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:keywords: dfdl-to-c code generator backend
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== C Code Generator ToDos
=== Overview
We have built an initial DFDL-to-C code
generator and backend for Apache Daffodil.
Currently the C code generator can support
binary boolean, integer, and real numbers,
arrays of simple and complex elements,
choice groups using dispatch/branch keys,
validation of "fixed" attributes,
and padding of explicit length complex elements with fill bytes.
We plan to continue building out the C code generator
until it supports a minimal subset of the DFDL 1.0 specification
for embedded devices.
We are using this document
to keep track of some changes
requested by reviewers
so we don't forget to make these changes.
If someone wants to help
(which would be appreciated),
please let the[dev] list know
in order to avoid duplication.
=== Anonymous choice groups not allowed
We handle elements having xs:choice complex types.
However, we don't support anonymous choice groups
(that is, an unnamed choice group in the middle, beginning,
or end of a sequence which may contain other elements).
A DFDL schema author may write a sequence like this:
<xs:complexType name="NestedUnionType">
<xs:element name="first_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
<xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(./first_tag)}">
<xs:element name="foo" type="idl:FooType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1 2"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="idl:BarType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="3 4"/>
<xs:element name="second_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
<xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(./second_tag)}">
<xs:element name="fie" type="idl:FieType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1"/>
<xs:element name="fum" type="idl:FumType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2"/>
Daffodil will parse and unparse the above sequence fine,
but the C code generator will not generate correct code
(no _choice members or unions will be declared for the type).
It might be possible to generate C code that looks like this:
typedef struct NestedUnion
InfosetBase _base;
int32_t first_tag;
size_t _choice_1; // choice of which union field to use
foo foo;
bar bar;
int32_t second_tag;
size_t _choice_2; // choice of which union field to use
fie fie;
fum fum;
} NestedUnion;
However, the Daffodil devs have looked at DFDL integration
for other systems like Apache Drill, NiFi, Avro, etc.,
and these systems generally do not allow anonymous choices.
Hence, any DFDL schema having anonymous choices
doesn't integrate well with any of these systems
unless we generate a child element with a generated name
(which makes paths awkward, etc.).
Hence, it seems better to say that
codegen-c's DFDL subset doesn't allow anonymous choices
and DFDL schema authors should write their schema like this:
<xs:complexType name="NestedUnionType">
<xs:element name="first_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
<xs:element name="first_choice">
<xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(../first_tag)}">
<xs:element name="foo" type="idl:FooType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1 2"/>
<xs:element name="bar" type="idl:BarType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="3 4"/>
<xs:element name="second_tag" type="idl:int32"/>
<xs:element name="second_choice">
<xs:choice dfdl:choiceDispatchKey="{xs:string(../second_tag)}">
<xs:element name="fie" type="idl:FieType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="1"/>
<xs:element name="fum" type="idl:FumType" dfdl:choiceBranchKey="2"/>
The C code generator will generate _choice members and unions
for the first_choice and second_choice elements,
and such a schema will integrate better with other systems too.
=== Replace size_t with choice_t
It has been pointed out that it is actually not obvious
whether _choice should be a signed or unsigned type.
One thought had been that _choice should be unsigned
to avoid cutting the usable range in half
and it should be size_t because
size_t is the maximum allowable length of any type of C array.
However, there are equally compelling reasons why
indices should be signed instead of unsigned as well
There appears to be no One Right Answer
what type _choice should have,
so defining a choice_t type in only one place
will allow us to change our mind if we need to
although we still would need to re-evaluate
every use of _choice very carefully.
=== Arrays
We inline an array's minOccurs and maxOccurs
into the array's parseSelf and unparseSelf functions
and throw an error if the count isn't within these bounds.
The reason why we perform these checks is because
we inline arrays' maximum size into C structs
and we put C structs into static memory to avoid using
heap memory which may not be available on all platforms.
In the normal case, Daffodil's Scala backend parses and unparses
unbounded or well-formed arrays without enforcing min/maxOccurs
for forensic analysis and easier debugging.
If we want the C backend to parse and unparse unbounded arrays
and well-formed arrays, we still can inline min/maxOccurs into
the generated C code without enforcing their bounds.
If maxOccurs is unbounded or the largest possible array size
(maxOccurs - minOccurs) is larger than a tunable,
we would allocate storage for the array from the heap
instead of inlining the array's storage into the C struct.
If the array is small enough to inline into the C struct
but the array needs more space than its inlined space,
we can switch that array to heap memory at runtime as long as
we track its heap/inline status in another C struct field.
We still should keep inlining finite bounded arrays into C structs
since some embedded systems will not be able to allocate memory
from a heap dynamically.
=== Making infosets more efficient
Right now all of our C structs (infoset nodes) store an ERD pointer
within their first field.
This makes it possible to take a pointer to any infoset node
and interpret the infoset node correctly in all the ways we need
(walk the infoset node, unparse the infoset node to XML, etc.)
because we can indirect over to the ERD to get all the static info.
