blob: b1d5e616e4c2ec89cefeef63bdb5c889f4a6a8ad [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.daffodil.dsom
import scala.xml.Elem
import scala.xml.Node
import scala.xml._
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.Sequence_AnnotationMixin
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.SeparatorSuppressionPolicyMixin
import org.apache.daffodil.xml.XMLUtils
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.OccursCountKind
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.SequenceKind
import org.apache.daffodil.Implicits.ns2String
import org.apache.daffodil.api.WarnID
import org.apache.daffodil.dsom.walker.SequenceView
import org.apache.daffodil.grammar.SequenceGrammarMixin
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.Found
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.PropertyLookupResult
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.LayerTransformerEv
import org.apache.daffodil.util.Maybe
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.SeparatorPosition
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.SeparatorParseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.gen.LayerLengthUnits
import org.apache.daffodil.processors.SeparatorUnparseEv
import org.apache.daffodil.exceptions.Assert
import org.apache.daffodil.runtime1.ChoiceBranchImpliedSequenceRuntime1Mixin
import org.apache.daffodil.schema.annotation.props.FindPropertyMixin
* Base for anything sequence-like.
* Sequences, group refs to sequences, and the implied sequences
* that are choice branches, are all instances.
abstract class SequenceTermBase(
final override val xml: Node,
final override val optLexicalParent: Option[SchemaComponent],
final override val position: Int)
extends ModelGroup(position)
with SequenceGrammarMixin {
def separatorSuppressionPolicy: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy
def sequenceKind: SequenceKind
def separatorPosition: SeparatorPosition
def isLayered: Boolean
def separatorParseEv: SeparatorParseEv
def separatorUnparseEv: SeparatorUnparseEv
def layerLengthUnits: LayerLengthUnits
def isOrdered: Boolean
def maybeLayerTransformerEv: Maybe[LayerTransformerEv]
* Base for anything sequence-like that actually
* has the sequence properties. So actual sequences, group refs to them,
* but NOT implied sequences inside choice branches.
abstract class SequenceGroupTermBase(
xml: Node,
lexicalParent: SchemaComponent,
position: Int)
extends SequenceTermBase(xml, Option(lexicalParent), position)
with Sequence_AnnotationMixin
with SequenceRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin
with SeparatorSuppressionPolicyMixin
with LayeringRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin {
protected def apparentXMLChildren: Seq[Node]
final override lazy val hasDelimiters = hasInitiator || hasTerminator || hasSeparator
protected def hiddenGroupRefOption: PropertyLookupResult
* When a sequence has prefix or postfix separator and must have one or more children,
* then we know a separator MUST appear in the data. Statically this can be
* determined.
private lazy val prefixOrPostfixAndStaticallyRequiredInstance =
(hasPrefixSep || hasPostfixSep) &&
representedMembers.exists { member =>
val res = member.hasStaticallyRequiredOccurrencesInDataRepresentation
* When a sequence has infix separator, and must have two or more children, then
* we know a separator MUST appear in the data stream.
private lazy val infixAndTwoOrMoreStaticallyRequiredInstances =
hasInfixSep && (representedMembers.filter { m =>
val res = m.hasStaticallyRequiredOccurrencesInDataRepresentation
}.length >= 2)
private lazy val sepAndArrayaWithTwoOrMoreStaticallyRequiredInstances =
hasSeparator && (representedMembers.filter { m =>
val res = m.hasStaticallyRequiredOccurrencesInDataRepresentation && (m match {
case e: ElementBase => e.minOccurs >= 2
case _ => false
}.length > 0)
final override lazy val hasKnownRequiredSyntax = LV('hasKnownRequiredSyntax) {
if (hasFraming) true
else {
lazy val memberHasRequiredSyntax = representedMembers.exists { member =>
val instancesAreRequired = member.hasStaticallyRequiredOccurrencesInDataRepresentation
val hasKnownRequiredSyntax = member.hasKnownRequiredSyntax
val res = instancesAreRequired && hasKnownRequiredSyntax
val res =
memberHasRequiredSyntax ||
prefixOrPostfixAndStaticallyRequiredInstance ||
infixAndTwoOrMoreStaticallyRequiredInstances ||
* Provides validation for assert and discriminator placement
protected final lazy val checkIfNonEmptyAndDiscrimsOrAsserts: Unit = {
val msg = "Counterintuitive placement detected. Wrap the discriminator or assert " +
"in an empty sequence to evaluate before the contents."
