Add release page for 3.5.0
diff --git a/site/_releases/ b/site/_releases/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5431f15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/_releases/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+title: 3.5.0
+release: rc1
+apache: true
+date: 2023-06-21
+summary: >
+    OSGI, Cobol, and improved EXI support, and miscellanous bug fixes
+    - ""
+    - "apache-daffodil-3.5.0-bin.tgz"
+    - ""
+    - "apache-daffodil-3.5.0-bin.msi"
+    - "apache-daffodil-3.5.0-1.noarch.rpm"
+scala-version: 2.12
+This release focused primarily on bug fixes. A number of changes resulted in
+deprecation or backwards incompatible changes. See the Deprecation/Compatibility
+section for more details.
+#### Additional New Features/Improvements
+* {% jira 847 %} NotYetImplemented Exception for list of textStandardDecimalSeparator
+* {% jira 853 %} COBOL: textNumberPattern: 'V' symbol
+* {% jira 2381 %} Refactor test util to eliminate redundant windows baggage from CLI Tests
+* {% jira 2400 %} New SAX API causes performance degradations
+* {% jira 2743 %} remove all deprecated methods/classes/objects
+* {% jira 2745 %} Prepare for 3.5.0 development
+* {% jira 2747 %} Add GitHub action to support macOS
+* {% jira 2749 %} Add Daffodil Developer Guide
+* {% jira 2750 %} Add option to encode/decode EXI files
+* {% jira 2756 %} Update CI workflows and build tools
+* {% jira 2762 %} Add more daffodilC support (arrays, alignment)
+* {% jira 2763 %} 'P' textNumberPattern feature
+* {% jira 2772 %} Eliminate CLI it:test target and src/it directory in favor of ordinary src/test
+* {% jira 2775 %} stringAsXML test needs to use mixed content
+* {% jira 2779 %} Add GitHub autolinking to the Jira issue tracker
+* {% jira 2786 %} Refactor how Main calls "generate c"
+* {% jira 2790 %} Merge runtime2's two redundant processors
+* {% jira 2796 %} Rename daffodil-runtime2
+* {% jira 2799 %} Separate "lint" checks from "OS/JDK" matrix checks
+* {% jira 2804 %} Make minor codegen-c improvements
+* {% jira 2807 %} Add left over data check to generated C parsers
+* {% jira 2819 %} Add codegen-c support for runtime length hexBinary
+#### Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
+* {% jira 768 %} An element with both name and ref defined should cause an error
+* {% jira 908 %} Test should result in Runtime SDE, not abort exception
+* {% jira 961 %} Escape Scheme Scenario "scenario3\_11\_postfix" failing
+* {% jira 1026 %} Invalid configuration file causes exception
+* {% jira 1172 %} length units bits for xs:integer and xs:nonNegativeInteger, should be SDE
+* {% jira 1275 %} XCatalog and Classpath interaction with name resolution
+* {% jira 1454 %} dfdl:hexBinary vs xs:hexBinary constructors: string input
+* {% jira 1651 %} Unparse: dfdl:content/valueLength of an Array returns unexpected result
+* {% jira 1704 %} PE undetected - Binary number parsers are missing checks for bitLength
+* {% jira 2101 %} Issues with nested separators
+* {% jira 2133 %} Enable and configure sbt-scalariform/scalafmt plugin
+* {% jira 2147 %} DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd wrong value for textStandardZeroRep. Should be ""
+* {% jira 2158 %} textNumberPattern not being used for xs:int ?
+* {% jira 2161 %} inputvalueCalc on direct dispatch choice branch is too verbose
+* {% jira 2212 %} Enumerations validate length on symbolic elements
+* {% jira 2219 %} Unparser with dfdl:separatorSuppressionPolicy="never" bug
+* {% jira 2231 %} Separator unparsed even when dfdl:occursCount expression is zero
+* {% jira 2346 %} XML Output needs option to use \<![CDATA[ ]]> around simple element values containing whitespace.
