Use scala 2.10 method for setting number of performance threads

This uses an execution context which is specific to the futures created
in Main.scala, rather than modifing a JVM parameter which would be
global, and potentially affect other things running in the JVM.

diff --git a/daffodil-cli/src/main/scala/edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/Main.scala b/daffodil-cli/src/main/scala/edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/Main.scala
index d34f0f4..a0748cc 100644
--- a/daffodil-cli/src/main/scala/edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/Main.scala
+++ b/daffodil-cli/src/main/scala/edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/Main.scala
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@
 import edu.illinois.ncsa.daffodil.api.ValidationMode
 import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
 import scala.concurrent.Future
+import java.util.concurrent.Executors
+import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
 import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
 import org.rogach.scallop.ScallopOption
 import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
@@ -323,7 +325,7 @@
     val root = opt[String](argName = "node", descr = "the root element of the XML file to use. This needs to be one of the top-level elements of the DFDL schema defined with --schema. Requires --schema. If not supplied uses the first element of the first schema")
     val namespace = opt[String](argName = "ns", descr = "the namespace of the root element. Requires --root.")
     val number = opt[Int](short = 'N', argName = "number", default = Some(1), descr = "The total number of files to parse.")
-    val threads = opt[String](short = 't', argName = "threads", default = Some("1"), descr = "The number of threads to use.")
+    val threads = opt[Int](short = 't', argName = "threads", default = Some(1), descr = "The number of threads to use.")
     val path = opt[String](argName = "path", descr = "path to the node to create parser.")
     val parser = opt[String](short = 'P', argName = "file", descr = "use a previously saved parser.")
     val validate: ScallopOption[ValidationMode.Type] = opt[ValidationMode.Type](short = 'V', default = Some(ValidationMode.Off), argName = "mode", descr = "the validation mode. 'on', 'limited' or 'off'. Defaults to 'on' if mode is not supplied.")(optionalValueConverter[ValidationMode.Type](a => validateConverter(a)).map {
@@ -759,46 +761,49 @@
-            //set number of threads in thread pool based on user input
-            //the method for doing this will change to the commented-out method
-            //below, once we upgrade to Scala 2.10 (DFDL-943)
-            System.setProperty("actors.corePoolSize", performanceOpts.threads())
-            /*implicit val executionContext = new ExecutionContext {
+            implicit val executionContext = new ExecutionContext {
               val threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(performanceOpts.threads())
               def execute(runnable: Runnable) {
-            }*/
+              def reportFailure(t: Throwable) {}
+            }
             val NSConvert = 1000000000.0
-            import
             val (totalTime, results) = Timer.getTimeResult({
               val tasks = { case (c, n) =>
-                val task: Future[(Int, Long)] = Future {
+                val task: Future[(Int, Long, Boolean)] = Future {
                   val (path, channel, len) = c
                   val (time, parseResult) = Timer.getTimeResult({processor.parse(channel, len)})
-                  (n, time)
+                  (n, time, parseResult.isError)
-              val results ={ Await.result(_, Duration.fromNanos(10000000L)) }
+              val results ={ Await.result(_, Duration(10, "seconds")) }
             val rates = { results =>
-                val (runNum: Int, nsTime: Long) = results
+                val (runNum: Int, nsTime: Long, error: Boolean) = results
                 val rate = 1/(nsTime/NSConvert)
-                log(LogLevel.Info, "\nrun: %d\nseconds: %f\nrate: %f\n", runNum, nsTime/NSConvert, rate)
+                log(LogLevel.Info, "run: %d, seconds: %f, rate: %f, status: %s", runNum, nsTime/NSConvert, rate, if (error) "fail" else "pass" )
+            val numFailures = { _._3 }.filter { e => e }.length
+            if (numFailures > 0) {
+              log(LogLevel.Error, "%d failures found\n", numFailures)
+            }
             val sec = totalTime / NSConvert
             printf("total parse time (sec): %f\n", sec)
             printf("min rate (files/sec): %f\n", rates.min) 
             printf("max rate (files/sec): %f\n", rates.max) 
             printf("avg rate (files/sec): %f\n", (performanceOpts.number()/sec)) 
-            0
+            numFailures
           case Some(processor) => 1
           case None => 1