blob: d8aec66f85787ad5c170a194f850e262cad57788 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Developed by: Tresys Technology, LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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* 3. Neither the names of Tresys Technology, nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software
* without specific prior written permission.
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.tdml
import scala.xml.Node
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import scala.xml.NodeSeq.seqToNodeSeq
import scala.xml.SAXParseException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.Tak
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DFDL
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DataLocation
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.ValidationMode
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.WithDiagnostics
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DaffodilSchemaSource
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.UnitTestSchemaSource
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.URISchemaSource
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.EmbeddedSchemaSource
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.Diagnostic
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.compiler.Compiler
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.configuration.ConfigurationLoader
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ValidationError
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.externalvars.Binding
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.externalvars.ExternalVariablesLoader
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.parsers.GeneralParseFailure
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.LogLevel
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Logging
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Misc
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Misc.bits2Bytes
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Misc.hex2Bits
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.SchemaUtils
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Timer
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.DaffodilXMLLoader
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.charset.CharsetUtils
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.DataProcessor
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.debugger._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.nio.channels.Channels
import java.nio.charset.CoderResult
import scala.language.postfixOps
import java.nio.file.Paths
import java.nio.file.Files
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.equality._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.HasSetDebugger
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.UnparseResult
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.cookers.EntityReplacer
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.configuration.ConfigurationLoader
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ExpressionCompilers
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.BitOrder
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.infoset._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.MaybeBoolean
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dpath.NodeInfo
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.DaffodilTunables
* Parses and runs tests expressed in IBM's contributed tdml "Test Data Markup Language"
private[tdml] object DFDLTestSuite {
type CompileResult = Either[Seq[Diagnostic], (Seq[Diagnostic], DFDL.DataProcessor)]
// TODO: validate the infoset XML (expected result) against the DFDL Schema, that is using it as an XML Schema
// for the infoset. This would prevent errors where the infoset instance and the schema drift apart under maintenance.
// TODO: validate the actual result against the DFDL Schema using it as an XML Schema.
* TDML test suite runner
* Keep this independent of Daffodil, so that it can be used to run tests against other DFDL implementations as well.
* E.g., it should only need an API specified as a collection of Scala traits, and some simple way to inject
* dependency on one factory to create processors.
* Use the validateTDMLFile arg to bypass validation of the TDML document itself.
* This is used for testing whether one can detect validation errors
* in the DFDL schema.
* Without this, you can't get to the validation errors, because it
* rejects the TDML file itself.
* defaultRoundTripDefault if true the round trip default for the test suite will be
* taken from this value if it is not specified on the testSuite itself.
class DFDLTestSuite private[tdml] (
val __nl: Null, // this extra arg allows us to make this primary constructor package private so we can deprecate the one generally used.
aNodeFileOrURL: Any,
validateTDMLFile: Boolean,
val validateDFDLSchemas: Boolean,
val compileAllTopLevel: Boolean,
val defaultRoundTripDefault: Boolean,
val defaultValidationDefault: String)
extends Logging with HasSetDebugger {
// Uncomment to force conversion of all test suites to use Runner(...) instead.
// That avoids creating the test suites repeatedly, but also leaks memory unless
// you have an @AfterClass shutdown method in the object that calls runner.reset() at end.
// @deprecated("2016-12-30", "Use Runner(...) instead.")
def this(aNodeFileOrURL: Any,
validateTDMLFile: Boolean = true,
validateDFDLSchemas: Boolean = true,
compileAllTopLevel: Boolean = false,
defaultRoundTripDefault: Boolean = Runner.defaultRoundTripDefaultDefault,
defaultValidationDefault: String = Runner.defaultValidationDefaultDefault) =
this(null, aNodeFileOrURL, validateTDMLFile, validateDFDLSchemas, compileAllTopLevel, defaultRoundTripDefault, defaultValidationDefault)
if (!aNodeFileOrURL.isInstanceOf[scala.xml.Node])
System.err.println("Creating DFDL Test Suite for " + aNodeFileOrURL)
val TMP_DIR = System.getProperty("", ".")
aNodeFileOrURL match {
case _: URI => // ok
case _: File => // ok
case _: scala.xml.Node => // ok
case x => Assert.usageError("argument was not a scala.xmlNode, File, or URI: " + x)
val errorHandler = new org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler {
def warning(exception: SAXParseException) = {
loadingExceptions == exception +: loadingExceptions
// System.err.println("TDMLRunner Warning: " + exception.getMessage())
def error(exception: SAXParseException) = {
loadingExceptions = exception :: loadingExceptions
// System.err.println("TDMLRunner Error: " + exception.getMessage())
isLoadingError = true
def fatalError(exception: SAXParseException) = {
loadingExceptions == exception +: loadingExceptions
// System.err.println("TDMLRunner Fatal Error: " + exception.getMessage())
isLoadingError = true
var isLoadingError: Boolean = false
var loadingExceptions: List[Exception] = Nil
def getLoadingDiagnosticMessages() = {
val msgs = { _.toString() }.mkString(" ")
* our loader here accumulates load-time errors here on the
* test suite object.
val loader = new DaffodilXMLLoader(errorHandler)
val (ts, tsURI) = aNodeFileOrURL match {
case tsNode: Node => {
// We were passed a literal schema node. This is for unit testing
// purposes.
val tmpDir = new File(TMP_DIR, "daffodil")
val src = new UnitTestSchemaSource(tsNode, "", Some(tmpDir))
(tsNode, src.uriForLoading)
case tdmlFile: File => {
log(LogLevel.Info, "loading TDML file: %s", tdmlFile)
val uri = tdmlFile.toURI()
val newNode = loader.load(new URISchemaSource(uri))
val res = (newNode, uri)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "done loading TDML file: %s", tdmlFile)
case uri: URI => {
val newNode = loader.load(new URISchemaSource(uri))
val res = (newNode, uri)
case _ => Assert.usageError("not a Node, File, or URL")
} // end match
lazy val isTDMLFileValid = !this.isLoadingError
var checkAllTopLevel: Boolean = compileAllTopLevel
def setCheckAllTopLevel(flag: Boolean) {
checkAllTopLevel = flag
val parserTestCases = (ts \ "parserTestCase").map { node => ParserTestCase(node, this) }
// Note: IBM started this TDML file format. They call an unparser test a "serializer" test.
// We call it an UnparserTestCase
val unparserTestCases = (ts \ "unparserTestCase").map { node => UnparserTestCase(node, this) }
val testCases: Seq[TestCase] = parserTestCases ++
val duplicateTestCases = testCases.groupBy { }.filter { case (name, seq) => seq.length > 1 }
if (duplicateTestCases.size > 0) {
duplicateTestCases.foreach {
case (name, _) =>
System.err.println("TDML Runner: More than one test case for name '%s'.".format(name))
val testCaseMap = { tc => ( -> tc) }.toMap
val suiteName = (ts \ "@suiteName").text
val suiteID = (ts \ "@ID").text
val description = (ts \ "@description").text
val defaultRoundTrip = {
val str = (ts \ "@defaultRoundTrip").text
if (str == "") defaultRoundTripDefault else str.toBoolean
val defaultValidation = {
val str = (ts \ "@defaultValidation").text
if (str == "") defaultValidationDefault else str
val defaultConfig = {
val str = (ts \ "@defaultConfig").text
val embeddedSchemasRaw = (ts \ "defineSchema").map { node => DefinedSchema(node, this) }
val embeddedConfigs = (ts \ "defineConfig").map { node => DefinedConfig(node, this) }
val embeddedSchemas = {
val embeddedSchemaGroups = embeddedSchemasRaw.groupBy { }
embeddedSchemaGroups.foreach {
case (name, Seq(sch)) => // ok
case (name, seq) =>
// TDML XML schema has uniqueness check for this. Hence, this is just an Assert here
// since it means that the validation of the TDML file didn't catch the duplicate name.
