blob: 78228171e60d40457133b89ddddafbfeb1f60f1c [file] [log] [blame]
== Spring Boot Scan Demo ==
This sample project demonstrates how to autodiscover and use CXF JAX-RS services and clients
with Spring Boot.
Check eureka-registry/README on how to run Eureka Registry.
Check application/README on how to run a server application.
You can have both the registry and the server application started by running "docker-compose up" in this directory.
By default it is expected that EUREKA_SERVER_URI environment variable is exported and set to
"http://{}" where you can find the value of {} by running 'ifconfig' and checking
the IP address of the docker bridge 'docker0'.
Alternatively you can edit docker-compose.yml and enable the 'host' network mode.
Check client/README on how to run a command line client.