+* {% jira 2364 %} infinite loop with separators and suppression (NUL related)
+* {% jira 2390 %} Handle Exceptions from SAXInfosetOutputter's contentHandler Calls 
+* {% jira 2393 %} relative path past root - incorrect error
+* {% jira 2441 %} Compiling a non DFDL schema with warnings turned off results in an Abort
+* {% jira 2496 %} implement emptyElementParsePolicy as a dfdl property. It is part of DFDL 1.0
+* {% jira 2499 %} separatorSuppressionPolicy 'never' incorrectly creates empty elements (needs diagnostic)
+* {% jira 2562 %} Optional element at end of choice branch triggers unparse error
+* {% jira 2586 %} Schema compilation hangs if incorrectly closed attribute
+* {% jira 2596 %} lengthKind property is not inherited for types with dfdlx:repType
+* {% jira 2607 %} Poor diagnostic - not an enum value but complains of keyset-value mapping
+* {% jira 2614 %} assert failure in schema-defined layer transform appears to be a Daffodil bug
+* {% jira 2615 %} group sharing causes obscure unparser runtime error
+* {% jira 2624 %} cannot use trace when doing streaming parse calls
+* {% jira 2628 %} abort: invariant broken when assert test expression does not return boolean
+* {% jira 2632 %} NumberFormatException for blank dfdlx:repValues
+* {% jira 2634 %} SDW message should include identifier of the warning for suppressing it
+* {% jira 2645 %} Parse Error: Insufficient bits. Needed 160 but found only 1192 
+* {% jira 2647 %} Diagnostic says "The property 'null' ..."
+* {% jira 2668 %} Variable Error caused by ignored newVariableInstance in Group Annotation
+* {% jira 2676 %} number constructors from string do not tolerate leading whitespace
+* {% jira 2683 %} Don't split packages across jars - OGSI packaging requirements
+* {% jira 2728 %} Missing layer plugin causes abort "this is a bug"
+* {% jira 2744 %} stack\_t and strnum conflict with macOS developer platform libraries
+* {% jira 2748 %} Update cli and runtime2-todos
+* {% jira 2751 %} Occasional network timeout exceptions can hang a CI job now
+* {% jira 2755 %} infoset nodes removed by InfosetWalker tha are still needed, null pointer exception
+* {% jira 2767 %} Mixed content with SAX unparsing hangs coroutine thread
+* {% jira 2770 %} Refactor and document SAX unparse implementation
+* {% jira 2774 %} ICU4J DecimalFormat is thread-safe as of ICU 59
+* {% jira 2776 %} GitHub action badge broken in README
+* {% jira 2777 %} Fix generated C code for offset between 2 array slots
+* {% jira 2778 %} Make the CLI thread-safe
+* {% jira 2782 %} NegativeArraySizeException when hexBinary has length > 1,073,741,823
+* {% jira 2785 %} Abort: Usage error: startBitAddress0b.>=(0) in from DataLocation.bytePos1b after parsing large GIF
+* {% jira 2787 %} log4j-core and log4j-api version mismatch can lead to very confusing errors
+* {% jira 2789 %} CI runs cancelled when merged in to main branch too quickly
+* {% jira 2791 %} dfdl:occursIndex() returns wrong value when emptyElementParsePolicy="treatAsMissing"
+* {% jira 2800 %} appinfo annotations with distinct source are being misinterpreted as DFDL annotations.
+* {% jira 2802 %} Array with optional element followed by scalar optional element drops separator
+* {% jira 2803 %} Warnings included in serialized DataProcessor
+* {% jira 2805 %} Comment statement references incorrect test
+* {% jira 2808 %} Incorrect Validation Error on Optional Element with Children
+* {% jira 2811 %} sbt IntegrationTest being deprecated, need alternative for slow CLI tests
+* {% jira 2813 %} Schematron URIResolver uses Classpath rather than Daffodil Resolver
+* {% jira 2816 %} Saved parser version checks against application version, not Daffodil version
+* {% jira 2818 %} Failed assertion when parsing text with negative zero value
+* {% jira 2820 %} GeneralFormatPortable isn't actually portable due to emptyElementParsePolicy
+* {% jira 2821 %} Optional Time type element shows up in Infoset
+* {% jira 2822 %} Prepare 3.5.0 relesae
+#### Deprecation/Compatibility
+* The `GeneralFormatPortable` define format has been removed. Instead,
+  portable schemas should import a new portable file and reference the
+  `GeneralFormat` format. For example, a schema that previously looked
+  like this:
+  ```xml  
+  <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+  <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormatPortable" ... />
+  ```
+  Should now look like this:
+  ```xml
+  <xs:include schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormatPortable.dfdl.xsd" />
+  <dfdl:format ref="GeneralFormat" ... />
+  ```
+  {% jira 2820 %}
+* The property `textStandardZeroRep` used to be defined to be "0" which
+  is a mistake. However, existing schemas may be depending on this, or
+  they may not be depending on this, but simply have tests which have expected
+  data output containing the value 0.0 with "0" as the text representation.
