blob: eac93028a28d45f0fdfaac9a55e49ce9bbf78386 [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors
/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Developed by: Tresys Technology, LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the names of Tresys Technology, nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software
* without specific prior written permission.
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException
import scala.Array.canBuildFrom
import scala.util.parsing.input.Reader
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ElementBase
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ListOfStringValueAsLiteral
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.R
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.SingleCharacterLiteralES
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.UnsuppressableException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar.Terminal
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.LogLevel
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.{ Parser => DaffodilParser }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.EscapeKind
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.CompiledExpression
abstract class StringLength(e: ElementBase)
extends DelimParserBase(e, true)
with TextReader
with Padded
with WithParseErrorThrowing {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val stringLengthInBitsFnc = e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction
val codepointWidth = e.knownEncodingWidthInBits
//lazy val dp = new DFDLDelimParserStatic(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
lazy val removePaddingParser: Option[dp.Parser[String]] = dp.generateRemovePaddingParser(justificationTrim, padChar)
def lengthText: String
def parserName: String
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState)
def parseInput(start: PState, charset: Charset, nBytes: Long): PState
def parser: DaffodilParser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toString = String.format("%sParser(%s)", parserName, lengthText)
def parse(pstate: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(pstate) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Parsing starting at bit position: %s", pstate.bitPos)
val (nBytes, start) = getLength(pstate)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Explicit length %s", nBytes)
if (start.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(start, "%s - not byte aligned.", parserName) }
try {
val postState = parseInput(start, charset, nBytes)
return postState
} catch {
case m: MalformedInputException => { return PE(start, "%s - MalformedInputException: \n%s", parserName, m.getMessage()) }
case e: IndexOutOfBoundsException => { return PE(start, "%s - Insufficient Bits in field: IndexOutOfBounds: \n%s", parserName, e.getMessage()) }
case u: UnsuppressableException => throw u
case e: Exception => { return PE(start, "%s - Exception: \n%s", parserName, e.getStackTraceString) }
def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
override def toString = String.format("%sUnparser(%s)", parserName, lengthText)
// val encoder = e.knownEncodingEncoder
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
trait VariableLength { self: Terminal =>
// Length is an expression
private lazy val eb = self.context.asInstanceOf[ElementBase]
val expr = eb.length
val exprText = expr.prettyExpr
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
val R(lengthAsAny, newVMap) = expr.evaluate(pstate.parentElement, pstate.variableMap, pstate)
val length = lengthAsAny.asInstanceOf[Long]
val start = pstate.withVariables(newVMap)
(length, start)
trait FixedLength { self: Terminal =>
// Length is a constant
private lazy val eb = self.context.asInstanceOf[ElementBase]
//Assert.invariant(eb.knownEncodingWidthInBits != -1)
// def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
// (eb.fixedLength, pstate)
// }
abstract class StringLengthInChars(e: ElementBase, nChars: Long)
extends StringLength(e)
with WithParseErrorThrowing {
lazy val nCharParser = dp.generateInputNCharactersParser(nChars)
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
(nChars, pstate)
def parseInput(start: PState, charset: Charset, nChars: Long): PState = start
override def parser: DaffodilParser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
String.format("%sParser(%s)", parserName, lengthText)
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Parsing starting at bit position: %s", start.bitPos)
// no longer require alignment (some encodings aren't whole bytes)
// if (start.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(start, "StringFixedLengthInVariableWidthCharacters - not byte aligned.") }
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
val result = dp.parseInputNCharacters(nCharParser, reader, removePaddingParser, justificationTrim)
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure =>
return PE(start, "Parse failed to find exactly %s characters.", nChars)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
val parsedField = s.field
val parsedBits = s.numBits
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + parsedBits
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Parsed: %s", parsedField)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Ended at bit position: %s", endBitPos)
val endCharPos = if (start.charPos == -1) nChars else start.charPos + nChars
val currentElement = start.parentElement
val postState = start.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some(
abstract class StringLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase)
extends StringLength(e) {
def formatValue(value: String): String = {
def parseInput(start: PState, charset: Charset, nBytes: Long): PState = {
val in = start.inStream
val decoder = charset.newDecoder()
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
// This next block of lines needs to become functionality of the
// reader so it can be shared, and decoding is all called from one
// place.
val bytes = in.getBytes(start.bitPos, nBytes.toInt)
val cb = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))
val result = cb.toString
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + stringLengthInBitsFnc(result)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Parsed: " + result)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Ended at bit position " + endBitPos)
val endCharPos = start.charPos + result.length
// Maintain our global count of number of characters.
