blob: 3f8c9f90803dfeba7a0110241f9f4f5e263f9aba [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.processors
import java.nio.CharBuffer
import java.nio.LongBuffer
import java.nio.channels.Channels
import java.nio.file.Files
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import org.apache.daffodil.Implicits._; object INoWarn4 {
ImplicitsSuppressUnusedImportWarning() }
import org.apache.daffodil.api.ValidationException
import org.apache.daffodil.api.ValidationFailure
import org.apache.daffodil.api.ValidationResult
import org.apache.daffodil.api.Validator
import org.apache.daffodil.validation.XercesValidatorFactory
import org.apache.daffodil.api.DFDL
import org.apache.daffodil.api.DaffodilTunables
import org.apache.daffodil.api.ValidationMode
import org.apache.daffodil.api.WithDiagnostics
import org.apache.daffodil.debugger.Debugger
import org.apache.daffodil.dsom.TunableLimitExceededError
import org.apache.daffodil.dsom._
import org.apache.daffodil.equality._; object EqualityNoWarn3 {
EqualitySuppressUnusedImportWarning() }
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.UnsuppressableException
import org.apache.daffodil.externalvars.Binding
import org.apache.daffodil.externalvars.ExternalVariablesLoader
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.DIElement
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.InfosetException
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.InfosetInputter
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.InfosetOutputter
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.TeeInfosetOutputter
import org.apache.daffodil.infoset.XMLTextInfosetOutputter
import org.apache.daffodil.oolag.ErrorAlreadyHandled
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.PState
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.ParseError
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.parsers.Parser
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.UState
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.unparsers.UnparseError
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe._
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Misc
* Implementation mixin - provides simple helper methods
trait WithDiagnosticsImpl extends WithDiagnostics {
// final lazy val hasDiagnostics = {
// getDiagnostics.size > 0
// }
class InvalidUsageException(msg: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends Exception(msg, cause)
object DataProcessor {
* This is the DataProcessor constructed from a saved processor.
* It enables us to implement restrictions on what you can/cannot do with a reloaded
* processor versus an original one.
* When we create one of these, it will have default values for everything
* settable like debuggers, debug mode.
* Note that this does preserve the externalVars and validationMode. That is because
* those may be needed by serializations other than our own save/reload (e.g., Apache Spark which
* serializes to move things for remote execution).
* Hence, we're depending on the save method to explicitly reset validationMode and
* externalVars to initial values.
private class SerializableDataProcessor(
val data: SchemaSetRuntimeData,
tunable: DaffodilTunables,
externalVars: Queue[Binding], // must be explicitly set to empty by save method
validationModeArg: ValidationMode.Type) // must be explicitly set from Full to Limited by save method.
extends DataProcessor(data, tunable, externalVars, validationModeArg) {
override def withValidationMode(mode: ValidationMode.Type): DataProcessor = {
if (mode == ValidationMode.Full) {
throw new InvalidUsageException("'Full' validation not allowed when using a restored parser.")
@deprecated("Use withValidationMode.", "2.6.0")
override def setValidationMode(mode: ValidationMode.Type): Unit = {
if (mode == ValidationMode.Full) {
throw new InvalidUsageException("'Full' validation not allowed when using a restored parser.")
validationMode = mode
* The very last aspects of compilation, and the start of the
* back-end runtime.
class DataProcessor private (
// Once the deprecated API goes away, these var can become val.
var ssrd: SchemaSetRuntimeData,
var tunables: DaffodilTunables, // Compiler-set tunables
var variableMap: VariableMap,
// The below do not need to be transient
// because this object itself isn't serialized. A SerializableDataProcessor is.
// The values these will have (since this is a base class) are the correct default values that we want
// back when the object is re-initialized.
protected var areDebugging : Boolean,
protected var optDebugger : Option[Debugger],
var validationMode: ValidationMode.Type,
private var externalVars: Queue[Binding])
extends DFDL.DataProcessor
with HasSetDebugger
with Serializable
with MultipleEventHandler {
import DataProcessor.SerializableDataProcessor
* In order to make this serializable, without serializing the unwanted current state of
* debugger, external var settings, etc. we replace, at serialization time, this object
* with a [[SerializableDataProcessor]] which is a private derived class that
* sets all these troublesome var slots back to the default values.