Assert.usageError("More than one definition for embedded schema " + name)
def runAllTests(schema: Option[Node] = None) {
if (isTDMLFileValid) { }
else {
log(LogLevel.Error, "TDML file %s is not valid.", tsURI)
def runPerfTest(testName: String, schema: Option[Node] = None) {
var bytesProcessed: Long = 0
val ns = Timer.getTimeNS(testName, {
val nBytes = runOneTestWithDataVolumes(testName, schema)
bytesProcessed = nBytes
// val takeonsThisRun = ns / Tak.takeons
val bpns = ((bytesProcessed * 1.0) / ns)
val kbps = bpns * 1000000
val callsPerByte = 1 / (Tak.takeons * bpns)
println("\nKB/sec = " + kbps)
println("tak call equivalents per byte (takeons/byte) = " + callsPerByte)
private lazy val builtInTracer = new InteractiveDebugger(new TraceDebuggerRunner, ExpressionCompilers)
final var optDebugger: Option[Debugger] = None
def trace = {
this // allows chaining like runner.trace.runOneTest(....)
def setDebugging(b: Boolean) {
if (b == true)
if (optDebugger.isEmpty) optDebugger = Some(builtInTracer)
optDebugger = None
def setDebugger(d: Debugger) {
optDebugger = Some(d)
def runOneTest(testName: String, schema: Option[Node] = None, leakCheck: Boolean = false) {
if (leakCheck) {
Thread.sleep(1) // needed to give tools like jvisualvm ability to "grab on" quickly
runOneTestWithDataVolumes(testName, schema)
* Returns number of bytes processed.
def runOneTestWithDataVolumes(testName: String, schema: Option[Node] = None): Long = {
if (isTDMLFileValid) {
val testCase = testCases.find( == testName) // Map.get(testName)
testCase match {
case None => throw new TDMLException("test " + testName + " was not found.")
case Some(tc) => {
} else {
log(LogLevel.Error, "TDML file %s is not valid.", tsURI)
val msgs = { _.toString }.mkString("\n")
throw new TDMLException(msgs)
* Try a few possibilities to find the model/schema/tdml resources
* IBM's suites have funny model paths in them. We don't have that file structure,
* so we look for the schema/model/tdml resources in the working directory, and in the same
* directory as the tdml file, and some other variations.
def findTDMLResource(resName: String): Option[URI] = {
val resPath = Paths.get(resName)
val resolvedURI =
if (Files.exists(resPath)) Some(resPath.toFile().toURI())
else Misc.getResourceRelativeOption(resName, Some(tsURI))
val res = resolvedURI.orElse {
// try ignoring the directory part
val parts = resName.split("/")
if (parts.length > 1) { // if there is one
val filePart = parts.last
val secondTry = findTDMLResource(filePart) // recursively
} else {
def findEmbeddedSchema(modelName: String): Option[DefinedSchema] = {
// schemas defined with defineSchema take priority as names.
val es = embeddedSchemas.find { defSch => == modelName }
def findSchemaFileName(modelName: String) = findTDMLResource(modelName)
def findEmbeddedConfig(configName: String): Option[DefinedConfig] = {
val ecfg = embeddedConfigs.find { defCfg => == configName }
ecfg match {
case Some(defConfig) => Some(defConfig)
case None => None
def findConfigFileName(configName: String) = findTDMLResource(configName)
abstract class TestCase(testCaseXML: NodeSeq, val parent: DFDLTestSuite)
extends Logging {
lazy val defaultRoundTrip: Boolean = parent.defaultRoundTrip
lazy val defaultValidation: String = parent.defaultValidation
* This doesn't fetch a serialized processor, it runs whatever the processor is
* through a serialize then unserialize path to get a processor as if
* it were being fetched from a file.
private def generateProcessor(pf: DFDL.ProcessorFactory, useSerializedProcessor: Boolean): DFDLTestSuite.CompileResult = {
val p = pf.onPath("/")
val diags = p.getDiagnostics
if (p.isError) Left(diags)
else {
val dp =
if (useSerializedProcessor) {
val os = new
val output = Channels.newChannel(os)
val is = new
val input = Channels.newChannel(is)
val compiler_ = Compiler()
} else p
Right((diags, dp))
private def compileProcessor(schemaSource: DaffodilSchemaSource, useSerializedProcessor: Boolean): DFDLTestSuite.CompileResult = {
val pf = compiler.compileSource(schemaSource)
val diags = pf.getDiagnostics
if (pf.isError) {
Left(diags) // throw new TDMLException(diags)
} else {
val res = this.generateProcessor(pf, useSerializedProcessor)
final protected def getProcessor(schemaSource: DaffodilSchemaSource, useSerializedProcessor: Boolean): DFDLTestSuite.CompileResult = {
val res: DFDLTestSuite.CompileResult = schemaSource match {
case uss: URISchemaSource if parent.checkAllTopLevel =#= true =>
SchemaDataProcessorCache.compileAndCache(uss, useSerializedProcessor) {
compileProcessor(uss, useSerializedProcessor)
case _ => {
compileProcessor(schemaSource, useSerializedProcessor)
lazy val document = (testCaseXML \ "document") { node => new Document(node, this) }
lazy val optExpectedOrInputInfoset = (testCaseXML \ "infoset") { node => new Infoset(node, this) }
lazy val errors = (testCaseXML \ "errors") { node => new ExpectedErrors(node, this) }
lazy val warnings = (testCaseXML \ "warnings") { node => new ExpectedWarnings(node, this) }
lazy val validationErrors = (testCaseXML \ "validationErrors") { node => new ExpectedValidationErrors(node, this) }
val name = (testCaseXML \ "@name").text
lazy val tcID = (testCaseXML \ "@ID").text
lazy val id = name + (if (tcID != "") "(" + tcID + ")" else "")
lazy val root = (testCaseXML \ "@root").text
lazy val model = (testCaseXML \ "@model").text
lazy val config = (testCaseXML \ "@config").text
lazy val tcRoundTrip = (testCaseXML \ "@roundTrip").text
lazy val roundTrip: Boolean =
if (tcRoundTrip == "") defaultRoundTrip else tcRoundTrip.toBoolean
lazy val description = (testCaseXML \ "@description").text
lazy val unsupported = (testCaseXML \ "@unsupported").text match {
case "true" => true
case "false" => false
case _ => false
lazy val validationMode: ValidationMode.Type = (testCaseXML \ "@validation").text match {
case "on" => ValidationMode.Full
case "limited" => ValidationMode.Limited
case "off" => ValidationMode.Off
case "" => defaultValidation match {
case "on" => ValidationMode.Full
case "limited" => ValidationMode.Limited
case "off" => ValidationMode.Off
case other => Assert.invariantFailed("unrecognized default validation enum string: " + other)
case other => Assert.invariantFailed("unrecognized validation enum string: " + other)
lazy val shouldValidate = validationMode != ValidationMode.Off
lazy val expectsValidationError = if (validationErrors.isDefined) validationErrors.get.hasDiagnostics else false
protected def runProcessor(schemaSource: DaffodilSchemaSource,
expectedData: Option[DFDL.Input],
nBits: Option[Long],
errors: Option[ExpectedErrors],
warnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings],
validationErrors: Option[ExpectedValidationErrors],
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type,
roundTrip: Boolean,
tracer: Option[Debugger]): Unit
private def retrieveBindings(cfg: DefinedConfig, tunable: DaffodilTunables): Seq[Binding] = {
val bindings: Seq[Binding] = cfg.externalVariableBindings match {
case None => Seq.empty
case Some(bindingsNode) => ExternalVariablesLoader.getVariables(bindingsNode, tunable)
private def retrieveTunables(cfg: DefinedConfig): Map[String, String] = {
val configFileTunables: Map[String, String] = cfg.tunables match {
case None => Map.empty
case Some(tunableNode) => { { n => (n.label, n.text) }.toMap
// Provide ability to override existing (default) tunables
private def retrieveTunablesCombined(existingTunables: Map[String, String], cfg: DefinedConfig) = {
val configFileTunables: Map[String, String] = retrieveTunables(cfg)
// Note, ++ on Maps replaces any key/value pair from the left with that on the
// right, so key/value pairs defined in tunables overrule those defiend in
// the config file
val combined = existingTunables ++ configFileTunables
def getSuppliedSchema(schemaArg: Option[Node]): DaffodilSchemaSource = {
val embeddedSchema = parent.findEmbeddedSchema(model)
val schemaURI = parent.findSchemaFileName(model)
val suppliedSchema = (schemaArg, embeddedSchema, schemaURI) match {
case (None, None, None) => throw new TDMLException("Model '" + model + "' was not passed, found embedded in the TDML file, nor as a schema file.")
case (None, Some(_), Some(_)) => throw new TDMLException("Model '" + model + "' is ambiguous. There is an embedded model with that name, AND a file with that name.")
case (Some(node), _, _) => {
// unit test case. There is no URI/file location
if (model != "") throw new TDMLException("You supplied a model attribute, and a schema argument. Can't have both.")
