Update cli and runtime2-todos

Daffodil 3.4.0 has added a new CLI test option and fixed some runtime2
todos, so it's time to update these website pages.

site/cli.md: Add the new CLI test -I daffodilC option.

site/dev/design-notes/runtime2-todos.adoc: Remove todos fixed in 3.4.0
(Improve TDML Runner, C struct/field name collisions, Floating point
numbers).  Reorder remaining todos (they were not sorted by any
criteria before, now sort by most useful for DFDL developers).  Revise
todo "Arrays" on how to handle dynamically-sized arrays and add new
todo "Making infosets more efficient".

diff --git a/site/cli.md b/site/cli.md
index 5aa146c..99e1df3 100644
--- a/site/cli.md
+++ b/site/cli.md
@@ -279,10 +279,15 @@
 #### Usage
-    daffodil test [-l] [-r] [-i] <tdmlfile> [testnames...]
+    daffodil test [-I <implementation>] [-l] [-r] [-i] <tdmlfile> [testnames...]
 #### Options
+``-I, --implementation  <implementation>``
+   : Implementation to run TDML tests. Choose daffodil or
+     daffodilC. Defaults to daffodil.
 ``-i, --info``
    : Increment test result information output level, one level for each -i.
diff --git a/site/dev/design-notes/runtime2-todos.adoc b/site/dev/design-notes/runtime2-todos.adoc
index dc9f365..1e52aff 100644
--- a/site/dev/design-notes/runtime2-todos.adoc
+++ b/site/dev/design-notes/runtime2-todos.adoc
@@ -36,7 +36,231 @@
 please let the mailto:dev@daffodil.apache.org[dev] list know
 in order to avoid duplication.
-=== Report hanging problem running sbt (really dev.dirs) from MSYS2 on Windows
+=== Anonymous choice groups not allowed
+We handle elements having xs:choice complex types.
+However, we don't support anonymous choice groups
+(that is, an unnamed choice group in the middle, beginning,
+or end of a sequence which may contain other elements).
+A DFDL schema author may write a sequence like this:
+  <xs:complexType name="NestedUnionType">
+    <xs:sequence>
+      <xs:element name="first_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
+      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(./first_tag)}">
+        <xs:element name="foo" type="idl:FooType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1 2"/>
+        <xs:element name="bar" type="idl:BarType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="3 4"/>
+      </xs:choice>
+      <xs:element name="second_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
+      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(./second_tag)}">
+        <xs:element name="fie" type="idl:FieType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1"/>
+        <xs:element name="fum" type="idl:FumType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2"/>
+      </xs:choice>
+    </xs:sequence>
+  </xs:complexType>
+Daffodil will parse and unparse the above sequence fine,
+but the C code generator will not generate correct code
+(no _choice members or unions will be declared for the type).
+It might be possible to generate C code that looks like this:
+typedef struct NestedUnion
+    InfosetBase _base;
+    int32_t     first_tag;
+    size_t      _choice_1; // choice of which union field to use
+    union
+    {
+        foo foo;
+        bar bar;
+    };
+    int32_t     second_tag;
+    size_t      _choice_2; // choice of which union field to use
+    union
+    {
+        fie fie;
+        fum fum;
+    };
+} NestedUnion;
+However, the Daffodil devs have looked at DFDL integration
+for other systems like Apache Drill, NiFi, Avro, etc.,
+and these systems generally do not allow anonymous choices.
+Hence, any DFDL schema having anonymous choices
+doesn't integrate well with any of these systems
+unless we generate a child element with a generated name
+(which makes paths awkward, etc.).
+Hence, it seems better to say that
+the runtime2 DFDL subset doesn't allow anonymous choices
+and DFDL schema authors should write their schema like this:
+  <xs:complexType name="NestedUnionType">
+    <xs:sequence>
+      <xs:element name="first_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
+      <xs:element name="first_choice">
+        <xs:complexType>
+          <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(../first_tag)}">
+            <xs:element name="foo" type="idl:FooType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1 2"/>
+            <xs:element name="bar" type="idl:BarType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="3 4"/>
+          </xs:choice>
+        </xs:complexType>
+      </xs:element>
+      <xs:element name="second_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
+      <xs:element name="second_choice">
+        <xs:complexType>
+          <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(../second_tag)}">
+            <xs:element name="fie" type="idl:FieType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1"/>
+            <xs:element name="fum" type="idl:FumType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2"/>
+          </xs:choice>
+        </xs:complexType>
+      </xs:element>
+    </xs:sequence>
+  </xs:complexType>
+The C code generator will generate _choice members and unions
+for the first_choice and second_choice elements,
+and such a schema will integrate better with other systems too.