* But note: there is serialization for us to save/reload, and there is serialization
* in other contexts like Apache Spark, which may serialize objects without notifying us.
* So we preserve everything that something like Spark might need preserved (validation modes, external vars)
* and reinitialize things that are *always* reinitialized e.g., debugger, areDebugging.
* That means when we save for reloading, we must explicitly clobber validationMode and externalVars to
* initialized values.
* @throws
* @return the serializable object
private def writeReplace() : Object =
new SerializableDataProcessor(ssrd, tunables, externalVars, validationMode)
* The compilerExternalVars argument supports the deprecated feature to assign external var bindings
* on the compiler object.
* These are just incorporated into the initial variable map of the data processor.
def this(
ssrd: SchemaSetRuntimeData,
compilerExternalVars: Queue[Binding] = Queue.empty,
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type = ValidationMode.Off) =
this(ssrd, tunables, ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariables(compilerExternalVars, ssrd, ssrd.originalVariables),
false, None, validationMode, compilerExternalVars)
private def copy(
ssrd: SchemaSetRuntimeData = ssrd,
tunables: DaffodilTunables = tunables,
areDebugging : Boolean = areDebugging,
optDebugger : Option[Debugger] = optDebugger,
validationMode: ValidationMode.Type = validationMode,
variableMap : VariableMap = variableMap.copy,
externalVars: Queue[Binding] = externalVars) =
new DataProcessor(ssrd, tunables, variableMap, areDebugging, optDebugger, validationMode, externalVars)
// This thread local state is used by the PState when it needs buffers for
// regex matching. This cannot be in PState because a PState does not last
// beyond a single parse, but we want to share this among different parses to
// avoid large memory allocations. The alternative is to use a ThreadLocal
// companion object, but that would have not access to tunables, so one could
// not configure the size of the regex match buffers.
@transient lazy val regexMatchState = new ThreadLocal[(CharBuffer, LongBuffer)] {
override def initialValue = {
val cb = CharBuffer.allocate(tunables.maximumRegexMatchLengthInCharacters)
val lb = LongBuffer.allocate(tunables.maximumRegexMatchLengthInCharacters)
(cb, lb)
* Returns a data processor with the same state.
override def clone(): DataProcessor = copy()
* Returns a data processor with all the same state, but the validation mode changed to that of the argument.
* Note that the default validation mode is "off", that is, no validation is performed.
@deprecated("Use withValidationMode.", "2.6.0")
def setValidationMode(mode: ValidationMode.Type): Unit = { validationMode = mode }
def withValidationMode(mode:ValidationMode.Type): DataProcessor = copy(validationMode = mode)
def withValidator(validator: Validator): DataProcessor = withValidationMode(ValidationMode.Custom(validator))
lazy val validator: Validator = {
validationMode match {
case ValidationMode.Custom(cv) => cv
case _ =>
val cfg = XercesValidatorFactory.makeConfig(ssrd.elementRuntimeData.schemaURIStringsForFullValidation)
// TODO Deprecate and replace usages with just tunables.
