blob: b9f3d7348d2b51300be458abcdc8f3c479109781 [file] [log] [blame]
== Spring Boot - Samples - CXF Rest Web Services
This sample project demonstrates how to use CXF JAX-RS services
with Spring Boot and Spring Actuator. This demo has two JAX-RS class resources being deployed
in a single JAX-RS endpoint.
= Starting the server =
The sample uses Maven. It can be built and run from the command line using Maven, Java or Docker:
---- With Maven ----
$ mvn -Pserver
---- With Java ----
$ java -jar target/spring-boot-sample-rs-cxf.jar
---- With Docker ----
Install Docker, create the demo image:
$ mvn dockerfile:build
Optional step, push the image.
Create a DockerHub id, for example, make this id set to your current ${username}
$ docker login
$ mvn dockerfile:push
Run the container:
docker run -p 8080:8080 -t ${username}/apachecxf:spring-boot-sample-rs
= Testing the server =
---- From the browser ----
will display "Hello ApacheCxfUser, Welcome to CXF RS Spring Boot World!!!"
will display "Hello2 ApacheCxfUser, Welcome to CXF RS Spring Boot World!!!"
http://localhost:8080/services/helloservice/openapi.json will return a Swagger JSON
description of services.
To view the OpenAPI document using Swagger-UI, use your browser to
open the Swagger-UI page at
or access it from the CXF Services page:
and follow a Swagger link.
To view the exposed metrics:
The Apache CXF specific metrics are available under:
---- From the command line ----
$ mvn -Pclient