// note that in this case, since a node was passed in, this node has no file/line/col information on it
// so error messages will end up being about some temp file.
UnitTestSchemaSource(node, name)
case (None, Some(defSchema), None) => {
Assert.invariant(model != "") // validation of the TDML should prevent this
case (None, None, Some(uri)) => {
// In this case, we have a real TDML file (or resource) to open
} // end match
protected val compiler = Compiler(parent.validateDFDLSchemas)
* Returns number of bytes processed.
def run(schemaArg: Option[Node] = None): Long = {
val suppliedSchema = getSuppliedSchema(schemaArg)
val defaultCfg: Option[DefinedConfig] = parent.defaultConfig match {
case "" => None
case configName => {
val cfgFileName = parent.findConfigFileName(configName)
cfgFileName match {
case None => None
case Some(uri) => {
// Read file, convert to definedConfig
val node = ConfigurationLoader.getConfiguration(parent.loader, uri)
val definedConfig = DefinedConfig(node, parent)
val cfg: Option[DefinedConfig] = config match {
case "" => None
case configName => {
val cfgNode = parent.findEmbeddedConfig(configName)
val cfgFileName = parent.findConfigFileName(configName)
val optDefinedConfig = (cfgNode, cfgFileName) match {
case (None, None) => None
case (Some(_), Some(_)) => throw new TDMLException("Config '" + config + "' is ambiguous. There is an embedded config with that name, AND a file with that name.")
case (Some(definedConfig), None) => Some(definedConfig)
case (None, Some(uri)) => {
// Read file, convert to definedConfig
val node = ConfigurationLoader.getConfiguration(parent.loader, uri)
val definedConfig = DefinedConfig(node, parent)
val defaultTunables: Map[String, String] = defaultCfg match {
case None => Map.empty
case Some(definedConfig) => retrieveTunables(definedConfig)
val tunables: Map[String, String] = cfg match {
case None => defaultTunables
case Some(embeddedConfig) => retrieveTunablesCombined(defaultTunables, embeddedConfig)
val tunableObj = DaffodilTunables(tunables)
val externalVarBindings: Seq[Binding] = cfg match {
case None => Seq.empty
case Some(definedConfig) => retrieveBindings(definedConfig, tunableObj)
compiler.setDistinguishedRootNode(root, null)
val optInputOrExpectedData = { }
val nBits: Option[Long] = { _.nBits }
runProcessor(suppliedSchema, optInputOrExpectedData, nBits, errors, warnings, validationErrors, validationMode,
roundTrip, parent.optDebugger)
// return number of bytes processed.
nBits.getOrElse(0L) / 8
def setupDebugOrTrace(processor: DFDL.DataProcessor) {
parent.optDebugger.foreach { d =>
val p = processor.asInstanceOf[DataProcessor]
case class ParserTestCase(ptc: NodeSeq, parentArg: DFDLTestSuite)
extends TestCase(ptc, parentArg) {
lazy val optExpectedInfoset = this.optExpectedOrInputInfoset
override def runProcessor(schemaSource: DaffodilSchemaSource,
optDataToParse: Option[DFDL.Input],
optLengthLimitInBits: Option[Long],
optErrors: Option[ExpectedErrors],
optWarnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings],
optValidationErrors: Option[ExpectedValidationErrors],
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type,
roundTrip: Boolean,
tracer: Option[Debugger]) = {
val useSerializedProcessor = if (validationMode == ValidationMode.Full) false else true
val nBits = optLengthLimitInBits.get
val dataToParse = optDataToParse.get
val processor = getProcessor(schemaSource, useSerializedProcessor)
processor.right.foreach {
case (warnings, proc) =>
// Print out the warnings
// (JIRA DFDL-1583 is implementation of expected warnings checking.)
warnings.foreach { System.err.println(_) }
(optExpectedInfoset, optErrors) match {
case (Some(infoset), None) => {
processor.left.foreach { diags => throw new TDMLException(diags) }
processor.right.foreach {
case (warnings, processor) =>
runParseExpectSuccess(processor, dataToParse, nBits, optWarnings, optValidationErrors, validationMode, roundTrip)
case (None, Some(errors)) => {
processor.left.foreach { diags =>
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(diags, Some(errors))
processor.right.foreach {
case (warnings, processor) =>
runParseExpectErrors(processor, dataToParse, nBits, errors, optWarnings, optValidationErrors, validationMode)
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("Should be Some None, or None Some only.")
def runParseExpectErrors(processor: DFDL.DataProcessor,
dataToParse: DFDL.Input,
lengthLimitInBits: Long,
errors: ExpectedErrors,
optWarnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings],
optValidationErrors: Option[ExpectedValidationErrors],
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type) {
val diagnostics = {
if (processor.isError) processor.getDiagnostics
else {
val sw = new StringWriter()
val out = new XMLTextInfosetOutputter(sw)
val actual = processor.parse(dataToParse, out, lengthLimitInBits)
if (actual.isError) actual
else {
val loc: DataLocation = actual.resultState.currentLocation
if (!loc.isAtEnd) {
val leftOverMsg = "Left over data. Consumed %s bit(s) with %s bit(s) remaining.".format(loc.bitPos1b - 1, lengthLimitInBits - (loc.bitPos1b - 1))
actual.addDiagnostic(new GeneralParseFailure(leftOverMsg))
} else {
// We did not get an error!!
// val diags = actual.getDiagnostics().map(_.getMessage()).foldLeft("")(_ + "\n" + _)
throw new TDMLException("Expected error. Didn't get one. Actual result was\n" + sw.toString)
processor.getDiagnostics ++ actual.getDiagnostics
// check for any test-specified errors
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(diagnostics, Some(errors))
// check for any test-specified warnings
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(diagnostics, optWarnings)
def runParseExpectSuccess(processor: DFDL.DataProcessor,
dataToParse: DFDL.Input,
lengthLimitInBits: Long,
warnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings],
validationErrors: Option[ExpectedValidationErrors],
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type,
roundTripArg: Boolean) {
val roundTrip = roundTripArg // change to true to force all parse tests to round trip (to see which fail to round trip)
if (processor.isError) {
val diagObjs = processor.getDiagnostics
if (diagObjs.length == 1) throw diagObjs(0)
throw new TDMLException(diagObjs)
var testPass = 1
var stillTesting = true
var testData = IOUtils.toByteArray(Channels.newInputStream(dataToParse))
var testDataLength = lengthLimitInBits
val testInfoset = optExpectedInfoset.get
while (stillTesting) {
val outputter = new TDMLInfosetOutputter()
val actual = processor.parse(Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(testData)), outputter, testDataLength)
if (actual.isProcessingError) {
// Means there was an error, not just warnings.
val diagObjs = actual.getDiagnostics
if (diagObjs.length == 1) throw new TDMLException(diagObjs(0))
val diags ="\n")
throw new TDMLException(diags)
val loc: DataLocation = actual.resultState.currentLocation
val leftOverException = if (!loc.isAtEnd) {
val leftOverMsg = "Left over data. Consumed %s bit(s) with %s bit(s) remaining.".format(loc.bitPos1b - 1, lengthLimitInBits - (loc.bitPos1b - 1))
Some(new TDMLException(leftOverMsg))
} else None
val resultXmlNode = outputter.getResult
VerifyTestCase.verifyParserTestData(resultXmlNode, testInfoset)
(shouldValidate, expectsValidationError) match {
case (true, true) => {
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(actual.getDiagnostics, validationErrors) // verify all validation errors were found
case (true, false) => {
VerifyTestCase.verifyNoValidationErrorsFound(actual) // Verify no validation errors from parser
case (false, true) => throw new TDMLException("Test case invalid. Validation is off but the test expects an error.")
case (false, false) => // Nothing to do here.
} { throw _ } // if we get here, throw the left over data exception.