def getTunables: DaffodilTunables = tunables
def debugger = {
@deprecated("Use withDebugger.", "2.6.0")
def setDebugger(dbg: AnyRef): Unit = {
val optDbg = if (dbg eq null) None else Some(dbg.asInstanceOf[Debugger])
optDebugger = optDbg
def withDebugger(dbg:AnyRef) = {
val optDbg = if (dbg eq null) None else Some(dbg.asInstanceOf[Debugger])
copy(optDebugger = optDbg)
@deprecated("Use withDebugging.", "2.6.0")
def setDebugging(flag: Boolean): Unit = {
areDebugging = flag
tunables = tunables.setTunable("allowExternalPathExpressions", flag.toString)
def withDebugging(flag: Boolean): DataProcessor = {
val newTunables = tunables.setTunable("allowExternalPathExpressions", flag.toString)
copy(areDebugging = flag, tunables = newTunables)
private def loadExternalVariables(extVars: Map[String, String]): Queue[Binding] = {
val bindings = ExternalVariablesLoader.mapToBindings(extVars)
val newVars = externalVars ++ bindings
ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariables(bindings, ssrd, variableMap)
private def loadExternalVariables(extVars: File): Queue[Binding] = {
val bindings = ExternalVariablesLoader.fileToBindings(extVars)
val newVars = externalVars ++ bindings
ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariables(bindings, ssrd, variableMap)
private def loadExternalVariables(bindings: Seq[Binding]): Queue[Binding] = {
val newVars = externalVars ++ bindings
ExternalVariablesLoader.loadVariables(bindings, ssrd, variableMap)
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
def setExternalVariables(extVars: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
externalVars = newBindings
def withExternalVariables(extVars: Map[String, String]): DataProcessor = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
copy(externalVars = newBindings)
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
def setExternalVariables(extVars: File): Unit = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
externalVars = newBindings
def withExternalVariables(extVars: File): DataProcessor = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
copy(externalVars = newBindings)
* Note that tunables is not used. So this method is equivalent to
* the other similar method that doesn't take that parameter.
* @param extVars File containing configuration with external variable bindings in it.
* @param tunable This is ignored.
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
def setExternalVariables(extVars: File, tunable: DaffodilTunables): Unit = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
externalVars = newBindings
@deprecated("Use withExternalVariables.", "2.6.0")
def setExternalVariables(extVars: Seq[Binding]): Unit = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
externalVars = newBindings
def withExternalVariables(extVars: Seq[Binding]): DataProcessor = {
val newBindings = loadExternalVariables(extVars)
copy(externalVars = newBindings)
@deprecated("Use withTunables.", "2.6.0")
def setTunable(tunable: String, value: String): Unit = tunables = tunables.setTunable(tunable, value)
def withTunable(tunable: String, value: String): DataProcessor = copy(tunables = tunables.setTunable(tunable, value))
@deprecated("Use withTunables.", "2.6.0")
def setTunables(tunablesArg: Map[String, String]): Unit = tunables = tunables.setTunables(tunablesArg)
def withTunables(tunablesArg: Map[String, String]): DataProcessor = copy(tunables = tunables.setTunables(tunablesArg))
override def isError = false // really there is no compiling at all currently, so there can be no errors.
override def getDiagnostics = ssrd.diagnostics
override def newXMLReaderInstance: DFDL.DaffodilParseXMLReader = new DaffodilParseXMLReader(this)
override def newContentHandlerInstance(output: DFDL.Output): DFDL.DaffodilUnparseContentHandler =
new DaffodilUnparseContentHandler(this, output)
def save(output: DFDL.Output): Unit = {
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(Channels.newOutputStream(output)))
// Make a copy of this object, so that our state mods below don't side-effect the user's object.
// Saving shouldn't have side-effects on the state of the object.
val dpToSave = this.copy()
// Note that the serialization system *does* preserve these two settings. This is for general serialization
// that may be required by other software (e.g., Apache Spark)
// But for our save/reload purposes, we don't want them preserved.
dpToSave.externalVars = Queue.empty[Binding] // explicitly set these to empty so restored processor won't have them.
dpToSave.validationMode = ValidationMode.Off // explicitly turn off, so restored processor won't be validating.
try {
// The serialization system encapsulates exceptions or any throw really
// inside an IOException.
// We catch and undo this, and throw the original exception,
// which won't give us a breakpoint at the right place, but at least
// it will give us the right exception, and if it is a regular exception that
// contains a stack copy, a backtrace.
// Note that getting an SDE here is a bug, i.e., a mistake in Daffodil's code base.
// SDEs should all be detected before we start saving the processor definition, at the very latest by
// calling preSerialization methods explicitly first so any final computations that only
// get done before serialization do get done.
} catch {
case e: IOException => {
val Some(cause) = Misc.getSomeCause(e)
throw cause
* Here begins the parser runtime. Compiler-oriented mechanisms (OOLAG etc.) aren't used in the
* runtime. Instead we deal with success and failure statuses.
def parse(input: InputSourceDataInputStream, output: InfosetOutputter): DFDL.ParseResult = {
// If full validation is enabled, tee all the infoset events to a second
// infoset outputter that writes the infoset to a byte array, and then
// we'll validate that byte array upon a successful parse.