if (groupMembers.size > 0 && discriminatorStatements.size > 0)
SDW(WarnID.DiscouragedDiscriminatorPlacement, msg)
if (groupMembers.size > 0 && assertStatements.size > 0)
SDW(WarnID.DiscouragedAssertPlacement, msg)
* Provides unordered sequence checks. Will SDE if invalid.
protected final lazy val checkIfValidUnorderedSequence: Unit = {
if (!isOrdered) {
private lazy val checkMembersHaveValidOccursCountKind: Unit = {
val validChildren: Seq[ElementBase] =
groupMembers.filter { m => m.isInstanceOf[LocalElementDecl] || m.isInstanceOf[ElementRef]
val invalidChildren = validChildren.filter(e => {
if (e.minOccurs == 0 | !e.isScalar) {
e.occursCountKind match {
case OccursCountKind.Parsed => false
case _ => true
} else false
val hasInvalidChildren = invalidChildren.length > 0
if (hasInvalidChildren)
this.SDE("Members of an unordered sequence (%s) that are optional or array elements must have dfdl:occursCountKind='parsed'." +
"\nThe offending members: %s.", this.path, invalidChildren.mkString(","))
private lazy val checkMembersAreAllElementOrElementRef: Unit = {
val invalidChildren = groupMembers.filterNot(child =>
child.isInstanceOf[LocalElementDecl] || child.isInstanceOf[ElementRef])
val hasInvalidChildren = invalidChildren.length > 0
if (hasInvalidChildren)
this.SDE("Members of an unordered sequence (%s) must be Element or ElementRef." +
"\nThe offending members: %s.", this.path, invalidChildren.mkString(","))
private lazy val checkMembersHaveUniqueNamesInNamespaces: Unit = {
val childrenGroupedByNamespace =
groupMembers.filter(m => m.isInstanceOf[ElementBase]).map(_.asInstanceOf[ElementBase]).groupBy(_.targetNamespace)
childrenGroupedByNamespace.foreach {
case (ns, children) => {
// At this point we're looking at the individual namespace buckets
val childrenGroupedByName = children.groupBy(child =>
childrenGroupedByName.foreach {
case (name, children) =>
// Now we're looking at the individual name buckets within the
// individual namespace bucket.
if (children.length > 1)
"Two or more members of the unordered sequence (%s) have the same name and the same namespace." +
"\nNamespace: %s\tName: %s.",
this.path, ns, name)
final lazy val isOrdered: Boolean = this.sequenceKind match {
case SequenceKind.Ordered => true
case SequenceKind.Unordered => false
private val layeredSequenceAllowedProps = Set("ref", "layerTransform", "layerEncoding", "layerLengthKind", "layerLength", "layerLengthUnits", "layerBoundaryMark")
final lazy val maybeLayerTransformerEv: Maybe[LayerTransformerEv] = {
if (maybeLayerTransformEv.isEmpty) Maybe.Nope
else { // need to check that only layering properties are specified
val localProps = this.formatAnnotation.justThisOneProperties
val localKeys = localProps.keySet
val disallowedKeys = localKeys.filterNot(k => layeredSequenceAllowedProps.contains(k))
if (disallowedKeys.size > 0)
SDE("Sequence has dfdlx:layerTransform specified, so cannot have non-layering properties: %s", disallowedKeys.mkString(", "))
val lt = new LayerTransformerEv(
final def isLayered = maybeLayerTransformerEv.isDefined
* Captures concepts associated with definitions of Sequence groups.
* Used by GlobalSequenceGroupDef and local Sequence, but not by SequenceGroupRef.