+  With this change to dfdl:textStandardZeroRep="" those tests may be broken.
+  {% jira 2147 %}
+* Previous Daffodil releases let schemas define every type's length
+  using "bits" as the length unit even though the specification allows
+  bit length units only for a specific set of types' binary
+  representations and does not allow bit length units for any other
+  type's binary representation or any type's text representation. A
+  deprecation warning is now issued when bit length units are
+  incorrectly used.
+  {% jira 1172 %}
+* Daffodil now uses SLF4J for logging instead of log4j. API users may need
+  to add a new dependency to specify which logging backend to use, for
+  example slf4j-log4j for the previous behavior. If no backend is found, a
+  warning will be output to stderr and log messages will be dropped.
+  DFDL schema projects that previously added log4j-core (or another log4j
+  implementation) as a dependency to avoid warnings no longer need that
+  dependency--a custom Daffodil specific logger is now used for TDML tests
+  and is automatically pulled in as dependency.
+  {% jira 2787 %}
+* The default and maximum value of the maxHexBinaryLengthInBytes tunable,
+  and thus the maximum length of xs:hexBinary elements, is reduced in half
+  from 2147483647 to 1073741823 bytes. Schemas requiring larger values
+  should switch to the Binary Large Object extension or convert the single
+  large hexBinary element to an array of multiple smaller hexBinary
+  elements.
+  {% jira 2782 %}
+* Daffodil now ensures that binary specified lengths are not larger than the
+  max length of the associated type. For example, xs:int cannot be used if
+  field length is larger than 32 bits. Instead, an xs:long or larger type
+  should be used.
+  {% jira 1704 %}
+* Some package names were modified to support OSGI. Classes in
+  daffodil-tdml-processor, daffodil-japi, and daffodil-sapi jars were
+  unchanged, so those using these APIs should not need changes. However,
+  classes in other packages may need to adjust imports.
+  {% jira 2683 %}
+* The behavior of textNumberCheckPolicy="strict" was changed so that the
+  pattern is used to determine if a decimal point must exist or not. For
+  example, if text numbers are integers without a decimal, the pattern should
+  not contain a decimal. Schema should be modified to either use a lax policy
+  or use a pattern that correctly matches their data. 
+  {% jira 2158 %}
+#### Dependency Changes
+The following dependencies have been added or updated:
+* Apache Commons IO 2.13.0 <small>(update)</small>
+* FasterXML Jackson Core 2.15.2 <small>(update)</small>
+* FasterXML Woodstox Core 6.5.1 <small>(update)</small>
+* ICU4J 73.1 <small>(update)</small>
+* Scala Parser Combinators 2.3.0 <small>(update)</small>
+* Scala Reflect & Standard Library 2.12.18 <small>(update)</small>
+* JLine 3.22 <small>(update)</small>
+**Code Generator**
+* OS-Lib 0.9.1 <small>(update)</small>
+**Schematron Validator**
+* Saxon-HE 12.2 <small>(update)</small>
+* SLF4J API 2.0.7 <small>(update)</small>
+* Scala Logging 3.9.5 <small>(new)</small>
+**Changes to Transitive Dependencies**
+* XML Resolver & data 5.1.2 <small>(update, used by Saxon-HE)</small>
+* Geny 1.0.0 <small>(update, used by OS-LIb)</small>
+**Removed Dependencies**
+* Log4j API 2.19.0 <small>(removed)</small>
+* Log4j API Scala 12.0 <small>(removed)</small>
+* Log4j core 2.14.1 <small>(removed)</small>