// TODO: get rid of global counter for a dataProcessor-saved one.
val currentElement = start.parentElement
val trimmedResult = dp.removePadding(removePaddingParser, justificationTrim, result)
// Assert.invariant(currentElement.getName != "_document_")
// Note: this side effect is backtracked, because at points of uncertainty, pre-copies of a node are made
// and when backtracking occurs they are used to replace the nodes modified by sub-parsers.
// if the number of bytes was a multiple of the codepointWidth then
// we will have parsed all the bytes, so the endBitPos and endCharPos
// are synchronized still.
val postState = {
// TODO: Shouldn't the 8 * nBytes really be codepointWidth * nBytes?
if ((endBitPos - start.bitPos) == (8 * nBytes)) {
start.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some(reader))
} else {
Assert.invariant((endBitPos - start.bitPos) < (8 * nBytes))
start.withPos(endBitPos, -1, None)
// -1 means a subsequent primitive will have to construct
// a new reader at said bitPosition
return postState
abstract class HexBinaryLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase)
extends StringLengthInBytes(e) {
override val charset: Charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")
override val stringLengthInBitsFnc = {
def stringBitLength(str: String) = {
// variable width encoding, so we have to convert each character
// We assume here that it will be a multiple of bytes
// that is, that variable-width encodings are all some number
// of bytes.
str.getBytes(charset).length * 8
stringBitLength _
override def formatValue(value: String) = {
val hexStr = => c.toByte.formatted("%02X")).mkString
case class HexBinaryFixedLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase, nBytes: Long)
extends HexBinaryLengthInBytes(e) with FixedLength {
lazy val parserName = "HexBinaryFixedLengthInBytes"
lazy val lengthText = e.length.constantAsString
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
(nBytes, pstate)
case class HexBinaryFixedLengthInBits(e: ElementBase, nBits: Long)
extends HexBinaryLengthInBytes(e) with FixedLength {
lazy val parserName = "HexBinaryFixedLengthInBits"
lazy val lengthText = e.length.constantAsString
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
val nBytes = scala.math.ceil(nBits / 8).toLong
(nBytes, pstate)
case class HexBinaryVariableLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase)
extends HexBinaryLengthInBytes(e) with VariableLength {
lazy val parserName = "HexBinaryVariableLengthInBytes"
lazy val lengthText = exprText
case class StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters(e: ElementBase, nBytes: Long)
extends StringLengthInBytes(e)
with FixedLength {
lazy val parserName = "StringFixedLengthInBytesFixedWidthCharacters"
lazy val lengthText = e.length.constantAsString
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
(nBytes, pstate)
// val maxBytes = DaffodilTunableParameters.maxFieldContentLengthInBytes
// var cbuf: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) // TODO: Performance: get a char buffer from a pool.
// var cbufSize = 0
case class StringFixedLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters(e: ElementBase, nBytes: Long)
extends StringLengthInBytes(e)
with FixedLength {
lazy val parserName = "StringFixedLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters"
lazy val lengthText = nBytes.toString()
def getLength(pstate: PState): (Long, PState) = {
(nBytes, pstate)
// val maxBytes = DaffodilTunableParameters.maxFieldContentLengthInBytes
// var cbuf: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) // TODO: Performance: get a char buffer from a pool.