* Used on objects that can carry DFDLSequence annotation objects.
trait SequenceDefMixin
extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent
with GroupDefLike
with FindPropertyMixin {
def groupMembersNotShared: Seq[Term]
protected final def isMyFormatAnnotation(a: DFDLAnnotation) = a.isInstanceOf[DFDLSequence]
protected final def annotationFactory(node: Node): Option[DFDLAnnotation] = {
node match {
case <dfdl:sequence>{ contents @ _* }</dfdl:sequence> => Some(new DFDLSequence(node, this))
case _ => annotationFactoryForDFDLStatement(node, this)
protected final def emptyFormatFactory = new DFDLSequence(newDFDLAnnotationXML("sequence"), this)
final lazy val <sequence>{ apparentXMLChildren @ _* }</sequence> = (xml \\ "sequence")(0)
def xmlChildren = apparentXMLChildren
// The dfdl:hiddenGroupRef property cannot be scoped, nor defaulted. It's really a special
// attribute, not a format property in the usual sense.
// So we retrieve it by this lower-level mechanism which only combines short and long form.
final lazy val hiddenGroupRefOption = LV('hiddenGroupRefOption) {
* Represents a local sequence definition.
final class Sequence(xmlArg: Node, lexicalParent: SchemaComponent, position: Int)
extends SequenceGroupTermBase(xmlArg, lexicalParent, position)
with SequenceDefMixin
with SequenceView {
override lazy val optReferredToComponent = None
lazy val checkHiddenGroupRefHasNoChildren = {
if (hiddenGroupRefOption.isDefined) {
val axc = apparentXMLChildren
val len = axc.length
schemaDefinitionUnless(len == 0, "A sequence with hiddenGroupRef cannot have children.")
final lazy val hiddenGroupRefXML = LV('hiddenGroupRefXML) {
val Found(qname, _, _, _) = hiddenGroupRefOption
// synthesize a group reference here.
val contextScope = xml.asInstanceOf[Elem].scope
val hgr = {
(<xs:group xmlns:xs={ XMLUtils.xsdURI } ref={ qname }/>).copy(scope = contextScope)
* For the case when a choice branch happens to be a local element decl or element ref
* with varying or multiple occurrences. In that case we encapsulate them
* with this so that we have a compiler invariant that all terms have an enclosing sequence.
* There can't be separators, but the driving of the iteration for the occurrences, is
* in the sequence parsers/unparsers. So this implements that, leveraging the
* sequence machinery. In effect this is specifying the properties needed to ensure it is
* handled as a degenerate sequence having only one element decl within it.
final class ChoiceBranchImpliedSequence(rawGM: Term)
extends SequenceTermBase(rawGM.xml, rawGM.optLexicalParent, rawGM.position)
with SequenceDefMixin
with ChoiceBranchImpliedSequenceRuntime1Mixin {
override final protected lazy val groupMembersDef: Seq[Term] = Seq(rawGM)
override def separatorSuppressionPolicy: SeparatorSuppressionPolicy = SeparatorSuppressionPolicy.TrailingEmptyStrict
override def sequenceKind: SequenceKind = SequenceKind.Ordered
override def separatorPosition: SeparatorPosition = SeparatorPosition.Infix
override def isLayered: Boolean = false
override lazy val hasSeparator = false
override lazy val hasTerminator = false
override lazy val hasInitiator = false
override def separatorParseEv: SeparatorParseEv = Assert.usageError("Not to be called on choice branches.")
override def separatorUnparseEv: SeparatorUnparseEv = Assert.usageError("Not to be called on choice branches.")
override def layerLengthUnits: LayerLengthUnits = Assert.usageError("Not to be called for choice branches.")
override def isOrdered = true
override def maybeLayerTransformerEv: Maybe[LayerTransformerEv] = Maybe.Nope
override def findPropertyOption(pname: String, expressionAllowed: Boolean = false): PropertyLookupResult =
rawGM.findPropertyOption(pname, expressionAllowed)
* Implied sequence doesn't exist textually, so can't have properties on it.
override lazy val nonDefaultPropertySources: Seq[ChainPropProvider] = Seq()
// Members declared in AnnotatedSchemaComponent
protected def optReferredToComponent: Option[AnnotatedSchemaComponent] = None
final override def xmlChildren: Seq[scala.xml.Node] = Seq(xml)
// Members declared in Term
def hasKnownRequiredSyntax: Boolean = groupMembers(0).hasKnownRequiredSyntax