blob: 5dba15029bb9a91f916c0c65a893ef8de0cdadf6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
import scala.xml.Node
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.GetAttributesMixin
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.NS
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.NonTermRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.RuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.VariableMap
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.NonTermRuntimeData
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.ResolvesQNames
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.LookupLocation
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.PropTypes
import org.apache.daffodil.oolag.OOLAG._
import org.apache.daffodil.api.DaffodilTunables
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.GetAttributesMixin
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.PropTypes
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe
abstract class SchemaComponentImpl(
final override val xml: Node,
final override val optLexicalParent: Option[SchemaComponent])
extends SchemaComponent {
def this(xml: Node, lexicalParent: SchemaComponent) =
this(xml, Option(lexicalParent))
* The core root class of the DFDL Schema object model.
* Every schema component has a schema document, and a schema, and a namespace.
trait SchemaComponent
extends OOLAGHost
with ImplementsThrowsOrSavesSDE
with GetAttributesMixin
with SchemaComponentIncludesAndImportsMixin
with ResolvesQNames
with SchemaFileLocatableImpl
with PropTypes {
def xml: Node
override def oolagContextViaArgs = optLexicalParent
lazy val tunable: DaffodilTunables = optLexicalParent.get.tunable
lazy val dpathCompileInfo: DPathCompileInfo =
new DPathCompileInfo( { _.dpathCompileInfo },
* The Term class has a generic termRuntimeData => TermRuntimeData
* function (useful since all Terms share things like having charset encoding)
* The Element classes all inherit an elementRuntimeData => ElementRuntimeData
* and the model groups all have modelGroupRuntimeData => ModelGroupRuntimeData.
* There is also VariableRuntimeData and SchemaSetRuntimeData.
lazy val runtimeData: RuntimeData = nonTermRuntimeData // overrides in ModelGroup, ElementBase, SimpleTypes
final def nonTermRuntimeData = LV('nonTermRuntimeData) {
new NonTermRuntimeData(
def variableMap: VariableMap = LV('variableMap) {
* Whether the component is hidden.
* Override this in the components that can hide - SequenceGroupRef
* and ChoiceGroupRef
def isHidden: Boolean = isHiddenLV
private lazy val isHiddenLV = {
val optEC = enclosingComponent
optEC match {
case None => false
case Some(ec) => ec.isHidden
lazy val schemaComponent: LookupLocation = this
* All schema components except the root have an enclosing element.
final lazy val enclosingElement: Option[ElementBase] = LV('enclosingElement) {
val et = enclosingTerm
val ee = et match {
case None => None
case Some(eb: ElementBase) => Some(eb)
case Some(sc: SchemaComponent) => {
val scee = sc.enclosingElement
// Uncomment this to chase down these usages and revise them.
// @deprecated("2019-06-03", "Use enclosingTerms and deal with shared object with multiple referencers/enclosers.")
final lazy val enclosingTerm: Option[Term] = {
val ec = enclosingComponent
val et = ec match {
case None => None
case Some(t: Term) => Some(t)
case _ => ec.get.enclosingTerm
final lazy val enclosingTerms: Seq[Term] = {
val ec = { _.encloser }
val et = ec.flatMap { sc =>
sc match {
case t: Term => Seq(t)
case ct: ComplexTypeBase => ct.enclosingTerms
case gedf: GlobalElementDeclFactory => { _.encloser }.flatMap { _.enclosingTerms }
case _ => Assert.invariantFailed("Should only be Term or ComplexType")
* path is used in diagnostic messages and code debug
* messages; hence, it is very important that it be
* very dependable.
override lazy val path = {
val list = scPath.filter { isComponentForSSCD(_) }
val p = { _.diagnosticDebugName }.mkString("::")
private def isComponentForSSCD(sc: SchemaComponent) = {
sc match {
case _: SchemaDocument => false
case _: XMLSchemaDocument => false
case _: DFDLSchemaFile => false
case _: Schema => false
case _: SchemaSet => false
case _ => true
lazy val shortSchemaComponentDesignator: String = {
val list = scPath.filter { isComponentForSSCD(_) }
val sscdStrings = { sc =>
sc match {
case er: AbstractElementRef => "er" + (if (er.position > 1) er.position else "") + "=" + er.namedQName
case e: ElementBase => "e" + (if (e.position > 1) e.position else "") + "=" + e.namedQName
case ed: GlobalElementDecl => "e=" + ed.namedQName
case ct: GlobalComplexTypeDef => "ct=" + ct.namedQName
case ct: ComplexTypeBase => "ct"
case st: SimpleTypeDefBase => "st=" + st.namedQName
case st: SimpleTypeBase => "st=" + st.primType.globalQName
case cgr: ChoiceGroupRef => "cgr" + (if (cgr.position > 1) cgr.position else "") + "=" + cgr.groupDef.namedQName
case cgd: GlobalChoiceGroupDef => "cgd=" + cgd.namedQName
case sgr: SequenceGroupRef => "sgr" + (if (sgr.isHidden) "h" else "") + (if (sgr.position > 1) sgr.position else "") + "=" + sgr.groupDef.namedQName
case sgd: GlobalSequenceGroupDef => "sgd=" + sgd.namedQName
case cg: Choice => "c" + (if (cg.position > 1) cg.position else "")
case sg: Sequence => "s" + (if (sg.isHidden) "h" else "") + (if (sg.position > 1) sg.position else "")
case sc => Assert.invariantFailed("Unexpected component type: " + sc)
val sscd = sscdStrings.mkString(":")
* Elements only e.g., /foo/ex:bar
final lazy val slashPath: String =
scPath.filter { _.isInstanceOf[ElementBase] }.map { _.diagnosticDebugName }.mkString("/")
override def toString = diagnosticDebugName
* Does not include instances. Ie., walks up lexical nest only.
