blob: d63e6c7a91364525a17decb29313db7b48954489 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
# We use sbt-native-packager plugin to build a Windows MSI installer.
# Unfortunately, that uses WiX toolset which requires Windows. It can be run
# under Wine, but the plugin cannot be easily configured to use Wine. This
# script is one part of getting that to work and is setup within the container
# environment as needed.
# We run a few wine commands, let's disable all wine debug information since it
# is interpreted by sbt as errors and makes the output look like something
# failed.
export WINEDEBUG=-all
# Create initial wine config, redirecting stderr to stdout. The command outputs
# debug message to stderr, which SBT makes look like an actual error.
winecfg 2>&1
# The sbt native-packager plugin executes the $WIX/{candle,light}.exe
# executables to build the Daffodil MSI. The problem is that those are Windows
# executables and so can't be directly executed in the Linux container. To get
# around this, the container Dockerfile copies the $WIX/{candle,light}.exe
# files to $WIX/real-{candle,light}.exe and installs this script to
# $WIX/{candle,light}.exe. This way, when the sbt plugin executes
# $WIX/{candle,light}.exe, it's actually executing this script, which figures
# out how it was executed (either as candle.exe or light.exe) and redirects the
# execution to the real-{candle,light}.exe file using wine.
# Figure out what was originally executed, and prepend "real-" to it. This is
# what to execute with wine
REAL_CMD=real-$(basename "$0")
# The paths passed as arguments to this script by the plugin are all absolute
# Linux style paths. For arguments that look like a path (i.e. starts with a
# forward slash), use winepath to convert them to a Windows style path that
# wine applications can understand. Leave all other arguments unmodified.
for VAR in "$@"
if [[ $VAR == /* ]]
NEWARGS[$i]=$(winepath -w "$VAR")
# Uncomment to tell bash to output the wine command we are about to execute,
# helpful for debugging when something goes wrong with wine
# set -x
# Execute wine with the real WiX command and modified arguments
wine $WIX/$REAL_CMD "${NEWARGS[@]}"