blob: fc657994bc90004648b754bb7a69294a16ce2c80 [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors
/* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Tresys Technology, LLC. All rights reserved.
* Developed by: Tresys Technology, LLC
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal with
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
* of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
* so, subject to the following conditions:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimers.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the names of Tresys Technology, nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this Software
* without specific prior written permission.
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.text.{ ParseException, ParsePosition }
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import java.nio.{ CharBuffer, ByteBuffer }
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException
import scala.collection.mutable.Queue
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.Implicits._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.compiler._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.{ YesNo, LengthKind, ByteOrder, LengthUnits }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.{ Debug, LogLevel, Logging, Info }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Misc.bytes2Hex
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.UnsuppressableException
import{ NumberFormat, DecimalFormat }
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar.Terminal
import scala.util.parsing.input.{ Reader }
import java.sql.Timestamp
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar.Gram
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.TextTrimKind
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.TextStringJustification
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.TextNumberJustification
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.TextCalendarJustification
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.TextBooleanJustification
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors.{ Parser => DaffodilParser }
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
abstract class StaticDelimiter(kindString: String, delim: String, e: Term, guard: Boolean = true)
extends StaticText(delim, e, kindString, guard)
abstract class StaticText(delim: String, e: Term, kindString: String, guard: Boolean = true)
extends Text(e, guard) //extends DelimParserBase(e, guard)
with WithParseErrorThrowing with TextReader {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val term = e.asInstanceOf[Term]
val staticTexts = delim.split("\\s").toList
val staticTextsCooked: Queue[String] = new Queue
staticTexts.foreach(x => staticTextsCooked.enqueue(EntityReplacer.replaceAll(x, Some(e))))
val delimsRaw = {
case (delimValue, elemName, elemPath) => (delimValue.constantAsString, elemName, elemPath)
val delimsCooked1 = {
case (delimValue, elemName, elemPath) => {
(new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(delimValue.toString, e).cooked, elemName, elemPath)
val delimsCooked = { case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue }.flatten
// Here we expect that remoteDelims shall be defined as those delimiters who are not
// also defined locally. That is to say that local should win over remote.
val remoteDelims = delimsCooked.toSet.diff(staticTextsCooked.toSet)
// here we define the parsers so that they are pre-compiled/generated
val delimParser = new DFDLDelimParserStatic(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
val (pInputDelimiterParser, pIsLocalDelimParser, remoteDelimRegex) =
delimParser.generateInputDelimiterParsers(staticTextsCooked.toSet, remoteDelims)
def parseMethod(input: Reader[Char]): DelimParseResult = {
val result: DelimParseResult = delimParser.parseInputDelimiter(pInputDelimiterParser, pIsLocalDelimParser, input)
//e.schemaDefinitionWarningUnless(e.ignoreCase == YesNo.No, "Property ignoreCase='yes' not supported.")
Assert.invariant(delim != "") // shouldn't be here at all in this case.
def parser: DaffodilParser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1) = {
"<" + kindString + ">" + delim + " " + delimsRaw + "</" + kindString + ">"
override def toString = kindString + "('" + delim + "')" // with terminating markup: " + term.prettyTerminatingMarkup + ")"
// This has to stay here, moving it outside of PrimParser causes it
// to not be defined. Why?
e.schemaDefinitionWarningUnless(e.ignoreCase == YesNo.No, "Property ignoreCase='yes' not supported.")
val eName = e.toString()
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Debug)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Parsing delimiter at byte position: %s", eName, (start.bitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Parsing delimiter at bit position: %s", eName, start.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for local(%s) not remote (%s).", eName, staticTextsCooked.toSet, remoteDelims)
val bytePos = (start.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader state.")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
// Well they may not be delimiters, but the logic is the same as for a
// set of static delimiters.