// TODO: Implement Warnings
// check for any test-specified warnings
//verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(actual, warnings)
val allDiags = processor.getDiagnostics ++ actual.getDiagnostics
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(allDiags, warnings)
// if we get here, the test passed. If we don't get here then some exception was
// thrown either during the run of the test or during the comparison.
if (roundTrip && testPass < 2) {
val outStream = new
val output = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(outStream)
val inputter = outputter.toInfosetInputter()
val unparseResult = processor.unparse(inputter, output).asInstanceOf[UnparseResult]
if (unparseResult.isProcessingError) {
val diagObjs = processor.getDiagnostics ++ unparseResult.resultState.diagnostics
if (diagObjs.length == 1) throw diagObjs(0)
throw new TDMLException(diagObjs)
try {
VerifyTestCase.verifyUnparserTestData(Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(testData)), outStream)
// if verification passes, we're done
stillTesting = false
} catch {
case e: TDMLException => {
// if verification threw (failed)
// consider this:
// infoset1 = parse(data1)
// data2 = unparse(infoset1)
// if comparing expected output to data2 failed, then we want to try again:
// infoset2 = parse(data2)
// data3 = unparse(infoset2)
// if comparing data2 to data 3 fails, then the test fails
// As an example of why this is needed.
// If the input data is 64 bits all 1s, parsing that as a double produces a NaN as
// do many bit patterns. Unparsing this produces the cannonical NaN (which is *not* all 1s)
// However, parsing this cannnonical NaN bit pattern produces a NaN again, and unparsing
// it again produces the same cannoical NaN bits. So this second comparison will succeed.
// Any time a parse+unparse is a many to 1 mapping, a parser test case isn't necessarily
// going to invert into an unparser test.
if (testPass == 1) {
// Try again
testData = outStream.toByteArray
testDataLength = unparseResult.resultState.bitPos0b
val fullBytesNeeded = (testDataLength + 7) / 8
if (testData.length != fullBytesNeeded) {
throw new TDMLException("Unparse result data was was %d bytes, but the result length (%d bits) requires %d bytes.".format(testData.length, testDataLength, fullBytesNeeded))
} else
throw e
testPass += 1
} else stillTesting = false
case class UnparserTestCase(ptc: NodeSeq, parentArg: DFDLTestSuite)
extends TestCase(ptc, parentArg) {
lazy val inputInfoset = this.optExpectedOrInputInfoset.get
def runProcessor(schemaSource: DaffodilSchemaSource,
optExpectedData: Option[DFDL.Input],
optNBits: Option[Long],
optErrors: Option[ExpectedErrors],
optWarnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings],
optValidationErrors: Option[ExpectedValidationErrors],
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type,
roundTrip: Boolean,
tracer: Option[Debugger]) = {
val useSerializedProcessor = if (validationMode == ValidationMode.Full) false else true
val processor = getProcessor(schemaSource, useSerializedProcessor)
processor.right.foreach {
case (warnings, proc) =>
// Print out the warnings
// (JIRA DFDL-1583 is implementation of expected warnings checking.)
warnings.foreach { System.err.println(_) }
(optExpectedData, optErrors) match {
case (Some(expectedData), None) => {
processor.left.foreach { diags => throw new TDMLException(diags) }
processor.right.foreach {
case (warnings, processor) =>
runUnparserExpectSuccess(processor, expectedData, optWarnings, roundTrip)
case (_, Some(errors)) => {
processor.left.foreach { diags =>
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(diags, Some(errors))
processor.right.foreach {
case (warnings, processor) =>
runUnparserExpectErrors(processor, optExpectedData, errors, optWarnings)
case _ => Assert.impossibleCase()
def runUnparserExpectSuccess(processor: DFDL.DataProcessor,
expectedData: DFDL.Input,
optWarnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings],
roundTrip: Boolean) {
val outStream = new
val output = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(outStream)
val infosetXML = inputInfoset.dfdlInfoset.rawContents
val inputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetInputter(infosetXML)
val actual = processor.unparse(inputter, output).asInstanceOf[UnparseResult]
if (actual.isError)
throw new TDMLException(actual.getDiagnostics)
// Test that we are getting the number of full bytes needed.
val testData = outStream.toByteArray
val testDataLength = actual.resultState.dataOutputStream.maybeAbsBitPos0b.get
val fullBytesNeeded = (testDataLength + 7) / 8
if (testData.length != fullBytesNeeded) {
throw new TDMLException("Unparse result data was was %d bytes, but the result length (%d bits) requires %d bytes.".format(testData.length, testDataLength, fullBytesNeeded))
if (actual.isScannable) {
// all textual in one encoding, so we can do display of results
// in terms of text so the user can see what is going on.
VerifyTestCase.verifyTextData(expectedData, outStream, actual.encodingName)
} else {
// data is not all textual, or in mixture of encodings
// So while we can still use the encoding as a heuristic,
// we will need to treat as Hex bytes as well.
VerifyTestCase.verifyBinaryOrMixedData(expectedData, outStream)
// TODO: Implement Warnings - check for any test-specified warnings
// verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(actual, warnings)
if (roundTrip) {
val out = new ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter()
val parseActual = processor.parse(Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(outStream.toByteArray)), out, testDataLength)
if (parseActual.isProcessingError) {
// Means there was an error, not just warnings.
val diagObjs = parseActual.getDiagnostics
if (diagObjs.length == 1) throw diagObjs(0)
val diags ="\n")
throw new TDMLException(diags)
val loc: DataLocation = parseActual.resultState.currentLocation
val leftOverException = if (!loc.isAtEnd) {
val leftOverMsg = "Left over data. Consumed %s bit(s) with %s bit(s) remaining.".format(loc.bitPos1b - 1, testDataLength - (loc.bitPos1b - 1))
Some(new TDMLException(leftOverMsg))
} else None
val xmlNode = out.getResult
VerifyTestCase.verifyParserTestData(xmlNode, inputInfoset)
(shouldValidate, expectsValidationError) match {
case (true, true) => {
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(actual.getDiagnostics, validationErrors) // verify all validation errors were found
case (true, false) => {
VerifyTestCase.verifyNoValidationErrorsFound(actual) // Verify no validation errors from parser
case (false, true) => throw new TDMLException("Test case invalid. Validation is off but the test expects an error.")
case (false, false) => // Nothing to do here.
} { throw _ } // if we get here, throw the left over data exception.
def runUnparserExpectErrors(processor: DFDL.DataProcessor,
optExpectedData: Option[DFDL.Input],
errors: ExpectedErrors,
optWarnings: Option[ExpectedWarnings]) {
val diagnostics = {
if (processor.isError) processor.getDiagnostics
else {
val outStream = new
val output = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(outStream)
val infosetXML = inputInfoset.dfdlInfoset.rawContents
val inputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetInputter(infosetXML)
val actual = processor.unparse(inputter, output)
// Verify that some partial output has shown up in the bytes.
val dataErrors = {
optExpectedData.flatMap { data =>
try {
if (actual.isScannable) {
// all textual in one encoding, so we can do display of results
// in terms of text so the user can see what is going on.
VerifyTestCase.verifyTextData(data, outStream, actual.encodingName)
} else {
// data is not all textual, or in mixture of encodings
// So while we can still use the encoding as a heuristic,
// we will need to treat as Hex bytes as well.
VerifyTestCase.verifyBinaryOrMixedData(data, outStream)
} catch {
// verifyData throws TDMLExceptions if the data doesn't match
// In order for negative tests to look for these errors
// we need to capture them and treat like regular diagnostics.
case x: TDMLException =>
processor.getDiagnostics ++ actual.getDiagnostics ++ dataErrors
// check for any test-specified errors
VerifyTestCase.verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(diagnostics, Some(errors))
object VerifyTestCase {
def verifyParserTestData(actual: Node, infoset: Infoset) {
// Attributes on the XML like xsi:type and also namespaces (I think) are
// making things fail these comparisons, so we strip all attributes off (since DFDL doesn't
// use attributes at all)
val actualNoAttrs = XMLUtils.removeAttributes(actual)
// Would be great to validate the actuals against the DFDL schema, used as
// an XML schema on the returned infoset XML.
// Getting this to work is a bigger issue. What with stripping of attributes
// and that our internal Daffodil XML Catalog has a special treatment of the
// mapping of the XML Schema URI.
// etc.
// TODO: Fix so we can validate here.
// Something about the way XML is constructed is different between our infoset
// results and the ones created by scala directly parsing the TDML test files.
// This has something to do with values being lists of text nodes and entities
// and not just simple strings. I.e., if you write: <foo>a&#x5E74;</foo>, that's not
// an element with a string as its value. It's an element with several text nodes as
// its values.
