blob: a6e0655337b4dcfb12a2493b5529103912b6cf96 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
use strict;
use File::Find;
use XML::Parser;
use Getopt::Long;
use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd);
my $master_version;
GetOptions('version=s' => \$master_version);
my $parser = new XML::Parser(Handlers => {Start => \&find_starts,
End => \&find_ends,
Char => \&find_text});
my ($top_ver_start_line, $parent_ver_start_line);
my ($top_ver_end_line, $parent_ver_end_line);
my ($project_seen, $profiles_seen, $profile_seen);
my ($id_seen, $id_rel_seen, $activation_seen);
my ($property_start_line, $property_end_line);
my ($activeByDefault_start_line, $activeByDefault_end_line);
my ($current_version, $get_version);
sub init_parse_state {
$top_ver_start_line = $parent_ver_start_line = 0;
$top_ver_end_line = $parent_ver_end_line = 0;
$project_seen = $profiles_seen = $profile_seen = 0;
$id_seen = $id_rel_seen = $activation_seen = 0;
$property_start_line = $property_end_line = 0;
$activeByDefault_start_line = $activeByDefault_end_line = 0;
$current_version = $get_version = 0;
my $start_dir = shift;
if ($start_dir) {
chdir $start_dir || die "$0: can't cd to \"$start_dir\": $!\n";
$start_dir = abs_path(getcwd());
File::Find::find(\&fixpomfiles, $start_dir);
my $parent_version;
sub fixpomfiles {
return unless (/^pom.xml$/);
my $pom = $_;
my $curdir = abs_path(getcwd());
return if ($curdir =~ m:/src/main/:);
return if ($curdir =~ m:/target/classes/:);
print "processing $File::Find::name\n";
return unless ($top_ver_start_line != 0 || $parent_ver_start_line != 0);
my $rel_mode = undef;
my ($rel_add, $rel_remove) = ('add', 'remove');
local *POM;
open(POM, $pom) || die "cannot open $pom: $!\n";
my $line = 0;
my $skip = 0;
my @new;
while (my $val = <POM>) {
next if ($line <= $skip);
if ($line == $top_ver_start_line) {
$val =~ m:^(\s*)<version>:;
my $space = $1;
my $newvers = $current_version;
if ($current_version =~ /-SNAPSHOT$/) {
$newvers =~ s/-SNAPSHOT$//;
$rel_mode = $rel_add;
} else {
$newvers += 0.1;
$newvers .= '-SNAPSHOT';
$rel_mode = $rel_remove;
print " existing version is $current_version\n";
my $default_vers = $master_version || $newvers;
print " please enter new version [$default_vers]: ";
my $version = <STDIN>;
chomp $version;
$version = $default_vers unless $version;
push @new, "$space<version>$version</version>\n";
$parent_version = $version if ($curdir eq $start_dir);
$skip = $top_ver_end_line;
} elsif ($line == $parent_ver_start_line) {
$val =~ m:^(\s*)<version>:;
push @new, "$1<version>$parent_version</version>\n";
$skip = $parent_ver_end_line;
} elsif ($line == $property_start_line && $rel_mode eq $rel_add) {
$val =~ m:^(\s*)<property>:;
push @new, "$1<activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault>\n";
$skip = $property_end_line;
} elsif ($line == $activeByDefault_start_line && $rel_mode eq $rel_remove) {
$val =~ m:^(\s*)<activeByDefault>:;
push @new, "$1<property>\n";
push @new, "$1 <name>release</name>\n";
push @new, "$1</property>\n";
$skip = $activeByDefault_end_line;
} else {
push @new, $val;
close POM;
open(POM, ">${pom}") || die "cannot open $pom: $!\n";
print POM @new;
close POM;
sub find_starts {
my ($p, $el) = @_;
if ($el eq 'version') {
my $parent = $p->current_element;
if (defined($parent)) {
$parent_ver_start_line = $p->current_line if ($parent eq 'parent');
$top_ver_start_line = $p->current_line if ($parent eq 'project');
$get_version = 1 if ($parent eq 'project');
} elsif ($el eq 'project') {
$project_seen = 1;
} elsif ($el eq 'profiles' && $project_seen) {
$profiles_seen = 1;
} elsif ($el eq 'profile' && $profiles_seen) {
$profile_seen = 1;
} elsif ($el eq 'id' && $profile_seen) {
$id_seen = 1;
} elsif ($el eq 'activation' && $id_rel_seen) {
$activation_seen = 1;
} elsif ($el eq 'property' && $activation_seen) {
$property_start_line = $p->current_line;
} elsif ($el eq 'activeByDefault' && $activation_seen) {
$activeByDefault_start_line = $p->current_line;
sub find_ends {
my ($p, $el) = @_;
if ($el eq 'version') {
my $parent = $p->current_element;
if (defined($parent)) {
$parent_ver_end_line = $p->current_line if ($parent eq 'parent');
$top_ver_end_line = $p->current_line if ($parent eq 'project');
$get_version = 0;
} elsif ($el eq 'project') {
$project_seen = 0;
} elsif ($el eq 'profiles') {
$profiles_seen = 0;
} elsif ($el eq 'profile') {
$profile_seen = 0;
} elsif ($el eq 'id') {
$id_seen = 0;
} elsif ($el eq 'activation' && $id_rel_seen) {
$id_rel_seen = 0;
$activation_seen = 0;
} elsif ($el eq 'property' && $activation_seen) {
$property_end_line = $p->current_line;
} elsif ($el eq 'activeByDefault' && $activation_seen) {
$activeByDefault_end_line = $p->current_line;
sub find_text {
my ($p, $data) = @_;
$id_rel_seen = ($data eq 'release') if $id_seen;
$current_version = $data if ($get_version);