Added tests that clarify what we allow in appinfo annotations.

diff --git a/daffodil-core/src/main/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/AnnotatedSchemaComponent.scala b/daffodil-core/src/main/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/AnnotatedSchemaComponent.scala
index b666876..8f52196 100644
--- a/daffodil-core/src/main/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/AnnotatedSchemaComponent.scala
+++ b/daffodil-core/src/main/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/AnnotatedSchemaComponent.scala
@@ -278,10 +278,7 @@
-  /**
-   * dais = Dfdl App Info nodeSeq
-   */
-  private lazy val dais = {
+  lazy val dfdlAppInfos = {
     val ais = (annotationNode \ "appinfo")
     val dais = ais.filter { ai =>
@@ -324,8 +321,7 @@
    * that are subtypes of DFDLAnnotation.
   final lazy val annotationObjs = {
-    // println(dais)
-    val objs = dais.flatMap { dai =>
+    val objs = dfdlAppInfos.flatMap { dai =>
         val children = dai.child
         val res = children.filter { _.isInstanceOf[scala.xml.Elem] }.flatMap { child =>
diff --git a/daffodil-core/src/test/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/TestAppinfoSyntax.scala b/daffodil-core/src/test/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/TestAppinfoSyntax.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..827f3b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daffodil-core/src/test/scala/org/apache/daffodil/dsom/TestAppinfoSyntax.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
+import scala.xml.Elem
+import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
+import org.junit.Assert._
+import org.junit.Test
+import org.apache.daffodil.compiler._
+import org.apache.daffodil.util.TestUtils
+import org.apache.daffodil.Implicits._
+ * Tests that verify that Daffodil works properly with other
+ * appinfo and non-native attribute annotations.
+ */
+class TestAppinfoSyntax {
+  val xsd = XMLUtils.XSD_NAMESPACE
+  val dfdl = XMLUtils.dfdlAppinfoSource // XMLUtils.DFDL_NAMESPACE
+  /**
+   * Test that non-native attributes can be placed on DFDL appinfo annotations.
+   */
+  @Test def testAppinfoWithNonNativeAttributes() {
+    val expected = "this is a non-native attribute"
+    val nnURI = "urn:nonNativeAttributeNamespaceURN"
+    val sc = <xs:schema xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:dfdl="" xmlns:foo={ nnURI }>
+               <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl } foo:nonNativeAttribute1={ expected }>
+                   <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat"/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:element name="root" type="xs:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1">
+                 <xs:annotation>
+                   <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
+                     <dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
+                   </xs:appinfo>
+                 </xs:annotation>
+               </xs:element>
+             </xs:schema>
+    val compiler = Compiler()
+    val sset = compiler.compileNode(sc).sset
+    val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
+    val Seq(a, _) = sch.schemaDocuments
+    val Seq(ao: Elem) = a.dfdlAppInfos
+    val Some(ns) = ao.attribute(nnURI, "nonNativeAttribute1")
+    assertEquals(expected, ns.toString())
+    val (_, actual) = TestUtils.testString(sc, "5")
+    val expectedParseInfoset = <root>5</root>
+    TestUtils.assertEqualsXMLElements(expectedParseInfoset, actual)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test that more than one DFDL appinfo at the same point causes
+   * an exception.
+   */
+  @Test def testMultipleAppinfos() {
+    val expected = "this is a non-native attribute"
+    val nnURI = "urn:nonNativeAttributeNamespaceURN"
+    val sc = <xs:schema xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:dfdl="" xmlns:foo={ nnURI }>
+               <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl } foo:nonNativeAttribute1={ expected }>
+                   <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat"/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:element name="root" type="xs:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1">
+                 <xs:annotation>
+                   <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
+                     <dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
+                   </xs:appinfo>
+                 </xs:annotation>
+               </xs:element>
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl } foo:nonNativeAttribute2={ expected }>
+                   <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat"/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+               </xs:annotation>
+             </xs:schema>
+    val compiler = Compiler()
+    val sset = compiler.compileNode(sc).sset
+    val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
+    val Seq(a, _) = sch.schemaDocuments
+    val Seq(ao: Elem, bo: Elem) = a.dfdlAppInfos
+    val Some(anna) = ao.attribute(nnURI, "nonNativeAttribute1")
+    val Some(bnna) = bo.attribute(nnURI, "nonNativeAttribute2")
+    assertEquals(expected, anna.toString())
+    assertEquals(expected, bnna.toString())
+    val e = intercept[Exception] {
+      TestUtils.testString(sc, "5")
+    }
+    assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Only one format annotation"))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test that tries to  mix other annotation elements from other namespaces
+   * inside an appinfo that uses the DFDL source.
+   *
+   * This is not allowed as it would impact our ability to provide good
+   * diagnostics around the DFDL annotation elements.