// so we run the expected stuff through the same converters that were used to
// convert the actual.
// val expected = XMLUtils.element2ElemTDML(XMLUtils.elem2ElementTDML(infoset.contents)) //val expected = XMLUtils.element2Elem(XMLUtils.elem2Element(infoset.contents))
val expected = infoset.contents
// infoset.contents already has attributes removed.
// however, we call removeAttributes anyway because of the way it collapses
// multiple strings within a text node.
val expectedNoAttrs = XMLUtils.removeAttributes(XMLUtils.convertPCDataToText(expected))
XMLUtils.compareAndReport(expectedNoAttrs, actualNoAttrs)
def verifyUnparserTestData(expectedData: DFDL.Input, actualOutStream: {
val actualBytes = actualOutStream.toByteArray
val expectedDataStream = Channels.newInputStream(expectedData)
val expectedBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(expectedDataStream)
// example data was of size 0 (could not read anything). We're not supposed to get any actual data.
if (expectedBytes.length == 0 && actualBytes.length > 0) {
throw new TDMLException("Unexpected data was created.")
val readCount = expectedBytes.length
if (actualBytes.length != readCount) {
throw new TDMLException("output data length " + actualBytes.length + " for " + actualBytes.toList +
" doesn't match expected value " + readCount + " for " + expectedBytes)
val pairs = expectedBytes zip actualBytes zip Stream.from(1)
pairs.foreach {
case ((expected, actual), index) =>
if (expected != actual) {
val msg = "Unparsed data differs at byte %d. Expected 0x%02x. Actual was 0x%02x.".format(index, expected, actual)
throw new TDMLException(msg)
def verifyAllDiagnosticsFound(actualDiags: Seq[Throwable], expectedDiags: Option[ErrorWarningBase]) = {
val actualDiagMsgs = { _.toString }
val expectedDiagMsgs = { _.messages }.getOrElse(Nil)
if (expectedDiags.isDefined && actualDiags.length == 0) {
throw new TDMLException(""""Diagnostic message(s) were expected but not found."""" +
"\n" + """Expected: """ + expectedDiagMsgs.mkString("\n"))
// must find each expected warning message within some actual warning message.
expectedDiagMsgs.foreach {
expected =>
val wasFound = actualDiagMsgs.exists {
actual => actual.toLowerCase.contains(expected.toLowerCase)
if (!wasFound) {
throw new TDMLException("""Did not find diagnostic message """" +
expected + """" in any of the actual diagnostic messages: """ + "\n" +
def verifyNoValidationErrorsFound(actual: WithDiagnostics) = {
val actualDiags = actual.getDiagnostics.filter(d => d.isInstanceOf[ValidationError])
if (actualDiags.length != 0) {
val actualDiagMsgs = { _.toString }
throw new TDMLException("Validation errors found where none were expected by the test case.\n" +
def verifyTextData(expectedData: DFDL.Input, actualOutStream:, encodingName: String) {
// Getting this decoder and decoding the bytes to text this way is
// necessary, as opposed to toString(encodingName), because it is possible
// that encodingName is a custom DFDL specific decoder (e.g. 7-bit ASCII)
// that Java does not know about.
val decoder = CharsetUtils.getCharset(encodingName).newDecoder()
val actualBytes = actualOutStream.toByteArray
val expectedBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(Channels.newInputStream(expectedData))
val actualText = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(actualBytes)).toString
val expectedText = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(expectedBytes)).toString
if (expectedText.length == 0) {
// example data was of size 0 (could not read anything). We're not supposed to get any actual data.
if (actualText.length > 0) {
throw new TDMLException("Unexpected data '%s' was created.".format(actualText))
return // we're done. Nothing equals nothing.
// compare expected data to what was output.
val maxTextCharsToShow = 100
def trimToMax(str: String) = {
if (str.length <= maxTextCharsToShow) str
else str.substring(0, maxTextCharsToShow) + "..."
if (actualText.length != expectedText.length) {
val actualCharsToShow = if (actualText.length == 0) "" else " for '" + trimToMax(actualText) + "'"
val expectedCharsToShow = if (expectedText.length == 0) "" else " for '" + trimToMax(expectedText) + "'"
throw new TDMLException("output data length " + actualText.length + actualCharsToShow +
" doesn't match expected length " + expectedText.length + expectedCharsToShow)
val pairs = expectedText.toSeq zip actualText.toSeq zip Stream.from(1)
pairs.foreach {
case ((expected, actual), index) =>
if (expected != actual) {
val msg = "Unparsed data differs at character %d. Expected '%s'. Actual was '%s'".format(index, expected, actual)
throw new TDMLException(msg)
private val cs8859 = java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("iso-8859-1")
def verifyBinaryOrMixedData(expectedData: DFDL.Input, actualOutStream: {
val actualBytes = actualOutStream.toByteArray
lazy val actual8859String = cs8859.newDecoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(actualBytes)).toString()
lazy val displayableActual = Misc.remapControlsAndLineEndingsToVisibleGlyphs(actual8859String)
val expectedBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(Channels.newInputStream(expectedData))
lazy val expected8859String = cs8859.newDecoder().decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(expectedBytes)).toString()
lazy val displayableExpected = Misc.remapControlsAndLineEndingsToVisibleGlyphs(expected8859String)
lazy val expectedAndActualDisplayStrings = "\n" +
"Excected data (as iso8859-1): " + displayableExpected + "\n" +
"Actual data : " + displayableActual
val readCount = expectedBytes.length
if (readCount == 0) {
// example data was of size 0 (could not read anything). We're not supposed to get any actual data.
if (actualBytes.length > 0) {
throw new TDMLException("Unexpected data was created: '" + displayableActual + "'")
return // we're done. Nothing equals nothing.
// compare expected data to what was output.
if (actualBytes.length != readCount) {
val bytesToShow = if (actualBytes.length == 0) "" else " for " + Misc.bytes2Hex(actualBytes)
throw new TDMLException("output data length " + actualBytes.length + bytesToShow +
" doesn't match expected length " + readCount + " for " + Misc.bytes2Hex(expectedBytes) +
val pairs = expectedBytes zip actualBytes zip Stream.from(1)
pairs.foreach {
case ((expected, actual), index) =>
if (expected != actual) {
val msg = "Unparsed data differs at byte %d. Expected 0x%02x. Actual was 0x%02x.".format(index, expected, actual) +
throw new TDMLException(msg)
case class DefinedSchema(xml: Node, parent: DFDLTestSuite) {
/* Because the TDMLRunner is dumb and the thing that reads in the xml has no
* knowledge of tdml.xsd, we have to set a default value here even though one
* is specified in tdml.xsd.
* */
val name = (xml \ "@name").text.toString
val elementFormDefault = {
val value = (xml \ "@elementFormDefault").text.toString
else value
val defineFormats = (xml \ "defineFormat")
val defaultFormats = (xml \ "format")
val defineVariables = (xml \ "defineVariable")
val defineEscapeSchemes = (xml \ "defineEscapeScheme")
val globalElementDecls = {
val res = (xml \ "element")
val globalSimpleTypeDefs = (xml \ "simpleType")
val globalComplexTypeDefs = (xml \ "complexType")
val globalGroupDefs = (xml \ "group")
val globalIncludes = (xml \ "include")
val globalImports = (xml \ "import")
val dfdlTopLevels = defineFormats ++ defaultFormats ++ defineVariables ++ defineEscapeSchemes
val xsdTopLevels = globalImports ++ globalIncludes ++ globalElementDecls ++ globalSimpleTypeDefs ++
globalComplexTypeDefs ++ globalGroupDefs
val fileName = parent.ts.attribute(XMLUtils.INT_NS, XMLUtils.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) match {
case Some(seqNodes) => seqNodes.toString
case None => ""
lazy val xsdSchema =
SchemaUtils.dfdlTestSchema(dfdlTopLevels, xsdTopLevels, fileName = fileName, schemaScope = xml.scope, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
case class DefinedConfig(xml: Node, parent: DFDLTestSuite) {
val name = (xml \ "@name").text.toString
val externalVariableBindings = (xml \ "externalVariableBindings").headOption
val tunables = (scala.xml.Utility.trim(xml) \ "tunables").headOption /* had to add trim here to get rid of #PCDATA */
// Add additional compiler tunable variables here
val fileName = parent.ts.attribute(XMLUtils.INT_NS, XMLUtils.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) match {
case Some(seqNodes) => seqNodes.toString
case None => ""
sealed abstract class DocumentContentType
case object ContentTypeText extends DocumentContentType
case object ContentTypeByte extends DocumentContentType
case object ContentTypeBits extends DocumentContentType
case object ContentTypeFile extends DocumentContentType
// TODO: add capability to specify character set encoding into which text is to be converted (all UTF-8 currently)
sealed abstract class BitOrderType
case object LSBFirst extends BitOrderType
case object MSBFirst extends BitOrderType
sealed abstract class ByteOrderType
case object RTL extends ByteOrderType
case object LTR extends ByteOrderType
case class Document(d: NodeSeq, parent: TestCase) {
lazy val documentExplicitBitOrder = (d \ "@bitOrder").toString match {
case "LSBFirst" => Some(LSBFirst)
case "MSBFirst" => Some(MSBFirst)
case "" => None
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("invalid bit order.")
