blob: 0860a99d12eaef36dde0288f05c740d61d902f37 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.daffodil.lsbfDump
object LSBFDump {
private val helpText: String =
"""Usage: lsbfdump [--file <filename>] [--offset <offset>] [--length <numBytes>] [--noAddress] [--help]
|<filename> : The file to read bytes from or '-' for standard input or if not provided standard input is used.
|[offset] : The starting offset in the file (default is 0). If the offset is past the length of the data, no output is produced.
|[length] : The number of bytes to display (default is entire file). If 0 no output is produced.
|--noAddress : Do not display the address of each byte line.
|--help : Display this help information.
| Default usage (128 bytes from standard input, starting at offset 0, with addresses):
| lsbfdump --file - --length 128
| With specific file, offset and byte count:
| lsbfdump --file filename --offset 10 --length 64
| With --noAddress to hide addresses:
| lsbfdump --file filename --offset 10 --length 64 --noAddress
private def usageError(): Unit = {
System.err.println("lsbfdump: Invalid arguments provided.")
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val parsedArgs = parseArgs(args)
if (parsedArgs.contains("help")) {
if (parsedArgs.contains("invalid")) usageError()
val filename =
parsedArgs.getOrElse("file", "-") // if not provided at all, also uses std-in.
val offset = parsedArgs.get("offset").map(_.toLong).getOrElse(0L)
val length = parsedArgs.get("length").map(_.toLong).getOrElse(Long.MaxValue)
val showAddress = !parsedArgs.contains("noAddress")
assert(offset >= 0)
assert(length >= 0)
new FFI().lsbfDumpFile(filename, offset, length, showAddress)
def parseArgs(args: Array[String]): Map[String, String] = {
var argMap = Map[String, String]()
var i = 0
while (i < args.length) {
args(i) match {
case "--file" if i + 1 < args.length =>
argMap += ("file" -> args(i + 1))
i += 2
case "--offset" if i + 1 < args.length =>
argMap += ("offset" -> args(i + 1))
if (!isNonNegativeInteger(args(i + 1))) usageError()
i += 2
case "--length" if i + 1 < args.length =>
argMap += ("length" -> args(i + 1))
if (!isNonNegativeInteger(args(i + 1))) usageError()
i += 2
case "--noAddress" =>
argMap += ("noAddress" -> "")
i += 1
case "--help" =>
argMap += ("help" -> "")
i = args.length // Break the loop
case _ =>
argMap += ("invalid" -> "")
i = args.length // Break the loop
private def isNonNegativeInteger(s: String): Boolean =
try { s.toLong >= 0 }
catch { case _: NumberFormatException => false }