blob: d42c304e769b694f65a88507377b46ff0d24ee0d [file] [log] [blame]
== Spring Boot - Samples - CXF Rest Client
This sample project demonstrates how to use CXF JAX-RS client code
with Spring Boot.
The application registers itself with Eureka Registry.
The client discovers the client address from the registry and invokes it.
The sample uses Maven. It can be built and run from the command line.
To run the client from a command line:
If you have not started a eureka-registry application then build and start it
first in the eureka-registry folder in a separate terminal window:
$ mvn spring-boot:run
If you have not started a demo application then build and start it
first in the application folder in a separate terminal window:
$ mvn -Pserver
Before running a command line client check the application has been registered, open a browser
and try "http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps". Once you see a registration record,
open a new terminal window and run the client:
$ mvn -Pclient