val result = parseMethod(reader)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - %s - DelimParseResultult: %s", this.toString(), eName, result)
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure => {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - %s: Delimiter not found!", this.toString(), eName)
return PE(start, "%s - %s: Delimiter not found!", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess if (s.delimiterLoc == DelimiterLocation.Remote) => {
val (remoteDelimValue, remoteElemName, remoteElemPath) =
getMatchedDelimiterInfo(remoteDelimRegex, s.delimiter, delimsCooked1)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - %s: Found delimiter (%s) for %s when looking for %s(%s) for %s %s",
this.toString(), eName, remoteDelimValue, remoteElemPath, kindString, staticTexts.mkString(" "), e.path, positionalInfo)
return PE(start, "%s - %s: Found delimiter (%s) for %s when looking for %s(%s) for %s %s",
this.toString(), eName, remoteDelimValue, remoteElemPath, kindString, staticTexts.mkString(" "), e.path, positionalInfo)
case s: DelimParseSuccess =>
val numBits = e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction(s.delimiter)
val endCharPos = if (start.charPos == -1) s.delimiter.length else start.charPos + s.delimiter.length()
val endBitPosDelim = numBits + start.bitPos
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, s.delimiter)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPosDelim >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position %s", eName, endBitPosDelim)
return start.withPos(endBitPosDelim, endCharPos, Some(
def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
val t = e.asInstanceOf[Term]
override def toString = "StaticText('" + delim + "' with terminating markup: " + t.prettyTerminatingMarkup + ")"
// setLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
e.schemaDefinitionWarningUnless(e.ignoreCase == YesNo.No, "Property ignoreCase='yes' is not supported.")
Assert.invariant(delim != "") //shouldn't be here at all in this case
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
val encoder = e.knownEncodingCharset.newEncoder()
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Unparsed: " + start.outStream.getData)
def unparserDelim: String
abstract class Text(e: Term, guard: Boolean) extends DelimParserBase(e, guard) {
lazy val oes = {
val oes = e.optionEscapeScheme
oes.foreach { es =>
e.schemaDefinitionUnless(es.isKnownEscapeCharacter != Some(false), "Runtime expressions for escapeCharacters are not supported.")
e.schemaDefinitionUnless(es.isKnownEscapeEscapeCharacter != Some(false), "Runtime expressions for escapeEscapeCharacters are not supported.")
lazy val esObj = EscapeScheme.getEscapeScheme(oes, e)
val eName = e.toString()
val positionalInfo = {
if (e.isDirectChildOfSequence) {
e.nearestEnclosingSequence match {
case Some(es) => {
val pos = e.positionInNearestEnclosingSequence - 1
if (es.hasPrefixSep) {
if (e.hasPriorRequiredSiblings) {
val prior: Term = es.groupMembers(pos - 1)
"after " + prior.prettyName + " and before " + eName
} else "before " + eName
} else if (es.hasInfixSep)
if (e.hasPriorRequiredSiblings && e.hasLaterRequiredSiblings) {
val prior: Term = es.groupMembers(pos - 1)
"after " + prior.prettyName + " and before " + eName
} else if (e.hasPriorRequiredSiblings) {
val prior: Term = es.groupMembers(pos - 1)
"after " + prior.prettyName + " and before " + eName
} else if (e.hasLaterRequiredSiblings) {
val later: Term = es.groupMembers(pos + 1)
"before " + later.prettyName
} else { "" }
else if (es.hasPostfixSep)
if (e.hasPriorRequiredSiblings && e.hasLaterRequiredSiblings) {
val later: Term = es.groupMembers(pos + 1)
"after " + eName + " and before " + later.prettyName
} else if (e.hasPriorRequiredSiblings) {
val prior: Term = es.groupMembers(pos - 1)
"after " + prior.prettyName + " and before " + eName
} else if (e.hasLaterRequiredSiblings) {
val later: Term = es.groupMembers(pos + 1)
"before " + later.prettyName
} else { "" }
case None => ""
def getMatchedDelimiterInfo(remoteDelimRegex: Set[(String, String)], foundDelimiter: String,
delimiters: List[(List[String], String, String)]) = {
val matchedDelim = remoteDelimRegex.find {
case (delimRegex, _) => {
foundDelimiter.matches("(?s)^(" + delimRegex + ")$")