// TODO: ideally we could create a validator that validates using only SAX
// events from a ContentHandler. Then we could just validate as parse
// events are created rather than writing the entire infoset in memory and
// then validating at the end of the parse. See DAFFODIL-2386
val (outputter, maybeValidationBytes) = {
validationMode match {
case ValidationMode.Full | ValidationMode.Custom(_) =>
val bos = new
val xmlOutputter = new XMLTextInfosetOutputter(bos, false)
val teeOutputter = new TeeInfosetOutputter(output, xmlOutputter)
(teeOutputter, One(bos))
case _ =>
(output, Nope)
val rootERD = ssrd.elementRuntimeData
val state = PState.createInitialPState(rootERD, input, outputter, this, areDebugging)
if (areDebugging) {
state.dataProc.get.init(state, ssrd.parser)
doParse(ssrd.parser, state)
val pr = new ParseResult(this, state)
if (!pr.isProcessingError) {
// By the time we get here, all infoset nodes have been set final, all
// walker blocks released, and all elements walked. The one exception
// is that the root node has not been set final because isFinal is
// handled by the sequence parser and there is no sequence around the
// root node. So mark it as final and do one last walk to end the
// document.
state.infoset.contents(0).isFinal = true
state.walker.walk(lastWalk = true)
if (maybeValidationBytes.isDefined) {
} else {
// failed, so delete all blobs that were created
state.blobPaths.foreach { path =>
// ensure the blob paths are empty in case of outputter reuse
val s = state
val dp = s.dataProc
val ssrdParser = ssrd.parser
if (dp.isDefined) dp.value.fini(ssrdParser)
private def doParse(p: Parser, state: PState): Unit = {
var optThrown: Maybe[Throwable] = None
try {
try {
Assert.usageErrorUnless(state.dataInputStreamIsValid, "Attempted to use an invalid input source. This can happen due to our position in the input source not being properly reset after failed parse could not backtrack to its original position")
// Force the evaluation of any defineVariable's with non-constant default
// value expressions
this.startElement(state, p)
this.endElement(state, p)
// After the end of all processing, we still call things that ask for the
// ERD, and expect to find it on the processor.context. If we don't set
// this, then the processor.context is Nope (because it is set on the
// way into a parser, and unset back when a parser unwinds). We
// want it to do this wind/unwind, but here at the ultimate top
// level we want to defeat that final unwind
// so that subsequent use of the state can generally work and have a context.
} catch {
//We will actually be handling all errors in the outer loop
//However, there is a chance that our finally block will itself throw.
//In such a case, it is useful to include the original error.
case e: Throwable => {
optThrown = Some(e)
throw e
} finally { state.verifyFinalState(optThrown) }
} catch {
// technically, runtime shouldn't throw. It's really too heavyweight a construct. And "failure"
// when parsing isn't exceptional, it's routine behavior. So ought not be implemented via an
// exception handling construct.
// But we might not catch everything inside...
case pe: ParseError => {
// if we get one here, then someone threw instead of returning a status.
Assert.invariantFailed("ParseError caught. ParseErrors should be returned as failed status, not thrown. Fix please.")
case procErr: ProcessingError => {
val x = procErr
case sde: SchemaDefinitionError => {
// A SDE was detected at runtime (perhaps due to a runtime-valued property like byteOrder or encoding)
// These are fatal, and there's no notion of backtracking them, so they propagate to top level
// here.
case rsde: RuntimeSchemaDefinitionError => {
case e: ErrorAlreadyHandled => {
case e: TunableLimitExceededError => {
case us: UnsuppressableException => throw us
case x: Throwable => {
val sw = new
val pw = new
Assert.invariantFailed("Runtime.scala - Leaked exception: " + x + "\n" + sw.toString)
def unparse(inputter: InfosetInputter, output: DFDL.Output): DFDL.UnparseResult = {
val outStream = java.nio.channels.Channels.newOutputStream(output)
unparse(inputter, outStream)
def unparse(inputter: InfosetInputter, outStream: = {
val out = DirectOrBufferedDataOutputStream(
null, // null means no other stream created this one.
