Create initial release page for daffodil-vscode 1.3.1
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+release: false
+apache: true
+title: 1.3.1
+date: 2023-08-24
+summary: >
+    Adds debugger, data editor and intellisense improvements
+    along with package upgrades and bug fixes.
+    - ""
+    - "apache-daffodil-vscode-1.3.1.vsix"
+This release contains new features and fixes listed below.
+#### New Features & Fixes
+* Upgrade to Daffodil version 3.5.0.
+* Use `jsonc-parser` when reading in JSON files, allows for the file to not be strict JSON.
+* Fix bug where, when using `"useExistingServer": true`, some functionality would be lost.
+* Fix bug where, the `AskForProgramName` and `AskForDataName` commands were not setting `program` and `data` properly.
+* Debugger updates:
+    * Log to console and file.
+    * Allow setting the log level of the debugger.
+    * Allow setting the log filepath of the debugger.
+    * Change default log level from `DEBUG` to `INFO`.
+    * Default log filepath is `/tmp/daffodil-debugger.log`.
+    * Extracted debugger zip is packaged instead of the zip.
+    * Binds to localhost interface vs
+    * Support JDK 17 + JAXB reflection at runtime.
+    * Allow some errors to not cause the session and debugger to stop.
+* Launch Wizard Updates:
+    * Fix duplicate descriptions.
+    * Copying configuration items inconsistent.
+    * Add items for daffodil debugger log level and log filepath.
+    * Fix issue where debug classpath items would linger from different configs.
+* Intellisense updates:
+    * Add element items: `xs:pattern`, `xs:totalDigits`, `xs:fractionDigits`, `dfdl:property` and `xs:enumeration`.
+    * Add missing `xs:restriction` child elements.
+    * Add missing `dfdl:escapeScheme` element and the `escapeScheme` attributes.
+    * Add additional missing `dfdl:format` attributes.
+    * Add a preceeding space if missing when auto completing an attribute.
+    * Add additional missing attributes.
+    * Add a space after inserting an attribute if missing.
+    * Add missing attribute items `dfdl:binaryBooleanTrueRep` and `dfdl:binaryBooleanFalseRep`.
+    * Add missing `dfdl:newVariableInstance` element, also add it as a child of the `xs:appinfo` element.
+    * Add additional hierarchy levels to determine dfdl elements to suggest.
+    * Add `dfdl:element` to list of suggestions for `xs:element/annotation/app`.
+* Data Editor updates:
+    * Add support for large file editing and "infinite" scrolling.
+    * Added support for editing in several Data Editors simultaneously.
+    * Implement Incremental Search and Replace, and Save As functionality.
+    * Consolidate single-byte and multi-byte view and edit modes.
+    * Values are editable in the Data Inspector.
+    * Content-type discovery using Apache Tika.
+    * Initial implementation of a data profiler.
+    * Implement "overwrite only" mode that will keep the file size the same, even when performing operations like Search and Replace where the token sizes aren't the same.
+* Add semantic highlighting for XPath expressions.
+* Fix bug of TDML generation on Windows creating bad paths.
+* Rename DataEditor hierarchy varibles in Launch Config:
+    * From:
+        ```json
+        "dataEditor": {
+            "logFile": "${workspaceFolder}/dataEditor-${omegaEditPort}.log",
+            "logLevel": "info"
+        }
+        ```
+        To:
+        ```json
+        "dataEditor": {
+            "logging": {
+                "logLevel": "info"
+                "file": "${workspaceFolder}/dataEditor-${omegaEditPort}.log",
+            }
+        }
+        ```
+* Code refactoring and cleanup.
+* Packaging process improvements.
+#### Closed Issues
+[GitHub v1.3.1 Closed Issues](