+=== Replace size_t with choice_t
+It has been pointed out that it is actually not obvious
+whether _choice should be a signed or unsigned type.
+One thought had been that _choice should be unsigned
+to avoid cutting the usable range in half
+and it should be size_t because
+size_t is the maximum allowable length of any type of C array.
+However, there are equally compelling reasons why
+indices should be signed instead of unsigned as well
+There appears to be no One Right Answer
+what type _choice should have,
+so defining a choice_t type in only one place
+will allow us to change our mind if we need to
+although we still would need to re-evaluate
+every use of _choice very carefully.
+=== Arrays
+Currently we create an ERD for an array with the array's name
+and the scalar type of its first element,
+but the ERD has no numChildren and the rest of its fields are NULL.
+Then in the parent element's ERD, we expand and inline the array
+into the parent element's offsets and childrenERDs
+with incrementing offsets for each array element
+and the same pointer to the same array ERD for each array element.
+We also expand and inline the array
+into the parent element's parseSelf and unparseSelf functions
+with as many parse and unparse calls as there are array elements.
+We need to change this approach to handle arrays
+having undetermined lengths at compile time.
+One possible approach might be to define an ERD for an array
+like an ERD for a complex element with one child.
+The typeCode might become ARRAY or remain COMPLEX,
+the numChildren would be 1,
+the offsets would be the offset of the first array element
+(allowing room to skip over an actual number of elements
+stored in the C struct to the offset of the actual array,
+or to point to memory allocated from the heap),
+the childrenERDs would be the ERD of the first array element,
+the parseSelf would be a function to parse all array members,
+and the unparseSelf would be a function to unparse all array members.
+These functions would know how to find the number of elements
+depending on dfdl:occursCountKind when parsing
+(fixed, implicit, parsed, expression, or stopValue)
+and depending on a count stored in the C struct when unparsing.
+These functions also would know how to loop as many times
+as needed to parse or unparse each array element using the
+first array element's ERD in childrenERDs every time.
+Note that we don't have to store a count
+of the actual number of array elements in the C struct
+for a dfdl:occursCountKind of fixed, expression, or stopValue.
+Fixed means the count is a known constant at compile time.
+Expression means the count is already stored in
+another C struct field which we just have to find
+via the expression when parsing and unparsing.
+StopValue means we only need to look inside the array
+for a stopValue when parsing and unparsing.
+However, we do need to store an actual count in the C struct
+for a dfdl:occursCountKind of implicit or parsed
+because we will have no other possible way
+to find the actual count when unparsing.
+Our C code also should allow the count to be zero
+without the code blowing up.
+If we want the C code to validate the array's count
+against the array's minOccurs and maxOccurs,
+we can inline the array's minOccurs and maxOccurs
+into the array's parseSelf and unparseSelf functions.
+However, we should allow the normal case to be no validation,
+since Daffodil must not enforce min/maxOccurs
+if the user wants to parse and unparse well-formed but invalid data
+for forensic analysis.
+However, we still can let min/maxOccurs influence the generated C code.
+If maxOccurs is unbounded or the largest possible array size
+(maxOccurs - minOccurs) is larger than a heuristic or tunable,
+we should allocate storage for the array from the heap
+instead of declaring storage for the array inline in the C struct.
+The normal case should be to inline the array into the C struct
+with the array's maximum size since bare metal C and VHDL
+will not be able to allocate memory from a heap dynamically.
+=== Making infosets more efficient
+Right now all of our C structs (infoset nodes) store an ERD pointer
+within their first field.
+This makes it possible to take a pointer to any infoset node
+and interpret the infoset node correctly in all the ways we need
+(walk the infoset node, unparse the infoset node to XML, etc.)
+because we can indirect over to the ERD to get all the static info.
+In most cases, the ERD needed for a child complex element
+is static information of the enclosing parent's ERD,
+so could be stored only in the parent's ERD.
+Inductively, most infoset nodes should not need ERD pointers
+since the ERD "nest" up to the root is all static information.
+Logically, we should be able to remove ERD pointers
+from the first field of most C structs (infoset nodes),
+avoiding taking up the first field's space 
+multiplied by however many infoset nodes the data contains.
+We probably just need to find all the places in the code
+where we pass a pointer to an infoset node and
+make these places pass both a pointer to an infoset node
+and a separate pointer to the infoset node's ERD at the same time.