// var cbufSize = 0
case class StringFixedLengthInVariableWidthCharacters(e: ElementBase, numChars: Long)
extends StringLengthInChars(e, numChars)
with FixedLength {
lazy val parserName = "StringFixedLengthInVariableWidthCharacters"
lazy val lengthText = e.length.constantAsString
// val maxBytes = DaffodilTunableParameters.maxFieldContentLengthInBytes
// var cbuf: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) // TODO: Performance: get a char buffer from a pool.
// var cbufSize = 0
case class StringVariableLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase)
//extends Terminal(e, true)
extends StringLengthInBytes(e)
with VariableLength {
lazy val parserName = "StringVariableLengthInBytes"
lazy val lengthText = exprText
// val maxBytes = DaffodilTunableParameters.maxFieldContentLengthInBytes
// var cbuf: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) // TODO: Performance: get a char buffer from a pool.
// var cbufSize = 0
case class StringVariableLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters(e: ElementBase)
//extends Terminal(e, true)
extends StringLengthInBytes(e)
with VariableLength {
lazy val parserName = "StringVariableLengthInBytesVariableWidthCharacters"
lazy val lengthText = exprText
// val maxBytes = DaffodilTunableParameters.maxFieldContentLengthInBytes
// var cbuf: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) // TODO: Performance: get a char buffer from a pool.
// var cbufSize = 0
case class StringVariableLengthInVariableWidthCharacters(e: ElementBase)
extends StringLengthInBytes(e)
with VariableLength {
lazy val parserName = "StringVariableLengthInVariableWidthCharacters"
lazy val lengthText = e.length.constantAsString
// val maxBytes = DaffodilTunableParameters.maxFieldContentLengthInBytes
// var cbuf: CharBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate(0) // TODO: Performance: get a char buffer from a pool.
// var cbufSize = 0
case class StringPatternMatched(e: ElementBase)
extends Terminal(e, true)
with WithParseErrorThrowing with TextReader with Padded {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
def parser: DaffodilParser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toString = "StringPatternMatched"
val pattern = e.lengthPattern
// The pattern will always be defined
lazy val dp = new DFDLDelimParserStatic(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
lazy val patternParser = dp.generateInputPatternedParser(pattern)
// TODO: Add parameter for changing CharBuffer size
val eName = e.toString()
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "StringPatternMatched - %s - Parsing pattern at byte position: %s", eName, (start.bitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "StringPatternMatched - %s - Parsing pattern at bit position: %s", eName, start.bitPos)
// some encodings aren't whole bytes.
// if (start.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(start, "StringPatternMatched - not byte aligned.") }
val bytePos = (start.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
// val d = new DelimParser(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
// val result = d.parseInputPatterned(pattern, reader)
val result = dp.parseInputPatterned(patternParser, reader)
val postState = result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure => {
// A no match means zero length.
// Because we check for Nil first, this is valid and allowed.
// Since it's zero length, the start state is the end state.
val currentElement = start.parentElement
currentElement.setDataValue("") // empty string is the value.
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + s.numBits
log(LogLevel.Debug, "StringPatternMatched - Parsed: %s", s.field)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "StringPatternMatched - Ended at bit position %s", endBitPos)
val endCharPos = if (start.charPos == -1) s.field.length() else start.charPos + s.field.length()
val currentElement = start.parentElement
start.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some(
def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
trait HasEscapeScheme { self: StringDelimited =>
var escEscChar = ""
var escChar = ""
lazy val optEscBlkStart =
esObj.escapeBlockStart match {
case "" => None
case x => Some(x)
lazy val optEscBlkEnd =
esObj.escapeBlockEnd match {
case "" => None
case x => Some(x)
protected def constEval(knownValue: Option[String]) = {
val optConstValue = knownValue match {
case None => None
case Some(constValue) => {
val l = new SingleCharacterLiteralES(constValue, context)
val result = l.cooked
protected def evalAsConstant(knownValue: Option[CompiledExpression]) = {
knownValue match {
case None => None
case Some(ce) if ce.isConstant => {
val constValue = ce.constantAsString
val l = new SingleCharacterLiteralES(constValue, context)
val result = l.cooked
case Some(_) => None
protected def runtimeEvalEsc(optEsc: Option[CompiledExpression], state: PState): (Option[String], PState) = {
val (finalOptEsc, afterEscEval) =
optEsc match {
case None => (None, state)
case Some(esc) => {
val R(res, newVMap) = esc.evaluate(state.parentElement, state.variableMap, state)
val l = new SingleCharacterLiteralES(res.toString, context)
val resultEsc = l.cooked
val newState = state.withVariables(newVMap)
(Some(resultEsc), newState)
(finalOptEsc, afterEscEval)
* The purpose of this method is to use the compile time value of the
* escape and escapeEscape characters if they exist. If they are run time
* values, we shall compute it.
