cannot have representation='text'.")
case LengthKind.Implicit if isComplexType => Assert.invariantFailed("literal nil complex types aren't handled here.")
case LengthKind.Prefixed => notYetImplemented("lengthKind='prefixed'")
case LengthKind.EndOfParent => notYetImplemented("lengthKind='endOfParent'")
case NilKind.LiteralCharacter => {
if (!isFixedLength) { SDE("dfdl:length must be fixed when nilKind='literalCharacter'.") }
lengthKind match {
case LengthKind.Explicit => LiteralCharacterNilOfSpecifiedLength(this)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isSimpleType => LiteralCharacterNilOfSpecifiedLength(this)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isComplexType => Assert.invariantFailed("literal nil complex types aren't handled here.")
case LengthKind.Prefixed => SDE("nilKind='literalCharacter' is not valid for lengthKind='prefixed'")
case LengthKind.EndOfParent => SDE("nilKind='literalCharacter' is not valid for lengthKind='endOfParent'")
case LengthKind.Delimited => SDE("nilKind='literalCharacter' is not valid for lengthKind='delimited'")
case LengthKind.Pattern => SDE("nilKind='literalCharacter' is not valid for lengthKind='pattern'")
case NilKind.LogicalValue => notYetImplemented("nilLitContent nilKind='logicalValue'")
private def withDelimiterStack(body: => Gram) = {
if (hasDelimiters || DelimiterStackCombinatorElement(this, body)
else body
private lazy val nilOrEmptyOrValue = prod("nilOrEmptyOrValue") {
anyOfNilOrEmptyOrValue ||
nilOrValue ||
emptyOrValue ||
private lazy val anyOfNilOrEmptyOrValue = prod("anyOfNilOrEmptyOrValue", isNillable && NYI && emptyIsAnObservableConcept) {
ovcRetry(SimpleNilOrEmptyOrValue(this, nilLit || parsedNil, empty, parsedValue))
private lazy val nilOrValue = prod("nilOrValue", isNillable) { // TODO: make it exclude emptyness once emptyness is implemented
ovcRetry(SimpleNilOrValue(this, nilLit || parsedNil, parsedValue))
private lazy val emptyOrValue = prod("emptyOrValue", NYI && emptyIsAnObservableConcept && !isNillable) {
ovcRetry(SimpleEmptyOrValue(this, empty, parsedValue))
private lazy val nonNilNonEmptyParsedValue = prod("nonNilnonEmptyParsedValue", !isNillable) { // TODO: make it exclude emptyness once emptyness is implemented
private lazy val scalarDefaultableSimpleContent = prod("scalarDefaultableSimpleContent", isSimpleType) {
* Note: This must handle unspecified lengths, like lengthKind delimited,
* as well, by not enclosing the body in a specified length enforcer.
private def specifiedLength(bodyArg: => Gram) = {
lazy val body = bodyArg
lazy val bitsMultiplier = lengthUnits match {
case LengthUnits.Bits => 1
case LengthUnits.Bytes => 8
case LengthUnits.Characters if knownEncodingIsFixedWidth => this.knownEncodingWidthInBits
case _ => 0 // zero means can't multiply to get width in bits.