+Then we can remove the infoset node's pointer to the same ERD
+since it would already be passed into all the places needed.
+=== Javadoc-like tool for C code
+We may want to adopt one of the javadoc-like tools for C code
+and restructure our comments to create some API documentation.
+=== Choice dispatch key expressions
+We currently support only a very restricted
+and simple subset of choice dispatch key expressions.
+We would like to refactor the DPath expression compiler
+and make it generate C code
+in order to support arbitrary choice dispatch key expressions.
+=== Daffodil module/subdirectory names
+When Daffodil is ready to move from a 3.x to a 4.x release,
+rename the modules to have shorter and easier to understand names
+as discussed in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAFFODIL-2406[DAFFODIL-2406].
+=== Remove workaround for problem running sbt (really dev.dirs) from MSYS2 on Windows
 We need to open a issue with a reproducible test case
 in the dev.dirs/directories-jvm project on GitHub.
@@ -52,7 +276,8 @@
 sbt picks up the new coursier version,
 and daffodil picks up the new sbt version,
 before we can remove the "echo >> $GITHUB_ENV" lines
-from .github/workflows/main.yml.
+from .github/workflows/main.yml
+which prevent the sbt hanging problem.
 === Reporting data/schema locations in errors
@@ -109,16 +334,12 @@
 to resynchronize with a correct data stream
 after a bunch of failures.
-Note that we actually run the generated code in an embedded processor
+Note that we sometimes run the generated code in an embedded processor
 and call our own fread/frwrite functions
 which replace the stdio fread/fwrite functions
 since the C code runs bare metal without OS functions.
-We can implement fseek but we should have a good use case.
-=== Javadoc-like tool for C code
-We should consider adopting one of the javadoc-like tools for C code
-and structuring our comments that way.
+We can implement the fseek function on the embedded processor too
+but we would need a good use case requiring recovering after errors.
 === Validate "fixed" values in runtime1 too
@@ -126,189 +347,24 @@
 like runtime2 does, then we can resolve 
-=== Improve TDML Runner
-We want to improve the TDML Runner
-to make it easier to run TDML tests
-with both runtime1 and runtime2.
-We want to eliminate the need
-to configure a `daf:tdmlImplementation` tunable
-in the TDML test using 12 lines of code.
-I had an initial idea which was that
-the TDML Runner could run both runtime1 and runtime2 
-automatically (in parallel or serially)
-if it sees a TDML root attribute
-saying `defaultImplementations="daffodil daffodil-runtime2"`
-or a parser/unparseTestCase attribute
-saying `implementations="daffodil daffodil-runtime2"`.
-To make running the same test on runtime1/runtime2 easier
-we also could add an implementation attribute
-to tdml:errors/warnings elements
-saying which implementation they are for
-and tell the TDML Runner to check errors/warnings
-for runtime2 as well as runtime1.
-Then I had another idea which might be easier to implement.
-If we could find a way to set Daffodil's tdmlImplementation tunable
-using a command line option or environment variable
-or some other way to change TDML Runner's behavior
-when running both "sbt test" and "daffodil test"
-then we could simply run "sbt test" or "daffodil test" twice
-(first using runtime1 and then using runtime2)
-in order to verify all the cross tests work on both.
-I think this way would be easier than making TDML Runner
-automatically run all the implementations it can find
-in parallel or serially when running cross tests.
-If the second idea works as I hope it does,
-then we can start the process of adding "daffodil-runtime2"
-to some of the cross tests we have for daffodil and ibm.
-We also chould change ibm's ProcessFactory class
-to have a different name than daffodil's ProcessFactory class
-and update TDML Runner's match expression to use the new class name.
-Then some developers could add the ibmDFDLCrossTester plugin
-to their daffodil checkout permanently
-instead of having to do & undo that change
-each time they want to run daffodil/ibm cross tests.
-=== C struct/field name collisions
-To avoid possible name collisions,
-we should prepend struct names and field names with namespace prefixes
-if their infoset elements have non-null namespace prefixes.
-Alternatively, we may need to use enclosing elements' names
-as prefixes to avoid name collisions without namespaces.
-=== Anonymous/multiple choice groups
-We already handle elements having xs:choice complex types.
-In addition, we should support anonymous/multiple choice groups.
-We may need to refine the choice runtime structure
-in order to allow multiple choice groups
-to be inlined into parent elements.