} match {
case Some((_, theValue)) => theValue
case None => Assert.impossibleCase()
val (remoteDelimValue, remoteElemName, remoteElemPath, _) =
val findResult = {
case (delimValueList, elemName, elemPath) => {
delimValueList.find(delim => delim == matchedDelim) match {
case Some(d) => (d, elemName, elemPath, true)
case None => (delimValueList.mkString(","), elemName, elemPath, false)
}.toSet.filter { x => x._4 == true }
if (findResult.size == 0) Assert.impossibleCase()
(remoteDelimValue, remoteElemName, remoteElemPath)
abstract class DynamicText(delimExpr: CompiledExpression, e: Term, kindString: String, guard: Boolean = true)
extends Text(e, guard)
with WithParseErrorThrowing with TextReader {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val term = e.asInstanceOf[Term]
// If there are any static delimiters, pre-process them here
lazy val staticDelimsRaw =
e.allTerminatingMarkup.filter {
case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue.isConstant
}.map {
case (delimValue, eName, ePath) => (delimValue.constantAsString, eName, ePath)
lazy val staticDelimsCooked1 = {
case (delimValue, elemName, elemPath) => { (new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(delimValue.toString, e).cooked, elemName, elemPath) }
lazy val staticDelimsCooked = { case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue }.flatten
lazy val (staticDelimsParsers, staticDelimsRegex) = dp.generateDelimiter(staticDelimsCooked.toSet)
def parseMethod(pInputDelimiterParser: dp.Parser[String],
pIsLocalDelimParser: dp.Parser[String],
input: Reader[Char]): DelimParseResult = {
val result: DelimParseResult = dp.parseInputDelimiter(pInputDelimiterParser, pIsLocalDelimParser, input)
def parser: DaffodilParser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1) = {
"<" + kindString + ">" + delimExpr + " " + delimExpr + "</" + kindString + ">"
e.schemaDefinitionWarningUnless(e.ignoreCase == YesNo.No, "Property ignoreCase='yes' not supported.")
Assert.invariant(delimExpr.toString != "") // shouldn't be here at all in this case.
override def toString = kindString + "('" + delimExpr + "')" // with terminating markup: " + term.prettyTerminatingMarkup + ")"
lazy val tm = e.allTerminatingMarkup
val eName = e.toString()
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Debug)
// We must feed variable context out of one evaluation and into the next.
// So that the resulting variable map has the updated status of all evaluated variables.
var vars = start.variableMap
val dynamicDelimsRaw = e.allTerminatingMarkup.filter { case (delimValue, elemName, elemPath) => !delimValue.isConstant }.map {
case (delimValue, elemName, elemPath) =>
val R(res, newVMap) = delimValue.evaluate(start.parentElement, vars, start)
vars = newVMap
(res, elemName, elemPath)
// Dynamic delimiters can only be evaluated at runtime
val dynamicDelimsCooked1 = {
case (delimValue, elemValue, elemPath) => { (new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(delimValue.toString, e).cooked, elemValue, elemPath) }
val dynamicDelimsCooked = { case (delimValue, _, _) => delimValue }.flatten
val delimsCooked = dynamicDelimsCooked.union(staticDelimsCooked)
val (dynamicDelimsParsers, dynamicDelimsRegex) = dp.generateDelimiter(dynamicDelimsCooked.toSet)
val localDelimsRaw = {
val R(res, newVMap) = delimExpr.evaluate(start.parentElement, vars, start)
vars = newVMap
val localDelimsCooked1 = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(localDelimsRaw.toString(), e).cooked
val localDelimsCooked = localDelimsCooked1
val (localDelimsParser, localDelimsRegex) = dp.generateDelimiter(localDelimsCooked.toSet)
val pIsLocalDelimParser = dp.generateIsLocalDelimParser(localDelimsRegex)
val postEvalState = start.withVariables(vars)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Parsing delimiter at byte position: %s", eName, (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Parsing delimiter at bit position: %s", eName, postEvalState.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for local(%s) not remote (%s).", eName, localDelimsCooked.toSet, delimsCooked.toSet)
val bytePos = (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader state.")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, postEvalState)