protected def evaluateEscapeScheme(escChar: Option[String],
escEscChar: Option[String],
state: PState): (Option[String], Option[String], PState) = {
val (finalOptEscChar, afterEscCharEval) =
escChar match {
case Some(_) => (escChar, state)
case None => runtimeEvalEsc(esObj.escapeCharacter, state)
val (finalOptEscEscChar, postEscapeSchemeEvalState) =
escEscChar match {
case Some(_) => (escEscChar, afterEscCharEval)
case None => runtimeEvalEsc(esObj.escapeEscapeCharacter, afterEscCharEval)
(finalOptEscChar, finalOptEscEscChar, postEscapeSchemeEvalState)
abstract class StringDelimited(e: ElementBase)
extends DelimParserBase(e, true)
with TextReader
with Padded
with HasEscapeScheme
with WithParseErrorThrowing {
// TODO: DFDL-451 - Has been placed on the backburner until we can figure out the appropriate behavior
// requiredEvaluations(gram.checkDelimiterDistinctness(esObj.escapeSchemeKind, optPadChar, optEscChar,
// optEscEscChar, optEscBlkStart, optEscBlkEnd, staticDelimsCooked, elemBase))
val es = e.optionEscapeScheme
val esObj = EscapeScheme.getEscapeScheme(es, e)
val compiledOptEscChar: Option[String] = evalAsConstant(esObj.escapeCharacter)
val compiledOptEscEscChar: Option[String] = evalAsConstant(esObj.escapeEscapeCharacter)
val tm = e.allTerminatingMarkup
val cname = toString
val eName = e.toString()
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val elemBase = e
// These static delims are used whether we're static or dynamic
// because even a dynamic can have some static from enclosing scopes.
// val staticDelimsRaw = e.allTerminatingMarkup.filter(x => x.isConstant).map { _.constantAsString }
val staticDelimsRaw = e.allTerminatingMarkup.filter {
case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue.isConstant
}.map {
case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue.constantAsString
val staticDelimsCooked1 = => { new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(raw.toString, e).cooked })
val staticDelimsCooked = staticDelimsCooked1.flatten
val (staticDelimsParser, staticDelimsRegex) = dp.generateDelimiter(staticDelimsCooked.toSet)
val combinedStaticDelimsParser = dp.combineLongest(staticDelimsParser)
def parseMethod(hasDelim: Boolean, delimsParser: dp.Parser[String], delimsRegex: Array[String],
reader: Reader[Char]): DelimParseResult = {
// TODO: Change DFDLDelimParser calls to get rid of Array.empty[String] since we're only passing a single list the majority of the time.
