Create release page for v3.6.0
diff --git a/site/_releases/ b/site/_releases/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e9fdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/site/_releases/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+title: 3.6.0
+release: rc1
+apache: true
+date: 2023-10-23
+summary: >
+    Miscellanous bug fixes
+    - ""
+    - "apache-daffodil-3.6.0-bin.tgz"
+    - ""
+    - "apache-daffodil-3.6.0-bin.msi"
+    - "apache-daffodil-3.6.0-1.noarch.rpm"
+scala-version: 2.12
+This release focused primarily on bug fixes. A number of changes resulted in
+deprecation or backwards incompatible changes. See the
+[Deprecation/Compatibility](#deprecationcompatibility) section for more
+#### Miscellaneous Bug Fixes
+* {% jira 541 %} TDML Runner needs to restrict text used for error comparison
+* {% jira 1200 %} Really long path names in diagnostic messages make them hard to read
+* {% jira 1264 %} Interactive debugger support for unparsing
+* {% jira 2072 %} Poor reporting of schema errors when used as library
+* {% jira 2211 %} Poor handling when dfdlx:repType is a built-in xsd type
+* {% jira 2402 %} TDML language should support xsi:type annotation of infoset for double and float, perhaps more.
+* {% jira 2599 %} Integration tests fail with non en\_US LANG
+* {% jira 2612 %} Integration tests fail with non UTF-8 LANG
+* {% jira 2694 %} CLI -t trace option doesn't work for daffodil test commands in TDML
+* {% jira 2707 %} Integration tests fail when DAFFODIL\_HOME path includes spaces
+* {% jira 2727 %} KEYS file contains deprecated digest algorithm, RPM key import failures
+* {% jira 2728 %} Missing layer plugin causes abort "this is a bug"
+* {% jira 2732 %} trace output has namespace prefix binding clutter
+* {% jira 2738 %} Support indirect setting of dfdlx:repType/repValues
+* {% jira 2757 %} Java 19 incompatibility floating point - 3 tests fail
+* {% jira 2809 %} dfdlx:repType on an immediate simpleType is ignored
+* {% jira 2828 %} Allow relative paths across schemas as schemaLocation for include/import
+* {% jira 2829 %} Prepare for 3.6.0 development
+* {% jira 2833 %} CLI Trace not visible to expectit functions
+* {% jira 2834 %} Fix NumberformatException message in hexCharToValue
+* {% jira 2837 %} Full/Custom validation removes the ability to change blob attributes
+* {% jira 2839 %} Cast from xs:double/xs:float to xs:unsignedLong fails with ClassCastException error
+* {% jira 2852 %} VariableMap copies during suspensions cause performance degradation
+* {% jira 2853 %} Add schema validation code to C generator
+* {% jira 2854 %} Release Daffodil 3.6.0
+#### Deprecation/Compatibility
+* `dfdlx:repType` can no longer reference primitive types (e.g. `xs:int`).
+  Instead, a global simple type definition should be created which has a base
+  of the primitive type.
+  {% jira 2211 %}
+* The `dfdlx:repType` property now must reference a type with an underlying
+  primitive type derived from `xs:integer`, and elements that define
+  `dfdlx:repType` must have an underlying primitive type of `xs:string`
+  {% jira 2738 %} {% jira 2809 %}
+* `dfdlx:repType`, `dfdlx:repValues`, and `dfdlx:repValueRanges` are now ignored if
+  referenced on `xs:simpleType`s that are referenced from `xs:unions`. Instead,
+  unions should be combined into a single simple type with the combined
+  representation type and values properties.
+  {% jira 2211 %}
+* The `dfdlx:inputTypeCalc` and `dfdlx:outputTypeCalc` properties and functions
+  have been removed. Instead, one should use `dfdlx:repType` with `dfdlx:repValues`
+  and `dfdlx:repValueRanges`.
+  {% jira 2211 %}
+* Resolving relative import/include `schemaLocation` paths absolutely is now
+  deprecated and will output a warning, and support may eventually be removed.
+  For example, a common import is:
+  ```xml 
+  <import schemaLocation="org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+  ```
+  Although this path is relative, previous versions of Daffodil allowed this to
+  be found on the classpath absolutely, as if it started with a slash. This
+  behavior is deprecated. If a `schemaLocation` is expected to be found on the
+  classpath and not relative to the importing file, then it should start with a
+  slash, for example:
+  ```xml 
+  <import schemaLocation="/org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd" />
+  ```
+  Daffodil still supports the old behavior and will look up relative
+  `schemaLocation` paths absolutely, but will output a schema definition warning.
+  Future versions of Daffodil may change this to an error.
+  {% jira 2828 %}
+* Support for importing `edu/illinois/ncsa/daffodil/xsd/built-in-formats.xsd`
+  has been removed. Schemas should instead import
+  `/org/apache/daffodil/xsd/DFDLGeneralFormat.dfdl.xsd` and change `dfdl:format`
+  to reference `GeneralFormat`
+  {% jira 2828 %}
+* `Assert.usage()` now throws a `UsageException` instead of an Abort on usage errors.
+  `Compiler.forLanguage()`, `DataProcessor.parse()`, `DataProcessor.unparse()` and
+  `ProcessorFactor.onPath()`, when `isError` is true, throws a `UsageError`, which
+  wraps an `IllegalStateException`, unlike before where it threw an Abort.
+  {% jira 2072 %}
+#### Dependency Changes
+The following dependencies have been added or updated:
+* Apache Commons IO 2.14.0 <small>(update)</small>
+* FasterXML Jackson Core 2.15.3 <small>(update)</small>
+* Scala XML 2.2.0 <small>(update)</small>
+* Exificient 1.0.7 <small>(update)</small>
+* Jansi 2.4.1 <small>(update)</small>
+* Scallop 5.0.0 <small>(update)</small>
+**Schematron Validator**
+* Saxon-HE 12.3 <small>(update)</small>
+* SLF4J API 2.0.9 <small>(update)</small>
+**Changes to Transitive Dependencies**
+* JAXB API 2.2.11 <small>(removed, no longer required by Exificient)</small>
+* JAXB Core Implementation 2.2.11 <small>(removed, no longer required by Exificient)</small>
+* JAXB Runtime 2.2.11  <small>(removed, no longer required by Exificient)</small>
+* XML Resolver & Data 5.2.0 <small>(update, used by Saxon-HE)</small>