val remoteDelims: Array[dp.Parser[String]] = staticDelimsParsers.union(dynamicDelimsParsers)
val remoteDelimRegex = dp.getDelimsRegex(staticDelimsCooked.union(dynamicDelimsCooked).toSet)
val pInputDelimiterParser = dp.generateInputDelimiterParser(localDelimsParser, remoteDelims)
val result = parseMethod(pInputDelimiterParser, pIsLocalDelimParser, reader)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - %s - DelimParseResultult: %s", this.toString(), eName, result)
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure => {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - %s: Delimiter not found!", this.toString(), eName)
return PE(start, "%s - %s: Delimiter not found!", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess if (s.delimiterLoc == DelimiterLocation.Remote) => {
val (remoteDelimValue, remoteElemName, remoteElemPath) =
getMatchedDelimiterInfo(remoteDelimRegex, s.delimiter, dynamicDelimsCooked1)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - %s: Found delimiter (%s) for %s when looking for %s(%s) for %s",
this.toString(), eName, remoteDelimValue, remoteElemPath, kindString, localDelimsCooked.mkString(" "), e.path)
return PE(start, "%s - %s: Found delimiter (%s) for %s when looking for %s(%s) for %s",
this.toString(), eName, remoteDelimValue, remoteElemPath, kindString, localDelimsCooked.mkString(" "), e.path)
case s: DelimParseSuccess =>
val numBits = e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction(s.delimiter)
val endCharPos = if (postEvalState.charPos == -1) s.delimiter.length else postEvalState.charPos + s.delimiter.length()
val endBitPosDelim = numBits + postEvalState.bitPos
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, s.delimiter)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPosDelim >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position %s", eName, endBitPosDelim)
return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPosDelim, endCharPos, Some(
def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
val t = e.asInstanceOf[Term]
override def toString = "StaticText('" + delimExpr + "' with terminating markup: " + t.prettyTerminatingMarkup + ")"
// setLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
e.schemaDefinitionWarningUnless(e.ignoreCase == YesNo.No, "Property ignoreCase='yes' is not supported.")
Assert.invariant(delimExpr != "") //shouldn't be here at all in this case
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
// We really want to do something similar to the below to evaluate the expression
// for a delimiter.
// val localDelimsRaw = {
// val R(res, newVMap) = delimExpr.evaluate(start.parentElement, vars, start)
// vars = newVMap
// res
// }
// val localDelimsCooked1 = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(localDelimsRaw.toString(), e).cooked
// val localDelimsCooked = localDelimsCooked1
val encoder = e.knownEncodingCharset.newEncoder()
// TODO: This is not correct, we need to be able to evaluate delimExpr and select a
// delimiter to use here.
start.outStream.fillCharBuffer(delimExpr.toString()) //start.outStream.fillCharBuffer(unparserDelim)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Unparsed: " + start.outStream.getData))
} */
def unparser: Unparser = DummyUnparser
//def unparserDelim: String
abstract class DynamicDelimiter(kindString: String, delimExpr: CompiledExpression, e: Term, guard: Boolean = true)
extends DynamicText(delimExpr, e, kindString, guard)
//case class StaticInitiator(e: Term) extends StaticDelimiter(e.initiator.constantAsString, e)
case class StaticInitiator(e: Term) extends StaticDelimiter("Init", e.initiator.constantAsString, e) {
lazy val unparserDelim = e.initiator.constantAsString.split("""\s""").head
//case class StaticTerminator(e : Term) extends StaticDelimiter(e.terminator.constantAsString, e)
case class StaticTerminator(e: Term) extends StaticDelimiter("Term", e.terminator.constantAsString, e) {
lazy val unparserDelim = e.terminator.constantAsString.split("""\s""").head
case class DynamicInitiator(e: Term) extends DynamicDelimiter("Init", e.initiator, e)
case class DynamicTerminator(e: Term) extends DynamicDelimiter("Term", e.terminator, e)
// Note: for a static separator, we pass s, the sequence, because that is where
// the charset encoding comes from.