private lazy val nDocumentParts = dataDocumentParts.length
lazy val documentBitOrder: BitOrderType = {
this.documentExplicitBitOrder match {
case Some(order) => order
case None => {
// analyze the child parts
val groups = dataDocumentParts.groupBy(_.explicitBitOrder).map {
case (key, seq) => (key, seq.length)
if (groups.get(Some(MSBFirst)) == Some(nDocumentParts)) MSBFirst // all are msb first
else if (groups.get(Some(LSBFirst)) == Some(nDocumentParts)) LSBFirst // all are lsb first
else if (groups.get(None) == Some(nDocumentParts)) MSBFirst // everything is silent on bit order.
else {
// Some mixture of explicit and non-explicit bitOrder
"Must specify bitOrder on document element when parts have a mixture of bit orders.")
private lazy val Seq(<document>{ children @ _* }</document>) = d
private val actualDocumentPartElementChildren = children.toList.flatMap {
child =>
child match {
case <documentPart>{ _* }</documentPart> => {
List((child \ "@type").toString match {
case "text" => new TextDocumentPart(child, this)
case "byte" => new ByteDocumentPart(child, this)
case "bits" => new BitsDocumentPart(child, this)
case "file" => new FileDocumentPart(child, this)
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("invalid content type.")
case _ => Nil
// check that document element either contains text content directly with no other documentPart children,
// or it contains ONLY documentPart children (and whitespace around them).
if (actualDocumentPartElementChildren.length > 0) {
children.foreach { child =>
child match {
case <documentPart>{ _* }</documentPart> => // ok
case scala.xml.Text(s) if (s.matches("""\s+""")) => // whitespace text nodes ok
case scala.xml.Comment(_) => // ok
case scala.xml.PCData(s) => // ok
case scala.xml.EntityRef(_) => //ok
case _: scala.xml.Atom[_] => //ok. Things like &lt; come through as this. Should be EntityRef("lt")
case x => Assert.usageError("Illegal TDML data document content '" + x + "'")
private lazy val unCheckedDocumentParts: Seq[DocumentPart] = {
val udp =
if (actualDocumentPartElementChildren.length > 0) actualDocumentPartElementChildren
else List(new TextDocumentPart(<documentPart type="text">{ children }</documentPart>, this))
private lazy val dataDocumentParts = {
val dps = unCheckedDocumentParts.collect { case dp: DataDocumentPart => dp }
private lazy val fileParts = {
val fps = unCheckedDocumentParts.collect { case fp: FileDocumentPart => fp }
Assert.usage(fps.length == 0 ||
(fps.length == 1 && dataDocumentParts.length == 0),
"There can be only one documentPart of type file, and it must be the only documentPart.")
private[tdml] lazy val documentParts = {
dataDocumentParts ++ fileParts
* A method because it is easier to unit test it
private def checkForBadBitOrderTransitions(dps: Seq[DataDocumentPart]) {
if (dps.length <= 1) return
// these are the total lengths BEFORE the component
val lengths = { _.lengthInBits }
val cumulativeDocumentPartLengthsInBits = lengths.scanLeft(0) { case (sum, num) => sum + num }
val docPartBitOrders = { _.partBitOrder }
val transitions = docPartBitOrders zip docPartBitOrders.tail zip cumulativeDocumentPartLengthsInBits.tail zip dps
transitions.foreach {
case (((bitOrderPrior, bitOrderHere), cumulativeLength), docPart) => {
// println("transition " + bitOrderPrior + " " + bitOrderHere + " " + cumulativeLength)
(bitOrderPrior == bitOrderHere) || ((cumulativeLength % 8) == 0),
"bitOrder can only change on a byte boundary.")
* When data is coming from the TDML file as small test data in
* DataDocumentParts, then
* Due to alignment, and bits-granularity issues, everything is lowered into
* bits first, and then concatenated, and then converted back into bytes
* These are all lazy val, since if data is coming from a file these aren't
* needed at all.
final lazy val documentBits = {
val nFragBits = (nBits.toInt % 8)
val nAddOnBits = if (nFragBits == 0) 0 else 8 - nFragBits
val addOnBits = "0" * nAddOnBits
val bitsFromParts = { _.contentAsBits }
val allPartsBits = documentBitOrder match {
case MSBFirst => bitsFromParts.flatten
case LSBFirst => {
val x = { { _.reverse } }
val rtlBits = x.flatten.mkString.reverse
val ltrBits = rtlBits.reverse.sliding(8, 8).map { _.reverse }.toList
val allBits = allPartsBits.mkString.sliding(8, 8).toList
if (allBits == Nil) Nil
else {
val lastByte = this.documentBitOrder match {
case MSBFirst => allBits.last + addOnBits
case LSBFirst => addOnBits + allBits.last
val res = allBits.dropRight(1) :+ lastByte
final lazy val nBits: Long = {
} sum
final lazy val documentBytes = bits2Bytes(documentBits)
* this 'data' is the kind our parser's parse method expects.
* Note: this is def data so that the input is re-read every time.
* Needed if you run the same test over and over.
final def data = {
if (isDPFile) {
// direct I/O to the file. No 'bits' lowering involved.
val dp = documentParts(0).asInstanceOf[FileDocumentPart]
val input = dp.fileDataInput
} else {
// assemble the input from the various pieces, having lowered
// everything to bits.
val bytes = documentBytes.toArray
// println("data size is " + bytes.length)
val inputStream = new;
val rbc = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(inputStream);
* data coming from a file?
val isDPFile = {
val res = documentParts.length > 0 &&
if (res) {
Assert.usage(documentParts.length == 1, "There can be only one documentPart of type file, and it must be the only documentPart.")
class TextDocumentPart(part: Node, parent: Document) extends DataDocumentPart(part, parent) {
private def err(encName: String, partBitOrd: BitOrderType) = {
Assert.usageError("encoding %s requires bitOrder='%s'".format(encName, partBitOrd))
lazy val encoder = {
val upperName = encodingName.toUpperCase
val cs = CharsetUtils.getCharset(upperName)
cs match {
case bitEnc: NonByteSizeCharset => {
(bitEnc.requiredBitOrder, partBitOrder) match {
case (BitOrder.LeastSignificantBitFirst, LSBFirst) => //ok
case (BitOrder.MostSignificantBitFirst, MSBFirst) => //ok
case (BitOrder.LeastSignificantBitFirst, _) => err(upperName, LSBFirst)
case _ => err(upperName, MSBFirst)
case _ => //ok
val enc = cs.newEncoder()
lazy val textContentWithoutEntities = {
if (replaceDFDLEntities) {
try { EntityReplacer { _.replaceAll(partRawContent) } }
catch {
case e: Exception =>
} else partRawContent
* Result is sequence of strings, each string representing a byte or
* partial byte using '1' and '0' characters for the bits.
def encodeUtf8ToBits(s: String): Seq[String] = {
// Fails here if we use getBytes("UTF-8") because that uses the utf-8 encoder,
// and that will fail on things like unpaired surrogate characters that we allow
// in our data and our infoset.
