blob: d09770a6d7120b801174a86a94ac3eb33fe863e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil
* Provides the classes necessary to compile DFDL schemas, parse and
* unparse files using the compiled objects, and retrieve results and
* parsing diagnostics
* <h3>Overview</h3>
* The [[Daffodil]] object is a factory object to create a [[Compiler]]. The
* [[Compiler]] provides a method to compile a provided DFDL schema into a
* [[ProcessorFactory]], which creates a [[DataProcessor]]:
* {{{
* val c = Daffodil.compiler()
* val pf = c.compileFile(file)
* val dp = pf.onPath("/")
* }}}
* The [[DataProcessor]] provides the necessary functions to parse and unparse
* data, returning a [[ParseResult]] or [[UnparseResult]], respectively. These
* contain information about the parse/unparse, such as whether or not the
* processing succeeded with any diagnostic information.
* The [[DataProcessor]] also provides two functions that can be used to perform parsing/unparsing
* via the SAX API. The first creates a [[DaffodilParseXMLReader]] which is used for parsing, and the
* second creates a [[DaffodilUnparseContentHandler]] which is used for unparsing.
* {{{
* val xmlReader = dp.newXMLReaderInstance
* val unparseContentHandler = dp.newContentHandlerInstance(output)
* }}}
* The [[DaffodilParseXMLReader]] has several methods that allow one to set properties and handlers
* (such as ContentHandlers or ErrorHandlers) for the reader. One can use any
* contentHandler/errorHandler as long as they extend the org.xml.sax.ContentHandler and
* org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler interfaces respectively. One can also set properties for the
* [[DaffodilParseXMLReader]] using [[DaffodilParseXMLReader.setProperty(name:String*
* DaffodilParseXMLReader.setProperty]].
* The following properties can be set as follows:
* <p><i>The constants below have literal values starting with
* "" and ending with "BlobDirectory",
* "BlobPrefix" and "BlobSuffix" respectively.</i></p>
* {{{
* xmlReader.setProperty(DaffodilParseXMLReader.DAFFODIL_SAX_URN_BLOBDIRECTORY,
* Paths.get(System.getProperty(""))) // value type: java.nio.file.Paths
* xmlReader.setProperty(DaffodilParseXMLReader.DAFFODIL_SAX_URN_BLOBPREFIX, "daffodil-sax-") // value type String
* xmlReader.setProperty(DaffodilParseXMLReader.DAFFODIL_SAX_URN_BLOBSUFFIX, ".bin") // value type String
* }}}
* The properties can be retrieved using the same variables with
* [[DaffodilParseXMLReader.getProperty(name:String* DaffodilParseXMLReader.getProperty]] and casting
* to the appropriate type as listed above.
* The following handlers can be set as follows:
* {{{
* xmlReader.setContentHandler(contentHandler)
* xmlReader.setErrorHandler(errorHandler)
* }}}
* The handlers above must implement the following interfaces respectively:
* {{{
* org.xml.sax.ContentHandler
* org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler
* }}}
* The [[ParseResult]] can be found as a property within the [[DaffodilParseXMLReader]] using this
* uri: "" or
* In order for a successful unparse to happen, the SAX API requires the
* unparse to be kicked off by a parse call to any org.xml.sax.XMLReader implementation that has the
* [[DaffodilUnparseContentHandler]] registered as its content handler. To retrieve the [[UnparseResult]],
* one can use [[DaffodilUnparseContentHandler.getUnparseResult]] once the XMLReader.parse run is
* complete.