val lk = lengthKind
lk match {
case LengthKind.Delimited => body
case LengthKind.Pattern => new SpecifiedLengthPattern(this, body)
case LengthKind.Explicit if bitsMultiplier != 0 =>
new SpecifiedLengthExplicit(this, body, bitsMultiplier)
case LengthKind.Explicit => {
Assert.invariant(lengthUnits eq LengthUnits.Characters)
new SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharacters(this, body)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isSimpleType && primType == PrimType.String &&
encodingInfo.knownEncodingIsFixedWidth => {
// Important case to optimize
// If we can convert to a number of bits, then we should do so
val nBits = encodingInfo.knownFixedWidthEncodingInCharsToBits(this.maxLength.longValue)
new SpecifiedLengthImplicit(this, body, nBits)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isSimpleType && primType == PrimType.String =>
new SpecifiedLengthImplicitCharacters(this, body, this.maxLength.longValue)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isSimpleType && primType == PrimType.HexBinary =>
new SpecifiedLengthImplicit(this, body, this.maxLength.longValue * bitsMultiplier)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isSimpleType && impliedRepresentation == Representation.Binary =>
new SpecifiedLengthImplicit(this, body, implicitBinaryLengthInBits)
case LengthKind.Implicit if isComplexType => body // for complex types, implicit means "roll up from the bottom"
case _ => {
// TODO: implement other specified length like prefixed and end of parent
// for now, no restriction
private lazy val complexContentSpecifiedLength = prod("complexContentSpecifiedLength", isComplexType) {
initiatorRegion ~
elementUnused) ~
private lazy val scalarComplexContent = prod("scalarComplexContent", isComplexType) {
if (!nilLit.isEmpty) {
ComplexNilOrContent(this, nilLit, complexContentSpecifiedLength)
} else {
private lazy val hasDynamicEscapeScheme = this.optionEscapeScheme.isDefined && !this.optionEscapeScheme.get.escapeSchemeParseEv.isConstant
private def withEscapeScheme(body: Gram) = {
if (hasDynamicEscapeScheme) DynamicEscapeSchemeCombinatorElement(this, body)
else body
* the element left framing does not include the initiator nor the element right framing the terminator
private lazy val alignAndSkipFraming = prod("alignAndSkipFraming") {
LeadingSkipRegion(this) ~ AlignmentFill(this) ~ PrefixLength(this)
private lazy val elementIOPropertiesChange = byteOrderChange ~ termIOPropertiesChange
private lazy val elementLeftFraming = elementIOPropertiesChange ~ alignAndSkipFraming
private lazy val elementRightFraming = prod("elementRightFraming") { TrailingSkipRegion(this) }
protected final lazy val enclosedElement = prod("enclosedElement") {
// not isScalar, because this is reused inside arrays
// that is, we're counting on reusuing this production for array elements
// which are enclosed by the enclosing array and model group.
// if we didn't reuse this way we'd have to reproduce much of the grammar
// for the array case and scalar case that is the same for both.
(inputValueCalcOption, outputValueCalcOption) match {
case (_: NotFound, _: NotFound) => scalarDefaultablePhysical
case (_: Found, _: NotFound) => inputValueCalcElement
case (_: NotFound, _: Found) => outputValueCalcElement
case _ => SDE("Element with both dfdl:inputValueCalc and dfdl:outputValueCalc is not allowed.")
// Until empty detection is implemented, there really is no distinction between
// defaultable and non-defaulting elements.
protected final def enclosedElementNonDefault = enclosedElement
private lazy val inputValueCalcPrim = InputValueCalc(self, inputValueCalcOption)
protected final def ivcCompiledExpression = inputValueCalcPrim.expr
private lazy val inputValueCalcElement = prod("inputValueCalcElement",
isSimpleType && inputValueCalcOption.isInstanceOf[Found]) {
// No framing surrounding inputValueCalc elements.
// Note that we need these elements even when unparsing, because they appear in the infoset
// as regular elements (most times), and so we have to have an unparser that consumes the corresponding events.
new ElementParseAndUnspecifiedLength(this, dfdlScopeBegin,
inputValueCalcPrim, dfdlScopeEnd)
protected final lazy val ovcCompiledExpression = { // ovcValueCalcObject.expr
val exprProp = outputValueCalcOption.asInstanceOf[Found]
val exprText = exprProp.value
val exprNamespaces = exprProp.location.namespaces
val qn = GlobalQName(Some("daf"), "outputValueCalc", XMLUtils.dafintURI)
val expr = ExpressionCompilers.AnyRef.compile(qn,
primType, exprText, exprNamespaces, dpathCompileInfo, false)
private lazy val outputValueCalcElement =
isSimpleType && outputValueCalcOption.isInstanceOf[Found]) {
// Note: there is no such thing as defaultable complex content because you can't have a
// default value for a complex type element....
// NOT TRUE: a defaultable complex type is one where everything within it is
// recursively defaultable and has no syntax. So you could recursively "parse"
// it, get default values for simple type elements in the complex type structure,
// yet consume zero bits.
// When parsing that's exactly what should happen. It should parse, come back with
// a complex type element, and have consumed no bits.
// When unparsing, we have to recognize that the complex type element matches
// this default value, and then choose to unparse nothing.
// TBD: is this actually required by DFDL? Perhaps it is legal to simply
// unparse the overall structure. When we unparse a simple type, and the
// representation happens to be empty (such as empty string) the question is
// are we to recognize this, and put down the emptyValueInitiator/Terminator based
// on the emptyValueDelimiterPolicy? That has to be right. In order for a complex
// type to be defaultable, and for us to output nothing (empty) corresponding
// to a complex type, then all the contained simple type elements must be empty
// and must have effectively no initiator nor terminator for empty values.