// So instead we must do our own UTF-8-like encoding of the data
// so that we can put in codepoints we want.
val bytes = UTF8Encoder.utf8LikeEncode(textContentWithoutEntities).toArray
val res = { b => (b & 0xFF).toBinaryString.reverse.padTo(8, '0').reverse }.toList
def encodeWithNonByteSizeEncoder(s: String, byteSize: Int): Seq[String] = {
val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * s.length)
val cb = CharBuffer.wrap(s)
val coderResult = encoder.encode(cb, bb, true)
Assert.invariant(coderResult == CoderResult.UNDERFLOW)
val res = (0 to bb.limit() - 1).map { bb.get(_) }
// val bitsAsString = bytes2Bits(res.toArray)
val enc = encoder.asInstanceOf[NonByteSizeCharsetEncoder]
val nBits = s.length * enc.bitWidthOfACodeUnit
val bitStrings = { b => (b & 0xFF).toBinaryString.reverse.padTo(8, '0').reverse }.toList
val allBits = bitStrings.reverse.mkString.takeRight(nBits)
val bitChunks = allBits.reverse.sliding(byteSize, byteSize).map { _.reverse }.toList
def encodeWith8BitEncoder(s: String): Seq[String] = {
val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(4 * s.length)
val cb = CharBuffer.wrap(s)
val coderResult = encoder.encode(cb, bb, true)
Assert.invariant(coderResult == CoderResult.UNDERFLOW)
val res = (0 to bb.limit() - 1).map { bb.get(_) }
// val bitsAsString = bytes2Bits(res.toArray)
// val nBits = bb.limit() * 8
val bitStrings = { b => (b & 0xFF).toBinaryString.reverse.padTo(8, '0').reverse }.toList
lazy val dataBits = {
val bytesAsStrings =
encoder.charset() match {
case nbs: NonByteSizeCharset =>
encodeWithNonByteSizeEncoder(textContentWithoutEntities, nbs.bitWidthOfACodeUnit)
case _ =>
class ByteDocumentPart(part: Node, parent: Document) extends DataDocumentPart(part, parent) {
val validHexDigits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
lazy val dataBits = {
val hexBytes = partByteOrder match {
case LTR => {
val ltrDigits = hexDigits.sliding(2, 2).toList
case RTL => {
val rtlDigits = hexDigits.reverse.sliding(2, 2) { _.reverse }
val bits = { hex2Bits(_) }
// Note: anything that is not a valid hex digit (or binary digit for binary) is simply skipped
// TODO: we should check for whitespace and other characters we want to allow, and verify them.
// TODO: Or better, validate this in the XML Schema for tdml via a pattern facet
// TODO: Consider whether to support a comment syntax. When showing data examples this may be useful.
lazy val hexDigits = partRawContent.flatMap { ch => if (validHexDigits.contains(ch)) List(ch) else Nil }
class BitsDocumentPart(part: Node, parent: Document) extends DataDocumentPart(part, parent) {
// val validBinaryDigits = "01"
// lazy val bitContentToBytes = bits2Bytes(bitDigits).toList
lazy val bitDigits = {
val res = partRawContent.split("[^01]").mkString
lazy val dataBits = partByteOrder match {
case LTR => {
val ltrBigits = bitDigits.sliding(8, 8).toList
case RTL => {
val rtlBigits =
bitDigits.reverse.sliding(8, 8) { _.reverse }
class FileDocumentPart(part: Node, parent: Document) extends DocumentPart(part, parent) with Logging {
override lazy val nBits =
if (lengthInBytes != -1L) lengthInBytes * 8
else -1L // signifies we do not know how many.
lazy val (url, lengthInBytes) = {
val maybeURI = parent.parent.parent.findTDMLResource(partRawContent.trim())
val uri = maybeURI.getOrElse(throw new FileNotFoundException("TDMLRunner: data file '" + partRawContent + "' was not found"))
val url = uri.toURL
if (url.getProtocol() == "file") {
val file = new File(uri)
(url, file.length())
} else
(url, -1L)
lazy val fileDataInput = {
val is = url.openStream()
val rbc = Channels.newChannel(is)
* Base class for all document parts that contain data directly expressed in the XML
sealed abstract class DataDocumentPart(part: Node, parent: Document)
extends DocumentPart(part, parent) {
def dataBits: Seq[String]
lazy val lengthInBits = { _.length } sum
override lazy val nBits: Long = lengthInBits
lazy val contentAsBits = dataBits
* Base class for all document parts
sealed abstract class DocumentPart(part: Node, parent: Document) {
def nBits: Long
lazy val explicitBitOrder: Option[BitOrderType] = {
val bitOrd = (part \ "@bitOrder").toString match {
case "LSBFirst" => Some(LSBFirst)
case "MSBFirst" => Some(MSBFirst)
case "" => None
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("invalid bit order.")
"bitOrder may not be specified on document parts of type 'file'")
lazy val partBitOrder = explicitBitOrder.getOrElse(parent.documentBitOrder)
lazy val partByteOrder = {
val bo = (part \ "@byteOrder").toString match {
case "RTL" => {
Assert.usage(partBitOrder == LSBFirst, "byteOrder RTL can only be used with bitOrder LSBFirst")
case "LTR" => LTR
case "" => LTR
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("invalid byte order.")
Assert.usage(this.isInstanceOf[ByteDocumentPart] || this.isInstanceOf[BitsDocumentPart],
"byteOrder many only be specified for document parts of type 'byte' or 'bits'")
* Only trim nodes that aren't PCData (aka <![CDATA[...]]>)
lazy val trimmedParts = part.child flatMap { childNode =>
childNode match {
case scala.xml.PCData(s) => Some(childNode)
case scala.xml.Text(s) => Some(childNode)
// {
// // can't just use s.trim here as that would remove explicit
// // carriage returns like &#x0D; if they have already been
// // replaced by the corresponding character.
// val trimmedEnd = s.replaceFirst("\\ +$", "") // spaces only
// val trimmed = trimmedEnd.replaceFirst("^\\ +", "") // spaces only
// if (trimmed.length == 0) None
// else Some(scala.xml.Text(trimmed))
// }
case scala.xml.Comment(_) => None
case scala.xml.EntityRef(_) => Some(childNode)
case _: scala.xml.Atom[_] => Some(childNode) // Things like &lt; come through as this. Should be EntityRef
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("unrecognized child part in TextDocumentPart: " + childNode)
lazy val partRawContent = trimmedParts.text
lazy val replaceDFDLEntities: Boolean = {
val res = (part \ "@replaceDFDLEntities")
if (res.length == 0) { false }
else {
lazy val encodingName: String = {
val res = (part \ "@encoding").text
if (res.length == 0) { "utf-8" }
else {
case class Infoset(i: NodeSeq, parent: TestCase) {
val Seq(dfdlInfoset) = (i \ "dfdlInfoset").map { node => new DFDLInfoset(node, this) }
val contents = dfdlInfoset.contents
case class DFDLInfoset(di: Node, parent: Infoset) {
val infosetNodeSeq = {
(di \ "@type").toString match {
case "infoset" | "" => di.child.filter { _.isInstanceOf[scala.xml.Elem] }
case "file" => {
val path = di.text.trim()
val maybeURI = parent.parent.parent.findTDMLResource(path)
val uri = maybeURI.getOrElse(throw new FileNotFoundException("TDMLRunner: infoset file '" + path + "' was not found"))
val elem = scala.xml.XML.load(uri.toURL)
case value => Assert.abort("Uknown value for type attribute on dfdlInfoset: " + value)
val rawContents = {
Assert.usage(infosetNodeSeq.size == 1, "dfdlInfoset element must contain a single root element")
val c = infosetNodeSeq(0)
val Seq(contents) = {
val c = rawContents
val expected = c // Utility.trim(c) // must be exactly one root element in here.
val expectedNoAttrs = try {
} catch {
case e: Exception => throw new TDMLException(e)
// Let's validate the expected content against the schema
// Just to be sure they don't drift.
// val ptc = parent.parent
// val schemaNode = ptc.findModel(ptc.model)
// This is causing trouble, with the stripped attributes, etc.
// TODO: Fix so we can validate these expected results against
// the DFDL schema used as a XSD for the expected infoset XML.
abstract class ErrorWarningBase(n: NodeSeq, parent: TestCase) {
lazy val matchAttrib = (n \ "@match").text
protected def diagnosticNodes: Seq[Node]
lazy val messages = { _.text }
def hasDiagnostics: Boolean = diagnosticNodes.length > 0
case class ExpectedErrors(node: NodeSeq, parent: TestCase)
extends ErrorWarningBase(node, parent) {
val diagnosticNodes = node \\ "error"
case class ExpectedWarnings(node: NodeSeq, parent: TestCase)
extends ErrorWarningBase(node, parent) {
val diagnosticNodes = node \\ "warning"
case class ExpectedValidationErrors(node: NodeSeq, parent: TestCase)
extends ErrorWarningBase(node, parent) {
val diagnosticNodes = node \\ "error"
object UTF8Encoder {
def utf8LikeEncode(s: String): Seq[Byte] = {
// Scala/Java strings represent characters above 0xFFFF as a surrogate pair
// of two codepoints.