-Here is an example schema
-and corresponding C code to demonstrate:
-  <xs:complexType name="NestedUnionType">
-    <xs:sequence>
-      <xs:element name="first_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
-      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(./first_tag)}">
-        <xs:element name="foo" type="idl:FooType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1 2"/>
-        <xs:element name="bar" type="idl:BarType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="3 4"/>
-      </xs:choice>
-      <xs:element name="second_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
-      <xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(./second_tag)}">
-        <xs:element name="fie" type="idl:FieType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1"/>
-        <xs:element name="fum" type="idl:FumType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2"/>
-      </xs:choice>
-    </xs:sequence>
-  </xs:complexType>
-typedef struct NestedUnion
-    InfosetBase _base;
-    int32_t     first_tag;
-    size_t      _choice_1; // choice of which union field to use
-    union
-    {
-        foo foo;
-        bar bar;
-    };
-    int32_t     second_tag;
-    size_t      _choice_2; // choice of which union field to use
-    union
-    {
-        fie fie;
-        fum fum;
-    };
-} NestedUnion;
-=== Choice dispatch key expressions
-We currently support only a very restricted
-and simple subset of choice dispatch key expressions.
-We would like to refactor the DPath expression compiler
-and make it generate C code
-in order to support arbitrary choice dispatch key expressions.
 === No match between choice dispatch key and choice branch keys
-Right now c-daffodil is more strict than scala-daffodil
+Right now c/daffodil is more strict than daffodil
 when unparsing infoset XML files with no matches (or mismatches)
 between choice dispatch keys and branch keys.
-Perhaps c-daffodil should load such an XML file
+Such a situation always makes c/daffodil exit with an error,
+which is too strict.
+We should make c/daffodil load such an XML file
 without a no match processing error
 and unparse the infoset to a binary data file
-without a no match processing error.
-We would have to code and call a choice branch resolver in C
-which peeks at the next XML element,
-figures out which branch
-does that element indicate exists
-inside the choice group,
-and initializes the choice and element runtime data
-(_choice and childNode->erd member fields) accordingly.
-We probably would replace the initChoice() call in walkInfosetNode()
-with a call to that choice branch resolver
-and we might not need to call initChoice() in unparseSelf().
-When I called initChoice() in all these parse, walk, and unparse places,
-I was pondering removing the _choice member field
-and calling initChoice() as a function
-to tell us which element to visit next,
-but we probably should have a mutable choice runtime data structure
-that applications can override if they want to.
-=== Floating point numbers
-Right now runtime2 prints floating point numbers
-in XML infosets slightly differently than runtime1 does.
-This means we may need to use different XML infosets
-in TDML tests depending on the runtime implementation.
-In order to use the same XML infoset in TDML tests,
-we should make the TDML Runner
-compare floating point numbers numerically, not textually,
-as discussed in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAFFODIL-2402[DAFFODIL-2402].
-=== Arrays
-Instead of expanding arrays inline within childrenERDs,
-we may want to store a single entry
-for an array in childrenERDs
-giving the array's offset and size of all its elements.
-We would have to write code
-for special case treatment of array member fields
-versus scalar member fields
-but we could save space/memory in childrenERDs
-for use cases with very large arrays.
-An array element's ERD should have minOccurs and maxOccurs
-where minOccurs is unsigned
-and maxOccurs is signed with -1 meaning "unbounded".
-The actual number of children in an array instance
-would have to be stored with the array instance
-in the C struct or the ERD.
-An array node has to be a different kind of infoset node
-with a place for this number of actual children to be stored.
-Probably all ERDs should just get minOccurs and maxOccurs
-and a scalar is just one with 1, 1 as those values,
-an optional element is 0, 1,
-and an array is all other legal combinations
-like N, -1 and N, and M with N<=M.
-A restriction that minOccurs is 0, 1,
-or equal to maxOccurs (which is not -1)
-is acceptable.
-A restriction that maxOccurs is 1, -1,
-or equal to minOccurs
-is also fine
-(means variable-length arrays always have unbounded number of elements).
-=== Daffodil module/subdirectory names
-When Daffodil is ready to move from a 3.x to a 4.x release,
-rename the modules to have shorter and easier to understand names
-as discussed in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAFFODIL-2406[DAFFODIL-2406].
+without a no match processing error,
+even if the choiceDispatchKey is invalid.
+The choiceDispatchKey should not be evaluated
+at unparse time, only at parse time.
+If the schema writer wants to enforce that
+the choiceDispatchKey is the right one
+matching the unparsed choice branch,
+the writer must write an explicit dfdl:outputValueCalc
+expression to replace the choiceDispatchKey
+even though supporting dfdl:outputValueCalc
+in runtime2 is likely a distant goal.