* <h4>Parse</h4>
* <h5>Dataprocessor Parse</h5>
* The [[DataProcessor.parse(input:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.io\.InputSourceDataInputStream*
* DataProcessor.parse]] method accepts input data to parse in the form of a [[io.InputSourceDataInputStream
* InputSourceDataInputStream]] and an [[infoset.InfosetOutputter InfosetOutputter]] to determine
* the output representation of the infoset (e.g. Scala XML Nodes, JDOM2 Documents, etc.):
* {{{
* val scalaOutputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter()
* val is = new InputSourceDataInputStream(data)
* val pr = dp.parse(is, scalaOutputter)
* val node = scalaOutputter.getResult
* }}}
* The [[DataProcessor.parse(input:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.io\.InputSourceDataInputStream*
* DataProcessor.parse]] method is thread-safe and may be called multiple times without the need to
* create other data processors. However, [[infoset.InfosetOutputter InfosetOutputter]]'s are not
* thread safe, requiring a unique instance per thread. An [[infoset.InfosetOutputter InfosetOutputter]]
* should call [[infoset.InfosetOutputter.reset InfosetOutputter.reset]] before reuse (or a new one
* should be allocated). For example:
* {{{
* val scalaOutputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter()
* files.foreach { f => {
* outputter.reset
* val is = new InputSourceDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))
* val pr = dp.parse(is, scalaOutputter)
* val node = scalaOutputter.getResult
* }
* }}}
* One can repeat calls to parse() using the same InputSourceDataInputStream to continue parsing
* where the previous parse ended. For example:
* {{{
* val is = new InputSourceDataInputStream(dataStream)
* val scalaOutputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetOutputter()
* val keepParsing = true
* while (keepParsing && is.hasData()) {
* scalaOutputter.reset()
* val pr = dp.parse(is, jdomOutputter)
* ...
* keepParsing = !pr.isError()
* }
* }}}
* <h5>SAX Parse</h5>
* The [[DaffodilParseXMLReader.parse(isdis:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.io\.InputSourceDataInputStream*
* DaffodilParseXMLReader.parse]] method accepts input data to parse in the form of a
* [[io.InputSourceDataInputStream InputSourceDataInputStream]]. The output representation of the
* infoset, as well as how parse errors are handled, are dependent on the content handler and the
* error handler provided to the [[DaffodilParseXMLReader]]. For example, the org.jdom2.input.sax.SAXHandler
* provides a JDOM representation, whereas other ContentHandlers may output directly to a
* or
* {{{
* val contentHandler = new SAXHandler()
* xmlReader.setContentHandler(contentHandler)
* val is = new InputSourceDataInputStream(data)
* xmlReader.parse(is)
* val pr = xmlReader.getProperty(DaffodilParseXMLReader.DAFFODIL_SAX_URN_PARSERESULT)
* val doc = saxHandler.getDocument
* }}}
* The [[DaffodilParseXMLReader.parse(isdis:org\.apache\.daffodil\.sapi\.io\.InputSourceDataInputStream*
* DaffodilParseXMLReader.parse]] method is not thread-safe and may only be called again/reused once
* a parse operation is completed. This can be done multiple times without the need to create new
* DaffodilParseXMLReaders, ContentHandlers or ErrorHandlers. It might be necessary to reset whatever
* ContentHandler is used (or allocate a new one). A thread-safe implementation would require unique
* instances of the DaffodilParseXMLReader and its components. For example:
* {{{
* val contentHandler = new SAXHandler()
* xmlReader.setContentHandler(contentHandler)
* files.foreach { f => {
* contentHandler.reset
* val is = new InputSourceDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))
* xmlReader.parse(is)
* val pr = xmlReader.getProperty(DaffodilParseXMLReader.DAFFODIL_SAX_URN_PARSERESULT)
* val doc = saxHandler.getDocument
* }
* }}}
* The value of the supported features cannot be changed during a parse, and the parse will run
* with the value of the features as they were when the parse was kicked off. To run a parse with
* different feature values, one must wait until the running parse finishes, set the feature values
* using the XMLReader's setFeature and run the parse again.
* One can repeat calls to parse() using the same InputSourceDataInputStream to continue parsing
* where the previous parse ended. For example:
* {{{
* val is = new InputSourceDataInputStream(dataStream)
* val contentHandler = new SAXHandler()
* xmlReader.setContentHandler(contentHandler)
* val keepParsing = true
* while (keepParsing && is.hasData()) {
* contentHandler.reset()
* xmlReader.parse(is)
* val pr = xmlReader.getProperty(DaffodilParseXMLReader.DAFFODIL_SAX_URN_PARSERESULT)
* ...