case class StaticSeparator(s: Sequence, t: Term) extends StaticDelimiter("Sep", s.separator.constantAsString, s) {
lazy val unparserDelim = s.separator.constantAsString.split("""\s""").head
case class DynamicSeparator(s: Sequence, t: Term) extends DynamicDelimiter("Sep", s.separator, s)
case class LiteralNilExplicitLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase)
extends LiteralNilInBytesBase(e, "LiteralNilExplicit") {
val expr = e.length
val exprText = expr.prettyExpr
final def computeLength(start: PState) = {
val R(nBytesAsAny, newVMap) = expr.evaluate(start.parentElement, start.variableMap, start)
val nBytes = nBytesAsAny.toString().toLong //nBytesAsAny.asInstanceOf[Long]
(nBytes, newVMap)
case class LiteralNilKnownLengthInBytes(e: ElementBase, lengthInBytes: Long)
extends LiteralNilInBytesBase(e, "LiteralNilKnown") {
final def computeLength(start: PState) = {
(lengthInBytes, start.variableMap)
abstract class LiteralNilInBytesBase(e: ElementBase, label: String)
extends StaticText(e.nilValue, e, label, e.isNillable)
with Padded {
protected def computeLength(start: PState): (Long, VariableMap)
// We are to assume that we can always read nBytes
// a failure to read nBytes is a failure period.
lazy val unparserDelim = Assert.notYetImplemented()
override def parser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
"<" + name + " nilValue='" + e.nilValue + "'/>"
val isEmptyAllowed = e.nilValue.contains("%ES;")
val eName = e.toString()
val nilValuesCooked = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(e.nilValue, e).cooked
val charsetName =
def parse(start: PState): PState = {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Debug)
// TODO: What if someone passes in nBytes = 0 for Explicit length, is this legal?
val (nBytes: Long, newVMap: VariableMap) = computeLength(start)
val postEvalState = start.withVariables(newVMap)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Explicit length %s", nBytes)
//val postEvalState = start //start.withVariables(vars)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for: %s Count: %s", eName, nilValuesCooked, nilValuesCooked.length)
val in = postEvalState.inStream
val bytePos = (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at bit pos: %s", eName, postEvalState.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at byte pos: %s", eName, bytePos)
// some encodings aren't whole bytes
// if (postEvalState.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(postEvalState, "LiteralNilPattern - not byte aligned.") }
val decoder = charset.newDecoder()
val d = new DelimParser(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
try {
val reader = in.getCharReader(charset, postEvalState.bitPos)
val bytes = in.getBytes(postEvalState.bitPos, nBytes.toInt)
val cb = decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))
val result = cb.toString
val trimmedResult = d.removePadding(result, justificationTrim, padChar)
val endBitPos = postEvalState.bitPos + (nBytes.toInt * 8)
val endCharPos = if (postEvalState.charPos == -1) result.length() else postEvalState.charPos + result.length()
// We have a field, is it empty?
val isFieldEmpty = trimmedResult.length == 0 //result.length() == 0
if (isFieldEmpty && isEmptyAllowed) {
// Valid!
return postEvalState // Empty, no need to advance
} else if (isFieldEmpty && !isEmptyAllowed) {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Empty field found but not allowed!", eName)
} else if (d.isFieldDfdlLiteral(trimmedResult, nilValuesCooked.toSet)) {
// Contains a nilValue, Success!
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, trimmedResult)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position ", eName, endBitPos)
return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some(reader)) // Need to advance past found nilValue
} else {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Does not contain a nil literal!", eName)
} catch {
case e: IndexOutOfBoundsException => {
// In this case, we failed to get the bytes
if (isEmptyAllowed) {
// Valid!
return postEvalState // Empty, no need to advance
} else {
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Insufficient Bytes in field; required %s", name, nBytes)
case u: UnsuppressableException => throw u
case e: Exception => { return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Exception: \n%s", name, e.getMessage()) }
override def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
case class LiteralNilExplicitLengthInChars(e: ElementBase)
extends StaticText(e.nilValue, e, "LiteralNilExplicit", e.isNillable)
with Padded {
// We are to assume that we can always read nChars
// a failure to read nChars is a failure period.
// TODO: LiteralNilExplicitLengthInChars really is a variation of LiteralNilPattern
lazy val unparserDelim = Assert.notYetImplemented()
override def parser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
"<" + name + " nilValue='" + e.nilValue + "'/>"
val isEmptyAllowed = e.nilValue.contains("%ES;")
val eName = e.toString()
val nilValuesCooked = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(e.nilValue, e).cooked
val charsetName =
val expr = e.length
val exprText = expr.prettyExpr
def parse(start: PState): PState = {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
//val postEvalState = start //start.withVariables(vars)
val R(nCharsAsAny, newVMap) = expr.evaluate(start.parentElement, start.variableMap, start)
val nChars = nCharsAsAny.asInstanceOf[String] //nBytesAsAny.asInstanceOf[Long]
val postEvalState = start.withVariables(newVMap)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Explicit length %s", nChars)
val pattern = "(?s)^.{%s}".format(nChars)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for: %s Count: %s", eName, nilValuesCooked, nilValuesCooked.length)
val bytePos = (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at bit pos: %s", eName, postEvalState.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at byte pos: %s", eName, bytePos)
// Don't check this here. This can vary by encoding.