if (esObj.escapeSchemeKind == EscapeSchemeKind.Block) {
val (escapeBlockParser, escapeBlockEndRegex, escapeEscapeRegex) = dp.generateEscapeBlockParsers2(delimsParser,
esObj.escapeBlockStart, esObj.escapeBlockEnd, escEscChar, justificationTrim, padChar, true)
val removeEscapeBlocksRegex = dp.removeEscapesBlocksRegex(escapeEscapeRegex, escapeBlockEndRegex)
val parseInputParser = dp.generateInputParser2(dp.emptyParser, delimsParser, Array.empty[String], delimsRegex,
hasDelim, justificationTrim, padChar, true)
dp.parseInputEscapeBlock(escapeBlockParser, dp.emptyParser, delimsParser, reader,
justificationTrim, removeEscapeBlocksRegex, parseInputParser)
} else if (esObj.escapeSchemeKind == EscapeSchemeKind.Character) {
val delimsRegexCombined = dp.combineDelimitersRegex(Array.empty[String], delimsRegex)
val escapeCharacterParser = dp.generateInputEscapeCharacterParser2(delimsParser, delimsRegexCombined,
hasDelim, escChar, escEscChar, justificationTrim, padChar, true)
val esRegex = dp.convertDFDLLiteralToRegex(escChar)
val esEsRegex = dp.convertDFDLLiteralToRegex(escEscChar)
val removeEscapeCharacterRegex = dp.generateRemoveEscapeCharactersSameRegex(esRegex)
val removeUnescapedEscapesRegex = dp.removeUnescapedEscapesRegex(esEsRegex, esRegex)
val removeEscapeEscapesThatEscapeRegex = dp.removeEscapeEscapesThatEscapeRegex(esEsRegex, esRegex)
val removeEscapeRegex = dp.removeEscapeRegex(esRegex)
dp.parseInputEscapeCharacter(escapeCharacterParser, dp.emptyParser, delimsParser, reader,
justificationTrim, removeEscapeCharacterRegex, removeUnescapedEscapesRegex,
removeEscapeEscapesThatEscapeRegex, removeEscapeRegex, escChar,
} else {
//d.parseInput(Set.empty[String], delimsCooked.toSet, reader, justificationTrim, padChar)
val parseInputParser = dp.generateInputParser2(dp.emptyParser, delimsParser, Array.empty[String], delimsRegex,
hasDelim, justificationTrim, padChar, true)
dp.parseInput(parseInputParser, dp.emptyParser, delimsParser, reader, justificationTrim)
def getDelims(pstate: PState): (List[String], Array[String], dp.Parser[String], Option[VariableMap])
* Called at compile time in static case, at runtime for dynamic case.
def errorIfDelimsHaveWSPStar(delims: List[String]): Unit = {
if (delims.filter(x => x == "%WSP*;").length > 0) {
// We cannot detect this error until expressions have been evaluated!
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Failed due to WSP* detected as a delimiter for lengthKind=delimited.", eName)
elemBase.schemaDefinitionError("WSP* cannot be used as a delimiter when lengthKind=delimited.")
def processResult(result: DelimParseResult, state: PState): PState = {
result match {
case f: DelimParseFailure =>
return parser.PE(state, "%s - %s - Parse failed.", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
val field = s.get
val numBits = s.numBits
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Parsed: %s Parsed Bytes: %s (bits %s)", eName, field, numBits / 8, numBits)
val endCharPos = if (state.charPos == -1) s.numCharsRead else state.charPos + s.numCharsRead
val endBitPos = state.bitPos + numBits
val currentElement = state.parentElement
return state.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some(
val gram = this
def parser: DaffodilParser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
"<" + + " " + delimListForPrint + "/>"
lazy val delimListForPrint = { case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue.prettyExpr }
// override def toString = cname + "(" + { _.prettyExpr } + ")"
override def toString = cname + "(" + delimListForPrint + ")"
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val (finalOptEscChar, finalOptEscEscChar, postEscapeSchemeEvalState) =
evaluateEscapeScheme(compiledOptEscChar, compiledOptEscEscChar, start)
val (delimsCooked, delimsRegex, delimsParser, vars) = getDelims(postEscapeSchemeEvalState)
// TODO: DFDL-451 - Has been put on the backburner until we can figure out the appropriate behavior
// gram.checkDelimiterDistinctness(esObj.escapeSchemeKind, optPadChar, finalOptEscChar,
// finalOptEscEscChar, optEscBlkStart, optEscBlkEnd, delimsCooked, postEscapeSchemeEvalState)
escChar = finalOptEscChar.getOrElse("")
escEscChar = finalOptEscEscChar.getOrElse("")
// We must feed variable context out of one evaluation and into the next.