// But there are additional things like when empty string causes a Nil value to be
// created, or a zero to be created for a text number.
private lazy val scalarDefaultablePhysical = prod("scalarDefaultablePhysical") {
val elem = new ElementCombinator(this, elementLeftFraming ~ dfdlScopeBegin,
withDelimiterStack {
withEscapeScheme {
scalarDefaultableSimpleContent || scalarComplexContent
elementRightFraming ~ dfdlScopeEnd)
private def checkVariousPropertyconstraints {
// check for consistency. If length units is bytes, and we're going to use the length facets
// of xs:string for implicit length, the encoding must be SBCS. Otherwise validation could fail when the
// number of characters in that many bytes doesn't satisfy the facet.
if (isSimpleType &&
primType == PrimType.String &&
lengthKind == LengthKind.Implicit &&
lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Bytes) {
if (!isKnownEncoding) {
// TODO: this check is insisting on this being clear at compile time. But DFDL doesn't strictly speaking, require that.
// If encoding is runtime-valued, this check could be done at runtime.
SDE("dfdl:encoding is a runtime expression, but dfdl:lengthKind 'implicit' for type xs:string and dfdl:lengthUnits 'bytes' requires an explicit known single byte character set encoding (SBCS).")
} else if (knownEncodingWidthInBits != 8) {
SDE("dfdl:encoding '%s' is not a single-byte encoding, but dfdl:lengthKind 'implicit' for type xs:string and dfdl:lengthUnits 'bytes' a single byte character set encoding (SBCS) is required.",
if (lengthKind != LengthKind.Explicit
&& optionLengthRaw.isDefined)
SDW("dfdl:lengthKind '%s' is not consistent with dfdl:length specified (as %s). The dfdl:length will be ignored.",
if ((lengthKind == LengthKind.Explicit || lengthKind == LengthKind.Implicit) &&
impliedRepresentation == Representation.Binary &&
lengthUnits == LengthUnits.Characters)
SDE("Elements of dfdl:lengthKind '%s' cannot have dfdl:lengthUnits '%s' with binary representation.", lengthKind, lengthUnits)
(inputValueCalcOption, outputValueCalcOption) match {
case (_: Found, _: Found) => SDE("Cannot have both dfdl:inputValueCalc and dfdl:outputValueCalc on the same element.")
case _ => // ok
* When lengthKind is explicit and length is a constant, it is a warning if
* the type is a type that respects minLength and maxLength, and the constant length
* is not in range.
val isTypeUsingMinMaxLengthFacets = typeDef.kind match {
case s: NodeInfo.String.Kind => true
case s: NodeInfo.HexBinary.Kind => true
case _ => false
if ((lengthKind eq LengthKind.Explicit) &&
isTypeUsingMinMaxLengthFacets &&
optLengthConstant.isDefined) {
val len = optLengthConstant.get
val maxLengthLong = maxLength.longValueExact
val minLengthLong = minLength.longValueExact
def warn(m: String, value: Long) = SDW("Explicit dfdl:length of %s is out of range for facet %sLength='%s'.", len, "max", value)
if (maxLengthLong != -1 && len > maxLengthLong) warn("max", maxLengthLong)
Assert.invariant(minLengthLong >= 0)
if (minLengthLong > 0 && len < minLengthLong) warn("min", minLengthLong)
* When length kind is explicit, and length is a constant, it is an SDE if
* the type is a type that uses dfdl:textOutputMinLength, and the length constant
* is not greater than or equal to that value.
val isTypeUsingTextOutputMinLength = typeDef.kind match {
case s: NodeInfo.String.Kind => false
case s: NodeInfo.HexBinary.Kind => false
case s: NodeInfo.AnySimpleType.Kind if (impliedRepresentation eq Representation.Binary) &&
this.textOutputMinLength > 0 => true
case _ => false
if ((lengthKind eq LengthKind.Explicit) &&
isTypeUsingTextOutputMinLength &&
optLengthConstant.isDefined) {
val len = optLengthConstant.get
if (len < textOutputMinLength) SDE("Explicit dfdl:length of %s is out of range for dfdl:textOutputMinLength='%s'.", len, textOutputMinLength)
* Mandatory text alignment or mta
* mta can only apply to things with encodings. No encoding, no MTA.
* In addition, it has to be textual data. Just because there's an encoding
* in the property environment shouldn't get you an MTA region. It has
* to be textual.
protected final lazy val valueMTA = prod("mandatoryTextAlignment",
impliedRepresentation eq Representation.Text) {