In most cases, the ERD needed for a child complex element
is static information of the enclosing parent's ERD,
so could be stored only in the parent's ERD.
Inductively, most infoset nodes should not need ERD pointers
since the ERD "nest" up to the root is all static information.
Logically, we should be able to remove ERD pointers
from the first field of most C structs (infoset nodes),
avoiding taking up the first field's space
multiplied by however many infoset nodes the data contains.
We probably just need to find all the places in the code
where we pass a pointer to an infoset node and
make these places pass both a pointer to an infoset node
and a separate pointer to the infoset node's ERD at the same time.
Then we can remove the infoset node's pointer to the same ERD
since it would already be passed into all the places needed.
=== Javadoc-like tool for C code
We may want to adopt one of the javadoc-like tools for C code
and restructure our comments to create some API documentation.
=== Choice dispatch key expressions
We currently support only a very restricted
and simple subset of choice dispatch key expressions.
We would like to refactor the DPath expression compiler
and make it generate C code
in order to support arbitrary choice dispatch key expressions.
=== Daffodil module/subdirectory names
When Daffodil is ready to move from a 3.x to a 4.x release,
rename the modules to have shorter and easier to understand names
as discussed in[DAFFODIL-2406].
=== Remove workaround for problem running sbt (really dev.dirs) from MSYS2 on Windows
We need to open a issue with a reproducible test case
in the dev.dirs/directories-jvm project on GitHub.
Note that dev.dirs exhibits the problem
but they may or may not be responsible for it.
Their code which tries to run a Windows PowerShell script
using a Java subprocess call hangs
when run from MSYS2 on Windows
although it works fine when run from CMD on Windows.
Then we need to wait until
the hanging problem is fixed in the directories library,
coursier picks up the new directories version,
sbt picks up the new coursier version,
and daffodil picks up the new sbt version,
before we can remove the "echo >> $GITHUB_ENV" lines
from .github/workflows/main.yml
which prevent the sbt hanging problem.
=== Reporting data/schema locations in errors
We have replaced error message strings
with error structs everywhere now.
However, we may need to expand the error struct
to include a pointer (pstate/ustate for data position)
and another pointer (ERD or static context object
for schema filename/line number).
We also may want to implement error logging variants
that both do and don't humanize the errors,
e.g., a hardware/FPGA-type implementation might just output numbers
and an external tool might have to "humanize" these numbers
using knowledge of the schema and runtime data objects,
like an offline log processor does.
=== Recovering after errors
As we continue to build out codegen-c,
we may need to distinguish more types of errors
and allow backtracking and retrying.
Right now we handle only parse/unparse and
validation errors in limited ways.
Parse/unparse errors abort the parsing/unparsing
and return to the caller immediately
without resetting the stream's position.
Validation errors are collected in an array
and printed after parsing or unparsing.
The only places where there are calls to stop the program
are in daffodil_main.c (top-level error handling)
and stack.c (empty, overflow, underflow errors which should never happen).
Most of the parse functions set pstate->error
only if they couldn't read data into their buffer
due to an I/O error or EOF,
which doesn't seem recoverable to me.
Likewise, the unparse functions set ustate->error
only if they couldn't write data from their buffer
due to an I/O error, which doesn't seem recoverable to me.
Only the parse_endian_bool functions set pstate->error
if they read an integer which doesn't match either true_rep or false_rep
when an exact match to either is required.
If we decide to implement backtracking and retrying,
they should call fseek to reset the stream's position
back to where they started reading the integer
before they return to their callers.
Right now all parse calls are followed by
if statements to check for error and return immediately.
The code generator would have to generate code
which can advance the stream's position by some byte(s)
and try the parse call again as an attempt
to resynchronize with a correct data stream
after a bunch of failures.
Note that we sometimes run the generated code in an embedded processor
and call our own fread/frwrite functions
which replace the stdio fread/fwrite functions
since the C code runs bare metal without OS functions.
We can implement the fseek function on the embedded processor too
but we would need a good use case requiring recovering after errors.
=== Validate "fixed" values in runtime1 too
If we change runtime1 to validate "fixed" values
like codegen-c does, then we can resolve[DAFFODIL-117].
=== No match between choice dispatch key and choice branch keys
Right now c/daffodil is more strict than daffodil
when unparsing infoset XML files with no matches (or mismatches)
between choice dispatch keys and branch keys.
Such a situation always makes c/daffodil exit with an error,
which is too strict.
We should make c/daffodil load such an XML file
without a no match processing error
and unparse the infoset to a binary data file
without a no match processing error,
even if the choiceDispatchKey is invalid.
The choiceDispatchKey should not be evaluated
at unparse time, only at parse time.
If the schema writer wants to enforce that
the choiceDispatchKey is the right one
matching the unparsed choice branch,
the writer must write an explicit dfdl:outputValueCalc
expression to replace the choiceDispatchKey
even though supporting dfdl:outputValueCalc
in codegen-c is likely a distant goal.