//if (postEvalState.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(start, "LiteralNilPattern - not byte aligned.") }
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader state.")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
if (nChars == 0 && isEmptyAllowed) {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - explicit length of 0 and %ES; found as nilValue.", eName)
return postEvalState // Empty, no need to advance
val d = new DelimParser(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
val result = d.parseInputPatterned(pattern, reader)
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure =>
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - %s - Parse failed.", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
// We have a field, is it empty?
val field = d.removePadding(s.field, justificationTrim, padChar)
val isFieldEmpty = field.length() == 0
if (isFieldEmpty && isEmptyAllowed) {
// Valid!
return postEvalState // Empty, no need to advance
} else if (isFieldEmpty && !isEmptyAllowed) {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Empty field found but not allowed!", eName)
} else if (d.isFieldDfdlLiteral(field, nilValuesCooked.toSet)) {
// Contains a nilValue, Success!
val numBits = s.numBits //e.knownEncodingStringBitLength(result.field)
val endCharPos =
if (postEvalState.charPos == -1) s.field.length
else postEvalState.charPos + s.field.length
val endBitPos = numBits + start.bitPos
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, s.field)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position ", eName, endBitPos)
return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some( // Need to advance past found nilValue
} else {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Does not contain a nil literal!", eName)
override def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
case class LiteralNilExplicit(e: ElementBase, nUnits: Long)
extends StaticText(e.nilValue, e, "LiteralNilExplicit", e.isNillable)
with Padded {
lazy val unparserDelim = Assert.notYetImplemented()
//val stParser = super.parser
override def parser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
"<" + name + " nilValue='" + e.nilValue + "'/>"
val pattern = e.lengthPattern
val isEmptyAllowed = e.nilValue.contains("%ES;")
val eName = e.toString()
val nilValuesCooked = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(e.nilValue, e).cooked
val charsetName =
def parse(start: PState): PState = {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
val postEvalState = start //start.withVariables(vars)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for: %s Count: %s", eName, nilValuesCooked, nilValuesCooked.length)
val bytePos = (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at bit pos: %s", eName, postEvalState.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at byte pos: %s", eName, bytePos)
if (postEvalState.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(start, "LiteralNilPattern - not byte aligned.") }
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader state.")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
// val byteReader = in.byteReader.atPos(bytePos)
// val reader = byteReader.charReader(decoder.charset().name())
val d = new DelimParser(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
val result = d.parseInputPatterned(pattern, reader)
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure =>
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - %s - Parse failed.", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
// We have a field, is it empty?
val field = d.removePadding(s.field, justificationTrim, padChar)
val isFieldEmpty = field.length() == 0
if (isFieldEmpty && isEmptyAllowed) {
// Valid!
return postEvalState // Empty, no need to advance
} else if (isFieldEmpty && !isEmptyAllowed) {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Empty field found but not allowed!", eName)
} else if (d.isFieldDfdlLiteral(field, nilValuesCooked.toSet)) {
// Contains a nilValue, Success!