// We want to handle both properly match surrogate pairs, and isolated surrogate characters.
// That means if we see an isolated low (second) surrogate character, we have to know
// whether it was preceded by a high surrogate or not.
// For every 16-bit code point, do do this right we need to potentially also see the previous
// or next codepoint.
val bytes = XMLUtils.walkUnicodeString(s)(utf8LikeEncoding).flatten
// val bytes = tuples.flatMap { case ((prevcp, cp), nextcp) => utf8LikeEncoding(prevcp, cp, nextcp) }
def byteList(args: Int*) = { _.toByte }
* Encode in the style of utf-8 (see wikipedia article on utf-8)
* Variation is that we accept some things that a conventional utf-8 encoder
* rejects. Examples are illegal codepoints such as isolated Unicode surrogates
* (not making up a surrogate pair).
* We also assume we're being handed surrogate pairs for any of the
* 4-byte character representations.
def utf8LikeEncoding(prev: Char, c: Char, next: Char): Seq[Byte] = {
// handles 16-bit codepoints only
Assert.usage(prev <= 0xFFFF)
Assert.usage(c <= 0xFFFF)
Assert.usage(next <= 0xFFFF)
val i = c.toInt
val byte1 = ((i >> 8) & 0xFF)
val byte2 = (i & 0xFF)
def threeByteEncode() = {
val low6 = byte2 & 0x3F
val mid6 = ((byte1 & 0x0F) << 2) | (byte2 >> 6)
val high4 = byte1 >> 4
byteList(high4 | 0xE0, mid6 | 0x80, low6 | 0x80)
* create 4-byte utf-8 encoding from surrogate pair found
* in a scala string.
def fourByteEncode(leadingSurrogate: Char, trailingSurrogate: Char) = {
val h = leadingSurrogate.toInt // aka 'h for high surrogate'
val l = trailingSurrogate.toInt // aka 'l for low surrogate'
val cp = 0x10000 + ((h - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (l - 0xDC00)
// val byte1 = (cp >> 24) & 0xFF
val byte2 = (cp >> 16) & 0xFF
val byte3 = (cp >> 8) & 0xFF
val byte4 = cp & 0xFF
val low6 = byte4 & 0x3F
val midlow6 = ((byte3 & 0x0F) << 2) | (byte4 >> 6)
val midhig6 = ((byte2 & 0x03) << 4) | byte3 >> 4
val high3 = byte2 >> 2
byteList(high3 | 0xF0, midhig6 | 0x80, midlow6 | 0x80, low6 | 0x80)
val res = i match {
case _ if (i <= 0x7F) => byteList(byte2)
case _ if (i <= 0x7FF) => {
val low6 = byte2 & 0x3F
val high5 = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 2) | (byte2 >> 6)
byteList(high5 | 0xC0, low6 | 0x80)
case _ if (XMLUtils.isLeadingSurrogate(c)) => {
// High (initial) Surrogate character case.
if (XMLUtils.isTrailingSurrogate(next)) {
// Next codepoint is a low surrogate.
// We need to create a 4-byte representation from the
// two surrogate characters.
fourByteEncode(c, next)
} else {
// isolated high surrogate codepoint case.
case _ if (XMLUtils.isTrailingSurrogate(c)) => {
// Low (subsequent) Surrogate character case.
if (XMLUtils.isLeadingSurrogate(prev)) {
// Previous codepoint was a high surrogate.
// This codepoint was handled as part of converting the
// surrogate pair.
// so we output no bytes at all.
} else {
// Isolated low-surrogate codepoint case.
case _ if (i <= 0xFFFF) => {
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("char code out of range.")
class TDMLInfosetOutputter() extends InfosetOutputter {
private val jsonWriter = new StringWriter()
private val xmlWriter = new StringWriter()
private val scalaOut = new ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter()
private val jdomOut = new JDOMInfosetOutputter()
private val w3cdomOut = new W3CDOMInfosetOutputter()
private val jsonOut = new JsonInfosetOutputter(jsonWriter)
private val xmlOut = new XMLTextInfosetOutputter(xmlWriter)
private val outputters = Seq(xmlOut, scalaOut, jdomOut, w3cdomOut, jsonOut)
override def reset(): Unit = { outputters.foreach(_.reset()) }
override def startSimple(simple: DISimple): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.startSimple(simple)))
throw new TDMLException("startSimple failed")
override def endSimple(simple: DISimple): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.endSimple(simple)))
throw new TDMLException("endSimple failed")
override def startComplex(complex: DIComplex): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.startComplex(complex)))
throw new TDMLException("startComplex failed")
override def endComplex(complex: DIComplex): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.endComplex(complex)))
throw new TDMLException("endComplex failed")
override def startArray(array: DIArray): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.startArray(array)))
throw new TDMLException("startArray failed")
override def endArray(array: DIArray): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.endArray(array)))
throw new TDMLException("endArray failed")
override def startDocument(): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.startDocument()))
throw new TDMLException("startDocument failed")
override def endDocument(): Boolean = {
if (!outputters.forall(_.endDocument()))
throw new TDMLException("endDocument failed")
def getResult() = scalaOut.getResult
def toInfosetInputter() = {
val scalaIn = new ScalaXMLInfosetInputter(scalaOut.getResult)
val jdomIn = new JDOMInfosetInputter(jdomOut.getResult)
val w3cdomIn = new W3CDOMInfosetInputter(w3cdomOut.getResult)
val jsonIn = new JsonInfosetInputter(new StringReader(jsonWriter.toString))
val xmlIn = new XMLTextInfosetInputter(new StringReader(xmlWriter.toString))
new TDMLInfosetInputter(scalaIn, Seq(jdomIn, w3cdomIn, jsonIn, xmlIn))
class TDMLInfosetInputter(val scalaInputter: ScalaXMLInfosetInputter, others: Seq[InfosetInputter]) extends InfosetInputter {
override def getEventType(): InfosetInputterEventType = {
val res = scalaInputter.getEventType()
if (!others.forall(_.getEventType() == res))
throw new TDMLException("getEventType does not match")
override def getLocalName(): String = {
val res = scalaInputter.getLocalName()
if (!others.forall(_.getLocalName() == res))
throw new TDMLException("getLocalName does not match")
override def getNamespaceURI(): String = {
val res = scalaInputter.getNamespaceURI()
val resIsEmpty = res == null || res == ""
val othersMatch = others.forall { i =>
if (!i.supportsNamespaces) {
} else {
val ns = i.getNamespaceURI()
val nsIsEmpty = ns == null || ns == ""
// some inputters return null for no namespace, some return empty
// string, we consider those the same
ns == res || (resIsEmpty && nsIsEmpty)
if (!othersMatch)
throw new TDMLException("getNamespaceURI does not match")
override def getSimpleText(primType: NodeInfo.Kind): String = {
val res = scalaInputter.getSimpleText(primType)
val resIsEmpty = res == null || res == ""
val othersmatch = others.forall { i =>
val st = i.getSimpleText(primType)
val stIsEmpty = st == null || res == ""
val areSame = res == st || (resIsEmpty && stIsEmpty)
if (areSame) {
} else {
if (i.isInstanceOf[JsonInfosetInputter]) {
// the json infoset inputter maintains CRLF, but XML converts CRLF to
// LF. So if this is Json, then compare with the CRLF converted to LF
res == st.replace("\r\n", "\n")
} else {
if (!othersmatch)
throw new TDMLException("getSimpleText does not match")
override def isNilled(): MaybeBoolean = {
val res = scalaInputter.isNilled()
if (!others.forall(_.isNilled() == res))
throw new TDMLException("isNilled does not match")
override def hasNext(): Boolean = {
val res = scalaInputter.hasNext()
if (!others.forall(_.hasNext() == res))
throw new TDMLException("hasNext does not match")
override def next(): Unit = {
override def fini: Unit = {
override val supportsNamespaces = true