isLayer = false,
inputter.initialize(ssrd.elementRuntimeData, getTunables())
val unparserState =
val res = try {
if (areDebugging) {
unparserState.dataProc.get.init(unparserState, ssrd.unparser)
unparserState.evalSuspensions(isFinal = true)
} catch {
case ue: UnparseError => {
case procErr: ProcessingError => {
val x = procErr
case sde: SchemaDefinitionError => {
// A SDE was detected at runtime (perhaps due to a runtime-valued property like byteOrder or encoding)
// These are fatal, and there's no notion of backtracking them, so they propagate to top level
// here.
case rsde: RuntimeSchemaDefinitionError => {
case e: ErrorAlreadyHandled => {
case e: TunableLimitExceededError => {
case se: org.xml.sax.SAXException => {
unparserState.setFailed(new UnparseError(None, None, se))
case e: scala.xml.parsing.FatalError => {
unparserState.setFailed(new UnparseError(None, None, e))
case ie: InfosetException => {
unparserState.setFailed(new UnparseError(None, None, ie))
case th: Throwable => throw th
} finally {
private def doUnparse(state: UState): Unit = {
val rootUnparser = ssrd.unparser
Assert.invariant {
// rootERD is pushed when the state is constructed and initialized.
val mtrd = state.maybeTopTRD()
mtrd.isDefined &&
(mtrd.get eq rootUnparser.context)
// Restore invariant that there is always a processor.
// Later when suspensions get evaluated, there are still times when
// properties are read, and those require a processor to be set
// for model groups so that the RuntimeData can be found.
// For elements, the infoset node enables you to find the
// ElementRuntimeData, but for model groups there is no infoset node,
// so we need the Processor, which has a context which is the RD.
// Verify that all stacks are empty
Assert.invariant(state.arrayIndexStack.length == 1)
Assert.invariant(state.groupIndexStack.length == 1)
Assert.invariant(state.childIndexStack.length == 1)
Assert.invariant(state.maybeTopTRD().isEmpty) // dynamic TRD stack is empty
Assert.invariant(!state.withinHiddenNest) //ensure we are not in hidden nest
// All the DOS that precede the last one
// will get setFinished by the suspension that created them. The last one after the
// final suspension gets setFinished here.
// TODO: revisit this in light of API changes that allow a series of calls
// that unparse to the same output stream. Sort of like a cursor.
// The idea here is that I'd have an incoming stream of Infoset events, and
// an outgoing, and each unparse call would consume
// events, and write to the, but neither would be closed.
// An application could do this in a loop calling unparse repeatedly
// without having to create a new infoset event stream or outputstream.
try {
} catch {
case boc: BitOrderChangeException =>
case fio: FileIOException =>
val ev = state.advanceMaybe
if (ev.isDefined) {
UnparseError(Nope, One(state.currentLocation), "Expected no remaining events, but received %s.", ev.get)
class ParseResult(dp: DataProcessor, override val resultState: PState)
extends DFDL.ParseResult
with WithDiagnosticsImpl {
* To be successful here, we need to capture parse/validation
* errors and add them to the Diagnostics list in the PState.
* @param bytes the parsed Infoset
def validateResult(bytes: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
Assert.usage(resultState.processorStatus eq Success)
val bis = new
dp.validator.validateXML(bis) match {
case ValidationResult(warnings, errors) =>
warnings.forEach{ w => resultState.validationError(w.getMessage) }
case e: ValidationException =>
case f: ValidationFailure =>
class UnparseResult(dp: DataProcessor, ustate: UState)
extends DFDL.UnparseResult
with WithDiagnosticsImpl {
override def resultState = ustate
private def maybeEncodingInfo =
if (Maybe.WithNulls.isDefined(ustate.currentInfosetNode))
private def encodingInfo = if (maybeEncodingInfo.isDefined) maybeEncodingInfo.get else dp.ssrd.elementRuntimeData.encodingInfo
def summaryEncoding = encodingInfo.summaryEncoding
override def isScannable = encodingInfo.isScannable
override def encodingName = {
// we're not supporting runtime-calculated encodings yet so not
// capturing that information (what the actual runtime-value of encoding was