val numBits = s.numBits //e.knownEncodingStringBitLength(result.field)
//val endCharPos = start.charPos + result.field.length()
val endCharPos =
if (postEvalState.charPos == -1) s.field.length
else postEvalState.charPos + s.field.length
val endBitPos = numBits + start.bitPos
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, s.field)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position ", eName, endBitPos)
//return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos) // Need to advance past found nilValue
return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some( // Need to advance past found nilValue
} else {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Does not contain a nil literal!", eName)
override def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
case class LiteralNilPattern(e: ElementBase)
extends StaticText(e.nilValue, e, "LiteralNilPattern", e.isNillable)
with Padded {
lazy val unparserDelim = Assert.notYetImplemented()
//val stParser = super.parser
override def parser = new PrimParser(this, e) {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
"<" + name + " nilValue='" + e.nilValue + "'/>"
val pattern = e.lengthPattern
val isEmptyAllowed = e.nilValue.contains("%ES;")
val eName = e.toString()
val nilValuesCooked = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(e.nilValue, e).cooked
val charsetName =
def parse(start: PState): PState = {
// withLoggingLevel(LogLevel.Info)
val postEvalState = start //start.withVariables(vars)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Looking for: %s Count: %s", eName, nilValuesCooked, nilValuesCooked.length)
val bytePos = (postEvalState.bitPos >> 3).toInt
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at bit pos: %s", eName, postEvalState.bitPos)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Starting at byte pos: %s", eName, bytePos)
if (postEvalState.bitPos % 8 != 0) { return PE(start, "LiteralNilPattern - not byte aligned.") }
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Retrieving reader state.")
val reader = getReader(charset, start.bitPos, start)
val d = new DelimParser(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
val result = d.parseInputPatterned(pattern, reader)
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure =>
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - %s - Parse failed.", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
// We have a field, is it empty?
val field = d.removePadding(s.field, justificationTrim, padChar)
val isFieldEmpty = field.length() == 0
if (isFieldEmpty && isEmptyAllowed) {
// Valid!
return postEvalState // Empty, no need to advance
} else if (isFieldEmpty && !isEmptyAllowed) {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Empty field found but not allowed!", eName)
} else if (d.isFieldDfdlLiteral(field, nilValuesCooked.toSet)) {
// Contains a nilValue, Success!
val numBits = s.numBits //e.knownEncodingStringBitLength(result.field)
val endCharPos =
if (postEvalState.charPos == -1) s.field.length
else postEvalState.charPos + s.field.length
val endBitPos = numBits + start.bitPos
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, s.field)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position ", eName, endBitPos)
return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some( // Need to advance past found nilValue
} else {
// Fail!
return PE(postEvalState, "%s - Does not contain a nil literal!", eName)
override def unparser: Unparser = new Unparser(e) {
def unparse(start: UState): UState = {
abstract class LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfData(eb: ElementBase)
extends StringDelimited(eb) {
val nilValuesCooked = new ListOfStringValueAsLiteral(eb.nilValue, eb).cooked
val isEmptyAllowed = eb.nilValue.contains("%ES;") // TODO: move outside parser
override def processResult(result: DelimParseResult, state: PState): PState = {
result match {
case f: DelimParseFailure =>
return parser.PE(state, "%s - %s - Parse failed.", this.toString(), eName)
case s: DelimParseSuccess => {
// We have a field, is it empty?
//val field = dp.removePadding(s.field, justificationTrim, padChar)
val field = s.field
val isFieldEmpty = field.length() == 0 // Note: field has been stripped of padChars
if (isFieldEmpty && !isEmptyAllowed) {
// Fail!
return parser.PE(state, "%s - Empty field found but not allowed!", eName)
} else if ((isFieldEmpty && isEmptyAllowed) || // Empty, but must advance past padChars if there were any.
dp.isFieldDfdlLiteral(field, nilValuesCooked.toSet)) { // Not empty, but matches.
// Contains a nilValue, Success!
val numBits = s.numBits
//val endCharPos = start.charPos + result.field.length()
val endCharPos = if (state.charPos == -1) s.numCharsRead else state.charPos + s.numCharsRead
val endBitPos = numBits + state.bitPos
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Found %s", eName, s.field)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at byte position %s", eName, (endBitPos >> 3))
log(LogLevel.Debug, "%s - Ended at bit position ", eName, endBitPos)
//return postEvalState.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos) // Need to advance past found nilValue
return state.withPos(endBitPos, endCharPos, Some( // Need to advance past found nilValue
} else {
// Fail!
return parser.PE(state, "%s - Does not contain a nil literal!", eName)
case class LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfDataStatic(eb: ElementBase)
extends LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfData(eb) with StaticDelim
case class LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfDataDynamic(eb: ElementBase)
extends LiteralNilDelimitedEndOfData(eb) with DynamicDelim
case class LogicalNilValue(e: ElementBase) extends Primitive(e, e.isNillable)