+   */
+  @Test def testMixedAnnotationElementsInsideDFDLAppinfo() {
+    val expected = "this is a non-native attribute"
+    val nnURI = "urn:nonNativeAttributeNamespaceURN"
+    val sc = <xs:schema xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:dfdl="" xmlns:foo={ nnURI }>
+               <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl } foo:nonNativeAttribute1={ expected }>
+                   <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat"/>
+                   <foo:anotherAnnotationElementAdjacentToDFDLAnnotation/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:element name="root" type="xs:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1">
+                 <xs:annotation>
+                   <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
+                     <dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
+                   </xs:appinfo>
+                 </xs:annotation>
+               </xs:element>
+             </xs:schema>
+    val compiler = Compiler()
+    val sset = compiler.compileNode(sc).sset
+    val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
+    val Seq(a, _) = sch.schemaDocuments
+    val Seq(ao: Elem) = a.dfdlAppInfos
+    val Some(anna) = ao.attribute(nnURI, "nonNativeAttribute1")
+    assertEquals(expected, anna.toString())
+    val e = intercept[Exception] {
+      TestUtils.testString(sc, "5")
+    }
+    assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Invalid dfdl annotation found: foo:another"))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test that non-DFDL appinfos do not interact with DFDL.
+   */
+  @Test def testNonDFDLAppinfos() {
+    val expected = "this is a non-native attribute"
+    val nnURI = "urn:nonNativeAttributeNamespaceURN"
+    val nnURI2 = "urn:anotherNonNativeURI"
+    val sc = <xs:schema xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:dfdl="" xmlns:foo={ nnURI } xmlns:bar={ nnURI2 }>
+               <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ nnURI } foo:nonNativeAttribute1={ expected }>
+                   <!-- since the source is not DFDL's, this should be completely ignored. -->
+                   <foo:thisIsAnAnnotationElement/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl } foo:nonNativeAttribute1={ expected }>
+                   <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat"/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <xs:element name="root" type="xs:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1">
+                 <xs:annotation>
+                   <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
+                     <dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
+                   </xs:appinfo>
+                 </xs:annotation>
+               </xs:element>
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ nnURI2 } bar:nonNativeAttribute2={ expected }>
+                   <bar:anotherAppinfoAnnotationElement/>
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+               </xs:annotation>
+             </xs:schema>
+    val compiler = Compiler()
+    val sset = compiler.compileNode(sc).sset
+    val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
+    val Seq(a, _) = sch.schemaDocuments
+    val Seq(ao: Elem) = a.dfdlAppInfos
+    val Some(anna) = ao.attribute(nnURI, "nonNativeAttribute1")
+    assertEquals(expected, anna.toString())
+    val (_, actual) = TestUtils.testString(sc, "5")
+    val expectedParseInfoset = <root>5</root>
+    TestUtils.assertEqualsXMLElements(expectedParseInfoset, actual)
+  }
+  /**
+   * Test that XML comments are allowed at all places in and around appinfo
+   * elements.
+   */
+  @Test def testAppinfoWithComments() {
+    val expected = "this is a non-native attribute"
+    val nnURI = "urn:nonNativeAttributeNamespaceURN"
+    val sc = <xs:schema xmlns:xs={ xsd } xmlns:dfdl="" xmlns:foo={ nnURI }>
+               <!-- This is a comment -->
+               <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd"/>
+               <!-- This is a comment -->
+               <xs:annotation>
+                 <!-- This is a comment -->
+                 <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl } foo:nonNativeAttribute1={ expected }>
+                   <!-- This is a comment -->
+                   <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat"/>
+                   <!-- This is a comment -->
+                 </xs:appinfo>
+                 <!-- This is a comment -->
+               </xs:annotation>
+               <!-- This is a comment -->
+               <xs:element name="root" type="xs:int" dfdl:lengthKind="explicit" dfdl:length="1">
+                 <!-- This is a comment -->
+                 <xs:annotation>
+                   <!-- This is a comment -->
+                   <xs:appinfo source={ dfdl }>
+                     <!-- This is a comment -->
+                     <dfdl:element encoding="US-ASCII" alignmentUnits="bytes"/>
+                     <!-- This is a comment -->
+                   </xs:appinfo>
+                   <!-- This is a comment -->
+                 </xs:annotation>
+                 <!-- This is a comment -->
+               </xs:element>
+               <!-- This is a comment -->
+             </xs:schema>
+    val compiler = Compiler()
+    val sset = compiler.compileNode(sc).sset
+    val Seq(sch) = sset.schemas
+    val Seq(a, _) = sch.schemaDocuments
+    val Seq(ao: Elem) = a.dfdlAppInfos
+    val Some(anna) = ao.attribute(nnURI, "nonNativeAttribute1")
+    assertEquals(expected, anna.toString())
+    val (_, actual) = TestUtils.testString(sc, "5")
+    val expectedParseInfoset = <root>5</root>
+    TestUtils.assertEqualsXMLElements(expectedParseInfoset, actual)
+  }