blob: 37eb4dee9b7ebfe586b629641f98176344d46f50 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache CXF 3.2.4 Release Notes
1. Overview
The 3.2.x versios of Apache CXF is a significant new version of CXF
that provides several new features and enhancements.
New features include:
* JAX-RS 2.1 (JSR370) support including the implementation of Reactive Client
and Server Sent Events API
* Enhanced Swagger2 support including new java2swagger Maven plugin
* WS-Transfer specification support
* Enhanced Tracing support with Brave
* Support for Spring Boot 2.x
* JAX-WS - support for per-operation schema validation configuration
* WSS4J Signatures can support MTOM attachments
* Preliminary support for running on Java 9 (no module support yet)
* New http-undertow transport
3.2.4 fixes over 30 JIRA issues reported by users and the community since 3.2.2.
Important notes:
CXF 3.2.x no longer supports Java 7. You must upgrade to Java 8 or later.
Users are encouraged to review the migration guide at:
for further information and requirements for upgrading from earlier
versions of CXF.
2. Installation Prerequisites
Before installing Apache CXF, make sure the following products,
with the specified versions, are installed on your system:
* Java 8 Development Kit
* Apache Maven 3.x to build the samples
3. Integrating CXF Into Your Application
If you use Maven to build your application, you need merely add
appropriate dependencies. See the pom.xml files in the samples.
If you don't use Maven, you'll need to add one or more jars to your
classpath. The file lib/WHICH_JARS should help you decide which
jars you need.
4. Building the Samples
Building the samples included in the binary distribution is easy. Change to
the samples directory and follow the build instructions in the README.txt file
included with each sample.
5. Reporting Problems
If you have any problems or want to send feedback of any kind, please e-mail the
CXF dev list, You can also file issues in JIRA at:
6. Migration notes:
See the migration guide at:
for caveats when upgrading.
7. Specific issues, features, and improvements fixed in this version
** Bug
* [CXF-7670] - synthetic methods: equal candidates for handling the current request
* [CXF-7684] - Base64 encoding in AttachmentSerializer does not create correct output for large attachments
* [CXF-7686] - WSS4JStaxOutInterceptor with WSSSecurityProperties doesn't work with LoggingOutInterceptor
* [CXF-7687] - AuthorizationPolicy: AuthorizationType="Bearer" has no effect
* [CXF-7048] - Response does not include SequenceAcknowledgement
* [CXF-7508] - WSRM - CloseSequenceResponse does not have acknowledgments
* [CXF-7522] - WSRM - Exponential backoff not configurable for Redelivery
* [CXF-7638] - JAXRS CTS/TCK issue: register(...) should ignore components when invalid contracts are passed in
* [CXF-7639] - Support Servlet 4.0 API in OSGI manifest
* [CXF-7653] - Null pointer in JaxwsResponseCallback
* [CXF-7654] - Swagger 2 document doesn't contain Info/BasePath on Karaf
* [CXF-7655] - java2swagger maven plugin not java9 compat
* [CXF-7669] - Cxf encodes escape caracters twice in JDK9.0.5 and JDK8_161
* [CXF-7675] - Extra dot required when specifying base packages to scan in Java2Wadl Maven plugins
* [CXF-7676] - TCK: An Entity OutputStream is not set before ClientRequestFilterInterceptor.handleMessage() processes a user's ClientRequestFilter which modifies the EntityStream via ClientRequestContext.setEntityStream()
** New Feature
* [CXF-7610] - Manage customizations of JAXRSServerFactoryBean in JAX-RS Frontend
* [CXF-7636] - wadl2java: support Oneway annotation
** Improvement
* [CXF-7471] - WSRM - Use createResendCandidate() instead of constructor directly
* [CXF-7631] - Automatically register rx in server customizations
* [CXF-7635] - Reactive Streams is not an optional dependency
* [CXF-7642] - Split rxjava and rxjava2 modules
* [CXF-7652] - UriBuilderImpl: null-empty differentiation for query/matrix param
* [CXF-7659] - Improve SSE automatic configuration
* [CXF-7661] - add isTimeout flag for Continutation so that we can easily know when the timeout happen outside CXF
* [CXF-7665] - Provide an easy way to set the TLSClientParameters on the STSClient client object
* [CXF-7667] - Don't add an STS operation in the DefaultSecurityTokenServiceProvider if no STSProperties are available
* [CXF-7671] - should avoid reverse dns resolution in AsyncHTTPConduit for the proxy host address
* [CXF-7672] - PrimitiveTextProvider: support and
* [CXF-7674] - Java2Wadl maven plugin requires explicit <classResourceNames> element - even if base packages specified
* [CXF-7678] - Fluent setters support in Beanspector
** Task
* [CXF-7649] - Upgrade to MP Rest Client 1.0.1