* This implies that to fully distinguish context for diagnostic messages
* we will need to use the node stack in the state of the processor to provide
* the dynamic nest of elements, as at schema compile time we only have
* the lexical nest.
* Used in diagnostic messages and code debug messages.
private lazy val scPath: Seq[SchemaComponent] = {
val res = { _.scPath }.getOrElse(Nil) :+ this
* the easiest way to get an empty metadata object.
private val scala.xml.Elem(_, _, emptyXMLMetadata, _, _*) = <foo/>
* Used as factory for the XML Node with the right namespace and prefix etc.
* Given "element" it creates <dfdl:element /> with the namespace definitions
* based on this schema component's corresponding XSD construct.
* Makes sure to inherit the scope so we have all the namespace bindings.
protected final def newDFDLAnnotationXML(label: String) = {
// This is not a "wired" dfdl prefix.
// Rather, we are creating a new nested binding for the dfdl prefix to the right DFDL uri.
// Which applies to this element and what is inside it only.
// So we're indifferent to what the surrounding context might be using for namespace bindings.
val dfdlBinding = new scala.xml.NamespaceBinding("dfdl", XMLUtils.DFDL_NAMESPACE.toString, xml.scope)
scala.xml.Elem("dfdl", label, emptyXMLMetadata, dfdlBinding, true)
* A schema is all the schema documents sharing a single target namespace.
* That is, one can write several schema documents which all have the
* same target namespace, and in that case all those schema documents make up
* the 'schema'.
final class Schema(val namespace: NS, schemaDocs: Seq[SchemaDocument], schemaSetArg: SchemaSet)
extends SchemaComponentImpl(<fake/>, Option(schemaSetArg)) {
override def targetNamespace: NS = namespace
final override protected def enclosingComponentDef = None
final override protected def enclosingComponentDefs = Seq()
override lazy val schemaDocument: SchemaDocument = Assert.usageError("schemaDocument should not be called on Schema")
override lazy val schemaSet = schemaSetArg
lazy val schemaDocuments = schemaDocs
private def noneOrOne[T](scs: Seq[T], name: String): Option[T] = {
scs match {
case Nil => None
case Seq(sc) => Some(sc) // exactly one is good
case s => {
"More than one definition for name: %s. Defined in following locations:\n%s",
name, { thing =>
thing match {
case df: DFDLDefiningAnnotation => df.asAnnotation.locationDescription
case sc: SchemaComponent => sc.locationDescription
case _ => Assert.impossibleCase(thing)
* Given a name, retrieve the appropriate object.
* This just scans each schema document in the schema, checking each one.
def getGlobalElementDecl(name: String) = {
// noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getGlobalElementDecl(name) }, name)
val sds = schemaDocuments
val res = sds.flatMap {
sd =>
val ged = sd.getGlobalElementDecl(name)
noneOrOne(res, name)
def getGlobalSimpleTypeDef(name: String) = noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getGlobalSimpleTypeDef(name) }, name)
def getGlobalComplexTypeDef(name: String) = noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getGlobalComplexTypeDef(name) }, name)
def getGlobalGroupDef(name: String) = noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getGlobalGroupDef(name) }, name)
def getDefineFormat(name: String) = noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getDefineFormat(name) }, name)
def getDefineFormats() = schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.defineFormats }
def getDefineVariable(name: String) = noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getDefineVariable(name) }, name)
def getDefineEscapeScheme(name: String) = noneOrOne(schemaDocuments.flatMap { _.getDefineEscapeScheme(name) }, name)
def getDefaultFormat = schemaDocuments.flatMap { x => Some(x.getDefaultFormat) }
// used for bulk checking of uniqueness
lazy val globalElementDecls = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.globalElementDecls)
lazy val globalGroupDefs = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.globalGroupDefs)
lazy val globalSimpleTypeDefs = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.globalSimpleTypeDefs)
lazy val globalComplexTypeDefs = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.globalComplexTypeDefs)
lazy val defineFormats = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.defineFormats)
lazy val defineEscapeSchemes = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.defineEscapeSchemes)
lazy val defineVariables = schemaDocuments.flatMap(_.defineVariables)