// So that the resulting variable map has the updated status of all evaluated variables.
val postEvalState = vars match {
case Some(v) => postEscapeSchemeEvalState.withVariables(v)
case None => postEscapeSchemeEvalState
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for: %s Count: %s", eName, delimsCooked, delimsCooked.length)
val bytePos = (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at bit pos: %s", eName, postEvalState.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at byte pos: %s", eName, bytePos)
val reader = getReader(charset, postEvalState.bitPos, postEvalState)
val hasDelim = delimsCooked.length > 0
val result = try {
parseMethod(hasDelim, delimsParser, delimsRegex, reader)
} catch {
case mie: MalformedInputException =>
throw new ParseError(e, Some(postEvalState), "Malformed input, length: %s", mie.getInputLength())
processResult(result, postEvalState)
def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
// override def toString = cname + "(" + { _.prettyExpr } + ")"
override def toString = cname + "(" + { case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue.prettyExpr } + ")"
def unparse(start: UState): UState =
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
val data = start.currentElement.getText
val encoder = charset.newEncoder()
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Unparsed: " + start.outStream.getData)
trait StaticDelim { self: StringDelimited =>
// do this at creation time if we're static
def getDelims(pstate: PState): (List[String], Array[String], dp.Parser[String], Option[VariableMap]) = {
(staticDelimsCooked, staticDelimsRegex, combinedStaticDelimsParser, None)
case class StringDelimitedEndOfDataStatic(e: ElementBase)
extends StringDelimited(e) with StaticDelim
trait DynamicDelim { self: StringDelimited =>
override def getDelims(pstate: PState): (List[String], Array[String], dp.Parser[String], Option[VariableMap]) = {
// We must feed variable context out of one evaluation and into the next.
// So that the resulting variable map has the updated status of all evaluated variables.
var vars = pstate.variableMap
val dynamicDelimsRaw = elemBase.allTerminatingMarkup.filter { case (delimValue, _, _) => !delimValue.isConstant }.map {
case (delimValue, _, _) =>
val R(res, newVMap) = delimValue.evaluate(pstate.parentElement, vars, pstate)
vars = newVMap
val dynamicDelimsCooked1 = => { new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(raw.toString, elemBase).cooked })
val dynamicDelimsCooked = dynamicDelimsCooked1.flatten
val (dynamicDelimsParser, dynamicDelimsRegex) = dp.generateDelimiter(dynamicDelimsCooked.toSet)
// Combine dynamic and with static delims if they exist
val delimsParser = dp.combineLongest(dynamicDelimsParser.union(staticDelimsParser))
val delimsCooked = dynamicDelimsCooked.union(staticDelimsCooked)
val delimsRegex = dynamicDelimsRegex.union(staticDelimsRegex)
// moved check here to avoid need for another abstract method to
// factor this out.
(delimsCooked, delimsRegex, delimsParser, Some(vars))
case class StringDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic(e: ElementBase)
extends StringDelimited(e) with DynamicDelim
abstract class HexBinaryDelimited(e: ElementBase) extends StringDelimited(e) {
override val charset: Charset = Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1")
override def processResult(result: DelimParseResult, state: PState): PState = {
result match {
case f: DelimParseFailure =>
return parser.PE(state, "%s - %s - Parse failed.", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
val field = s.get
val numBits = s.numBits
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Parsed: %s Parsed Bytes: %s (bits %s)", eName, field, numBits / 8, numBits)
val endCharPos = if (state.charPos == -1) s.numCharsRead else state.charPos + s.numCharsRead
val endBitPos = state.bitPos + numBits
val currentElement = state.parentElement
val hexStr = => c.toByte.formatted("%02X")).mkString
return state.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some(
case class HexBinaryDelimitedEndOfDataStatic(e: ElementBase)
extends HexBinaryDelimited(e) with StaticDelim
case class HexBinaryDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic(e: ElementBase)
extends HexBinaryDelimited(e) with DynamicDelim