* keepParsing = !pr.isError()
* }
* }}}
* <h4>Unparse</h4>
* <h5>Dataprocessor Unparse</h5>
* The same [[DataProcessor]] used for parse can be used to unparse an infoset
* via the [[DataProcessor.unparse(input* DataProcessor.unparse]] method. An
* [[infoset.InfosetInputter InfosetInputter]] provides the infoset to unparse, with the unparsed
* data written to the provided java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel. For example:
* {{{
* val inputter = new ScalaXMLInfosetInputter(node)
* val ur = dp.unparse(inputter, wbc)
* }}}
* <h5>SAX Unparse</h5>
* In order to kick off an unparse via the SAX API, one must register the [[DaffodilUnparseContentHandler]]
* as the contentHandler for an XMLReader implementation. The call to the
* [[DataProcessor.newContentHandlerInstance(output* DataProcessor.newContentHandlerInstance]] method
* must be provided with the java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel, where the unparsed data ought to
* be written to. Any XMLReader implementation is permissible, as long as they have XML
* Namespace support.
* {{{
* val is = new ByteArrayInputStream(data)
* val os = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
* val wbc = java.nio.channels.Channels.newChannel(os)
* val unparseContentHandler = dp.newContentHandlerInstance(wbc)
* val xmlReader = SAXParserFactory.newInstance.newSAXParser.getXMLReader
* xmlReader.setContentHandler(unparseContentHandler)
* try {
* xmlReader.parse(is)
* } catch {
* case _: DaffodilUnparseErrorSAXException => ...
* case _: DaffodilUnhandledSAXException => ...
* }
* }}}
* The call to the XMLReader.parse method must be wrapped in a try/catch, as [[DaffodilUnparseContentHandler]]
* relies on throwing an exception to end processing in the case of anyerrors/failures.
* There are two kinds of errors to expect: [[DaffodilUnparseErrorSAXException]], for the case when
* the [[UnparseResult.isError]], and [[DaffodilUnhandledSAXException]], for any other errors.
* In the case of an [[DaffodilUnhandledSAXException]],[[DaffodilUnparseContentHandler.getUnparseResult]]
* will return null.
* {{{
* try {
* xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(is))
* } catch {
* case _: DaffodilUnhandledSAXException => ...
* case _: DaffodilUnparseErrorSAXException => ...
* }
* val ur = unparseContentHandler.getUnparseResult
* }}}
* <h3>Failures and Diagnostics</h3>
* It is possible that failures could occur during the creation of the
* [[ProcessorFactory]], [[DataProcessor]], or [[ParseResult]]. However, rather than
* throwing an exception on error (e.g. invalid DFDL schema, parse
* error, etc), these classes extend [[WithDiagnostics]], which is used to
* determine if an error occurred, and any diagnostic information (see
* [[Diagnostic]]) related to the step. Thus, before continuing, one must check
* [[WithDiagnostics.isError]]. For example:
* {{{
* val pf = c.compile(file)
* if (pf.isError()) {
* val diags = pf.getDiagnostics()
* diags.foreach { d =>
* System.out.println(d.toString())
* }
* return -1;
* }
* }}}
* <h3>Saving and Reloading Parsers</h3>
* In some cases, it may be beneficial to save a parser and reload it.
* For example, when starting up, it may be quicker to reload an
* already compiled parser than to compile it from scratch. To save a
* [[DataProcessor]]:
* {{{
* val dp = pf.onPath("/")
* }}}
* And to restore a saved [[DataProcessor]]:
* {{{
* val dp = Daffodil.reload(saveFile);
* }}}
* And use like below:
* {{{
* val pr = dp.parse(data);
* }}}
* or
* {{{
* val xmlReader = dp.newXMLReaderInstance
* ... // setting appropriate handlers
* xmlReader.parse(data)
* val pr = xmlReader.getProperty("...ParseResult")
* }}}
package object sapi