blob: fc16edf0f8b50758fafd26bd365ffdeb5da8d160 [file] [log] [blame]
JAX-WS GraalVM native-image Demo
This demo shows how JAX-WS services and clients could use GraalVM's native-image
capabilities and be packaged as native executables. This example demonstrates advanced
techniques to deal with dynamic class generation.
GraalVM 20.3.0 or later distribution should be installed and pre-configured as
default JVM runtime (using JAVA_HOME), see please instructions at [1].
The GraalVM's native-image tool should be installed, see please
instructions at [2].
Building and running the demo using Maven
From the base directory of this sample (i.e., where this README file is
located), the pom.xml file is used to build and run the demo.
Using either UNIX or Windows:
Than build server:
mvn clean package -f server -Pserver
This goal will produce 'server/target/jaxws-demo-server' executable (platform-dependent)
which could be run right away:
On Windows: server\target\jaxws-demo-server.exe
On Linux: ./server/target/jaxws-demo-server
Than build the client in capturing mode (please note that the server has to be up and running):
mvn -f client -Pcapture (from a second command line window)
Than build the client:
mvn clean package -f client -Pclient (from a second command line window)
This goal will produce 'client/target/jaxws-demo-client' executable (platform-dependent)
which could be run right away:
On Windows: client\target\jaxws-demo-client.exe client\ src\main\resources\addNumbers.wsdl
On Linux: ./client/target/jaxws-demo-client client/src/main/resources/addNumbers.wsdl
The command should produce the following output (assuming the server is up and running):
org.apache.cxf.wsdl.service.factory.ReflectionServiceFactoryBean buildServiceFromWSDL
INFO: Creating Service {}AddNumbersService from WSDL: client/src/main/resources/addNumbers.wsdl
Invoking addNumbers(10, 20)
The result of adding 10 and 20 is 30.
Invoking addNumbers(3, 5)
The result of adding 3 and 5 is 8.
Invoking addNumbers(-10, 5)
Caught AddNumbersFault: Negative number cant be added!
To remove the code generated from the WSDL file and the .class
files, run :
mvn clean -f server
mvn clean -f client