blob: 10179650bb00f1ee78ae1784cd72f618f01f22cc [file] [log] [blame]
package edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.processors
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ElementBase
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar.Gram
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ElementBase
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.exceptions.UnsuppressableException
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.ElementBase
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.grammar.Terminal
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.dsom.DiagnosticUtils._
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Maybe
import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.util.Maybe._
abstract class SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(val e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram)
extends Terminal(e, true)
with RuntimeExplicitLengthMixin[Long] {
// extends NamedGram(e) {
// requiredEvaluations(eGram) // Note: not really required for grammar objects.
// The eGram is only required if the grammar clause actually ends up spliced
// into the final grammar, and we can't tell that here, so whether the egram
// ends up evaluated or not really has to happen in the application logic.
val eParser = eGram.parser
def kind: String
def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int = -1): String = {
if (depthLimit == 0) "..." else
"<SpecifiedLengthCombinator_" + kind + ">" +
eParser.toBriefXML(depthLimit - 1) +
"</SpecifiedLengthCombinator_" + kind + ">"
class SpecifiedLengthPattern(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "Pattern"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthPatternParser(this, e)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsFixed(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram, nBits: Long)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "ExplicitBitsFixed"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsFixedParser(this, e, nBits)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBits(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "ExplicitBits"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsParser(this, e)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesFixed(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram, nBytes: Long)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "ExplicitBytesFixed"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesFixedParser(this, e, nBytes)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytes(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "ExplicitBytes"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesParser(this, e)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharactersFixed(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram, nChars: Long)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "ExplicitCharactersFixed"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharactersFixedParser(this, e, nChars)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharacters(e: ElementBase, eGram: => Gram)
extends SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase(e, eGram) {
val kind = "ExplicitCharacters"
def parser: Parser = new SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharactersParser(this, e)
def unparser: Unparser = new DummyUnparser(e)
abstract class SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase,
e: ElementBase)
extends PrimParser(combinator, e)
with WithParseErrorThrowing {
override def toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int) = combinator.toBriefXML(depthLimit: Int)
final def parse(pstate: PState, endBitPos: Long, e: ElementBase) = {
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Limiting data to %s bits.", endBitPos)
val savedLimit = pstate.bitLimit0b
val postState1 = pstate.withEndBitLimit(endBitPos)
val postState2 = combinator.eParser.parse1(postState1, e)
log(LogLevel.Debug, "Restoring data limit to %s bits.", pstate.bitLimit0b)
val postState3 = postState2.withEndBitLimit(savedLimit)
val finalState = postState3.status match {
case Success => {
// Check that the parsed length is less than or equal to the length of the parent
//Assert.invariant(postState2.bitPos <= endBitPos)
this.PECheck(postState2.bitPos <= endBitPos, "The parsed length of the children (%s bits) was greater than that of the parent (%s bits).", postState2.bitPos, endBitPos)
postState3.withPos(endBitPos, -1, Nope)
case _ => postState3
class SpecifiedLengthPatternParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val pattern = e.lengthPattern
val d = new ThreadLocal[DFDLDelimParser] {
override def initialValue() = {
new DFDLDelimParser(e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction)
if (!e.isScannable) e.SDE("Element %s does not meet the requirements of Pattern-Based lengths and Scanability.\nThe element and its children must be representation='text' and share the same encoding.", e.prettyName)
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val in = start.inStream
val reader = in.getCharReader(charset, start.bitPos)
val result = d.get.parseInputPatterned(pattern, reader, start)
val endBitPos =
result match {
case _: DelimParseFailure => start.bitPos + 0 // no match == length is zero!
case s: DelimParseSuccess => start.bitPos + s.numBits
val postEState = parse(start, endBitPos, e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val expr = e.length
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val (pState, nBits) = combinator.getBitLength(start)
val in = pState.inStream
try {
val nBytes = scala.math.ceil(nBits / 8.0).toLong
val bytes = in.getBytes(pState.bitPos, nBytes)
val endBitPos = pState.bitPos + nBits
val postEState = parse(pState, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
} catch {
case ex: IndexOutOfBoundsException => {
// Insufficient bytes in field, but we need to still allow processing
// to test for Nils
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + 0
val postEState = parse(start, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
case u: UnsuppressableException => throw u
case e: Exception => { return PE(pState, "SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsParser - Exception: \n%s", e.getStackTraceString) }
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsFixedParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase, nBits: Long)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val in = start.inStream
try {
val nBytes = scala.math.ceil(nBits / 8.0).toLong
val bytes = in.getBytes(start.bitPos, nBytes)
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + nBits
val postEState = parse(start, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
} catch {
case ex: IndexOutOfBoundsException => {
// Insufficient bits in field, but we need to still allow processing
// to test for Nils
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + 0
val postEState = parse(start, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
case u: UnsuppressableException => throw u
case ex: Exception => { return PE(start, "SpecifiedLengthExplicitBitsFixedParser - Exception: \n%s", ex.getStackTraceString) }
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val expr = e.length
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val (pState, nBytes) = combinator.getLength(start)
val in = pState.inStream
try {
val bytes = in.getBytes(pState.bitPos, nBytes)
val endBitPos = pState.bitPos + (nBytes * 8)
val postEState = parse(pState, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
} catch {
case ex: IndexOutOfBoundsException => {
// Insufficient bytes in field, but we need to still allow processing
// to test for Nils
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + 0
val postEState = parse(start, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
case u: UnsuppressableException => throw u
case ex: Exception => { return PE(pState, "SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesParser - Exception: \n%s", ex.getStackTraceString) }
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitBytesFixedParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase, nBytes: Long)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val in = start.inStream
try {
// val bytes = in.getBytes(start.bitPos, nBytes)
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + (nBytes * 8)
val postEState = super.parse(start, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
} catch {
case ex: IndexOutOfBoundsException => {
// Insufficient bytes in field, but we need to still allow processing
// to test for Nils
val endBitPos = start.bitPos + 0
val postEState = super.parse(start, endBitPos, e)
return postEState
case u: UnsuppressableException => throw u
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharactersFixedParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase, nChars: Long)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val in = start.inStream
val rdr = in.getCharReader(charset, start.bitPos)
val field = rdr.getStringInChars(nChars.toInt).toString() // TODO: Don't we want getStringInChars to accept Long?!
val fieldLength = field.length
val endBitPos =
if (fieldLength != nChars.toInt) start.bitPos + 0 // no match == length is zero!
else {
val numBits = e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction(field)
start.bitPos + numBits
val postEState = parse(start, endBitPos, e)
class SpecifiedLengthExplicitCharactersParser(combinator: SpecifiedLengthCombinatorBase, e: ElementBase)
extends SpecifiedLengthParserBase(combinator, e) {
val charset = e.knownEncodingCharset
val expr = e.length
def parse(start: PState): PState = withParseErrorThrowing(start) {
val (pState, nChars) = combinator.getLength(start)
val in = pState.inStream
val rdr = in.getCharReader(charset, pState.bitPos)
val field = rdr.getStringInChars(nChars.toInt).toString()
val fieldLength = field.length
val endBitPos =
if (fieldLength != nChars.toInt) pState.bitPos + 0 // no match == length is zero!
else {
val numBits = e.knownEncodingStringBitLengthFunction(field)
pState.bitPos + numBits
val postEState = parse(pState, endBitPos, e)